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/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
package org.mozilla.focus.webview
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.AttributeSet
import android.view.View
import android.webkit.JsPromptResult
import android.webkit.JsResult
import android.webkit.WebChromeClient
import android.webkit.WebView
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
import org.mozilla.focus.ext.deleteData
import org.mozilla.focus.iwebview.IWebView
import org.mozilla.focus.session.Session
import org.mozilla.focus.utils.UrlUtils
* An IWebView implementation using WebView.
* Initialization for this class should primarily occur in WebViewProvider,
* which is visible by the main code base and constructs this class.
@Suppress("ViewConstructor") // We only construct this in code.
internal class FirefoxWebView(
context: Context,
attrs: AttributeSet,
private val client: FocusWebViewClient,
private val chromeClient: FirefoxWebChromeClient
) : NestedWebView(context, attrs), IWebView {
init {
// Any WV setup logic should take place in WebViewProvider
override var callback: IWebView.Callback? = null
set(callback) {
field = callback
chromeClient.callback = callback
// Init for link handler must occur here if we want immutability because they have cyclic references.
private val linkHandler = LinkHandler(this)
init {
isLongClickable = true
private fun initBackgroundColor() {
// The initial navigation overlay is drawn over the WebView. However, on some Echo Show devices [1], the
// overlay fade out animation causes graphical glitches, as if the WebView's background color is transparent
// (graphical glitches usually occur when parts of the screen have no draw calls on them). We fix this
// issue by defaulting the background to an opaque color.
// [1]: We cannot reproduce on the SF Echo Show but can on the MTV one, despite using similar OS versions.
override fun restoreWebViewState(session: Session) {
val stateData = session.webViewState
val backForwardList = if (stateData != null) super.restoreState(stateData) else null
val desiredURL = session.url.value
// Pages are only added to the back/forward list when loading finishes. If a new page is
// loading when the Activity is paused/killed, then that page won't be in the list,
// and needs to be restored separately to the history list. We detect this by checking
// whether the last fully loaded page (getCurrentItem()) matches the last page that the
// WebView was actively loading (which was retrieved during onSaveInstanceState():
// WebView.getUrl() always returns the currently loading or loaded page).
// If the app is paused/killed before the initial page finished loading, then the entire
// list will be null - so we need to additionally check whether the list even exists.
if (backForwardList?.currentItem?.url == desiredURL && desiredURL != null) {
// restoreState doesn't actually load the current page, it just restores navigation history,
// so we also need to explicitly reload in this case:
} else {
override fun saveWebViewState(session: Session) {
// We store the actual state into another bundle that we will keep in memory as long as this
// browsing session is active. The data that WebView stores in this bundle is too large for
// Android to save and restore as part of the state bundle.
val stateData = Bundle()
client.saveState(this, stateData)
override fun setBlockingEnabled(enabled: Boolean) {
client.isBlockingEnabled = enabled
override fun goBack() {
// In my interpretation of the docs, this is not the correct way to exit full screen mode:
// we should call WebChromeClient.CustomViewCallback.onCustomViewHidden instead. However,
// this implementation will be fixed with components so we don't fix it now.
override fun goForward() {
// See goBack for details.
@Suppress("DEPRECATION") // shouldOverrideUrlLoading deprecated in 24 but we support 22.
override fun loadUrl(url: String) {
// We need to check external URL handling here - shouldOverrideUrlLoading() is only
// called by webview when clicking on a link, and not when opening a new page for the
// first time using loadUrl().
if (!client.shouldOverrideUrlLoading(this, url)) {
super.loadUrl(url, mapOf("X-Requested-With" to ""))
override fun evalJS(js: String) {
evaluateJavascript(js, null)
override fun cleanup() {
@Suppress("DEPRECATION") // drawing cache methods: we'll replace this with components soon.
override fun takeScreenshot(): Bitmap {
// Under the hood, createBitmap may create a new reference to the existing Bitmap so
// it's efficient: we don't have to copy the existing Bitmap or GC it on destroy.
val outBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(drawingCache)
return outBitmap
override fun scrollByClamped(vx: Int, vy: Int) {
// This is not a true clamp: it can only stop us from
// continuing to scroll if we've already overscrolled.
val scrollX = clampScroll(vx) { canScrollHorizontally(it) }
val scrollY = clampScroll(vy) { canScrollVertically(it) }
super.scrollBy(scrollX, scrollY)
private inline fun clampScroll(scroll: Int, canScroll: (direction: Int) -> Boolean) = if (scroll != 0 && canScroll(scroll)) {
} else {
// todo: move into WebClients file with FocusWebViewClient.
internal class FirefoxWebChromeClient : WebChromeClient() {
var callback: IWebView.Callback? = null
override fun onProgressChanged(view: WebView?, newProgress: Int) {
callback?.let { callback ->
// This is the earliest point where we might be able to confirm a redirected
// URL: we don't necessarily get a shouldInterceptRequest() after a redirect,
// so we can only check the updated url in onProgressChanges(), or in onPageFinished()
// (which is even later).
val viewURL = view!!.url
if (!UrlUtils.isInternalErrorURL(viewURL) && viewURL != null) {
override fun onShowCustomView(view: View?, webviewCallback: WebChromeClient.CustomViewCallback?) {
val fullscreenCallback = object : IWebView.FullscreenCallback {
override fun fullScreenExited() {
callback?.onEnterFullScreen(fullscreenCallback, view)
override fun onHideCustomView() {
// Consult with product before changing: we disable alerts to prevent them from being displayed
// a large number of times. We chose this implementation for speed but it isn't the best user
// experience and is open for being changed.
override fun onJsAlert(view: WebView?, url: String?, message: String?, result: JsResult?): Boolean = handleJsDialog(result)
override fun onJsPrompt(view: WebView?, url: String?, message: String?, defaultValue: String?, result: JsPromptResult?): Boolean =
override fun onJsConfirm(view: WebView?, url: String?, message: String?, result: JsResult?): Boolean = handleJsDialog(result)
private fun handleJsDialog(result: JsResult?): Boolean {
return true