Name Description Size
AppAction.kt An [Action] to be dispatched on the [AppStore]. 3345
AppReducer.kt Reducer creating a new [AppState] for dispatched [AppAction]s. 10729
AppState.kt Global state of the application. @property screen The currently displayed screen. @property topSites The list of [TopSite] to display on the Home screen. @property sitePermissionOptionChange A flag which reflects the state of site permission rules, whether they have been updated or not @property secretSettingsEnabled A flag which reflects the state of debug secret settings @property showEraseTabsCfr A flag which reflects the state erase tabs CFR @property showStartBrowsingTabsCfr A flag which reflects the state of start browsing CFR @property showSearchWidgetSnackbar A flag which reflects the state of search widget snackbar @property showCookieBannerCfr A flag witch reflects the state of cookie banner CFR 3938
AppStore.kt A [Store] keeping track of the global app state. 443