Name Description Size An "empty" session object that can be used instead of <code>null</code>. 499 Keeping track of state / data of a single browsing session (tab). 3107 package 2667 Sessions are managed by this global SessionManager instance. 4553
SessionRepo.kt A model for the currently active [Session]s. 866
SessionRestorer.kt An implementation of session restore that persists only the last url the user visited before the application was closed: i.e. it does not persist the forward and back stack. To use this, create an instance with [getAndInit] and call [getPersistedSessionUrl] before Activity.onPause to retrieve the last persisted url: persistence happens automatically. 2777
SessionRestorerStorage.kt A session as persisted by the [SessionRestorer]. 1879 The source of a sessio: How was this session created? E.g. did we receive an Intent or did the user start this session? 886 This ActivityLifecycleCallbacks implementations tracks if there is at least one activity in the STARTED state (meaning some part of our application is visible). Based on this information the current task can be removed if the app is not visible. 2572