Name Description Size
DefaultLanguageScreenInteractor.kt 604
Language.kt Data class for Language that comes from the LanguageStorage @param displayName of the Language the will be shown in the GUI @param tag of the Language that will be saved in SharePref if the element is selected @param index of the Language in the list .It is used for auto-scrolling to the current selected Language 667
LanguageFragment.kt 4336
LanguageListItem.kt Data class for the LanguageListItem that goes to the compose ListView @param language item to be display in ListView @param onClick Callback when the user taps on Language Item 538
LanguageMiddleware.kt The initial LanguageScreenState when the user enters first in the screen 2653
LanguageScreenStore.kt The state of the language selection screen @property languageList The full list of languages available @property selectedLanguage The current selected language 2375
LanguageStorage.kt Returns the current selected Language object or System default Language if nothing is selected 3303
LocaleDescriptor.kt 4985
LocaleFragmentCompose.kt Displays a list of Languages in a listView @param languageListItems The list of Languages items to be displayed. @param state the current Selected Language @param listState scrolls to the current selected Language 5852