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/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
package org.mozilla.focus.iwebview
import androidx.annotation.CheckResult
import android.view.View
import org.mozilla.focus.session.Session
interface IWebView {
companion object {
const val TRACKING_PROTECTION_ENABLED_PREF = "tracking_protection_enabled"
fun setVisibility(visibility: Int)
/** Get the title of the currently displayed website. */
fun getTitle(): String? // nullable because WebView overrides it. #407
fun getUrl(): String? // nullable because WebView overrides it. #407
var callback: Callback?
fun onPause()
fun onResume()
fun pauseTimers()
fun resumeTimers()
fun loadUrl(url: String)
fun evalJS(js: String)
fun stopLoading()
fun reload()
fun goForward()
fun goBack()
fun canGoForward(): Boolean
fun canGoBack(): Boolean
* Scrolls the page but clamps it to the page dimensions, unlike [View.scrollBy].
* #712: View.scrollBy will "overscroll" the page dimensions, e.g. for a page of length 500,
* scrollBy can increment scrollY to greater values like 1000. After this, calling
* scrollBy upwards to scrollY = 750 will still not display any changes to the user: it has
* to make up that lost distance first.
* Scrolling and clamping appears to be the only way to prevent overscroll in Kotlin/Java,
* could also implement scrolling in JavaScript, but there's presumably a performance cost to
* executing JS, separating the code could make it hard to modify, and the code would need to
* be aware of which DOM element is being scrolled.
* For AmazonWebView, I verified that a page whose content shrinks when the user is scrolled all
* the way to the bottom will not create an upwards scroll dead zone.
fun scrollByClamped(vx: Int, vy: Int)
fun requestFocus(): Boolean
fun cleanup()
fun restoreWebViewState(session: Session)
fun saveWebViewState(session: Session)
fun destroy()
* Take a screenshot of the screen.
* @return a bitmap with the contents of the screen: *don't forget to recycle it!*
fun takeScreenshot(): Bitmap
* Enable/Disable content blocking for this session (Only the blockers that are
* enabled in the app's settings will be turned on/off).
fun setBlockingEnabled(enabled: Boolean)
class HitTarget(isLink: Boolean, linkURL: String?, isImage: Boolean, imageURL: String?) {
init {
if (isLink && linkURL == null) {
throw IllegalStateException("link hittarget must contain URL")
} else if (isImage && imageURL == null) {
throw IllegalStateException("image hittarget must contain URL")
interface Callback {
fun onPageStarted(url: String) {}
fun onPageFinished(isSecure: Boolean) {}
fun onProgress(progress: Int) {}
fun onURLChanged(url: String) {}
fun onRequest(isTriggeredByUserGesture: Boolean) {}
fun onLongPress(hitTarget: HitTarget) {}
fun onShouldInterceptRequest(url: String) {}
* Notify the host application that the current page has entered full screen mode.
* The callback needs to be invoked to request the page to exit full screen mode.
* Some IWebView implementations may pass a custom View which contains the web contents in
* full screen mode.
fun onEnterFullScreen(callback: FullscreenCallback, view: View?) {}
* Notify the host application that the current page has exited full screen mode.
* If a View was passed when the application entered full screen mode then this view must
* be hidden now.
fun onExitFullScreen() {}
fun onBlockingStateChanged(isBlockingEnabled: Boolean) {}
interface FullscreenCallback {
fun fullScreenExited()