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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.focus.home
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Context.MODE_PRIVATE
import android.content.SharedPreferences
import android.content.res.Configuration
import androidx.annotation.AnyThread
import androidx.annotation.UiThread
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
import org.json.JSONArray
import org.mozilla.focus.ext.isScreenXLarge
import org.mozilla.focus.ext.toUri
import org.mozilla.focus.utils.ToastManager
import org.mozilla.focus.utils.UrlUtils
import java.util.UUID
private const val PREF_HOME_TILES = "homeTiles"
private const val BUNDLED_SITES_ID_BLACKLIST = "blacklist"
private const val CUSTOM_SITES_LIST = "customSitesList"
private const val BUNDLED_HOME_TILES_DIR = "bundled"
private const val HOME_TILES_JSON_PATH = "$BUNDLED_HOME_TILES_DIR/bundled_tiles.json"
private typealias BundledTilesCache = LinkedHashMap<Uri, BundledHomeTile>
* Static accessor for bundled tiles, which are loaded from assets/bundled/bundled_tiles.json.
* The urls provided in the bundled tiles are expected to close matches (including on Uri.path,
* scheme [http or https]) with the final site that is loaded (after any server redirects, etc).
* That way we can clearly reflect "pinned" state of these sites on the homescreen by matching
* by url.
class BundledTilesManager @VisibleForTesting constructor(
private val bundledTilesCache: BundledTilesCache
) {
companion object {
private var thisInstance: BundledTilesManager? = null
fun getInstance(context: Context): BundledTilesManager {
if (thisInstance == null) {
val bundledTilesCache = loadBundledTilesCache(context)
thisInstance = BundledTilesManager(bundledTilesCache)
return thisInstance!!
private fun loadBundledTilesCache(context: Context): BundledTilesCache {
val tilesJSONString = { it.readText() }
val tilesJSONArray = JSONArray(tilesJSONString)
val lhm = LinkedHashMap<Uri, BundledHomeTile>(tilesJSONArray.length())
val blacklist = loadBlacklist(context)
for (i in 0 until tilesJSONArray.length()) {
val tile = BundledHomeTile.fromJSONObject(tilesJSONArray.getJSONObject(i))
if (!blacklist.contains( {
lhm.put(tile.url.toUri()!!, tile)
return lhm
private fun loadBlacklist(context: Context): MutableSet<String> {
return context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_HOME_TILES, MODE_PRIVATE)
.getStringSet(BUNDLED_SITES_ID_BLACKLIST, null) ?: mutableSetOf()
* The number of tiles in this manager. This is more performant than
* [#getBundledHomeTilesList].size, which returns a copy of the data.
val tileCount get() = bundledTilesCache.size
fun isURLPinned(uri: Uri): Boolean {
return bundledTilesCache.keys.any { u -> compareUri(uri, u) }
* Make a best effort fuzzy compare (such as matching mobile versions of sites)
private fun compareUri(uri1: Uri, uri2: Uri): Boolean {
return uri1.scheme == uri2.scheme &&
UrlUtils.stripCommonSubdomains(uri1.authority) ==
UrlUtils.stripCommonSubdomains(uri2.authority) &&
uri1.path == uri2.path &&
uri1.fragment == uri2.fragment &&
uri1.query == uri2.query
* returns tile id of a Bundled tile or null if
* it doesn't exist in the cache
fun unpinSite(context: Context, uri: Uri): String? {
val blacklist = loadBlacklist(context)
val newBlacklist = blacklist.toMutableSet()
for (pair in bundledTilesCache) {
if (compareUri(uri, pair.key)) {
context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_HOME_TILES, MODE_PRIVATE).edit()
.putStringSet(BUNDLED_SITES_ID_BLACKLIST, newBlacklist)
return null
fun loadImageFromPath(context: Context, filename: String): Bitmap {
val assetPath = getImagePathInAssets(context.resources.configuration, filename)
return {
fun getImagePathInAssets(configuration: Configuration, filename: String): String {
// The assets are notably artifacted after resizing on these low resolution displays so we
// must deliver the home tile assets at multiple sizes.
// TODO #1197: We're working around the resources system to deliver these assets so we
// should come up with a (components?) solution that leverages the resources system.
val assetDirScreenSizeSuffix = if (configuration.isScreenXLarge) {
} else {
return "$BUNDLED_HOME_TILES_DIR$assetDirScreenSizeSuffix/$filename"
internal fun getBundledHomeTilesList() = bundledTilesCache.values.toMutableList()
* Static accessor of custom home tiles, that is backed by SharedPreferences.
* New sites are appended to the end of the list.
* This keeps a cached version of the custom home tiles that have been pinned,
* in order to be more performant when checking whether sites are pinned or not.
* In order to keep the cache consistent, should only be called from the UIThread.
class CustomTilesManager private constructor(context: Context) {
companion object {
private var thisInstance: CustomTilesManager? = null
fun getInstance(context: Context): CustomTilesManager {
if (thisInstance == null) {
thisInstance = CustomTilesManager(context)
return thisInstance!!
// Cache pinned sites for perf beacues we need to check pinned state for every page load
private var customTilesCache = loadCustomTilesCache(context)
* The number of tiles in this manager. This is more performant than
* [#getCustomHomeTilesList].size, which returns a copy of the data.
val tileCount get() = customTilesCache.size
private fun loadCustomTilesCache(context: Context): LinkedHashMap<String, CustomHomeTile> {
val tilesJSONArray = getCustomSitesJSONArray(getHomeTilesPreferences(context))
val lhm = LinkedHashMap<String, CustomHomeTile>()
for (i in 0 until tilesJSONArray.length()) {
val tileJSON = tilesJSONArray.getJSONObject(i)
val tile = CustomHomeTile.fromJSONObject(tileJSON)
lhm.put(tile.url, tile)
return lhm
fun isURLPinned(url: String) = customTilesCache.containsKey(url)
internal fun getCustomHomeTilesList() = customTilesCache.values.toList() // return a copy.
fun pinSite(context: Context, url: String, screenshot: Bitmap?) {
// TODO: titles
val uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
customTilesCache[url] = CustomHomeTile(url, "custom", uuid)
if (screenshot != null) {
HomeTileScreenshotStore.saveAsync(context, uuid, screenshot)
* returns tile id after unpinning a Custom tile or null if
* it doesn't exist in the cache
fun unpinSite(context: Context, url: String): String? {
val tile = customTilesCache.remove(url) ?: return null
private fun writeCacheToSharedPreferences(context: Context) {
val tilesJSONArray = JSONArray()
for (tile in customTilesCache.values) {
.putString(CUSTOM_SITES_LIST, tilesJSONArray.toString())
private fun getCustomSitesJSONArray(sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences): JSONArray {
val sitesListString = sharedPreferences.getString(CUSTOM_SITES_LIST, "[]")
return JSONArray(sitesListString)
private fun getHomeTilesPreferences(context: Context): SharedPreferences {
return context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_HOME_TILES, MODE_PRIVATE)
class HomeTilesManager {
companion object {
fun getTilesCache(context: Context): MutableList<HomeTile> {
return mutableListOf<HomeTile>().apply {
fun removeHomeTile(homeTile: HomeTile, context: Context) {
when (homeTile) {
is BundledHomeTile -> {
val tileUri = homeTile.url.toUri()
if (tileUri != null) {
BundledTilesManager.getInstance(context).unpinSite(context, tileUri)
is CustomHomeTile -> CustomTilesManager.getInstance(context).unpinSite(context, homeTile.url)