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/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.focus
import android.content.Context
import android.text.TextUtils
import org.mozilla.focus.browser.BrowserFragment
import org.mozilla.focus.browser.URLs.APP_STARTUP_HOME
import org.mozilla.focus.ext.getBrowserFragment
import org.mozilla.focus.ext.getNavigationOverlay
import org.mozilla.focus.home.NavigationOverlayAnimations
import org.mozilla.focus.home.NavigationOverlayFragment
import org.mozilla.focus.session.SessionManager
import org.mozilla.focus.session.Source
import org.mozilla.focus.toolbar.BrowserAppBarLayoutController
import org.mozilla.focus.toolbar.ToolbarViewModel
import org.mozilla.focus.utils.UrlUtils
object ScreenController {
* Loads the given url. If isTextInput is true, there should be no null parameters.
fun onUrlEnteredInner(
context: Context,
fragmentManager: FragmentManager,
urlStr: String,
onSuccess: ((isUrl: Boolean) -> Unit)? = null
) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(urlStr.trim())) {
val isUrl = UrlUtils.isUrl(urlStr)
val updatedUrlStr = if (isUrl) UrlUtils.normalize(urlStr) else UrlUtils.createSearchUrl(context, urlStr)
showBrowserScreenForUrl(fragmentManager, updatedUrlStr, Source.USER_ENTERED)
fun showBrowserScreenForCurrentSession(fragmentManager: FragmentManager, sessionManager: SessionManager) {
val currentSession = sessionManager.currentSession
if (fragmentManager.getBrowserFragment()?.session?.isSameAs(currentSession) == true) {
// There's already a BrowserFragment displaying this session.
// BrowserFragment is the base fragment, so don't add a backstack transaction.
BrowserFragment.createForSession(currentSession), BrowserFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG)
fun showBrowserScreenForStartupHomeScreen(fragmentManager: FragmentManager) {
// HACK: we don't want the home screen in the back stack so we don't want to load a home
// screen URL. However, there's no simple way to create a BrowserFragment without a URL
// so we assign the startup url to a session but don't load it into the WebView. Unfortunately,
// this means the code controlling the initial homescreen is in several places and fragile:
// the best way to identify this code is to Find Usages on the startup url constant.
// We should fix this by rewriting how we manage sessions when we integrate the session
// android component.
showBrowserScreenForUrl(fragmentManager, APP_STARTUP_HOME.toString(), Source.NONE)
fun showBrowserScreenForUrl(fragmentManager: FragmentManager?, url: String, source: Source) {
// This code is not correct:
// - We only support one session but it creates a new session when there's no BrowserFragment
// such as each time we open a URL from the home screen.
// - It doesn't handle the case where the BrowserFragment is non-null but not
// visible: this can happen when a BrowserFragment is in the back stack, e.g. if this
// method is called from Settings.
// However, from a user perspective, the behavior is correct (e.g. back stack functions
// correctly with multiple sessions).
val browserFragment = fragmentManager?.getBrowserFragment()
if (browserFragment?.isVisible == true) {
// We can't call loadUrl on the Fragment until the view hierarchy is inflated so we check
// for visibility in addition to existence.
} else {
SessionManager.getInstance().createSession(source, url)
fun recreateBrowserScreen(fragmentManager: FragmentManager) {
fragmentManager.getBrowserFragment()?.let { browserFragment ->
.commitNow() // Synchronous so our session observers have the correct state.
// Activates the start up code path, which creates a new session if there are none.
* Sets the navigation overlay visibility based on the given params.
* This method will throw if this method is called to set the nav overlay visible
* but it is already visible and vice versa.
fun setNavigationOverlayIsVisible(
fragmentManager: FragmentManager,
appBarLayoutController: BrowserAppBarLayoutController,
toolbarViewModel: ToolbarViewModel,
isVisible: Boolean,
isOverlayOnStartup: Boolean
) {
fun getNavOverlay() = fragmentManager.getNavigationOverlay()
if (isVisible) {
val newOverlay = NavigationOverlayFragment.newInstance(isOverlayOnStartup = isOverlayOnStartup)
.replace(, newOverlay, NavigationOverlayFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG)
} else {
getNavOverlay()?.let { existingOverlay ->
NavigationOverlayAnimations.animateOut(existingOverlay) {
toolbarViewModel.onNavigationOverlayVisibilityChange(isVisible, isOverlayOnStartup)