Name Description Size
AssetManager.kt 478
Bitmap.kt 1843
Char.kt 337
Configuration.kt 431
Context.kt The (visible) version name of the application, as specified by the <manifest> tag's versionName attribute. E.g. "2.0". 1289
Drawable.kt Converts a Drawable to Bitmap. via 849
Fragment.kt 362
FragmentManager.kt 709
Intent.kt 364
JSON.kt Map over the JSONArray, removing null values after [transform] and ignoring invalid data. An empty List will be returned if all the values are null or invalid. 934
LiveData.kt 1444
MotionEvent.kt Calls the functionBlock and then [MotionEvent.recycle]s this. Inspired by [AutoCloseable.use]. 530
PointF.kt 391
SafeIntent.kt Takes the uri defined in the [SafeIntent] and converts it into the uri the app should open. @return the uri for the app to open or null if there is none. 1265
StrictMode.kt Runs the given [functionBlock] and sets the ThreadPolicy after its completion. This function is written in the style of [AutoCloseable.use]. @return the value returned by [functionBlock]. 634
String.kt Beautify a URL by truncating it in a way that highlights important parts of the URL. Spec: 2373
Uri.kt Return the truncated host of this Uri. The truncated host will only contain up to 2-3 segments of the original host. The original host will be returned if it's null or and empty String. Examples: -> -> Spec: 2753
View.kt Updates the layout params with the mutations provided to [mutateLayoutParams]. 1345
ViewGroup.kt 625
When.kt `when` is only exhaustive when its expression returns a value. Appending this value gives it a return value, forcing the compiler to check `when` for exhaustiveness. One downside is that it pollutes autocomplete, but let's try it out. Idea from SO: 590