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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:moz="" xmlns:tools="">
<!-- ####################################################################################### -->
<!-- ## Put only strings into this file that should be translated. Move all other strings ## -->
<!-- ## into a separate file like strings_references.xml ## -->
<!-- ####################################################################################### -->
<!-- Label used for buttons, e.g. in dialogs -->
<string name="action_cancel">Pśetergnuś</string>
<!-- Label used for buttons, e.g. in dialogs -->
<string name="action_ok">W pórěźe</string>
<string name="action_save">Składowaś</string>
<!-- This text is shown in the URL bar when it's empty -->
<string name="urlbar_hint">Adresu pytaś abo zapódaś</string>
<string name="teaser">Awtomatiski priwatny modus.\nPśeglědowaś. Lašowaś. Wóspjetowaś.</string>
<!-- "Snackbar" shown after the user has pressed the 'erase' button at the end of a browsing session -->
<string name="feedback_erase">Waša pśeglědowańska historija jo se wulašowała.</string>
<string name="feedback_erase2">Pśeglědowańska historija jo se wulašowała</string>
<!-- "Snackbar" shown after the user has pressed the 'erase' button at the end of a custom tab browsing session -->
<string name="feedback_erase_custom_tab">Pśeglědowańska historija rejtarka jo se wulašowała.</string>
<!-- This label is shown below the URL bar as soon as the user enters text. Clicking the label will perform a search -->
<string name="search_hint">Pytanje za %1$s</string>
<!-- Menu item: Share the currently visible page -->
<string name="menu_share">Źěliś…</string>
<!-- Menu item: Report an issue on the current site -->
<string name="menu_report_site_issue">Sedłowy problem k wěsći daś</string>
<!-- Menu item: Switch to another browser to open the currently visible page. %1$s will be
replaced with the name of the browser like: "Open in Firefox" or "Open in Chrome". Some
links can be opened by native apps that aren't a browser, e.g. "Open in YouTube" -->
<string name="menu_open_with_default_browser2">W %1$s wócyniś</string>
<!-- Menu item: Switch to another browser to open the currently visible page. This menu item
will be shown if there are multiple browsers and we do not know which one is the default
browser or in case Focus is actually the default browser. Clicking this menu item will show
a screen with multiple browsers (or other apps that can open the current URL) to choose from. -->
<string name="menu_open_with_a_browser2">Wócyniś w…</string>
<!-- Menu item: Add the current page as a shortcut to the device's home screen (launcher). -->
<string name="menu_add_to_home_screen">Startowej wobrazowce pśidaś</string>
<!-- Menu item: Add the current site as a shortcut on the Home screen -->
<string name="menu_add_to_shortcuts">Zwězanjam pśidaś</string>
<!-- Menu item: Remove the current site as a shortcut from the Home screen -->
<string name="menu_remove_from_shortcuts">Ze zwězanjow wótwónoźeś</string>
<!-- Menu item: Shows information about features and changes that are new to this version -->
<string name="menu_settings">Nastajenja</string>
<string name="menu_about">Wó</string>
<string name="menu_help">Pomoc</string>
<string name="menu_rights">Waše pšawa</string>
<!-- Menu item: This is the label for a menu entry that shows how many trackers have been blocked
for the currently loaded website. The number of blocked trackers is shown below this label.
Next to this label is a switch that allows the user to temporarily enable / disable the
blocking of trackers for the current browsing session - for example if the current website
doesn't work correctly with blocked content. -->
<string name="menu_trackers_blocked_title">Pśeslědowaki blokěrowane</string>
<!-- Menu item: This is the subtitle for the Trackers blocked menu entry that shows how many
trackers have been blocked for the currently loaded website. -->
<string name="menu_trackers_blocked_subtitle">Gaž to znjemóžnjaśo, se někotare sedłowe problemy rozwězuju</string>
<!-- Menu item: This is the label for turning off content blocking for the current website. -->
<string name="menu_content_blocking">Blokěrowanje wopśimjeśa</string>
<!-- This is the subtitle content blocking toggle -->
<string name="menu_content_blocking_subtitle">Znjemóžniś, aby se někotare sedła pórěźili</string>
<!-- This is a small text at the bottom of the menu shown in a "custom tab" for branding purposes.
%1$s will be replaced by the app name (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="menu_custom_tab_branding">Spěchowany wót %1$s</string>
<!-- This is the title of a dialog that shows all the share targets (apps or contacts) when
sharing an URL. -->
<string name="share_dialog_title">Źěliś pśez</string>
<string name="notification_erase_title_android_14">Pśeglědowańsku historiju lašowaś?</string>
<string name="notification_erase_text_android_14" moz:RemovedIn="124" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Pótusniśo toś tu powěźeńku abo lašujśo ju, aby swóju pśeglědowańsku historiju wěsće wulašował.</string>
<!-- Text shown in the notification description that pops up to remind the user that a browsing session is active
for Android 14+. -->
<string name="notification_erase_text_android_14_1">Pótusniśo toś tu powěźeńku abo zjěźćo pśez ju, aby swóju pśeglědowańsku historiju wěsće wulašował.</string>
<string name="notification_erase_text">Pśeglědowańsku historiju lašowaś</string>
<!-- Notification action to open Focus and resume the current browsing session. -->
<string name="notification_action_open">Wócyniś</string>
<!-- Notification action to erase the current browsing session AND switch to Focus (bring it
to the foreground) -->
<string name="notification_action_erase_and_open">Lašowaś a wócyniś</string>
<!-- On Android 7+ users can add a shortcut for erasing the browsing history to the home screen.
This is the label for this shortcut. Android recommends a maximum length of 10 characters. -->
<string name="shortcut_erase_short_label">Lašowaś</string>
<!-- The same as 'shortcut_erase_short_label' but more descriptive. The launcher shows this
instead of the short title when it has enough space. Android recommends a maximum length
of 25 characters. -->
<string name="shortcut_erase_long_label">Pśeglědowańsku historiju lašowaś</string>
<!-- On Android 7+ users can add a shortcut for erasing the browsing history to the home screen.
This is the label for this shortcut. Android recommends a maximum length of 10 characters. -->
<string name="shortcut_erase_and_open_short_label">Wulašowaś a wócyniś</string>
<!-- The same as 'shortcut_erase_short_label' but more descriptive. The launcher shows this
instead of the short title when it has enough space. Android recommends a maximum length
of 25 characters.
%1$s will be replaced by the app name (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="shortcut_erase_and_open_long_label">%1$s lašowaś a wócyniś</string>
<!-- This is the label of an action we offer when the user selects text in other third-party apps.
Focus is hard coded since we can't use variables in this context.
Do not translate or transliterate Focus.-->
<string name="text_selection_search_action_focus">W Focus pytaś</string>
<!-- This is the label of an action we offer when the user selects text in other third-party apps.
Klar is hard coded since we can't use variables in this context.
Do not translate or transliterate Klar.-->
<string name="text_selection_search_action_klar">W Klar pytaś</string>
<!-- This is the label of an action we offer when the user selects text in other third-party apps.
Focus Beta is hard coded since we can't use variables in this context.
Do not translate or transliterate Focus Beta.-->
<string name="text_selection_search_action_focus_beta">W Focus Beta pytaś</string>
<!-- This is the label of an action we offer when the user selects text in other third-party apps.
Focus Nightly is hard coded since we can't use variables in this context.
Do not translate or transliterate Focus Nightly.-->
<string name="text_selection_search_action_focus_nightly">W Focus Nightly pytaś</string>
<!-- Content of about focus. Argument 1 is the app name (Firefox Focus/Firefox Klar/etc).
Argument 2 is the url for the learn-more link. -->
<string name="about_content"><![CDATA[<p>%1$s dajo was kontrolu wobchowaś.</p>
<p>Wužywajśo jen ako priwatny wobglědowak:
<li>Pytajśo a pśeglědujśo direktnje w nałoženju</li>
<li>Blokěrujśo pśeslědowaki (abo aktualizěrujśo nastajenja, aby pśeslědowaki dowólił)</li>
<li>Lašujśo cookieje a pytańsku a pśeglědowańsku historiju</li>
<p>%1$s se wót Mozilla wuwija. Naša misija jo spěchowanje strowego, wótwórjonego interneta.<br/>
<a href="%2$s">Dalšne informacije</a></p>]]></string>
<!-- Header for the Privacy and Security settings menu -->
<string name="preference_privacy_and_security_header">Priwatnosć a wěstota</string>
<!-- Preference summary for settings related to privacy and security -->
<string name="preference_privacy_and_security_summary">Slědowanje, cookieje, datowe wuběrki</string>
<!-- Preference category description for settings related to search, set default
and autocomplete are settings a user can find and change inside the "search" settings screen -->
<string name="preference_search_summary">Standard nastajiś, awtomatiske wudopołnjenje</string>
<!-- Preference category description for settings screen for settings related to Mozilla -->
<!-- About the app and help are links that are inside this menu -->
<!-- %1$s will be replaced by the app name (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="preference_mozilla_summary">Wó %1$s, pomoc</string>
<!-- Preference category for ad blocking and enhanced tracking protection settings -->
<string name="preference_category_tracking_protection3">Pólěpšony slědowański šćit</string>
<!-- Preference category for settings related to controlling web content -->
<string name="preference_category_web_content">Webwopśimjeśe</string>
<!-- Preference category: stealth settings for while switching apps -->
<string name="preference_category_switching_apps">Pśešaltowanje nałoženjow</string>
<!-- Preference category for General Settings -->
<string name="preference_category_general">Powšykne</string>
<!-- Preference summary for General Settings category; the two things users can find in this category -->
<string name="preference_general_summary2">Standardny wobglědowak, rěc</string>
<!-- Preference category for settings about sending usage data -->
<string name="preference_category_data_collection_use">Zběranje a wužywanje datow</string>
<string name="preference_category_search">Pytaś</string>
<!-- Title of "switch" preference that enables/disables search suggestions -->
<string name="preference_show_search_suggestions">Pytańske naraźenja wobstaraś</string>
<!-- Description of the preference that enables/disables search suggestions
%1$s will be replaced by the app name (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="preference_show_search_suggestions_summary">%1$s se na wašu pytnicu pósćelo, což w adresowem pólu zapódajośo</string>
<!-- This label is shown below the name of the default search engine in settings -->
<string name="preference_search_engine_default">Standard</string>
<!-- This label is shown above the currently selected search engine in settings -->
<string name="preference_search_engine_label">Pytnica</string>
<!-- Text that is shown below a "switch" preference that is enabled. -->
<string name="preference_state_on">Zašaltowany</string>
<!-- Text that is shown below a "switch" preference that is disabled. -->
<string name="preference_state_off">Wušaltowany</string>
<!-- Item in settings that will open a new preference screen for configuring the URL autocomplete behavior. -->
<string name="preference_subitem_autocomplete">Awtomatiske wudopołnjenje URL</string>
<!-- Title of "switch" preference that enables/disables autocomplete for the default list -->
<string name="preference_switch_autocomplete_topsites">Za nejlubše sedła</string>
<!-- Summary for the toggle to enable autocomplete for the topsites list
%s is a placeholder for the app name (e.g. Firefox Focus)-->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_topsite_summary2">Zmóžniś, aby %s wěcej ako 450 woblubowanych adresow w adresowrm pólu wudopołnił.</string>
<!-- Title of "switch" preference that enables/disables autocomplete for the user-defined list -->
<string name="preference_switch_autocomplete_user_list">Za sedła, kótarež pśidawaśo</string>
<!-- Summary for the toggle to enable autocomplete for the user-defined list
%s is a placeholder for the app name (e.g. Firefox Focus)-->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_user_list_summary2">Zmóžniś, až %s waše nejlubše URL awtomatiski wudopołnjujo.</string>
<!-- Preference category: Manage (user-defined) sites -->
<string name="preference_category_autocomplete_manage_sites">Sedła zastojaś</string>
<!-- Item in autocomplete settings that will open a new preference screen for adding and removing URLs to the user-defined list-->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_subitem_manage_sites">Sedła zastojaś</string>
<!-- Action at the bottom of the list of custom autocomplete URLs that will open a new screen to add a new URL to the list. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_action_add">+ Swójsku adresu pśidaś</string>
<!-- Explanation text above the list of custom autocomplete URLs. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_explanation_text">Waša lisćina awtowudopołnjenjow:</string>
<!-- Action at the bottom of the list of custom autocomplete URLs that will open a new screen to add a new URL to the list. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_action_add2">URL pśidaś</string>
<!-- Title of the screen for adding custom autocomplete URLs. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_title_add">Swójsku adresu pśidaś</string>
<!-- Label for the button to quick add custom autocomplete URLs. -->
<string name="custom_autocomplete_quick_add">Swójski URL pśidaś</string>
<!-- Label for the button to quick add the current URL to the custom autocomplete list -->
<string name="add_custom_autocomplete_label">Wótkaz za awtowudopołnjenje pśidaś</string>
<!-- Preference category for settings about cookies and site data -->
<string name="preference_category_cookies">Cookieje a sedłowe daty</string>
<!-- Preference category for settings about data choices -->
<string name="preference_category_data_choices">Datowe wuběrki</string>
<!-- Title of the screen for removing custom autocomplete URLs. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_title_remove">Swójske adrese wótwónoźeś</string>
<!-- A link to SUMO at autocomplete settings. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_learn_more">Dalšne informacije</string>
<!-- Preference summary: Custom (user-defined) autocomplete URLs. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_custom_summary">Swójske adrese za wudopołnjenje pśidaś a zastojaś.</string>
<!-- Label for the "custom autocomplete URL" input field -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_add_title">Adresa, kótaraž ma se pśidaś</string>
<!-- "Hint" text for the "custom autocomplete URL" input field. Shown when the field is empty. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_add_hint">Adresu zasajźiś abo zapódaś</string>
<!-- Example how a custom domain autocomplete URL be added (e.g. without http://) -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_add_example2">Pśikład:</string>
<!-- To be removed once the new hint has been translated -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_add_example">Pśikład:</string>
<!-- Confirmation "snackbar" shown after a new custom autocomplete URL has been added. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_add_confirmation">Nowa swójska adresa pśidana.</string>
<!-- Menu item to remove existing autocomplete URLs. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_menu_remove">Wótwónoźeś</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Button that will delete all selected custom autocomplete URLs. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_action_remove_content_description">Wótwónoźeś</string>
<!-- Error message shown if the entered custom autocomplete URL is not valid or empty. -->
<string name="preference_autocomplete_add_error">Pśeglědajśo zapódanu adresu.</string>
<string name="preference_language">Rěc</string>
<!-- This is shown when the user hasn't set a focus specific language, i.e. when Focus
is using the system default language. -->
<string name="preference_language_systemdefault">Systemowy standard</string>
<string name="preference_category_privacy">Priwatnosć</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_ads">Wabjeńske pśeslědowaki blokěrowaś</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_ads_summary">Někotare wabjeńske anonse woglědy sedłow slěduju, samo gaby wy na anonse njekliknuł</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_analytics">Analyzowe pśeslědowaki blokěrowaś</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_analytics_summary">Z tym se aktiwity ako pótuskowanje a kulanje pśez boki gromaźe, analyzěruju a měrje</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_social">Socialne pśeslědowaki blokěrowaś</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_social_summary">Na sedłach zasajźone, aby wóne waše woglědy slědowali a funkcije ako tłocaški za źělenje zwobraznili</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_content">Druge wopśimjeśowe pśeslědowaki blokěrowaś</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_block_content_summary2">To móžo wjasć k tomu, až se někotare boki njewšednje zaźarže</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_category_cookies">Cookieje blokěrowaś</string>
<!-- Three options for Cookie blocking. Yes (All cookies Blocked), Block 3rd-party cookies
only (Only 3rd-party Cookies Blocked), No (No cookies blocked) -->
<string name="preference_privacy_should_block_cookies_no_option2">Ně, źěkujom se</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_should_block_cookies_third_party_tracker_cookies_option">Jano slědujuce cookieje tśeśich póbitowarjow blokěrowaś</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_should_block_cookies_third_party_only_option">Jano cookieje tśeśich póbitowarjow blokěrowaś</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_should_block_cookies_cross_site_option">Cookieje někotarych sedłow blokěrowaś</string>
<string name="preference_privacy_should_block_cookies_yes_option2">Jo, pšosym</string>
<!-- Preference Title: Biometrics can be used to unlock Focus if the previous session's data was not erased by the user. -->
<string name="preference_security_biometric">Wužywajśo palcowy wótśišć, aby nałoženje wótwórił</string>
<!-- Preference Summary: Biometrics (iris scan, fingerprint, or facial scan) can be used to unlock Focus if the app had a URL
open when the app was last run to ensure that only the phone's owner can view a previous session.
%s will be replaced by the app name (e.g. Firefox Focus)
Shortcuts is a feature that allows the user to pin his favorite websites to Focus home screen so he can quickly access them-->
<string name="preference_security_biometric_summary2">Wótwóŕśo z pomocu palcowego wóśišća, jolic sćo pśidał zwězanja abo gaž websedło jo južo w %s wócynjone.</string>
<!-- Preference Title: Secure Mode is a setting that prevents the app's content to show up in the "recent apps" screen
and prevents the user from taking screenshots or casting the app to other displays. -->
<string name="preference_privacy_secure_mode">Tarnowanje</string>
<!-- Preference Summary: Stealth mode (previously "Secure mode") is a setting that prevents the
app's content (in our case especially the content of webpages) to show up in the "recent apps"
screen. Additionally Android will prevent the user from taking screenshots or casting the app
to other displays. -->
<string name="preference_privacy_stealth_summary">Webboki schowaś, gaž se nałoženja pśešaltuju a fota wobrazowki blokěrowaś.</string>
<string name="preference_category_security">Wěstota</string>
<string name="preference_category_performance">Wugbaśe</string>
<string name="preference_performance_block_webfonts">Webpisma blokěrowaś</string>
<!-- This text is shown below the setting for disabling web fonts. Some websites use icons/images from a font and those do not show up if fonts are blocked.-->
<string name="preference_performance_block_webfonts_summary">Móžo k tomu wjasć, až symbole abo wobraze feluju</string>
<string name="preference_performance_block_javascript">JavaScript blokěrowaś</string>
<!-- This text is shown below setting for disabling JavaScript. Some websites may not work correctly when JavaScript is disabled -->
<string name="preference_performance_block_javascript_summary">Boki se malsnjej zacytaju, mógli se pak teke na njewócakowanu wašnju zaźaržaś</string>
<!-- This preference does not set Focus as the default browser but instead links to Android's
"default apps" settings screen or if not supported by this Android version to a SUMO page describing
how to set Focus as a default browser.
%1$s will be replaced by the app name (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="preference_default_browser2">%1$s ako standardny wobglědowak nastajiś</string>
<string name="preference_category_mozilla">Mozilla</string>
<string name="preference_mozilla_telemetry2">Wužywańske daty pósłaś</string>
<!-- A link to SUMO at the end of the summary (preference_mozilla_telemetry_summary2) of the "Send anonymous usage data" setting. -->
<string name="preference_mozilla_telemetry_summary">Dalšne informacije</string>
<!-- %1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="preference_mozilla_telemetry_summary2">Mozilla se procujo, jano informacije gromaźiś, z kótarymiž móžomy %1$s za kuždego póbitowaś a pólěpšyś.</string>
<!-- In-app link (in settings) to Focus privacy notice. -->
<string name="preference_privacy_notice">Powěźeńka priwatnosći</string>
<!-- In-app link (in settings) to Focus licensing information. -->
<string name="preference_licensing_info">Licencne informacije</string>
<!-- Link to Focus licensing information from other libraries that we use. -->
<string name="preference_libraries_we_use">Biblioteki, kótarež wužywamy</string>
<!-- Open Source Licenses page title. The first parameter is the app name -->
<string name="open_source_licenses_title">%s | OSS-biblioteki</string>
<!-- Item in Preferences that shows the about page. Parameter 1 is the app name, i.e. Firefox Focus/Firefox Klar. -->
<string name="preference_about">Wó %1$s</string>
<!-- Header for the list of installed search engines -->
<string name="preference_search_installed_search_engines">Zainstalěrowane pytnice</string>
<!-- Header for the list of installed search engines -->
<string name="preference_choose_search_engine">Pytnicu wubraś</string>
<!-- Action for restoring the default list of search engines -->
<string name="preference_search_restore">Standardne pytnice wótnowiś</string>
<!-- Action for adding an additional search engine to the list.
The "+" is used to emphasize that this is an "add" action -->
<string name="preference_search_add2">+ Dalšnu pytnicu pśidaś</string>
<string name="preference_search_remove_title">Pytnice wótwónoźeś</string>
<string name="preference_search_remove">Wótwónoźeś</string>
<!-- Action for dding an additional search engine to the list -->
<string name="preference_search_add3">Dalšnu pytnicu pśidaś</string>
<!-- Explanation text above the list of search engines-->
<string name="preference_select_preferred_engine">Wubjeŕśo swóju nejlubšu pytnicu:</string>
<!-- Clickable action text that shows when user long-presses on a search engine search field (this is similar to paste or copy when long-pressing a text field) -->
<string name="action_option_add_search_engine">Pytnicu pśidaś</string>
<string name="search_add_manually_name_hint">Mě pytnice</string>
<string name="search_add_manually_string">Pytański wuraz, kótaryž ma se wužywaś</string>
<string name="search_add_manually_save">Składowaś</string>
<!-- Example of search engine url -->
<string name="search_add_manually_example">Pśikład:</string>
<string name="search_add_confirmation">Nowa pytnica jo se pśidała.</string>
<string name="search_add_error_empty_name">Mě pytnice zapódaś</string>
<string name="search_add_error_duplicate_name">Jo južo pytnica zainstalěrowana, kótaraž toś to mě wužywa.</string>
<string name="search_add_error_empty_search">Pytański wuraz zapódaś</string>
<string name="search_add_error_format">Pśeglědajśo, lěc pytański wuraz pśikładowemu formatoju wótpowědujo</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Clear text in URL bar -->
<string name="content_description_clear_input">Zapódaśe wuprozniś</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Clicking on the website overlay
while in typing mode will dismiss and go back to the browser. This text will be read when the
<string name="content_description_dismiss_input">Zachyśiś</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Erase button: Erase the browsing
history and go back to the home screen. -->
<string name="content_description_erase">Pśeglědowańsku historiju lašowaś</string>
<!-- If the user has multiple tabs open we will show an addition "floating action button" showing how many tabs are open.
This string is not displayed and read only by screenreaders. %1$s will be replaced with the number of open tabs. This
button will only be visible when there is more than one tab open (>= 2). -->
<string name="content_description_tab_counter">Wócynjone rejtarki: %1$s</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Lock icon showed in the URL bar for
https pages.. -->
<string name="content_description_lock">Wěsty zwisk</string>
<!-- This text is not visible. Instead it will be read by the accessibility service once we start
loading a website -->
<string name="accessibility_announcement_loading">Zacytanje</string>
<!-- This text is not visible. Instead it will be read by the accessibility service once we
finished loading a website -->
<string name="accessibility_announcement_loading_finished">Websedło jo se zacytało</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Three dot" menu button. -->
<string name="content_description_menu">Dalšne nastajenja</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Three dot" menu button used
on home screen-->
<string name="indicator_content_description_menu">Tocašk dalšnych nastajenjow</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate forward (browsing history) -->
<string name="content_description_forward">Doprědka</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Reload current website -->
<string name="content_description_reload">Websedło znowego zacytaś</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate back (browsing history) -->
<string name="content_description_back">Slědk</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Stop loading the current website. This button will turn into the refresh button once loading has been completed (see content_description_reload) -->
<string name="content_description_stop">Cytanje websedła zastajiś</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Custom Tab exit button - closes the custom tab and returns to the previous app. -->
<string name="content_description_customtab_exit">Slědk k pjerwjejšnemu nałoženjeju</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): This is the description for the ImageView in the menu that displays
the number of trackers blocked for the current session -->
<string name="content_description_trackers_blocked">Licba zablokěrowanych pśeslědowakow</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): This is the description for the switch in the menu that temporarily disables/enables
content blocking for the current session -->
<string name="content_description_blocking_switch">Pśeslědowaki blokěrowaś</string>
<string name="your_rights">Waše pšawa</string>
<string name="external_app_prompt_title">Wótkaz w drugem nałoženju wócyniś</string>
<!-- This string is shown when the user has clicked a link that needs to be opened in a different app.
Argument 2 is the external app name, argument 1 is our name (i.e. Firefox Focus, or Firefox Klar). -->
<string name="external_app_prompt">Móžośo %1$s spušćiś, aby toś ten wótkaz w %2$s wócynił.</string>
<!-- This text is the title of a dialog shown if no app could be found for a custom link protocol. -->
<string name="external_app_prompt_no_app_title">Nałoženje pytaś, kótarež móžo wótkaz wócyniś</string>
<!-- This text is shown in a dialog if no app could be found for a custom link protocol. %1$s is the name of the app (i.e. Firefox Focus) and %2$s is the name of
the app store installed on the device (usually that's Google Play). -->
<string name="external_app_prompt_no_app">Žedno z nałoženjow na wašom rěźe njamóžo toś ten wótkaz wócyniś. Móžośo %1$s spušćiś, aby %2$s za nałoženim pśepytował.</string>
<!-- This label is shown above a list of apps that can be used to open a given link -->
<string name="external_multiple_apps_matched_exit">Priwatny modus spušćiś?</string>
<!-- Snackbar that will be displayed after a download has completed. %1$s will be replaced with the file name. -->
<string name="download_snackbar_finished">%1$s dokóńcony</string>
<!-- Snackbar action to immediately open the successfully downloaded file. -->
<string name="download_snackbar_open">Wócyniś</string>
<!-- Snackbar that will be displayed after a website has been added to shortcuts. -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_shortcuts">Zwězanjam pśidane!</string>
<string name="error_hostLookup_title">Serwer njejo se namakał</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): This is the description for the close button from the new onboarding flow screen one and two -->
<string name="onboarding_close_button_content_description">Zacyniś</string>
<!-- New Onboarding flow first screen title -->
<!-- %1$s will be replaced by the app name and build variant(e.g. Firefox Focus, Firefox Klar Nightly) -->
<string name="onboarding_first_screen_title">Witajśo k %1$s</string>
<!-- New Onboarding flow first screen subtitle the one that appears under title -->
<string name="onboarding_first_screen_subtitle">Malsny. Priwatny. Žedne wótchylenja.</string>
<!-- New Onboarding flow first screen button label-->
<string name="onboarding_first_screen_button_text">Prědne kšace</string>
<!-- Onboarding second screen: Title -->
<!-- %1$s will be replaced by the app short name(Focus) -->
<string name="onboarding_second_screen_title">%1$s njejo ako druge wobglědowaki</string>
<!-- New Onboarding flow second screen subtitle the one that appears under title -->
<string name="onboarding_second_screen_subtitle_one">Lašujomy wašu historiju, gaž nałoženje za pśidatnu priwatnosć zacynjaśo.</string>
<!-- New Onboarding flow second screen subtitle two the one that appears under subtitle one -->
<!-- %1$s will be replaced by the app short name(Focus) -->
<string name="onboarding_second_screen_subtitle_two">Cyńśo %1$s k swójomu standardnemu wobglědowakoju, aby swóje daty z kuždym wótkazom, kótaryž wócynjaśo, šćitał.</string>
<!-- New Onboarding flow second screen make Focus default browser button label-->
<string name="onboarding_second_screen_default_browser_button_text">Ako standardny wobglědowak nastajiś</string>
<!-- New Onboarding flow second screen skip onboarding button label-->
<string name="onboarding_second_screen_skip_button_text">Pśeskócyś</string>
<!-- First run tour (Default browser): Title -->
<string name="firstrun_defaultbrowser_title">Zmocniśo swóju priwatnosć</string>
<!-- First run tour (Default browser): Text. -->
<string name="firstrun_defaultbrowser_text2">Zwigniśo priwatne pśeglědowanje na pśiducu wušu rowninu. Blokěrujśo wabjenje a hynakše wopśimjeśe, kótarež móžośo pśez sedła slědowaś a zacyitańske case bokow pódlejšyś.</string>
<!-- First run tour (Search): Title -->
<string name="firstrun_search_title">Wašo pytanje ako wy jo cośo</string>
<!-- First run tour (Search): Text -->
<string name="firstrun_search_text">Pytaśo za něcym drugim? Wubjeŕśo drugu standardnu pytnicu w nastajenjach.</string>
<!-- First run tour (Shortcut): Title -->
<string name="firstrun_shortcut_title">Pśidajśo swójej startowej wobrazowce tastowe skrotconki</string>
<!-- First run tour (Shortcut): Text. %1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="firstrun_shortcut_text">Wrośćo se malsnjej k swójim nejlubšym sedłam w %1$s. Wubjeŕśo jadnorje „Startowej wobrazowce pśidaś“ z menija %1$s.</string>
<!-- First run tour (Privacy): Title -->
<string name="firstrun_privacy_title">Pśiwucćo se priwatnosć</string>
<!-- First run tour (Privacy): Text. %1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="firstrun_privacy_text">Nastajśo %1$s ako swój standardny wobglědowak a mějśo wužytk z priwatnego pśeglědowanja, gaž webboki z drugich nałoženjow wócynjaśo.</string>
<string name="firstrun_close_button">W pórěźe, som zrozměł!</string>
<string name="firstrun_skip_button">Pśeskócyś</string>
<string name="firstrun_next_button">Dalej</string>
<!-- Indicator that no trackers are being blocked because content blocking is disabled; normally shows the number of blocked trackers -->
<string name="content_blocking_disabled">-</string>
<!-- Label of the action that will add the current website to the home screen (shown in the confirmation dialog). -->
<string name="dialog_addtohomescreen_action_add">Pśidaś</string>
<!-- Label of the action that will add the current website to the home screen (shown in the confirmation dialog). -->
<string name="dialog_addtohomescreen_action_yes">JO</string>
<!-- Label of the action that will close the dialog and not add anything to the home screen (shown in the confirmation dialog). -->
<string name="dialog_addtohomescreen_action_cancel">Pśetergnuś</string>
<!-- Label of the action that will close the dialog and not add anything to the home screen (shown in the confirmation dialog). -->
<string name="dialog_addtohomescreen_action_no">NĚ</string>
<!-- When enhanced tracking protection is disabled for the current session then we will show this warning in the "Add to home screen" dialog to
let the user know that the shortcut will always be opened with enhanced tracking protection disabled. -->
<string name="dialog_addtohomescreen_tracking_protection2">Zwězanje se ze znjemóžnjonym pólěpšonym šlědowańskim šćitom wócynijo</string>
<!-- The user visible name of the "notification channel" (Android 8+ feature) for the ongoing notification shown while a browsing session is active.
The recommended maximum length is 40 characters; the value may be truncated if it is too long.
* To understand what notification channels are, see:
* To see how this string will look like in Android's UI, see:
<string name="notification_browsing_session_channel_name">Priwatne pósejźenje</string>
<!-- The user visible description of the "notification channel" (Android 8+ feature) for the ongoing notification shown while a browsing session is active.
The recommended maximum length is 300 characters; the value may be truncated if it is too long. %1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus).
* To understand what notification channels are, see:
* To see how this string will look like in Android's UI, see:
<string name="notification_browsing_session_channel_description">Powěźeńki wam zmóžnjaju, waše pósejźenje %1$s z dotyknjenim wulašowaś. Njetrjebaśo nałoženje wócyniś abo glědaś, což we wašom wobglědowaku běžy.</string>
<!-- Label for a button in the "tabs tray" to erase the browsing history (closes all tabs and removes associated data). -->
<string name="tabs_tray_action_erase">Pśeglědowańsku historiju wulašowaś</string>
<!-- If the user decides to open the current page in another browser and if Firefox is not installed then we show this
item in the list of browsers. Clicking it will open the app store installed on the device (usually that's Google Play). -->
<string name="download_firefox">Firefox ześěgnuś</string>
<!-- Text shown in the "Your rights" screen.
%1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus)-->
<string name="your_rights_content1"><![CDATA[%1$s jo dermotna software wótwórjonego žrědła wót Mozilla a drugich sobustatkujucych.]]></string>
<!-- Text shown in the "Your rights" screen.
%1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus)
%2$s will be replaced with a URL linking to the MPL (e.g. -->
<string name="your_rights_content2"><![CDATA[%1$s so pód wuměnjenjami licence <a href="%2$s">Mozilla Public License</a> a drugimi licencami wótwórjonego žrědła k dispoziciji staja.]]></string>
<!-- Text shown in the "Your rights" screen.
%1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus)
%2$s will be replaced with a URL linking to the trademark policy (e.g. -->
<string name="your_rights_content3"><![CDATA[Njedaju wam žedne pšawa abo licence na wikowych markow załožby Mozilla Foundation abo tśeśich, inkluziwnje mjenja abo loga Mozilla, Firefox abo %1$s. Dalšne informacije namakajośo <a href="%2$s">how</a>.]]></string>
<!-- Text shown in the "Your rights" screen.
%1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus)
%2$s will be replaced with a URL linking to the list of licenses used by the dependencies.-->
<string name="your_rights_content4"><![CDATA[Pśidatny žrědłowy kod za %1$s jo pód wšakich drugich lichych <a href="%2$s">licencach</a> wótwórjonego žrědła k dispoziciji.]]></string>
<!-- Text shown in the "Your rights" screen.
%1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus)
%2$s will be replaced with a URL linking to the GPL
%3$s will be replaced with a URL linking to the tracking protection wiki page (e.g. -->
<string name="your_rights_content5"><![CDATA[%1$s teke blokěrowańske lisćiny póbitowane wót Disconnect, Inc. ako separatne a njewótwisne źěła pód licencu <a href="%2$s">General Public Licence v3</a> wužywa, kótarež su <a href="%3$s">how</a> k dispoziciji.]]></string>
<!-- Text shown in prompts for GeckoView -->
<string name="gv_prompt_username_hint">Wužywarske mě</string>
<string name="gv_prompt_password_hint">Gronidło</string>
<string name="gv_prompt_clear">Wuprozniś</string>
<!-- Text shown in Security Information Popup -->
<!-- Text to denote secure or insecure connection -->
<string name="security_popup_secure_connection">Wěsty zwisk</string>
<string name="security_popup_insecure_connection">Njewěsty zwisk</string>
<!-- %1$s will be replaced with organization that granted the SSL certificate -->
<string name="security_popup_security_verified">Pśeglědany wót: %1$s</string>
<!-- Content Description of Security Icon in toolbar -->
<string name="site_security_icon_content_description">Sedłowa wěstota</string>
<string name="preference_autocomplete_duplicate_url_error">URL južo eksistěrujo</string>
<!-- Label for the Find in page button -->
<string name="find_in_page">Na boku pytaś</string>
<!-- Watermark/Hint for the find in page input field -->
<string name="find_in_page_input">Na boku pytaś</string>
<!-- String to show the number of results found in the page and the
position the user is at. The first argument is the position, the second argument is the total -->
<string name="find_in_page_result">%1$d/%2$d</string>
<!-- String to be read by the accessibility service presenting the number of results found in the page
and the position the user is at. The first argument is the position, the second argument is the total -->
<string name="accessibility_find_in_page_result">%1$d z %2$d</string>
<!-- String to be read by the accessibility service when focusing the next result button -->
<string name="accessibility_next_result">Pśiducy wuslědk namakaś</string>
<!-- String to be read by the accessibility service when focusing the previous result button -->
<string name="accessibility_previous_result">Pjerwjejšny wuslědk namakaś</string>
<!-- String to be read by the accessibility service when focusing the dismiss button in the "find in page" UI -->
<string name="accessibility_dismiss_find_in_page">Na boku pytaś znjemóžniś</string>
<!-- Checkbox menu item text to request desktop site -->
<string name="preference_performance_request_desktop_site">Desktopowe sedło pominaś</string>
<!-- Checkbox menu item text to request desktop site -->
<string name="preference_performance_request_desktop_site2">Desktopowe sedło</string>
<!-- Displayed after a user long presses on the URL in a custom tab to copy the URL -->
<string name="custom_tab_copy_url_action">URL jo kopěrowany</string>
<!-- Description of what a user may find in the Advanced Setting category, used for debugging -->
<string name="preference_advanced_summary">Wuwijarske rědy</string>
<!-- Preference for open links in third party apps -->
<string name="preferences_open_links_in_apps">Wótkaze w nałoženjach wócyniś</string>
<!-- Title of Advanced Setting category -->
<string name="preference_category_advanced">Rozšyrjone</string>
<!-- Preference for site permissions -->
<string name="preference_site_permissions">Sedłowe pšawa</string>
<!-- Preference for cookie banner. The name of the item from settings screen and the title of the cookie banner screen. -->
<string name="preferences_cookie_banner">Reducěrowanje cookiejowych chórgojow</string>
<!-- Preference summary for the cookie banner. If the cookie banner option is not disabled. -->
<string name="preferences_cookie_banner_summary_on">Zašaltowany</string>
<!-- Preference summary for the cookie banner. If the cookie banner option is disabled. -->
<string name="preferences_cookie_banner_summary_off">Wušaltowany</string>
<!-- Title preference inside Cookie banner reduction screen. Here you can set the cookie banner option to disabled or reject_all. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_reject_all_option_title">Reducěrowanje cookiejowych chórgojow</string>
<!-- Preference summary inside Cookie banner reduction screen. Here you can set the cookie banner option to disabled or reject_all. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_reject_all_option_summary">Wótpokažćo cookiejowe napšašowanja, aby mjenjej chórgojow wiźeł, jolic móžno.</string>
<!-- Preference for removing cookie/consent banners from sites automatically, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle. -->--&gt;
<string name="cookie_banner_exception_item_title">Reducěrowanje cookiejowych chórgojow</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is on this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_exception_item_description_state_on">Za toś to sedło ZMÓŽNJONY</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie reducer is not supported on the current site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_exception_site_not_supported">Sedło se tuchylu njepódpěra</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is off this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_exception_item_description_state_off">Za toś to sedło ZNJEMÓŽNJONY</string>
<!-- Preference for removing cookie/consent banners from sites automatically, this is shown when the user enters in details after he clicks on the item from protection panel. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_exception_panel_switch_title">Reducěrowanje cookiejowych chórgojow</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is off this site, this is shown when the user enters in details after he clicks on the item from protection panel. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_exception_panel_switch_state_off">Za toś to sedło ZNJEMÓŽNJONY</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is on this site, this is shown when the user enters in details after he clicks on the item from protection panel. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_exception_panel_switch_state_on">Za toś to sedło ZMÓŽNJONY</string>
<!-- Title text for a detail explanation indicating cookie banner handling is on this site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is a shortened URL of the current site. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_exception_panel_title_state_on_for_site">Reducěrowanje cookiejowych chórgojow za %1$s zmóžniś?</string>
<!-- Title text for a detail explanation indicating cookie banner handling is off this site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is a shortened URL of the current site. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_exception_panel_title_state_off_for_site">Reducěrowanje cookiejowych chórgojow za %1$s znjemóžniś?</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The placeholder will be updated with the app name. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_exception_panel_description_state_on_for_site">%1$s cookieje sedła lašujo a buźo bok aktualizěrowaś. Lašowanje wšych cookiejow móžo was pśizjawiś abo nakupowańske wózyki wuprozniś.</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is off for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The placeholder will be updated with the app name. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_exception_panel_description_state_off_for_site2">%1$s móžo wopytaś, cookiejowe napšašowanja awtomatiski wótpokazaś.</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating that cookie banner reduction is not supported for the current site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_exception_panel_description_site_is_not_supported">Toś to sedło se tuchylu pśez redukciju cookiejowych chórgojow. Cośo naš team pšosyś, toś to websedło pśeglědowaś a pomoc w pśichoźe pśidaś?</string>
<!-- Text for cancel button indicating that cookie banner reduction is not supported for the current site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_exception_panel_site_is_not_supported_cancel_button">Pśetergnuś</string>
<!-- Text for request support button indicating that cookie banner reduction is not supported for the current site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_exception_panel_site_is_not_supported_request_support_button">Pomoc póžedaś</string>
<!-- Label for the snackBar, after the user reports with success a website where cookie banner reducer did not work -->
<string name="cookie_banner_report_a_site_snackbar_label">Napšašowanje na sedło pomocy jo se wótpósłało.</string>
<!-- Label for cookie banner item from tracking protection, after the user reports with success a website where cookie banner reducer did not work -->
<string name="cookie_banner_the_site_was_reported">Napšašowanje na sedło pomocy jo se wótpósłało.</string>
<!-- Contextual Feature Recommendation Popups -->
<!-- CFR for Cookie Banner (Banner Info Message). %1$s will be replaced by the app name, %2$s will be an active link using the string cfr_cookie_banner_link as text. -->
<string name="cfr_cookie_banner">%1$s wopytujo, cookiejowe napšašowanja wótpokazowaś, aby njepśigódne cookiejowe chórgoji zachyśił.\n\nZastojśo nastajenja cookiejowych chórgojow w %2$s.</string>
<!-- CFR for Cookie Banner (Banner Info Message). This string is used as text for a link in cfr_cookie_banner and takes the user to the app settings. -->
<string name="cfr_cookie_banner_link">nastajenja</string>
<!-- Preference for autoplay -->
<string name="preference_autoplay">Awtomatiske wótgraśe</string>
<!-- Heading for the instructions to allow a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_intro">Aby to dowólił:</string>
<!-- First step for the allowing a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_settings">1. Źiśo k nastajenjam Android</string>
<!-- Second step for the allowing a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_permissions"><![CDATA[2. Pótusniśo zapisk <b>Berechtigungen</b> (Pšawa)]]></string>
<!-- Button label that take the user to the Android App setting -->
<string name="phone_feature_go_to_settings">K nastajenjam</string>
<!-- Third step for allowing a permission. The placeholder will be updated by, for example, "Camera" -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_feature"><![CDATA[3. Zašaltujśo <b>%1$s</b>]]></string>
<!-- Preference for altering the camera access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_camera">Kamera</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the microphone access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_microphone">Mikrofon</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the location access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_location">Městno</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the notification access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_notification">Powěźeńka</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the EME access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_media_key_system_access">Wopśimjeśe wóźone pśez DRM</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be asked always -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_ask_to_allow">Wó dowólnosć se pšašaś</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be blocked -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_blocked">Blokěrowany</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be allowed -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_allowed">Dowólony</string>
<!--Label that indicates a permission is by the Android OS-->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_by_android">Pśez Android zablokěrowany</string>
<!-- Preference for allow autoplay audio and video-->
<string name="preference_allow_audio_video_autoplay">Awdio a wideo dowóliś</string>
<!-- Preference for block autoplay audio only-->
<string name="preference_block_autoplay_audio_only">Jano awdio blokěrowaś</string>
<!-- Preference summary for block autoplay audio only-->
<string name="preference_block_autoplay_audio_only_summary">Dopórucone</string>
<!-- Preference for block autoplay audio and video-->
<string name="preference_block_autoplay_audio_video">Awdio a wideo blokěrowaś</string>
<!-- Preference for studies -->
<string name="preference_studies">Studije</string>
<!-- Preference for studies summary-->
<string name="preference_studies_summary">Firefox móžo wótergi studije instalěrowaś a pśewjasć.</string>
<!-- Learn more link for studies, links to an article for more information about studies. -->
<string name="studies_learn_more">Dalšne informacije</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown when some changes are made on studies -->
<string name="studies_restart_app">Nałoženje se skóńcyjo, aby se změny wustatkowali</string>
<!-- Title of the remove studies button -->
<string name="studies_remove">Wótwónoźeś</string>
<!-- Title of the active section on the studies list -->
<string name="studies_active">Aktiwny</string>
<!-- Title of the completed section on the studies list -->
<string name="studies_completed">Dokóńcone</string>
<!-- Preference to enable remote debugging of the app via USB or Wi-Fi -->
<string name="preference_remote_debugging">Daloke pytanje zmólkow pśez USB/WLAN</string>
<!-- Text Button for show biometric prompt -->
<string name="show_biometric_button_text">Wótwóriś</string>
<!-- Title text for biometric prompt pop-up -->
<string name="biometric_prompt_title">Wobkšuśćo z pomocu swójogo palcowego wótśišća</string>
<!-- Subtitle text for biometric prompt pop-up -->
<string name="biometric_prompt_subtitle">Móžośo swój palcowy wótśišć, aby z aktualnem pósejźenim swójogo nałoženja pókšacował.</string>
<!-- Button for the fingerprint authentication dialog box that is shown to the user when sharing a link to the app
while the user has biometric authentication enabled. When pressed, the user's previous session is cleared, and the shared link is opened. -->
<string name="biometric_auth_open_link_new_session">Wótkaz w nowem pósejźenju wócyniś</string>
<!-- Description for the fingerprint authentication image. Used for accessibility purposes. -->
<string name="biometric_auth_image_description">Symbol palcowego wótśišća</string>
<!-- Error text displayed when the user's fingerprint cannot be recognized upon re-entering the app.
This is displayed during the authentication flow as the app launches. -->
<string name="biometric_auth_not_recognized_error">Palcowy wótśišć njejo se spóznał. Wopytajśo hyšći raz.</string>
<!-- Error text displayed when the user's fingerprint moved too quickly upon re-entering the app
This is displayed during the authentication flow as the app launches.-->
<string name="biometric_auth_moved_too_quickly">Palc jo se pśemalsnje gibnuł. Wopytajśo hyšći raz.</string>
<!-- Title for the prompt to enable search suggestions -->
<string name="enable_search_suggestion_title2">Pytańske naraźenja pokazaś?</string>
<!-- Description for the prompt to enable search suggestions
%1$s will be replaced by the app name (e.g. Firefox Focus) -->
<string name="enable_search_suggestion_description">Aby naraźenja dostał, musy %1$s wopśimjeśe, kótaryž sćo zapódał do adresowego póla, na pytnicu słaś.</string>
<!-- Label used for the "NO button" for the prompt to enable search suggestions -->
<string name="enable_search_suggestions_no">Ně</string>
<!-- Label used for the "YES button" for the prompt to enable search suggestions -->
<string name="enable_search_suggestions_yes">Jo</string>
<!-- Message displayed when using a search engine that doesn't provide suggestions -->
<string name="no_suggestions_message">Někotare pytnice njamógu naraźenja pokazaś.</string>
<!-- Button to dismiss the message displayed when using a search engine that doesn't provide suggestions-->
<string name="dismiss_no_suggestions_prompt_button">Zachyśiś</string>
<!-- Tips displayed on the home view -->
<!-- Tip displayed on home view explaining how to disable tracking protection
The new line here must be kept as the second half of the string is clickable for the user. -->
<string name="tip_disable_tracking_protection">Sedło se na njewócakowanu wašnju zaźaržy?\nWopytajśo slědowański šćit znjemóžniś</string>
<!-- Tip displayed on home view explaining how to add sites to homescreen
Argument 1 will be replaced with a line break in the application.-->
<string name="tip_add_to_homescreen"><![CDATA[Pśistup k sedłam, ku kótarymž nejcesćej woglědujośo, z jadnym dotyknjenim%1$s Meni > Startowej wobrazowce pśidaś]]></string>
<!-- Tip displayed on home view explaining how to make Focus the default browser
Argument 1 is the app name (Firefox Focus/Firefox Klar/etc).
The new line here must be kept as the second half of the string is clickable for the user. -->
<string name="tip_set_default_browser">Kuždy wótkaz w %1$s wócyniś\n%1$s ako standardny wobglědowak nastajiś</string>
<!-- Tip displayed on home view explaining how to add a custom autocomplete URL
The new line here must be kept as the second half of the string is clickable for the user. -->
<string name="tip_autocomplete_url">URL za sedła, ku kótarymž se nejcesćej woglědujośo, awtomatiski wudopołniś\nTłocćo dłujko na URL w adresowem pólu</string>
<!-- Tip displayed on home view explaining how to add a custom autocomplete URL
The new line here must be kept as the second half of the string is clickable for the user. -->
<string name="tip_open_in_new_tab">Wótkaz w nowem rejtarku wócyniś\nTłocćo dłujko na wótkaz na boku</string>
<!-- Tip displayed on home view explaining how to add a custom autocomplete URL -->
<string name="tip_disable_tips2">Tipy na startowej wobrazowce znjemóžniś</string>
<!-- Label for the snackbar when a user opens a new tab -->
<string name="new_tab_opened_snackbar">Nowy rejtark jo se wócynił</string>
<!-- Label for the button in the snackbar that switches to the newly opened tab -->
<string name="open_new_tab_snackbar">Pśešaltowaś</string>
<!-- Text displayed in a notification when the user enters full screen mode -->
<string name="full_screen_notification">Połna wobrazowka se pokazujo</string>
<!-- Preference for switching to a new tab immediately after opening -->
<string name="preference_open_new_tab">Ned k wótkazoju w nowem rejtarku pśejś</string>
<!-- Preference title for safe browsing which when enabled, blocks dangerous or deceptive webpages that may include phishing or malware -->
<string name="preference_safe_browsing_title">Ptencielnje tšašne a wobšudnikojske sedła blokěrowaś</string>
<!-- Preference summary for safe browsing which when enabled, blocks dangerous or deceptive webpages that may include phishing or malware -->
<string name="preference_safe_browsing_summary">Blokěrujśo wuzjawjone wobšudnikojske a napadowe sedła, škódne sedła a sedła z njewitaneju softwaru.</string>
<!-- Title of the preference to enable "HTTPS-Only" mode -->
<string name="preference_https_only_title">Modus Jano-HTTPS</string>
<!-- Description of the preference to enable "HTTPS-Only" mode. -->
<string name="preference_https_only_summary3">Wopytujo z pomocu koděrowańskego protokola HTTPS za pówušonu wěstotu awtomatiski ze sedłami zwězaś.</string>
<!-- Preference for exceptions tracking protection -->
<string name="preference_exceptions">Wuwześa</string>
<!-- Description for the exceptions preference screen-->
<string name="preference_exceptions_description">Sćo znjemóžnił blokěrowanje wopśimjeśa za toś te sedła.</string>
<!-- Menu item to remove existing exceptions. -->
<string name="preference_exceptions_menu_remove">Wótwónoźeś</string>
<!-- Button to remove all websites from the exception list -->
<string name="preference_exceptions_remove_all_button_label">Wšykne sedła wótwónoźeś</string>
<!-- Title for Preference screen for cookie blocking for exceptions tracking protection -->
<string name="preference_block_cookies_title">Cookieje blokěrowaś</string>
<!-- Message for Preference screen for cookie blocking for exceptions tracking protection -->
<string name="preference_category_block_cookies">Cośo cookieje blokěrowaś?</string>
<!-- Title for the tab crash report screen-->
<string name="tab_crash_report_title">Rejtark jo wowalił</string>
<!-- Headline for the tab crash report screen -->
<string name="tab_crash_report_headline">Bóžko mamy problem z toś tym rejtarkom.</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the tab crash report screen -->
<string name="tab_crash_report_description">Ako priwatny wobglědowak njeskładujomy nigda a njamóžomy toś ten rejtark wótnowiś.</string>
<!-- Label for button to close the tab-->
<string name="tab_crash_report_close_tab_button_label">Rejtark zacyniś</string>
<!-- Label for the checkbox to send the tab crash report to Mozilla -->
<string name="crash_report_send_crash_label">Mozilla rozpšawu wowalenja pósłaś</string>
<!-- Tracking protection bottom sheet -->
<!-- Label for the total number of trackers blocked. %s represents the app install date -->
<string name="trackers_count_note">Pśeslědowaki su zablokěrowane wót %s</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (content) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="content">Wopśimjeśe</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (advertising) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="advertising">Wabjenje</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (social media) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="social">Socialne seśi</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (analytics) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="analytics">Analytika</string>
<!-- Preference title for enhanced tracking protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection">Pólěpšony slědowański šćit</string>
<!-- Enhanced tracking protection preference description when the tracking protection is disabled for this site-->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_state_off">Šćit jo znjemóžnjony za toś to sedło</string>
<!-- Enhanced tracking protection preference description when the tracking protection is enabled for this site-->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_state_on">Šćit jo zmóžnjony za toś to sedło</string>
<!-- Label that indicates a site is using a secure connection -->
<string name="secure_connection">Zwisk jo wěsty</string>
<!-- Label that indicates a site is using a insecure connection -->
<string name="insecure_connection">Zwisk njejo wěsty</string>
<!-- Title for the list of trackers enhanced tracking ptotection can block-->
<string name="trackers_and_scripts">Pśeslědowaki a skripty, kótarež se maju blokěrowaś</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate back button description -->
<string name="go_back">Slědk hyś</string>
<!-- Top Sites -->
<!-- Text for the menu button to remove a top site -->
<string name="remove_top_site">Wótwónoźeś</string>
<!-- Text for the menu item to remove a top site -->
<string name="rename_top_site_item">Pśemjeniś</string>
<!-- Text for the dialog title for renaming a top site -->
<string name="rename_top_site">Pśemjeniś</string>
<!-- Placeholder text for the input field of rename top site-->
<string name="placeholder_rename_top_site">Mě zwězanja</string>
<!-- Text for context menu additional note.
%1$s is a placeholder for the app name. -->
<string name="contextmenu_erased_images_note2">Skłaźone a źělone wobraze &lt;b&gt;se nje&lt;/b&gt;wulašuju, gaž historiju %1$s lašujośo.</string>
<!-- Theme Preferences -->
<!-- Preference category for changing default theme to dark or light mode -->
<string name="preferences_theme">Drastwa</string>
<!-- Preference for using light theme -->
<string name="preference_light_theme">Swětły</string>
<!-- Preference for using dark theme -->
<string name="preference_dark_theme">Śamny</string>
<!-- Preference for using using dark or light theme automatically set by battery -->
<string name="preference_auto_battery_theme">Pó zažarjeńskich nastajenjach baterije</string>
<!-- Preference for using following device theme -->
<string name="preference_follow_device_theme">Na rědowu drastwu źiwaś</string>
<!-- The title of the error page for websites that do not support HTTPS when HTTPS-Only is turned on -->
<string name="errorpage_httpsonly_title2">Toś to sedło HTTPS njepódpěra</string>
<!-- The text of the error page for websites that do not support HTTPS when HTTPS-Only is turned on. %1$s will get replaced with the name of the app (e.g. "Firefox Focus").
Contains a button that will redirect the user to Privacy & Security Screen-->
<string name="errorpage_httpsonly_message2"><![CDATA[%1$s wópytujo HTTPS-zwisk wužywaś, gažkuli jo móžno za wěstotu.
<a href="%2$s">Dalšne informacije</a> <br/><br/>
Změńśo toś to nastajenje w Nastajenja > Priwatnosć a wěstota > Wěstota.]]></string>
<!-- The document title and heading of the error page shown when a website has an invalid or expired SSL certificate. -->
<string name="mozac_browser_errorpages_security_bad_cert_title">Zwisk njejo wěsty</string>
<!-- The error message shown when a website has an invalid or expired SSL certificate. -->
<string name="mozac_browser_errorpages_security_bad_cert_message"><![CDATA[
To mógło problem z konfiguraciju serwera byś, abo něchten wopytujo, serwer imitěrowaś. <br/><br/>
Jolic sćo był w zajźonosći ze serwerom wuspěšnje zwězany, móžo zmólka nachylna byś.
<!-- The advanced certificate information shown when a website has an invalid SSL certificate. The %1$s will be replaced by the app name and %2$s will be replaced by website URL. It's only shown when a website has an invalid SSL certificate. -->
<string name="mozac_browser_errorpages_security_bad_cert_techInfo"><![CDATA[
<label>Něchten mógał wopytaś, sedło za swójo wudaś, a pókšacowanje mógło riskantne byś.</label>
<label>%1$s <b>%2$s</b> njedowěri, dokulaž jogo certifikatowy wudawaŕ jo njeznaty, certifkat jo sebjesigněrowany abo serwer korektne mjazycertifikaty njesćelo.</label>
<!-- Sessions List -->
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Button that closes a tab n the sessions list -->
<string name="close_tab">Rejtarik zacyniś</string>
<!-- Contextual Feature Recommendation Popups -->
<!-- CFR for Toolbar Shield Icon (Banner Info Message) -->
<string name="cfr_for_toolbar_shield_icon2">Załapjone! Smy zajźowali sedłoju was wusnuchliś. Pótusniśo kuždy cas šćita, aby wiźeł, což my blokěrujomy.</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Button that closes the CFR popup -->
<string name="cfr_close_button_description">Wuskokujuce wokno zacyniś</string>
<!-- Tool Tip for: Privacy and Security Settings Screen task : -->
<!-- Tool Tip Title -->
<string name="tool_tip_title">Sćo šćitany!</string>
<!-- Tool Tip Message -->
<string name="tool_tip_message">Toś te standardne nastajenja mócny šćit póbituju. Ale jo lažko, nastajenja wašym specifiskim pótrjebam pśiměriś.</string>
<!-- Tool Tip "X" button Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.) :Button that closes the tool tip -->
<string name="tool_tip_dismiss_button_content_description">Zachyśiś</string>
<!-- CFR for Toolbar Delete Icon (Banner Info Message) -->
<string name="cfr_for_toolbar_delete_icon2">Pótusniśo how, aby wšykno do papjernika pśesunuł – historiju, cookieje, wšykno – a startujśo znowego na nowem rejtariku.</string>
<!-- Promote SearchWidget Dialog -->
!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): This is the description for
picture of search widget from promote search widget dialog. --&gt;
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): This is the description for the
close button from promote search widget dialog. -->
<string name="promote_search_widget_dialog_content_description">Zacyniś</string>
!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): This is the description for
picture of search widget from promote search widget dialog. --&gt;
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): This is the description for
picture of search widget from promote search widget dialog. -->
<string name="promote_search_widget_dialog_picture_content_description">Pytański asistent</string>
!-- This is the title of promote search widget dialog. --&gt;
<!-- This is the title of promote search widget dialog. -->
<string name="promote_search_widget_dialog_title">Pśeglědowańska historija jo se wulašowała! 🎉</string>
!-- This is the subtitle of promote search widget dialog. %1$s will get replaced with the name
of the app (e.g. &quot;Focus&quot;) --&gt;
<!-- Banner Info Message than will appear when user first enters in the app. The location is at the toolbar. -->
<string name="cfr_for_start_browsing">Zachopśo swóje priwatne pśeglědowańske pósejźenje a my buźomy pśeslědowaki a druge škódne elementy pśi toś tej góźbje blokěrowaś.</string>
!-- This is the subtitle of promote search widget dialog. %1$s will get replaced with the name
of the app (e.g. &quot;Focus&quot;) --&gt;
<!-- This is the subtitle of promote search widget dialog. %1$s will get replaced with the name
of the app (e.g. "Focus") -->
<string name="promote_search_widget_dialog_subtitle">Pśewóstajijomy wašomu priwatnemu modusoju, ale startujśo pśiducy raz malsnjej z asistentom %1$s na swójej startowej wobrazowce.</string>
<!-- This is te text from add search widget to home screen button .The button is located on
promote search widget dialog. -->
<string name="promote_search_widget_button_text">Asistent startowej wobrazowce pśidaś</string>
!-- This is te text of the snackbar that appears after the search widget was added successfully
to the home screen. --&gt;
<!-- This is te text of the snackbar that appears after the search widget was added successfully
to the home screen. -->
<string name="promote_search_widget_snackbar_message">Asistent jo se pśidał startowej wobrazowce</string>