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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.focus.ext
import androidx.annotation.StringRes
import org.mozilla.focus.Components
import org.mozilla.focus.activity.MainActivity
* Get the components of this application or null if this Fragment is not attached to a Context.
val Fragment.components: Components?
get() = context?.components
* Get the components of this application.
* This method will throw an exception if this Fragment is not attached to a Context.
val Fragment.requireComponents: Components
get() = requireContext().components
* Get the preference key.
* @param preferenceId Resource ID from preference_keys
fun Fragment.getPreferenceKey(@StringRes preferenceId: Int): String = getString(preferenceId)
* Displays the toolbar with the given [title] if the parent activity
* can be casted to [AppCompatActivity] and [MainActivity]
fun Fragment.showToolbar(title: String) {
(requireActivity() as? AppCompatActivity)?.title = title
(requireActivity() as? MainActivity)?.getToolbar()?.show()
* Hides the activity toolbar if the fragment is attached to an [AppCompatActivity].
fun Fragment.hideToolbar() {
(requireActivity() as? AppCompatActivity)?.supportActionBar?.hide()