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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.focus.browser
import androidx.lifecycle.Observer
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.annotation.UiThread
import android.text.TextUtils
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import org.mozilla.focus.R
import org.mozilla.focus.architecture.FirefoxViewModelProviders
import org.mozilla.focus.browser.URLs.APP_STARTUP_HOME
import org.mozilla.focus.ext.getNavigationOverlay
import org.mozilla.focus.ext.isVisibleAndNonNull
import org.mozilla.focus.ext.toUri
import org.mozilla.focus.home.BundledTilesManager
import org.mozilla.focus.home.CustomTilesManager
import org.mozilla.focus.iwebview.IWebView
import org.mozilla.focus.iwebview.IWebViewLifecycleFragment
import org.mozilla.focus.session.NullSession
import org.mozilla.focus.session.Session
import org.mozilla.focus.session.SessionCallbackProxy
import org.mozilla.focus.session.SessionManager
import org.mozilla.focus.telemetry.AppStartupTimeMeasurement
import org.mozilla.focus.telemetry.LoadTimeObserver
import org.mozilla.focus.toolbar.ToolbarEvent
import org.mozilla.focus.toolbar.ToolbarStateProvider
import org.mozilla.focus.utils.ToastManager
private const val ARGUMENT_SESSION_UUID = "sessionUUID"
private val URLS_BLOCKED_FROM_USERS = setOf(
/** An interface expected to be implemented by the Activities that create a BrowserFragment. */
interface BrowserFragmentCallbacks : HomeTileLongClickListener {
@UiThread // performs a fragment transaction.
fun setNavigationOverlayIsVisible(isVisible: Boolean, isOverlayOnStartup: Boolean = false)
fun onNonTextInputUrlEntered(urlStr: String)
fun onUrlUpdate(url: String?)
fun onSessionLoadingUpdate(isLoading: Boolean)
fun onSessionProgressUpdate(progress: Int)
interface HomeTileLongClickListener {
fun onHomeTileLongClick(unpinTile: () -> Unit)
* Fragment for displaying the browser UI.
class BrowserFragment : IWebViewLifecycleFragment() {
companion object {
const val FRAGMENT_TAG = "browser"
fun createForSession(session: Session) = BrowserFragment().apply {
arguments = Bundle().apply { putString(ARGUMENT_SESSION_UUID, session.uuid) }
// IWebViewLifecycleFragment expects a value for these properties before onViewCreated. We use a getter
// for the properties that reference session because it is lateinit.
override lateinit var session: Session
override val initialUrl get() = session.url.value
override lateinit var iWebViewCallback: IWebView.Callback
internal val callbacks: BrowserFragmentCallbacks? get() = activity as BrowserFragmentCallbacks?
val toolbarStateProvider = BrowserToolbarStateProvider()
private val viewModel: BrowserViewModel
get() = FirefoxViewModelProviders.of(this)[]
* The current URL.
* Use this instead of the WebView's URL which can return null, return a null URL, or return
* data: URLs (for error pages).
var url: String? = null
private set(value) {
field = value
// We prevent users from typing this URL in loadUrl but this will still be called for
// the initial URL set in the Session.
if (url == APP_STARTUP_HOME.toString()) {
callbacks?.setNavigationOverlayIsVisible(true, isOverlayOnStartup = true)
callbacks?.onUrlUpdate(url) // This should be called last so app state is up-to-date.
// If the URL is startup home, the home screen should always be visible. For defensiveness, we
// also check this condition. It's probably not necessary (it was originally added when the startup
// url was the empty string which I was concerned the WebView could pass to us while loading).
private val isStartupHomepageVisible: Boolean
get() = url == APP_STARTUP_HOME.toString() && fragmentManager.getNavigationOverlay().isVisibleAndNonNull
private val sessionManager = SessionManager.getInstance()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
session = initSession()
iWebViewCallback = SessionCallbackProxy(session, FullscreenCallbacks(this, viewModel))
LoadTimeObserver.addObservers(session, this)
override fun onResume() {
private fun initSession(): Session {
val sessionUUID = arguments?.getString(ARGUMENT_SESSION_UUID)
?: throw IllegalAccessError("No session exists")
val session = if (sessionManager.hasSessionWithUUID(sessionUUID))
session.url.observe(this, Observer { url -> this@BrowserFragment.url = url })
session.loading.observe(this, SessionLoadingObserver())
session.progress.observe(this, Observer { it?.let { callbacks?.onSessionProgressUpdate(it) } })
return session
fun onToolbarEvent(event: ToolbarEvent, value: String?) {
val context = context!!
when (event) {
ToolbarEvent.BACK -> if (webView?.canGoBack() ?: false) webView?.goBack()
ToolbarEvent.FORWARD -> if (webView?.canGoForward() ?: false) webView?.goForward()
ToolbarEvent.TURBO -> {
when (value) {
ToolbarEvent.VAL_CHECKED -> {
ToastManager.showToast(R.string.turbo_mode_enabled_toast, context)
ToolbarEvent.VAL_UNCHECKED -> {
ToastManager.showToast(R.string.turbo_mode_disabled_toast, context)
ToolbarEvent.RELOAD -> webView?.reload()
ToolbarEvent.SETTINGS -> Unit // No Settings in BrowserFragment
ToolbarEvent.PIN_ACTION -> this@BrowserFragment.url?.let { url -> onPinToolbarEvent(context, url, value) }
ToolbarEvent.HOME -> if (!fragmentManager.getNavigationOverlay().isVisibleAndNonNull) {
ToolbarEvent.LOAD_URL -> throw IllegalStateException("Expected $event to be handled sooner")
private fun onPinToolbarEvent(context: Context, url: String, value: String?) {
when (value) {
ToolbarEvent.VAL_CHECKED -> {
CustomTilesManager.getInstance(context).pinSite(context, url,
ToolbarEvent.VAL_UNCHECKED -> {
url.toUri()?.let {
val tileId = BundledTilesManager.getInstance(context).unpinSite(context, it)
?: CustomTilesManager.getInstance(context).unpinSite(context, url)
// tileId should never be null, unless, for some reason we don't
// have a reference to the tile/the tile isn't a Bundled or Custom tile
if (tileId != null && !tileId.isEmpty()) {
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected value for PIN_ACTION: " + value)
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View {
val layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_browser, container, false)
viewModel.isWebViewVisible.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
webView?.setVisibility(if (it!!) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE)
return layout
fun onNavigationOverlayVisibilityChange(isVisible: Boolean) {
fun loadUrl(url: String) {
// Intents can trigger loadUrl, and we need to make sure the navigation overlay is always hidden.
val webView = webView
if (webView != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(url) && !URLS_BLOCKED_FROM_USERS.contains(url)) {
inner class BrowserToolbarStateProvider : ToolbarStateProvider {
override fun isBackEnabled() = webView?.canGoBack() ?: false
override fun isForwardEnabled() = webView?.canGoForward() ?: false
override fun isStartupHomepageVisible() = isStartupHomepageVisible
override fun getCurrentUrl() = url
override fun isURLPinned() = url.toUri()?.let {
// TODO: #569 fix CustomTilesManager to use Uri too
CustomTilesManager.getInstance(context!!).isURLPinned(it.toString()) ||
BundledTilesManager.getInstance(context!!).isURLPinned(it) } ?: false
private inner class SessionLoadingObserver : Observer<Boolean> {
override fun onChanged(isLoading: Boolean?) {
if (isLoading == null) { return }
val uri = url?.toUri() ?: return
val webView = webView ?: return
WebCompat.onSessionLoadingChanged(isLoading, uri, webView)