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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:tools="" xmlns:moz="">
<!-- App name for private browsing mode. The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix)-->
<string name="app_name_private_5">የግል %s</string>
<!-- App name for private browsing mode. The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix)-->
<string name="app_name_private_4">%s (የግል)</string>
<!-- Home Fragment -->
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Three dot" menu button. -->
<string name="content_description_menu">ተጨማሪ አማራጮች</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Private Browsing" menu button. -->
<string name="content_description_private_browsing_button">የግል አሰሳን አንቃ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Private Browsing" menu button. -->
<string name="content_description_disable_private_browsing_button">የግል አሰሳን አሰናክል</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the search bar before a user enters text for the default engine -->
<string name="search_hint">አድራሻ ይፈልጉ ወይም ያስገቡ</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the search bar before a user enters text for a general engine -->
<string name="search_hint_general_engine">ድሩን ይፈልጉ</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in search bar when using history search -->
<string name="history_search_hint">የፍለጋ ታሪክ</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in search bar when using bookmarks search -->
<string name="bookmark_search_hint">እልባቶችን ፈልግ</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in search bar when using tabs search -->
<string name="tab_search_hint">ትሮችን ፈልግ</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the search bar when using application search engines -->
<string name="application_search_hint">የፍለጋ ቃላትን አስገባ</string>
<!-- No Open Tabs Message Description -->
<string name="no_open_tabs_description">የእርስዎ ክፍት ትሮች እዚህ ይታያሉ።</string>
<!-- No Private Tabs Message Description -->
<string name="no_private_tabs_description">የእርስዎ የግል ትሮች እዚህ ይታያሉ።</string>
<!-- Tab tray multi select title in app bar. The first parameter is the number of tabs selected -->
<string name="tab_tray_multi_select_title">%1$d ተመርጧል</string>
<!-- Label of button in create collection dialog for creating a new collection -->
<string name="tab_tray_add_new_collection">አዲስ ስብስብ ያክሉ</string>
<!-- Label of editable text in create collection dialog for naming a new collection -->
<string name="tab_tray_add_new_collection_name">ስም</string>
<!-- Label of button in save to collection dialog for selecting a current collection -->
<string name="tab_tray_select_collection">ስብስብ ይምረጡ</string>
<!-- Content description for close button while in multiselect mode in tab tray -->
<string name="tab_tray_close_multiselect_content_description">ከብዙ ምርጫ ሁነታ ውጣ</string>
<!-- Content description for save to collection button while in multiselect mode in tab tray -->
<string name="tab_tray_collection_button_multiselect_content_description">የተመረጡ ትሮችን ወደ ስብስብ ያስቀምጡ</string>
<!-- Content description on checkmark while tab is selected in multiselect mode in tab tray -->
<string name="tab_tray_multiselect_selected_content_description">ተመርጧል</string>
<!-- Home - Recently saved bookmarks -->
<!-- Title for the home screen section with recently saved bookmarks. -->
<string name="recently_saved_title">በቅርቡ የተቀመጠ</string>
<!-- Content description for the button which navigates the user to show all of their saved bookmarks. -->
<string name="recently_saved_show_all_content_description_2">ሁሉንም የተቀመጡ እልባቶችን አሳይ</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to remove a recently saved bookmark from the user's home screen -->
<string name="recently_saved_menu_item_remove">አስወግድ</string>
<!-- About content. The first parameter is the name of the application. (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="about_content">%1$s የሚመረተው በሞዚላ ነው።</string>
<!-- Private Browsing -->
<!-- Explanation for private browsing displayed to users on home view when they first enable private mode
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="private_browsing_placeholder_description_2">
%1$s ሲዘጉ ወይም መተግበሪያውን ሲያቆሙ የፍለጋ እና የአሰሳ ታሪክዎን ከግል ትሮች ያጸዳል። ይህ እርስዎን ለድር ጣቢያዎች ወይም የበይነመረብ አገልግሎት አቅራቢዎ ስም-አልባ ባያደርግም፣ በመስመር ላይ የሚያደርጉትን ይህን መሳሪያ ከሚጠቀም ከማንኛውም ሰው የግል ማድረግን ቀላል ያደርገዋል።</string>
<string name="private_browsing_common_myths">
ስለግል አሰሳ የተለመዱ አፈ ታሪኮች
<!-- True Private Browsing Mode -->
<!-- Title for info card on private homescreen in True Private Browsing Mode. -->
<string name="felt_privacy_desc_card_title">በዚህ መሳሪያ ላይ ምንም ዱካ አትተዉ</string>
<!-- Explanation for private browsing displayed to users on home view when they first enable
private mode in our new Total Private Browsing mode.
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Firefox Nightly)
The second parameter is the clickable link text in felt_privacy_info_card_subtitle_link_text -->
<string name="felt_privacy_info_card_subtitle_2">ሁሉንም የግል ትሮችዎን ሲዘጉ %1$s ኩኪዎችዎን፣ ታሪክዎን እና የድረ-ገጽ ውሂብዎን ይሰርዛል። %2$s</string>
<!-- Clickable portion of the explanation for private browsing that links the user to our
about privacy page.
This string is used in felt_privacy_info_card_subtitle as the second parameter.-->
<string name="felt_privacy_info_card_subtitle_link_text">የእኔን እንቅስቃሴ ማን ማየት ይችላል?</string>
<!-- Private mode shortcut "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the Private mode shortcut CFR message for adding a private mode shortcut to open private tabs from the Home screen -->
<string name="private_mode_cfr_message_2">አንዴ መታ በማድረግ ቀጣዩን የግል ትር አስጀምር።</string>
<!-- Text for the positive button to accept adding a Private Browsing shortcut to the Home screen -->
<string name="private_mode_cfr_pos_button_text">ወደ መነሻ ማያ ገጽ ጨምር</string>
<!-- Text for the negative button to decline adding a Private Browsing shortcut to the Home screen -->
<string name="cfr_neg_button_text">አልፈልግም፣አመሰግናለሁ</string>
<!-- Open in App "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the info message. The first parameter is the name of the application.-->
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_info_message_2">በመተግበሪያዎች ውስጥ አገናኞችን በራስ-ሰር ለመክፈት %1$sን ማዘጋጀት ይችላሉ።</string>
<!-- Text for the positive action button -->
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_positive_button_text">ወደ ቅንብሮች ይሂዱ</string>
<!-- Text for the negative action button -->
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_negative_button_text">አሰናብት</string>
<!-- Total cookie protection "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the message displayed in the contextual feature recommendation popup promoting the total cookie protection feature. -->
<string name="tcp_cfr_message">የእኛ በጣም ኃይለኛ የግላዊነት ባህሪ ግን የድረ-ገጽ ተሻጋሪ መከታተያዎችን ያገላል።</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website containing documentation about the "Total cookie protection" feature. -->
<string name="tcp_cfr_learn_more">ስለ አጠቃላይ የኩኪ ጥበቃ ይወቁ</string>
<!-- Private browsing erase action "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the message displayed in the contextual feature recommendation popup promoting the erase private browsing feature. -->
<string name="erase_action_cfr_message">አዲስ የግል ክፍለ ጊዜ ለመጀመር እዚህ ይንኩ። ታሪክዎን ፣ ኩኪዎችን - ሁሉንም ነገር ይሰርዙ።</string>
<!-- Text for the info dialog when camera permissions have been denied but user tries to access a camera feature. -->
<string name="camera_permissions_needed_message">የካሜራ ፈቃድ ያስፈልጋል። ወደ አንድሮይድ ቅንብሮች ይሂዱ፣ ፈቃዶችን ይንኩ እና ፍቀድን ይንኩ።</string>
<!-- Text for the positive action button to go to Android Settings to grant permissions. -->
<string name="camera_permissions_needed_positive_button_text">ወደ ቅንብሮች ይሂዱ</string>
<!-- Text for the negative action button to dismiss the dialog. -->
<string name="camera_permissions_needed_negative_button_text">አሰናብት</string>
<!-- Text for the banner message to tell users about our auto close feature. -->
<string name="tab_tray_close_tabs_banner_message">ባለፈው ቀን፣ ሳምንት ወይም ወር ውስጥ ያልታዩ ክፍት ትሮችን በራስ ሰር እንዲዘጋ ያቀናብሩ።</string>
<!-- Text for the positive action button to go to Settings for auto close tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_close_tabs_banner_positive_button_text">አማራጮችን ይመልከቱ</string>
<!-- Text for the negative action button to dismiss the Close Tabs Banner. -->
<string name="tab_tray_close_tabs_banner_negative_button_text">አሰናብት</string>
<!-- Text for the banner message to tell users about our inactive tabs feature. -->
<string name="tab_tray_inactive_onboarding_message">ለሁለት ሳምንታት ያላዩዋቸው ትሮች ወደዚህ ይንቀሳቀሳሉ።</string>
<!-- Text for the action link to go to Settings for inactive tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_inactive_onboarding_button_text">በቅንብሮች ውስጥ አጥፋ</string>
<!-- Text for title for the auto-close dialog of the inactive tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_inactive_auto_close_title">ከአንድ ወር በኋላ በራስ-ሰር ይዘጋ?</string>
<!-- Text for the body for the auto-close dialog of the inactive tabs.
The first parameter is the name of the application.-->
<string name="tab_tray_inactive_auto_close_body_2">%1$s ባለፈው ወር ያላየሃቸውን ትሮችን መዝጋት ይችላል።</string>
<!-- Content description for close button in the auto-close dialog of the inactive tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_inactive_auto_close_button_content_description">ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Text for turn on auto close tabs button in the auto-close dialog of the inactive tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_inactive_turn_on_auto_close_button_2">በራስ-ሰር መዝጋትን ያብሩ</string>
<!-- Home screen icons - Long press shortcuts -->
<!-- Shortcut action to open new tab -->
<string name="home_screen_shortcut_open_new_tab_2">አዲስ ትር</string>
<!-- Shortcut action to open new private tab -->
<string name="home_screen_shortcut_open_new_private_tab_2">አዲስ የግል ትር</string>
<!-- Shortcut action to open Passwords screens -->
<string name="home_screen_shortcut_open_password_screen">የይለፍ ቃላት አቋራጭ</string>
<!-- Recent Tabs -->
<!-- Header text for jumping back into the recent tab in the home screen -->
<string name="recent_tabs_header">መልሰው ይዝለሉ</string>
<!-- Button text for showing all the tabs in the tabs tray -->
<string name="recent_tabs_show_all">ሁሉንም አሳይ</string>
<!-- Content description for the button which navigates the user to show all recent tabs in the tabs tray. -->
<string name="recent_tabs_show_all_content_description_2">ሁሉንም የቅርብ ጊዜ ትሮች ቁልፍ አሳይ</string>
<!-- Text for button in synced tab card that opens synced tabs tray -->
<string name="recent_tabs_see_all_synced_tabs_button_text">ሁሉንም የተመሳሰሉ ትሮችን ይመልከቱ</string>
<!-- Accessibility description for device icon used for recent synced tab -->
<string name="recent_tabs_synced_device_icon_content_description">የተመሳሰለ መሣሪያ</string>
<!-- Text for the dropdown menu to remove a recent synced tab from the homescreen -->
<string name="recent_synced_tab_menu_item_remove">አስወግድ</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to remove a grouped highlight from the user's browsing history
in the Recently visited section -->
<string name="recent_tab_menu_item_remove">አስወግድ</string>
<!-- History Metadata -->
<!-- Header text for a section on the home screen that displays grouped highlights from the
user's browsing history, such as topics they have researched or explored on the web -->
<string name="history_metadata_header_2">በቅርብ ጊዜ የተጎበኙ</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to remove a grouped highlight from the user's browsing history
in the Recently visited section -->
<string name="recently_visited_menu_item_remove">አስወግድ</string>
<!-- Content description for the button which navigates the user to show all of their history. -->
<string name="past_explorations_show_all_content_description_2">ሁሉንም ያለፉ አሰሳዎችን አሳይ</string>
<!-- Browser Fragment -->
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate backward (browsing history) -->
<string name="browser_menu_back">ተመለስ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate forward (browsing history) -->
<string name="browser_menu_forward">አስተላልፍ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Refresh current website -->
<string name="browser_menu_refresh">አድስ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Stop loading current website -->
<string name="browser_menu_stop">አቁም</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the addon manager -->
<string name="browser_menu_add_ons">ተጨማሪዎች</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens account settings -->
<string name="browser_menu_account_settings">የመለያ መረጃ</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no add-ons to be shown -->
<string name="no_add_ons">እዚህ ምንም ተጨማሪዎች የሉም</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that sends a user to help articles -->
<string name="browser_menu_help">እገዛ</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that sends a to a the what's new article -->
<string name="browser_menu_whats_new">ምን አዲስ ነገር አለ</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the settings menu -->
<string name="browser_menu_settings">ቅንብሮች</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens a user's library -->
<string name="browser_menu_library">ቤተ መፃህፍት</string>
<!-- Browser menu toggle that requests a desktop site -->
<string name="browser_menu_desktop_site">የዴስክቶፕ ድረ-ገፅ</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that reopens a private tab as a regular tab -->
<string name="browser_menu_open_in_regular_tab">በመደበኛ ትር ውስጥ ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Browser menu toggle that adds a shortcut to the site on the device home screen. -->
<string name="browser_menu_add_to_homescreen">ወደ መነሻ ማያ ገጽ ጨምር</string>
<!-- Browser menu toggle that installs a Progressive Web App shortcut to the site on the device home screen. -->
<string name="browser_menu_install_on_homescreen">ጫን</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.) for the Resync tabs button -->
<string name="resync_button_content_description">ዳግም አስምር</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the find in page menu -->
<string name="browser_menu_find_in_page">በገጽ ውስጥ ያግኙ</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the translations dialog, which has options to translate the current browser page. -->
<string name="browser_menu_translations">ገጽ ተርጉም</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that saves the current tab to a collection -->
<string name="browser_menu_save_to_collection_2">ወደ ስብስብ አስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that open a share menu to share the current site -->
<string name="browser_menu_share">አጋራ</string>
<!-- Browser menu button shown in custom tabs that opens the current tab in Fenix
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="browser_menu_open_in_fenix">በ %1$s ክፈት</string>
<!-- Browser menu text shown in custom tabs to indicate this is a Fenix tab
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="browser_menu_powered_by">በ%1$s የተጎላበተ</string>
<!-- Browser menu text shown in custom tabs to indicate this is a Fenix tab
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="browser_menu_powered_by2">በ%1$s የተጎላበተ</string>
<!-- Browser menu button to put the current page in reader mode -->
<string name="browser_menu_read">የአንባቢ እይታ</string>
<!-- Browser menu button content description to close reader mode and return the user to the regular browser -->
<string name="browser_menu_read_close">የአንባቢ እይታን ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Browser menu button to open the current page in an external app -->
<string name="browser_menu_open_app_link">በመተግበሪያ ውስጥ ክፈት</string>
<!-- Browser menu button to show reader view appearance controls e.g. the used font type and size -->
<string name="browser_menu_customize_reader_view">የአንባቢ እይታን አብጅ</string>
<!-- Browser menu label for adding a bookmark -->
<string name="browser_menu_add">ጨምር</string>
<!-- Browser menu label for editing a bookmark -->
<string name="browser_menu_edit">አርትዕ</string>
<!-- Button shown on the home page that opens the Customize home settings -->
<string name="browser_menu_customize_home_1">መነሻ ገጽ አብጅ</string>
<!-- Browser Toolbar -->
<!-- Content description for the Home screen button on the browser toolbar -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_home">የመነሻ ማያ ገጽ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Erase button: Erase the browsing
history and go back to the home screen. -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_erase">የአሰሳ ታሪክን አጥፋ</string>
<!-- Content description for the translate page toolbar button that opens the translations dialog when no translation has occurred. -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_translate">ገጽ ተርጉም</string>
<!-- Locale Settings Fragment -->
<!-- Content description for tick mark on selected language -->
<string name="a11y_selected_locale_content_description">የተመረጠ ቋንቋ</string>
<!-- Text for default locale item -->
<string name="default_locale_text">የመሣሪያ ቋንቋን ተከተል</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the search bar before a user enters text -->
<string name="locale_search_hint">ቋንቋ ይፈልጉ</string>
<!-- Search Fragment -->
<!-- Button in the search view that lets a user search by scanning a QR code -->
<string name="search_scan_button">ቃኝ</string>
<!-- Button in the search view when shortcuts are displayed that takes a user to the search engine settings -->
<string name="search_shortcuts_engine_settings">የፍለጋ ፍርግም ቅንብሮች</string>
<!-- Button in the search view that lets a user navigate to the site in their clipboard -->
<string name="awesomebar_clipboard_title">አገናኙን ከቅንጥብ ሰሌዳ ይሙሉ</string>
<!-- Button in the search suggestions onboarding that allows search suggestions in private sessions -->
<string name="search_suggestions_onboarding_allow_button">ፍቀድ</string>
<!-- Button in the search suggestions onboarding that does not allow search suggestions in private sessions -->
<string name="search_suggestions_onboarding_do_not_allow_button">አትፍቀድ</string>
<!-- Search suggestion onboarding hint title text -->
<string name="search_suggestions_onboarding_title">በግል ክፍለ-ጊዜ የፍለጋ ጥቆማዎች ይፈቀድ?</string>
<!-- Search suggestion onboarding hint description text, first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix)-->
<string name="search_suggestions_onboarding_text">%s በአድራሻ አሞሌው ላይ የሚተይቡትን ሁሉ ከነባሪ የፍለጋ ፍርግምዎ ጋር ያጋራል።</string>
<!-- Search engine suggestion title text. The first parameter is the name of the suggested engine-->
<string name="search_engine_suggestions_title">በ%1$s ፈልግ</string>
<!-- Search engine suggestion description text -->
<string name="search_engine_suggestions_description">በቀጥታ ከአድራሻ አሞሌው ይፈልጉ</string>
<!-- Menu option in the search selector menu to open the search settings -->
<string name="search_settings_menu_item">የፍለጋ ቅንብሮች</string>
<!-- Header text for the search selector menu -->
<string name="search_header_menu_item_2">በዚህ ጊዜ ፍለጋ በ፡-</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Search engine icon. The first parameter is the search engine name (for example: DuckDuckGo). -->
<string name="search_engine_icon_content_description" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">%s የፍለጋ ፍርግም</string>
<!-- Home onboarding -->
<!-- Onboarding home screen popup dialog, shown on top of the Jump back in section. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_screen_jump_back_contextual_hint_2">የእርስዎን ግላዊ መነሻ ገጽ ያግኙ። የቅርብ ጊዜ ትሮች፣ እልባቶች እና የፍለጋ ውጤቶች እዚህ ይታያሉ።</string>
<!-- Home onboarding dialog welcome screen title text. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_welcome_title_2">ወደ የግል በይነመረብ እንኳን በደህና መጡ</string>
<!-- Home onboarding dialog welcome screen description text. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_welcome_description">ተጨማሪ ቀለሞች። የተሻለ ግላዊነት። ከትርፍ በላይ ለሰዎች ተመሳሳይ ቁርጠኝነት።</string>
<!-- Home onboarding dialog sign into sync screen title text. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_sync_title_3">ስክሪን መቀየር ከመቼውም ጊዜ በበለጠ ቀላል ነው</string>
<!-- Home onboarding dialog sign into sync screen description text. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_sync_description">ከሌሎች መሳሪያዎች ትሮች ካቆሙበት አሁን በመነሻ ገጽዎ ላይ ይምረጡ።</string>
<!-- Text for the button to continue the onboarding on the home onboarding dialog. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_get_started_button">ይጀምሩ</string>
<!-- Text for the button to navigate to the sync sign in screen on the home onboarding dialog. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_sign_in_button">ይግቡ</string>
<!-- Text for the button to skip the onboarding on the home onboarding dialog. -->
<string name="onboarding_home_skip_button">ዝለል</string>
<!-- Onboarding home screen sync popup dialog message, shown on top of Recent Synced Tabs in the Jump back in section. -->
<string name="sync_cfr_message">የእርስዎ ትሮች እየተመሳሰሉ ናቸው! በሌላኛው መሣሪያዎ ላይ ካቆሙበት ይቀጥሉ።</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Close button for the home onboarding dialog -->
<string name="onboarding_home_content_description_close_button">ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Notification pre-permission dialog -->
<!-- Enable notification pre permission dialog title
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="onboarding_home_enable_notifications_title" moz:removedIn="124" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ማሳወቂያዎች በ%s የበለጠ እንዲሰሩ ያግዝዎታል</string>
<!-- Enable notification pre permission dialog description with rationale
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="onboarding_home_enable_notifications_description" moz:removedIn="124" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ትሮችዎን በመሳሪያዎች መካከል ያመሳስሉ፣ ውርዶችን ያስተዳድሩ፣ የ%sን ግላዊነት ጥበቃን የበለጠ ስለመጠቀም እና ሌሎችም ጠቃሚ ምክሮችን ያግኙ።</string>
<!-- Text for the button to request notification permission on the device -->
<string name="onboarding_home_enable_notifications_positive_button" moz:removedIn="124" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ቀጥል</string>
<!-- Text for the button to not request notification permission on the device and dismiss the dialog -->
<string name="onboarding_home_enable_notifications_negative_button" moz:removedIn="124" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">አሁን አይሆንም</string>
<!-- Juno first user onboarding flow experiment, strings are marked unused as they are only referenced by Nimbus experiments. -->
<!-- Description for learning more about our privacy notice. -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_privacy_notice_text">የFirefox ግላዊነት ማስታወቂያ</string>
<!-- Text for the button to set firefox as default browser on the device -->
<!-- Title for set firefox as default browser screen used by Nimbus experiments. -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_default_browser_title_nimbus_2">ደህንነትዎን መጠበቅ እንወዳለን</string>
<!-- Description for set firefox as default browser screen used by Nimbus experiments. -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_default_browser_description_nimbus_3">የእኛ ለትርፍ-ባልተቋቋመ የሚደገፈው አሳሽ ኩባንያዎች በድር ላይ እርስዎን በድብቅ እንዳይከተሉዎት ያግዛል።</string>
<!-- Description for set firefox as default browser screen used by Nimbus experiments. -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_default_browser_description_nimbus_2" moz:RemovedIn="124" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የእኛ ለትርፍ-ባልተቋቋመ የሚደገፈው አሳሽ ኩባንያዎች እርስዎን በድር ላይ በድብቅ እንዳይከተሉዎ ያግዛል።\n\nበግላዊነት ማስታወቂያችን ላይ የበለጠ ይረዱ።</string>
<!-- Text for the link to the privacy notice webpage for set as firefox default browser screen.
This is part of the string with the key "juno_onboarding_default_browser_description". -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_default_browser_description_link_text" moz:RemovedIn="124" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የግላዊነት ማስታወቂያ</string>
<!-- Text for the button to set firefox as default browser on the device -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_default_browser_positive_button" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ነባሪ አሳሽ አድርገህ አስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- Text for the button dismiss the screen and move on with the flow -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_default_browser_negative_button" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">አሁን አይሆንም</string>
<!-- Title for sign in to sync screen. -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_sign_in_title_2">በመሳሪያዎች መካከል ሲዘጉ እንደተመሰጠሩ ይቆዩ</string>
<!-- Description for sign in to sync screen. Nimbus experiments do not support string placeholders.
Note: The word "Firefox" should NOT be translated -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_sign_in_description_2">በመለያ ሲገቡ እና ስያመሳስሉ የበለጠ ደህንነት ይኖርዎታል። Firefox የእርስዎን የይለፍ ቃላት፣ ዕልባቶች እና ሌሎችንም ያመሰጥራል።</string>
<!-- Text for the button to sign in to sync on the device -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_sign_in_positive_button" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ይግቡ</string>
<!-- Text for the button dismiss the screen and move on with the flow -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_sign_in_negative_button" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">አሁን አይሆንም</string>
<!-- Title for enable notification permission screen used by Nimbus experiments. Nimbus experiments do not support string placeholders.
Note: The word "Firefox" should NOT be translated -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_enable_notifications_title_nimbus_2">ማሳወቂያዎች በFirefox ደህንነትዎ እንደተጠበቀ እንዲቆዩ ያግዝዎታል</string>
<!-- Description for enable notification permission screen used by Nimbus experiments. Nimbus experiments do not support string placeholders.
Note: The word "Firefox" should NOT be translated -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_enable_notifications_description_nimbus_2">በመሳሪያዎችዎ መካከል ደህንነቱ በተጠበቀ ሁኔታ ትሮችን ይላኩ እና በFirefox ውስጥ ሌሎች የግላዊነት ባህሪያትን ያግኙ።</string>
<!-- Text for the button to request notification permission on the device -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_enable_notifications_positive_button" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ማሳወቂያዎችን ያብሩ</string>
<!-- Text for the button dismiss the screen and move on with the flow -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_enable_notifications_negative_button" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">አሁን አይሆንም</string>
<!-- Title for add search widget screen used by Nimbus experiments. Nimbus experiments do not support string placeholders.
Note: The word "Firefox" should NOT be translated -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_add_search_widget_title" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የFirefox መፈለጊያ መግብርን ይሞክሩ</string>
<!-- Description for add search widget screen used by Nimbus experiments. Nimbus experiments do not support string placeholders.
Note: The word "Firefox" should NOT be translated -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_add_search_widget_description" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Firefox በመነሻ ማያ ገፅ ሲኖር፣ ድረ-ገፅ ተሻጋሪ መከታተያወችን የሚያግድ ፣ ግላዊነትን የሚያስቀድም አሳሽ በቀላሉ ማግኘት ይችላሉ።</string>
<!-- Text for the button to add search widget on the device used by Nimbus experiments. Nimbus experiments do not support string placeholders.
Note: The word "Firefox" should NOT be translated -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_add_search_widget_positive_button" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የFirefox መግብርን ያክሉ</string>
<!-- Text for the button to dismiss the screen and move on with the flow -->
<string name="juno_onboarding_add_search_widget_negative_button" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">አሁን አይሆንም</string>
<!-- Search Widget -->
<!-- Content description for searching with a widget. The first parameter is the name of the application.-->
<string name="search_widget_content_description_2">አዲስ %1$s ትር ክፈት</string>
<!-- Text preview for smaller sized widgets -->
<string name="search_widget_text_short">ፈልግ</string>
<!-- Text preview for larger sized widgets -->
<string name="search_widget_text_long">ድሩን ይፈልጉ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Voice search -->
<string name="search_widget_voice">የድምጽ ፍለጋ</string>
<!-- Preferences -->
<!-- Title for the settings page-->
<string name="settings">ቅንብሮች</string>
<!-- Preference category for general settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_general">አጠቃላይ</string>
<!-- Preference category for all links about Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_category_about">ስለ</string>
<!-- Preference category for settings related to changing the default search engine -->
<string name="preferences_category_select_default_search_engine">አንዱን ይምረጡ</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to managing search shortcuts for the quick search menu -->
<string name="preferences_manage_search_shortcuts_2">አማራጭ የፍለጋ ፍርግሞችን ያቀናብሩ</string>
<!-- Summary for preference for settings related to managing search shortcuts for the quick search menu -->
<string name="preferences_manage_search_shortcuts_summary">በፍለጋ ምናሌው ውስጥ የሚታዩ ፍርግሞችን ያርትዑ</string>
<!-- Preference category for settings related to managing search shortcuts for the quick search menu -->
<string name="preferences_category_engines_in_search_menu">በፍለጋ ምናሌው ውስጥ የሚታዩ ፍርግሞች</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to changing the default search engine -->
<string name="preferences_default_search_engine">ነባሪ የፍለጋ ፍርግም</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to Search -->
<string name="preferences_search">ፈልግ</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to Search engines -->
<string name="preferences_search_engines">የፍለጋ ፍርግሞች</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to Search engines suggestions-->
<string name="preferences_search_engines_suggestions">ከፍለጋ ፍርግሞች የቀረቡ ጥቆማዎች</string>
<!-- Preference Category for settings related to Search address bar -->
<string name="preferences_settings_address_bar">የአድራሻ አሞሌ ምርጫዎች</string>
<!-- Preference Category for settings to Firefox Suggest -->
<string name="preference_search_address_bar_fx_suggest">የአድራሻ አሞሌ - Firefox Suggest</string>
<!-- Preference link to Learn more about Firefox Suggest -->
<string name="preference_search_learn_about_fx_suggest">ስለFirefox Suggest የበለጠ ይወቁ</string>
<!-- Preference link to rating Fenix on the Play Store -->
<string name="preferences_rate">Google Play ላይ ደረጃ ይስጡ</string>
<!-- Preference linking to about page for Fenix
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="preferences_about">ስለ %1$s</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to changing the default browser -->
<string name="preferences_set_as_default_browser">ነባሪ አሳሽ አድርገህ አስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- Preference category for advanced settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_advanced">የላቀ</string>
<!-- Preference category for privacy and security settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_privacy_security">ግላዊነት እና ደህንነት</string>
<!-- Preference for advanced site permissions -->
<string name="preferences_site_permissions">የድረ-ገፅ ፈቃዶች</string>
<!-- Preference for private browsing options -->
<string name="preferences_private_browsing_options">የግል አሰሳ</string>
<!-- Preference for opening links in a private tab-->
<string name="preferences_open_links_in_a_private_tab">አገናኞችን በግል ትር ውስጥ ክፈት</string>
<!-- Preference for allowing screenshots to be taken while in a private tab-->
<string name="preferences_allow_screenshots_in_private_mode">በግል አሰሳ ውስጥ ቅጽበታዊ ገጽ እይታዎችን ፍቀድ</string>
<!-- Will inform the user of the risk of activating Allow screenshots in private browsing option -->
<string name="preferences_screenshots_in_private_mode_disclaimer">ከተፈቀደ፣ ብዙ መተግበሪያዎች ሲከፈቱ የግል ትሮችም ይታያሉ</string>
<!-- Preference for adding private browsing shortcut -->
<string name="preferences_add_private_browsing_shortcut">የግል አሰሳ አቋራጭ ያክሉ</string>
<!-- Preference for enabling "HTTPS-Only" mode -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_title">HTTPS-ብቻ ሁነታ</string>
<!-- Label for cookie banner section in quick settings panel. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_blocker">የኩኪ ባነር ማገጃ</string>
<!-- Preference for removing cookie/consent banners from sites automatically in private mode. See reduce_cookie_banner_summary for additional context. -->
<string name="preferences_cookie_banner_reduction_private_mode">በግል አሰሳ ውስጥ የኩኪ ባነር ማገጃ</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is off this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_off_for_site">ለዚህ ድረ-ገፅ ጠፍቷል</string>
<!-- Text for cancel button indicating that cookie banner reduction is not supported for the current site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner details view. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_handling_details_site_is_not_supported_cancel_button">ተወው</string>
<!-- Text for request support button indicating that cookie banner reduction is not supported for the current site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner details view. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_handling_details_site_is_not_supported_request_support_button_2">ጥያቄ ላክ</string>
<!-- Text for title indicating that cookie banner reduction is not supported for the current site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner details view. -->
<string name="cookie_banner_handling_details_site_is_not_supported_title_2">ለዚህ ጣቢያ ድጋፍ ይጠይቁ?</string>
<!-- Label for the snackBar, after the user reports with success a website where cookie banner reducer did not work -->
<string name="cookie_banner_handling_report_site_snack_bar_text_2">ጥያቄው ተልኳል</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is on this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_on_for_site">ለዚህ ድረ-ገፅ በርቷል</string>
<!-- Text for indicating that a request for unsupported site was sent to Nimbus (it's a Mozilla library for experiments), this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_unsupported_site_request_submitted_2">የድጋፍ ጥያቄው ተልኳል</string>
<!-- Text for indicating cookie banner handling is currently not supported for this site, this is shown as part of the protections panel with the tracking protection toggle -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_unsupported_site">በአሁኑ ጊዜ የማይደገፍ ድረ-ገፅ</string>
<!-- Title text for a detail explanation indicating cookie banner handling is on this site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is a shortened URL of the current site-->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_title_on_for_site_1">ለ%1$s የኩኪ ባነር ማገጃ ይብራ?</string>
<!-- Title text for a detail explanation indicating cookie banner handling is off this site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is a shortened URL of the current site-->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_title_off_for_site_1">ለ%1$s የኩኪ ባነር ማገጃ ይጥፋ?</string>
<!-- Title text for a detail explanation indicating cookie banner reducer didn't work for the current site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is the application name-->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_title_unsupported_site_request_2">%1$s በዚህ ጣቢያ ላይ የኩኪ ጥያቄዎችን በራስ ሰር ውድቅ ማድረግ አይችልም። ለወደፊቱ ይህንን ጣቢያ ለመደገፍ ጥያቄ መላክ ይችላሉ።</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is off for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_off_for_site_1">አጥፋ እና %1$s ኩኪዎችን አጽድቶ ይህን ጣቢያ እንደገና ይጭናል። ይህ ሊያስወጣዎት ወይም የግዢ ጋሪዎችን ባዶ ሊያደርግ ይችላል።</string>
<!-- Long text for a detail explanation indicating what will happen if cookie banner handling is on for a site, this is shown as part of the cookie banner panel in the toolbar. The first parameter is the application name -->
<string name="reduce_cookie_banner_details_panel_description_on_for_site_3">አብራ እና %1$s በዚህ ጣቢያ ላይ ያሉትን ሁሉንም የኩኪ ባነሮች በራስ ሰር እምቢ ለማለት ይሞክራል።</string>
<!--Title for the cookie banner re-engagement CFR, the placeholder is replaced with app name -->
<string name="cookie_banner_cfr_title">%1$s አሁን ለእርስዎ ኩኪዎችን አልተቀበለም</string>
<!--Message for the cookie banner re-engagement CFR -->
<string name="cookie_banner_cfr_message">ያነሱ ትኩረትን የሚከፋፍሉ፣ በዚህ ጣቢያ ላይ እርስዎን የሚከታተሉ ኩኪዎች ያነሱ ናቸው።</string>
<!-- Description of the preference to enable "HTTPS-Only" mode. -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_summary">ለበለጠ ደህንነት HTTPS ምስጠራ ፕሮቶኮልን በመጠቀም ከድረ-ገፆች ጋር በራስ-ሰር ለመገናኘት ይሞክራል።</string>
<!-- Summary of https only preference if https only is set to off -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_off">ጠፍቷል</string>
<!-- Summary of https only preference if https only is set to on in all tabs -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_on_all">በሁሉም ትሮች ውስጥ በርቷል</string>
<!-- Summary of https only preference if https only is set to on in private tabs only -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_on_private">በግል ትሮች ውስጥ በርቷል</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website containing documentation about "HTTPS-Only" mode -->
<string name="preferences_http_only_learn_more">ተጨማሪ ይወቁ</string>
<!-- Option for the https only setting -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_in_all_tabs">በሁሉም ትሮች ውስጥ አንቃ</string>
<!-- Option for the https only setting -->
<string name="preferences_https_only_in_private_tabs">በግል ትሮች ውስጥ ብቻ አንቃ</string>
<!-- Title shown in the error page for when trying to access a http website while https only mode is enabled. -->
<string name="errorpage_httpsonly_title">ደህንነቱ የተጠበቀ ድረ-ገፅ የለም</string>
<!-- Message shown in the error page for when trying to access a http website while https only mode is enabled. The message has two paragraphs. This is the first. -->
<string name="errorpage_httpsonly_message_title">ምናልባት፣ ድረ-ገጹ በቀላሉ HTTPSን አይደግፍም።</string>
<!-- Message shown in the error page for when trying to access a http website while https only mode is enabled. The message has two paragraphs. This is the second. -->
<string name="errorpage_httpsonly_message_summary">ሆኖም፣ አጥቂው ተሳታፊ ሊሆን ይችላል። ወደ ድረ-ገጹ ከቀጠሉ ምንም አይነት ጥንቃቄ የሚሻ መረጃ ማስገባት የለብዎትም። ከቀጠሉ HTTPS-ብቻ ሁነታ ለጊዜው ለድረ-ገጹ ይጠፋል።</string>
<!-- Preference for accessibility -->
<string name="preferences_accessibility">ተደራሽነት</string>
<!-- Preference to override the Mozilla account server -->
<string name="preferences_override_account_server">ብጁ የMozilla መለያ አገልጋይ</string>
<!-- Preference to override the Sync token server -->
<string name="preferences_override_sync_tokenserver">ብጁ የማመሳሰል አገልጋይ</string>
<!-- Toast shown after updating the Mozilla account/Sync server override preferences -->
<string name="toast_override_account_sync_server_done">የMozilla መለያ/አመሳስል አገልጋይ ተቀይሯል። ለውጦችን ለመተግበር መተግበሪያውን በማቆም ላይ…</string>
<!-- Preference category for account information -->
<string name="preferences_category_account">መለያ</string>
<!-- Preference for changing where the toolbar is positioned -->
<string name="preferences_toolbar">የመሳሪያ አሞሌ</string>
<!-- Preference for changing default theme to dark or light mode -->
<string name="preferences_theme">ገጽታ</string>
<!-- Preference for customizing the home screen -->
<string name="preferences_home_2">መነሻ ገጽ</string>
<!-- Preference for gestures based actions -->
<string name="preferences_gestures">የእጅ ምልክቶች</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to visual options -->
<string name="preferences_customize">አብጅ</string>
<!-- Preference description for banner about signing in -->
<string name="preferences_sign_in_description_2">ትሮችን፣ እልባቶችን፣ የይለፍ ቃላትን እና ሌሎችን ለማመሳሰል ይግቡ።</string>
<!-- Preference shown instead of account display name while account profile information isn't available yet. -->
<string name="preferences_account_default_name_2">የMozilla መለያ</string>
<!-- Preference text for account title when there was an error syncing FxA -->
<string name="preferences_account_sync_error">ማመሳሰልን ለመቀጠል እንደገና ይገናኙ</string>
<!-- Preference for language -->
<string name="preferences_language">ቋንቋ</string>
<!-- Preference for data choices -->
<string name="preferences_data_choices">የውሂብ ምርጫዎች</string>
<!-- Preference for data collection -->
<string name="preferences_data_collection">የውሂብ መሰብሰብ</string>
<!-- Preference for developers -->
<string name="preferences_remote_debugging">በUSB የርቀት ማረም</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show search suggestions -->
<string name="preferences_show_search_suggestions">የፍለጋ ጥቆማዎችን አሳይ</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show voice search button -->
<string name="preferences_show_voice_search">የድምጽ ፍለጋ አሳይ</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show search suggestions also in private mode -->
<string name="preferences_show_search_suggestions_in_private">በግል ክፍለ ጊዜዎች አሳይ</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show a clipboard suggestion when searching -->
<string name="preferences_show_clipboard_suggestions">የቅንጥብ ሰሌዳ ጥቆማዎችን አሳይ</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to suggest browsing history when searching -->
<string name="preferences_search_browsing_history">የአሰሳ ታሪክን ፈልግ</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to suggest bookmarks when searching -->
<string name="preferences_search_bookmarks">እልባቶችን ፈልግ</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to suggest synced tabs when searching -->
<string name="preferences_search_synced_tabs">የተመሳሰሉ ትሮችን ፈልግ</string>
<!-- Preference for account settings -->
<string name="preferences_account_settings">የመለያ ቅንብሮች</string>
<!-- Preference for enabling url autocomplete-->
<string name="preferences_enable_autocomplete_urls">ራስ-አጠናቅቅ</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show sponsored Firefox Suggest search suggestions -->
<string name="preferences_show_sponsored_suggestions">ከስፖንሰሮች የተሰጡ አስተያየቶች</string>
<!-- Summary for preference to show sponsored Firefox Suggest search suggestions.
The first parameter is the name of the application. -->
<string name="preferences_show_sponsored_suggestions_summary">አልፎ አልፎ በሚደገፉ የአስተያየት ጥቆማዎች %1$sን ይደግፉ</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show Firefox Suggest search suggestions for web content.
The first parameter is the name of the application. -->
<string name="preferences_show_nonsponsored_suggestions">ጥቆማዎች ከ%1$s</string>
<!-- Summary for preference to show Firefox Suggest search suggestions for web content -->
<string name="preferences_show_nonsponsored_suggestions_summary">ከድር ፍለጋዎ ጋር የተያያዙ ጥቆማዎችን ያግኙ</string>
<!-- Preference for open links in third party apps -->
<string name="preferences_open_links_in_apps">አገናኞችን በመተግበሪያዎች ውስጥ ክፈት</string>
<!-- Preference for open links in third party apps always open in apps option -->
<string name="preferences_open_links_in_apps_always">ሁሌም</string>
<!-- Preference for open links in third party apps ask before opening option -->
<string name="preferences_open_links_in_apps_ask">ከመክፈት በፊት ጠይቅ</string>
<!-- Preference for open links in third party apps never open in apps option -->
<string name="preferences_open_links_in_apps_never">በፍጹም</string>
<!-- Preference for open download with an external download manager app -->
<string name="preferences_external_download_manager">የውጭ ማውረድ አስተዳዳሪ</string>
<!-- Preference for enabling gecko engine logs -->
<string name="preferences_enable_gecko_logs">የGecko ምዝግብ ማስታወሻዎችን አንቃ</string>
<!-- Message to indicate users that we are quitting the application to apply the changes -->
<string name="quit_application">ለውጦችን ለመተግበር መተግበሪያውን በማቆም ላይ…</string>
<!-- Preference for add_ons -->
<string name="preferences_addons">ተጨማሪዎች</string>
<!-- Preference for installing a local add-on -->
<string name="preferences_install_local_addon">ተጨማሪውን ከፋይል ጫን</string>
<!-- Preference for notifications -->
<string name="preferences_notifications">ማሳወቂያዎች</string>
<!-- Summary for notification preference indicating notifications are allowed -->
<string name="notifications_allowed_summary">ተፈቅዷል</string>
<!-- Summary for notification preference indicating notifications are not allowed -->
<string name="notifications_not_allowed_summary">አልተፈቀደም</string>
<!-- Add-on Preferences -->
<!-- Preference to customize the configured AMO ( collection -->
<string name="preferences_customize_amo_collection">ብጁ ተጨማሪ ስብስብ</string>
<!-- Button caption to confirm the add-on collection configuration -->
<string name="customize_addon_collection_ok">እሺ</string>
<!-- Button caption to abort the add-on collection configuration -->
<string name="customize_addon_collection_cancel">ተወው</string>
<!-- Hint displayed on input field for custom collection name -->
<string name="customize_addon_collection_hint">የስብስብ ስም</string>
<!-- Hint displayed on input field for custom collection user ID-->
<string name="customize_addon_collection_user_hint">የስብስብ ባለቤት (የተጠቃሚ መታወቂያ)</string>
<!-- Toast shown after confirming the custom add-on collection configuration -->
<string name="toast_customize_addon_collection_done">የተጨማሪ ስብስብ ተለውጧል። ለውጦችን ለማካተት መተግበሪያውን በማቆም ላይ…</string>
<!-- Customize Home -->
<!-- Header text for jumping back into the recent tab in customize the home screen -->
<string name="customize_toggle_jump_back_in">መልሰው ይዝለሉ</string>
<!-- Title for the customize home screen section with recently saved bookmarks. -->
<string name="customize_toggle_recent_bookmarks">የቅርብ ጊዜ እልባቶች</string>
<!-- Title for the customize home screen section with recently visited. Recently visited is
a section where users see a list of tabs that they have visited in the past few days -->
<string name="customize_toggle_recently_visited">በቅርብ ጊዜ የተጎበኙ</string>
<!-- Title for the customize home screen section with Pocket. -->
<string name="customize_toggle_pocket_2">አነቃቂ ታሪኮች</string>
<!-- Summary for the customize home screen section with Pocket. The first parameter is product name Pocket -->
<string name="customize_toggle_pocket_summary">በ%s የተጎላበተ መጣጥፎች</string>
<!-- Title for the customize home screen section with sponsored Pocket stories. -->
<string name="customize_toggle_pocket_sponsored">ስፖንሰር የተደረጉ ታሪኮች</string>
<!-- Title for the opening wallpaper settings screen -->
<string name="customize_wallpapers">ልጣፎች</string>
<!-- Title for the customize home screen section with sponsored shortcuts. -->
<string name="customize_toggle_contile">ስፖንሰር የተደረጉ አቋራጮች</string>
<!-- Wallpapers -->
<!-- Content description for various wallpapers. The first parameter is the name of the wallpaper -->
<string name="wallpapers_item_name_content_description">ልጣፍ ንጥል፡- %1$s</string>
<!-- Snackbar message for when wallpaper is selected -->
<string name="wallpaper_updated_snackbar_message">ልጣፍ ዘምኗል!</string>
<!-- Snackbar label for action to view selected wallpaper -->
<string name="wallpaper_updated_snackbar_action">ዕይታ</string>
<!-- Snackbar message for when wallpaper couldn't be downloaded -->
<string name="wallpaper_download_error_snackbar_message">ልጣፍ ማውረድ አልተቻለም</string>
<!-- Snackbar label for action to retry downloading the wallpaper -->
<string name="wallpaper_download_error_snackbar_action">እንደገና ሞክር</string>
<!-- Snackbar message for when wallpaper couldn't be selected because of the disk error -->
<string name="wallpaper_select_error_snackbar_message">ልጣፍ መቀየር አልተቻለም</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website containing documentation about the "Limited Edition" wallpapers. -->
<string name="wallpaper_learn_more">ተጨማሪ ይወቁ</string>
<!-- Text for classic wallpapers title. The first parameter is the Firefox name. -->
<string name="wallpaper_classic_title">ምርጥ %s</string>
<!-- Text for artist series wallpapers title. "Artist series" represents a collection of artist collaborated wallpapers. -->
<string name="wallpaper_artist_series_title">ተከታታይ አርቲስት</string>
<!-- Description text for the artist series wallpapers with learn more link. The first parameter is the learn more string defined in wallpaper_learn_more. "Independent voices" is the name of the wallpaper collection -->
<string name="wallpaper_artist_series_description_with_learn_more">አዲሱ ገለልተኛ የድምጾች ስብስብ። %s</string>
<!-- Description text for the artist series wallpapers. "Independent voices" is the name of the wallpaper collection -->
<string name="wallpaper_artist_series_description">አዲሱ ገለልተኛ የድምጾች ስብስብ።</string>
<!-- Wallpaper onboarding dialog header text. -->
<string name="wallpapers_onboarding_dialog_title_text">የቀለም ነጠብጣብ ይሞክሩ</string>
<!-- Wallpaper onboarding dialog body text. -->
<string name="wallpapers_onboarding_dialog_body_text">እርስዎን የሚያናግር ልጣፍ ይምረጡ።</string>
<!-- Wallpaper onboarding dialog learn more button text. The button navigates to the wallpaper settings screen. -->
<string name="wallpapers_onboarding_dialog_explore_more_button_text">ተጨማሪ ልጣፎችን ያስሱ</string>
<!-- Add-ons general availability nimbus message-->
<!-- Title of the Nimbus message for add-ons general availability-->
<string name="addon_ga_message_title" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">አዲስ ተጨማሪዎች አሁን ይገኛሉ</string>
<!-- Body of the Nimbus message for add-ons general availability. 'Firefox' intentionally hardcoded here-->
<string name="addon_ga_message_body" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Firefoxን የራስዎ ለማድረግ የሚያስችሉዎትን 100+ አዲስ ቅጥያዎችን ይመልከቱ።</string>
<!-- Button text of the Nimbus message for add-ons general availability. -->
<string name="addon_ga_message_button" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ተጨማሪዎችን ያስሱ</string>
<!-- Add-on process crash dialog to user -->
<!-- Title of a dialog shown to the user when enough errors have occurred with addons and they need to be temporarily disabled -->
<string name="addon_process_crash_dialog_title" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ተጨማሪዎች ለጊዜው ተሰናክለዋል</string>
<!-- The first parameter is the application name. This is a message shown to the user when too many errors have occurred with the addons process and they have been disabled. The user can decide if they would like to continue trying to start add-ons or if they'd rather continue without them. -->
<string name="addon_process_crash_dialog_message" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">አንድ ወይም ከዚያ በላይ ተጨማሪዎች መስራት አቁመዋል፣ይህም ስርዓትዎ ያልተረጋጋ እንዲሆን አድርጎታል። %1$s ተጨማሪውን እንደገና ለማስጀመር ሞክሯል አልተሳካም።\n\nተጨማሪዎች በአሁኑ ክፍለ ጊዜዎ እንደገና አይጀመሩም።\n\nተጨማሪዎችን ማስወገድ ወይም ማሰናከል ይህንን ችግር ሊፈታው ይችላል።</string>
<!-- This will cause the add-ons to try restarting but the dialog will reappear if it is unsuccessful again -->
<string name="addon_process_crash_dialog_retry_button_text" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ተጨማሪዎችን እንደገና ለማስጀመር ይሞክሩ</string>
<!-- The user will continue with all add-ons disabled -->
<string name="addon_process_crash_dialog_disable_addons_button_text" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ተጨማሪዎችን በማሰናከል ይቀጥሉ</string>
<!-- Account Preferences -->
<!-- Preference for managing your account via -->
<string name="preferences_manage_account">መለያ ያስተዳድሩ</string>
<!-- Summary of the preference for managing your account via -->
<string name="preferences_manage_account_summary">የይለፍ ቃልዎን ይቀይሩ፣ የውሂብ መሰብሰብን ያስተዳድሩ ወይም መለያዎን ይሰርዙ</string>
<!-- Preference for triggering sync -->
<string name="preferences_sync_now">አሁን አመሳስል</string>
<!-- Preference category for sync -->
<string name="preferences_sync_category">ምን እንደሚመሳሰል ይምረጡ</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing history -->
<string name="preferences_sync_history">ታሪክ</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing bookmarks -->
<string name="preferences_sync_bookmarks">እልባቶች</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing logins -->
<string name="preferences_sync_logins">መግቢያዎች</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing passwords -->
<string name="preferences_sync_logins_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የይለፍ ቃሎች</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing tabs -->
<string name="preferences_sync_tabs_2">ክፍት ትሮች</string>
<!-- Preference for signing out -->
<string name="preferences_sign_out">ዘግተህ ውጣ</string>
<!-- Preference displays and allows changing current FxA device name -->
<string name="preferences_sync_device_name">የመሣሪያ ስም</string>
<!-- Text shown when user enters empty device name -->
<string name="empty_device_name_error">የመሳሪያው ስም ባዶ ሊሆን አይችልም።</string>
<!-- Label indicating that sync is in progress -->
<string name="sync_syncing_in_progress">በማመሳሰል ላይ…</string>
<!-- Label summary indicating that sync failed. The first parameter is the date stamp showing last time it succeeded -->
<string name="sync_failed_summary">ማመሳሰል አልተሳካም። የመጨረሻው ስኬት፡- %s</string>
<!-- Label summary showing never synced -->
<string name="sync_failed_never_synced_summary">ማመሳሰል አልተሳካም። መጨረሻ የተመሳሰለው፡- በጭራሽ</string>
<!-- Label summary the date we last synced. The first parameter is date stamp showing last time synced -->
<string name="sync_last_synced_summary">መጨረሻ የተመሳሰለው፡- %s</string>
<!-- Label summary showing never synced -->
<string name="sync_never_synced_summary">መጨረሻ የተመሳሰለው፡- በጭራሽ</string>
<!-- Text for displaying the default device name.
The first parameter is the application name, the second is the device manufacturer name
and the third is the device model. -->
<string name="default_device_name_2">%1$s በ%2$s %3$s ላይ</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing credit cards -->
<string name="preferences_sync_credit_cards">ክሬዲት ካርዶች</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing payment methods -->
<string name="preferences_sync_credit_cards_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የክፍያ ዘዴዎች</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing addresses -->
<string name="preferences_sync_address">አድራሻዎች</string>
<!-- Send Tab -->
<!-- Name of the "receive tabs" notification channel. Displayed in the "App notifications" system settings for the app -->
<string name="fxa_received_tab_channel_name">የተቀበሉት ትሮች</string>
<!-- Description of the "receive tabs" notification channel. Displayed in the "App notifications" system settings for the app -->
<string name="fxa_received_tab_channel_description">ከሌሎች የፋየርፎክስ መሳሪያዎች የተቀበሉት የትሮች ማሳወቂያዎች።</string>
<!-- The body for these is the URL of the tab received -->
<string name="fxa_tab_received_notification_name">የተቀበሉት ትር</string>
<!-- %s is the device name -->
<string name="fxa_tab_received_from_notification_name">ትር ከ%s</string>
<!-- Advanced Preferences -->
<!-- Preference for tracking protection exceptions -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_exceptions">ልዩ ሁኔታዎች</string>
<!-- Button in Exceptions Preference to turn on tracking protection for all sites (remove all exceptions) -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_exceptions_turn_on_for_all">ለሁሉም ድረ-ገፆች ያብሩ</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no exceptions -->
<string name="exceptions_empty_message_description">ልዩ ሁኔታዎች ለተመረጡት ድረ-ገፆች የመከታተያ ጥበቃን እንዲያሰናክሉ ያስችልዎታል።</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no exceptions, with learn more link that brings users to a tracking protection SUMO page -->
<string name="exceptions_empty_message_learn_more_link">ተጨማሪ ይወቁ</string>
<!-- Preference switch for usage and technical data collection -->
<string name="preference_usage_data">የአጠቃቀም እና ቴክኒካዊ ውሂብ</string>
<!-- Preference description for usage and technical data collection -->
<string name="preferences_usage_data_description">%1$s የተሻለ ለማድረግ እንዲረዳን የአሳሽዎን የአፈጻጸም፣ የአጠቃቀም፣ የሃርድዌር እና የማበጀት ውሂብ ለሞዚላ ያጋራል</string>
<!-- Preference switch for marketing data collection -->
<string name="preferences_marketing_data">የግብይት ውሂብ</string>
<!-- Preference description for marketing data collection -->
<string name="preferences_marketing_data_description2">የሞባይል ግብይት አቅራቢያችን ከሆነው ከአጀስት ጋር መሰረታዊ የአጠቃቀም መረጃን ያካፍላል</string>
<!-- Title for studies preferences -->
<string name="preference_experiments_2">ጥናቶች</string>
<!-- Summary for studies preferences -->
<string name="preference_experiments_summary_2">ሞዚላ ጥናቶችን እንዲጭን እና እንዲያሄድ ይፈቅዳል</string>
<!-- Turn On Sync Preferences -->
<!-- Header of the Sync and save your data preference view -->
<string name="preferences_sync_2">ያመሳስሉ እና ውሂብዎን ያስቀምጡ</string>
<!-- Preference for reconnecting to FxA sync -->
<string name="preferences_sync_sign_in_to_reconnect">ዳግም ለመገናኘት ይግቡ</string>
<!-- Preference for removing FxA account -->
<string name="preferences_sync_remove_account">መለያ አስወግድ</string>
<!-- Pairing Feature strings -->
<!-- Instructions on how to access pairing -->
<string name="pair_instructions_2"><![CDATA[በ<b></b> ላይ የሚታየውን የQR ኮድ ይቃኙ]]></string>
<!-- Toolbar Preferences -->
<!-- Preference for using top toolbar -->
<string name="preference_top_toolbar">ከላይ</string>
<!-- Preference for using bottom toolbar -->
<string name="preference_bottom_toolbar">ከታች</string>
<!-- Theme Preferences -->
<!-- Preference for using light theme -->
<string name="preference_light_theme">ፈካ ያለ</string>
<!-- Preference for using dark theme -->
<string name="preference_dark_theme">ጠቆር ያለ</string>
<!-- Preference for using using dark or light theme automatically set by battery -->
<string name="preference_auto_battery_theme">በባትሪ ቆጣቢ የተዘጋጀ</string>
<!-- Preference for using following device theme -->
<string name="preference_follow_device_theme">የመሳሪያውን ገጽታ ተከተል</string>
<!-- Gestures Preferences-->
<!-- Preferences for using pull to refresh in a webpage -->
<string name="preference_gestures_website_pull_to_refresh">ለማደስ ይጎትቱ</string>
<!-- Preference for using the dynamic toolbar -->
<string name="preference_gestures_dynamic_toolbar">የመሳሪያ አሞሌን ለመደበቅ ያሸብልሉ</string>
<!-- Preference for switching tabs by swiping horizontally on the toolbar -->
<string name="preference_gestures_swipe_toolbar_switch_tabs">ትሮችን ለመቀየር የመሳሪያ አሞሌን ወደ ጎን ያንሸራትቱ</string>
<!-- Preference for showing the opened tabs by swiping up on the toolbar-->
<string name="preference_gestures_swipe_toolbar_show_tabs">ትሮችን ለመክፈት የመሳሪያ አሞሌን ወደ ላይ ያንሸራትቱ</string>
<!-- Library -->
<!-- Option in Library to open Downloads page -->
<string name="library_downloads">የወረዱ</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Bookmarks page -->
<string name="library_bookmarks">እልባቶች</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks root page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_root">የዴስክቶፕ እልባቶች</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks "menu" page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_menu">የእልባቶች ምናሌ</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks "toolbar" page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_toolbar">የእልባቶች መሣሪያ አሞሌ</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks "unfiled" page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_unfiled">ሌሎች እልባቶች</string>
<!-- Option in Library to open History page -->
<string name="library_history">ታሪክ</string>
<!-- Option in Library to open a new tab -->
<string name="library_new_tab">አዲስ ትር</string>
<!-- Settings Page Title -->
<string name="settings_title">ቅንብሮች</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Close button for library settings" -->
<string name="content_description_close_button">ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Title to show in alert when a lot of tabs are to be opened
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs that will be opened -->
<string name="open_all_warning_title">%d ትሮች ይከፈቱ?</string>
<!-- Message to warn users that a large number of tabs will be opened
%s will be replaced by app name. -->
<string name="open_all_warning_message">ይህን ብዙ ትሮች መክፈት ገጾቹ በሚጫኑበት ጊዜ %sን ሊያዘገየው ይችላል። እርግጠኛ ነዎት መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?</string>
<!-- Dialog button text for confirming open all tabs -->
<string name="open_all_warning_confirm">ትሮችን ክፈት</string>
<!-- Dialog button text for canceling open all tabs -->
<string name="open_all_warning_cancel">ተወው</string>
<!-- Text to show users they have one page in the history group section of the History fragment.
%d is a placeholder for the number of pages in the group. -->
<string name="history_search_group_site_1">%d ገጽ</string>
<!-- Text to show users they have multiple pages in the history group section of the History fragment.
%d is a placeholder for the number of pages in the group. -->
<string name="history_search_group_sites_1">%d ገጾች</string>
<!-- Option in library for Recently Closed Tabs -->
<string name="library_recently_closed_tabs">በቅርብ ጊዜ የተዘጉ ትሮች</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Recently Closed Tabs page -->
<string name="recently_closed_show_full_history">ሙሉ ታሪክ አሳይ</string>
<!-- Text to show users they have multiple tabs saved in the Recently Closed Tabs section of history.
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs selected. -->
<string name="recently_closed_tabs">%d ትሮች</string>
<!-- Text to show users they have one tab saved in the Recently Closed Tabs section of history.
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs selected. -->
<string name="recently_closed_tab">%d ትር</string>
<!-- Recently closed tabs screen message when there are no recently closed tabs -->
<string name="recently_closed_empty_message">በቅርብ ጊዜ የተዘጉ ትሮች እዚህ የሉም</string>
<!-- Tab Management -->
<!-- Title of preference for tabs management -->
<string name="preferences_tabs">ትሮች</string>
<!-- Title of preference that allows a user to specify the tab view -->
<string name="preferences_tab_view">የትር እይታ</string>
<!-- Option for a list tab view -->
<string name="tab_view_list">ዝርዝር</string>
<!-- Option for a grid tab view -->
<string name="tab_view_grid">ሰንጠረዥ</string>
<!-- Title of preference that allows a user to auto close tabs after a specified amount of time -->
<string name="preferences_close_tabs">ትሮችን ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Option for auto closing tabs that will never auto close tabs, always allows user to manually close tabs -->
<string name="close_tabs_manually">በፍጹም</string>
<!-- Option for auto closing tabs that will auto close tabs after one day -->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_day">ከአንድ ቀን በኋላ</string>
<!-- Option for auto closing tabs that will auto close tabs after one week -->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_week">ከአንድ ሳምንት በኋላ</string>
<!-- Option for auto closing tabs that will auto close tabs after one month -->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_month">ከአንድ ወር በኋላ</string>
<!-- Title of preference that allows a user to specify the auto-close settings for open tabs -->
<string name="preference_auto_close_tabs" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ክፍት ትሮችን በራስ-ሰር ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Opening screen -->
<!-- Title of a preference that allows a user to choose what screen to show after opening the app -->
<string name="preferences_opening_screen">የመክፈቻ ማያ</string>
<!-- Option for always opening the homepage when re-opening the app -->
<string name="opening_screen_homepage">መነሻ ገጽ</string>
<!-- Option for always opening the user's last-open tab when re-opening the app -->
<string name="opening_screen_last_tab">የመጨረሻው ትር</string>
<!-- Option for always opening the homepage when re-opening the app after four hours of inactivity -->
<string name="opening_screen_after_four_hours_of_inactivity">መነሻ ገጽ ከአራት ሰዓታት እንቅስቃሴ-አልባነት በኋላ</string>
<!-- Summary for tabs preference when auto closing tabs setting is set to manual close-->
<string name="close_tabs_manually_summary">በተግባር ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Summary for tabs preference when auto closing tabs setting is set to auto close tabs after one day-->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_day_summary">ከአንድ ቀን በኋላ ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Summary for tabs preference when auto closing tabs setting is set to auto close tabs after one week-->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_week_summary">ከአንድ ሳምንት በኋላ ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Summary for tabs preference when auto closing tabs setting is set to auto close tabs after one month-->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_month_summary">ከአንድ ወር በኋላ ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Summary for homepage preference indicating always opening the homepage when re-opening the app -->
<string name="opening_screen_homepage_summary">መነሻ ገጽ ላይ ክፈት</string>
<!-- Summary for homepage preference indicating always opening the last-open tab when re-opening the app -->
<string name="opening_screen_last_tab_summary">በመጨረሻው ትር ላይ ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Summary for homepage preference indicating opening the homepage when re-opening the app after four hours of inactivity -->
<string name="opening_screen_after_four_hours_of_inactivity_summary">ከአራት ሰዓታት በኋላ በመነሻ ገጽ ላይ ክፈት</string>
<!-- Inactive tabs -->
<!-- Category header of a preference that allows a user to enable or disable the inactive tabs feature -->
<string name="preferences_inactive_tabs">የቆዩ ትሮችን ወደ እንቅስቃሴ-አልባ ውሰድ</string>
<!-- Title of inactive tabs preference -->
<string name="preferences_inactive_tabs_title">ለሁለት ሳምንታት ያላዩዋቸው ትሮች ወደ እንቅስቃሴ-አልባ ክፍል ይወሰዳሉ።</string>
<!-- Studies -->
<!-- Title of the remove studies button -->
<string name="studies_remove">አስወግድ</string>
<!-- Title of the active section on the studies list -->
<string name="studies_active">ንቁ</string>
<!-- Description for studies, it indicates why Firefox use studies. The first parameter is the name of the application. -->
<string name="studies_description_2">%1$s ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ ጥናቶችን ሊጭን እና ሊያሄድ ይችላል።</string>
<!-- Learn more link for studies, links to an article for more information about studies. -->
<string name="studies_learn_more">ተጨማሪ ይወቁ</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown after removing a study -->
<string name="studies_restart_app">ለውጦችን ለመተግበር መተግበርያው ያቆማል</string>
<!-- Dialog button to confirm the removing a study. -->
<string name="studies_restart_dialog_ok">እሺ</string>
<!-- Dialog button text for canceling removing a study. -->
<string name="studies_restart_dialog_cancel">ተወው</string>
<!-- Toast shown after turning on/off studies preferences -->
<string name="studies_toast_quit_application" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ለውጦችን ለመተግበር መተግበሪያውን በማቆም ላይ…</string>
<!-- Sessions -->
<!-- Title for the list of tabs -->
<string name="tab_header_label">ክፍት ትሮች</string>
<!-- Title for the list of tabs in the current private session -->
<string name="tabs_header_private_tabs_title">የግል ትሮች</string>
<!-- Title for the list of tabs in the synced tabs -->
<string name="tabs_header_synced_tabs_title">የተመሳሰሉ ትሮች</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Add tab button. Adds a news tab when pressed -->
<string name="add_tab">ትር አክል</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Add tab button. Adds a news tab when pressed -->
<string name="add_private_tab">የግል ትርን ያክሉ</string>
<!-- Text for the new tab button to indicate adding a new private tab in the tab -->
<string name="tab_drawer_fab_content">የግል</string>
<!-- Text for the new tab button to indicate syncing command on the synced tabs page -->
<string name="tab_drawer_fab_sync">አመሳስል</string>
<!-- Text shown in the menu for sharing all tabs -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_item_share">ሁሉንም ትሮች ያጋሩ</string>
<!-- Text shown in the menu to view recently closed tabs -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_recently_closed">በቅርብ ጊዜ የተዘጉ ትሮች</string>
<!-- Text shown in the tabs tray inactive tabs section -->
<string name="tab_tray_inactive_recently_closed" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">በቅርብ ጊዜ የተዘጉ</string>
<!-- Text shown in the menu to view account settings -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_account_settings">የመለያ ቅንብሮች</string>
<!-- Text shown in the menu to view tab settings -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_tab_settings">የትር ቅንብሮች</string>
<!-- Text shown in the menu for closing all tabs -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_item_close">ሁሉንም ትሮች ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Text shown in the multiselect menu for bookmarking selected tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_multiselect_menu_item_bookmark">እልባት</string>
<!-- Text shown in the multiselect menu for closing selected tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_multiselect_menu_item_close">ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Content description for tabs tray multiselect share button -->
<string name="tab_tray_multiselect_share_content_description">የተመረጡ ትሮችን ያጋሩ</string>
<!-- Content description for tabs tray multiselect menu -->
<string name="tab_tray_multiselect_menu_content_description">የተመረጡ የትሮች ምናሌ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Removes tab from collection button. Removes the selected tab from collection when pressed -->
<string name="remove_tab_from_collection">ትርን ከስብስብ ያስወግዱ</string>
<!-- Text for button to enter multiselect mode in tabs tray -->
<string name="tabs_tray_select_tabs">ትሮችን ይምረጡ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Close tab button. Closes the current session when pressed -->
<string name="close_tab">ትርን ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Close tab <title> button. First parameter is tab title -->
<string name="close_tab_title">%s ትርን ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Opens the open tabs menu when pressed -->
<string name="open_tabs_menu">የትሮች ምናሌን ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Open tabs menu item to save tabs to collection -->
<string name="tabs_menu_save_to_collection1">ትሮችን ወደ ስብስብ አስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to delete a collection -->
<string name="collection_delete">ስብስብን ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to rename a collection -->
<string name="collection_rename">ስብስቡን እንደገና ይሰይሙ</string>
<!-- Text for the button to open tabs of the selected collection -->
<string name="collection_open_tabs">ትሮችን ክፈት</string>
<!-- Hint for adding name of a collection -->
<string name="collection_name_hint">የስብስብ ስም</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to rename a top site -->
<string name="rename_top_site">እንደገና ይሰይሙ</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to remove a top site -->
<string name="remove_top_site">አስወግድ</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to delete a top site from history -->
<string name="delete_from_history">ከታሪክ ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Postfix for private WebApp titles, placeholder is replaced with app name -->
<string name="pwa_site_controls_title_private">%1$s (የግል ሁነታ)</string>
<!-- History -->
<!-- Text for the button to search all history -->
<string name="history_search_1">የፍለጋ ህብረ ቁምፊ ያስገቡ</string>
<!-- Text for the button to clear all history -->
<string name="history_delete_all">ታሪክ ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar to confirm that multiple browsing history items has been deleted -->
<string name="history_delete_multiple_items_snackbar">ታሪክ ተሰርዟል</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar to confirm that a single browsing history item has been deleted. The first parameter is the shortened URL of the deleted history item. -->
<string name="history_delete_single_item_snackbar">%1$s ተሰርዟል</string>
<!-- Context description text for the button to delete a single history item -->
<string name="history_delete_item">ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- History multi select title in app bar
The first parameter is the number of bookmarks selected -->
<string name="history_multi_select_title">%1$d ተመርጧል</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history for today -->
<string name="history_today">ዛሬ</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history for yesterday -->
<string name="history_yesterday">ትላንት</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history the past 7 days -->
<string name="history_7_days">ያለፉት 7 ቀናት</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history the past 30 days -->
<string name="history_30_days">ያለፉት 30 ቀናት</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history older than the last month -->
<string name="history_older">ይበልጥ የቆየ</string>
<!-- Text shown when no history exists -->
<string name="history_empty_message">እዚህ ምንም ታሪክ የለም</string>
<!-- Downloads -->
<!-- Text for the snackbar to confirm that multiple downloads items have been removed -->
<string name="download_delete_multiple_items_snackbar_1">ውርዶች ተወግደዋል</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar to confirm that a single download item has been removed. The first parameter is the name of the download item. -->
<string name="download_delete_single_item_snackbar">%1$s ተወግዷል</string>
<!-- Text shown when no download exists -->
<string name="download_empty_message_1">ምንም የወረዱ ፋይሎች የሉም</string>
<!-- History multi select title in app bar
The first parameter is the number of downloads selected -->
<string name="download_multi_select_title">%1$d ተመርጧል</string>
<!-- Text for the button to remove a single download item -->
<string name="download_delete_item_1">አስወግድ</string>
<!-- Crashes -->
<!-- Title text displayed on the tab crash page. This first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="tab_crash_title_2">አዝናለሁ። %1$s ያንን ገጽ መጫን አይችልም።</string>
<!-- Send crash report checkbox text on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_send_report">የብልሽት ሪፖርት ወደ ሞዚላ ይላኩ</string>
<!-- Close tab button text on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_close">ትርን ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Restore tab button text on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_restore">ትርን ወደነበረበት መልስ</string>
<!-- Bookmarks -->
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete the selected folder -->
<string name="bookmark_delete_folder_confirmation_dialog">እርግጠኛ ነዎት ይህን አቃፊ መሰረዝ ይፈልጋሉ?</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete multiple items including folders. Parameter will be replaced by app name. -->
<string name="bookmark_delete_multiple_folders_confirmation_dialog">%s የተመረጡትን ነገሮች ይሰርዛል።</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button on delete bookmark dialog -->
<string name="bookmark_delete_negative">ተወው</string>
<!-- Screen title for adding a bookmarks folder -->
<string name="bookmark_add_folder">አቃፊ አክል</string>
<!-- Snackbar title shown after a bookmark has been created. -->
<string name="bookmark_saved_snackbar">እልባት ተቀምጧል!</string>
<!-- Snackbar edit button shown after a bookmark has been created. -->
<string name="edit_bookmark_snackbar_action">አርትዕ</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu edit button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_edit_button">አርትዕ</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu copy button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_copy_button">ቅዳ</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu share button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_share_button">አጋራ</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu open in new tab button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_open_in_new_tab_button">በአዲስ ትር ክፈት</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu open in private tab button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_open_in_private_tab_button">በግል ትር ክፈት</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu open all in tabs button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_open_all_in_tabs_button">ሁሉንም በአዲስ ትሮች ውስጥ ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu open all in private tabs button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_open_all_in_private_tabs_button">ሁሉንም በግል ትሮች ውስጥ ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu delete button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_delete_button">ሰርዝ</string>
<!--Bookmark overflow menu save button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_save_button">አስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- Bookmark multi select title in app bar
The first parameter is the number of bookmarks selected -->
<string name="bookmarks_multi_select_title">%1$d ተመርጧል</string>
<!-- Bookmark editing screen title -->
<string name="edit_bookmark_fragment_title">እልባት አርትዕ</string>
<!-- Bookmark folder editing screen title -->
<string name="edit_bookmark_folder_fragment_title">አቃፊ አርትዕ</string>
<!-- Bookmark sign in button message -->
<string name="bookmark_sign_in_button">የተመሳሰሉ እልባቶችን ለማየት ይግቡ</string>
<!-- Bookmark URL editing field label -->
<string name="bookmark_url_label">URL</string>
<!-- Bookmark FOLDER editing field label -->
<string name="bookmark_folder_label">አቃፊ</string>
<!-- Bookmark NAME editing field label -->
<string name="bookmark_name_label">ስም</string>
<!-- Bookmark add folder screen title -->
<string name="bookmark_add_folder_fragment_label">አቃፊ አክል</string>
<!-- Bookmark select folder screen title -->
<string name="bookmark_select_folder_fragment_label">አቃፊ ይምረጡ</string>
<!-- Bookmark editing error missing title -->
<string name="bookmark_empty_title_error">ርዕስ ሊኖረው ይገባል</string>
<!-- Bookmark editing error missing or improper URL -->
<string name="bookmark_invalid_url_error">ልክ ያልሆነ URL</string>
<!-- Bookmark screen message for empty bookmarks folder -->
<string name="bookmarks_empty_message">እዚህ ምንም እልባቶች የሉም</string>
<!-- Bookmark snackbar message on deletion
The first parameter is the host part of the URL of the bookmark deleted, if any -->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_snackbar_message">%1$s ተሰርዟል</string>
<!-- Bookmark snackbar message on deleting multiple bookmarks not including folders-->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_multiple_snackbar_message_2">እልባቶች ተሰርዘዋል</string>
<!-- Bookmark snackbar message on deleting multiple bookmarks including folders-->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_multiple_snackbar_message_3">የተመረጡ አቃፊዎችን በመሰረዝ ላይ</string>
<!-- Bookmark undo button for deletion snackbar action -->
<string name="bookmark_undo_deletion">ቀልብስ</string>
<!-- Text for the button to search all bookmarks -->
<string name="bookmark_search">የፍለጋ ህብረ ቁምፊ ያስገቡ</string>
<!-- Site Permissions -->
<!-- Button label that take the user to the Android App setting -->
<string name="phone_feature_go_to_settings">ወደ ቅንብሮች ይሂዱ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Quick settings sheet
to give users access to site specific information / settings. For example:
Secure settings status and a button to modify site permissions -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet">ፈጣን ቅንብሮች ገፅ</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that this option it the recommended one -->
<string name="phone_feature_recommended">የሚመከር</string>
<!-- Button label for clearing all the information of site permissions-->
<string name="clear_permissions">ፈቃዶችን ያጽዱ</string>
<!-- Text for the OK button on Clear permissions dialog -->
<string name="clear_permissions_positive">እሺ</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button on Clear permissions dialog -->
<string name="clear_permissions_negative">ተወው</string>
<!-- Button label for clearing a site permission-->
<string name="clear_permission">ፍቃድ አጽዳ</string>
<!-- Text for the OK button on Clear permission dialog -->
<string name="clear_permission_positive">እሺ</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button on Clear permission dialog -->
<string name="clear_permission_negative">ተወው</string>
<!-- Button label for clearing all the information on all sites-->
<string name="clear_permissions_on_all_sites">በሁሉም ድረ-ገፆች ላይ ፈቃዶችን ያጽዱ</string>
<!-- Preference for altering video and audio autoplay for all websites -->
<string name="preference_browser_feature_autoplay">ራስ-አጫዋች</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the camera access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_camera">ካሜራ</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the microphone access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_microphone">ድምፅ ማጉያ</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the location access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_location">ቦታ</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the notification access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_notification">ማሳወቂያ</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the persistent storage access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_persistent_storage">ቋሚ ማከማቻ</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the storage access setting for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_cross_origin_storage_access">ተሻጋሪ ኩኪዎች</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the EME access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_media_key_system_access">በDRM ቁጥጥር የሚደረግበት ይዘት</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be asked always -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_ask_to_allow">ለመፍቀድ ጠይቅ</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be blocked -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_blocked">ታግዷል</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be allowed -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_allowed">ተፈቅዷል</string>
<!--Label that indicates a permission is by the Android OS-->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_by_android">በAndroid ታግዷል</string>
<!-- Preference for showing a list of websites that the default configurations won't apply to them -->
<string name="preference_exceptions">ልዩ ሁኔታዎች</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to off -->
<string name="tracking_protection_off">ጠፍቷል</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to standard -->
<string name="tracking_protection_standard">ደረጃ</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to strict -->
<string name="tracking_protection_strict">ጥብቅ</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to custom -->
<string name="tracking_protection_custom">ብጁ</string>
<!-- Label for global setting that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is allowed -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_allowed2">ድምፅ እና ተንቀሳቃሽ ምሥል ፍቀድ</string>
<!-- Label for site specific setting that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is allowed -->
<string name="quick_setting_option_autoplay_allowed">ድምፅ እና ተንቀሳቃሽ ምሥል ፍቀድ</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that video and audio autoplay is only allowed over Wi-Fi -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_allowed_wifi_only2">በተንቀሳቃሽ ስልክ መገናኛ ላይ ብቻ ድምፅ እና ተንቀሳቃሽ ምሥል አግድ</string>
<!-- Subtext that explains 'autoplay on Wi-Fi only' option -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_allowed_wifi_subtext">ኦዲዮ እና ቪዲዮ በWi-Fi ላይ ይጫወታሉ</string>
<!-- Label for global setting that indicates that video autoplay is allowed, but audio autoplay is blocked -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_block_audio2">ድምፅን ብቻ አግድ</string>
<!-- Label for site specific setting that indicates that video autoplay is allowed, but audio autoplay is blocked -->
<string name="quick_setting_option_autoplay_block_audio">ድምፅን ብቻ አግድ</string>
<!-- Label for global setting that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is blocked -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_blocked3">ድምፅ እና ተንቀሳቃሽ ምሥል አግድ</string>
<!-- Label for site specific setting that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is blocked -->
<string name="quick_setting_option_autoplay_blocked">ድምፅ እና ተንቀሳቃሽ ምሥል አግድ</string>
<!-- Summary of delete browsing data on quit preference if it is set to on -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_quit_on">በርቷል</string>
<!-- Summary of delete browsing data on quit preference if it is set to off -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_quit_off">ጠፍቷል</string>
<!-- Summary of studies preference if it is set to on -->
<string name="studies_on">በርቷል</string>
<!-- Summary of studies data on quit preference if it is set to off -->
<string name="studies_off">ጠፍቷል</string>
<!-- Collections -->
<!-- Collections header on home fragment -->
<string name="collections_header">ስብስቦች</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Opens the collection menu when pressed -->
<string name="collection_menu_button_content_description">የስብስብ ምናሌ</string>
<!-- Label to describe what collections are to a new user without any collections -->
<string name="no_collections_description2">ለእርስዎ አስፈላጊ የሆኑትን ነገሮች ይሰብስቡ።\nበኋላ ፈጣን መዳረሻ ለማግኘት ተመሳሳይ ፍለጋዎችን፣ ድረ-ገፆችን እና ትሮችን አንድ ላይ ያሰባስቡ።</string>
<!-- Title for the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_select_tabs">ትሮችን ይምረጡ</string>
<!-- Title for the "select collection" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_select_collection">ስብስብ ይምረጡ</string>
<!-- Title for the "name collection" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_name_collection">የስም ስብስብ</string>
<!-- Button to add new collection for the "select collection" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_add_new_collection">አዲስ ስብስብ ያክሉ</string>
<!-- Button to select all tabs in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_select_all">ሁሉንም ምረጥ</string>
<!-- Button to deselect all tabs in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_deselect_all">ሁሉንም አትምረጥ</string>
<!-- Text to prompt users to select the tabs to save in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_save_to_collection_empty">ለማስቀመጥ ትሮችን ይምረጡ</string>
<!-- Text to show users how many tabs they have selected in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator.
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs selected. -->
<string name="create_collection_save_to_collection_tabs_selected">%d ትሮች ተመርጠዋል</string>
<!-- Text to show users they have one tab selected in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator.
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs selected. -->
<string name="create_collection_save_to_collection_tab_selected">%d ትር ተመርጧል</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when multiple tabs have been saved in a collection -->
<string name="create_collection_tabs_saved">ትሮች ተቀምጠዋል!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when one or multiple tabs have been saved in a new collection -->
<string name="create_collection_tabs_saved_new_collection">ስብስብ ተቀምጧል!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when one tab has been saved in a collection -->
<string name="create_collection_tab_saved">ትር ተቀምጧል!</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): button to close the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_close">ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Button to save currently selected tabs in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator-->
<string name="create_collection_save">አስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- Snackbar action to view the collection the user just created or updated -->
<string name="create_collection_view">ዕይታ</string>
<!-- Text for the OK button from collection dialogs -->
<string name="create_collection_positive">እሺ</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button from collection dialogs -->
<string name="create_collection_negative">ተወው</string>
<!-- Default name for a new collection in "name new collection" step of the collection creator. %d is a placeholder for the number of collections-->
<string name="create_collection_default_name">ስብስብ %d</string>
<!-- Share -->
<!-- Share screen header -->
<string name="share_header_2">አጋራ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.):
"Share" button. Opens the share menu when pressed. -->
<string name="share_button_content_description">አጋራ</string>
<!-- Text for the Save to PDF feature in the share menu -->
<string name="share_save_to_pdf">እንደ PDF አስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- Text for error message when generating a PDF file Text. -->
<string name="unable_to_save_to_pdf_error">PDF መፍጠር አልተቻለም</string>
<!-- Text for standard error snackbar dismiss button. -->
<string name="standard_snackbar_error_dismiss">አሰናብት</string>
<!-- Text for error message when printing a page and it fails. -->
<string name="unable_to_print_page_error">ይህን ገጽ ማተም አልተቻለም</string>
<!-- Text for the print feature in the share and browser menu -->
<string name="menu_print">አትም</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to another sync device -->
<string name="share_device_subheader">ወደ መሳሪያ ላክ</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to an app from the full list -->
<string name="share_link_all_apps_subheader">ሁሉም ድርጊቶች</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to an app from the most-recent sorted list -->
<string name="share_link_recent_apps_subheader">በቅርብ ጊዜ ጥቅም ላይ የዋለ</string>
<!-- Text for the copy link action in the share screen. -->
<string name="share_copy_link_to_clipboard">ወደ ቅንጥብ ሰሌዳ ቅዳ</string>
<!-- Toast shown after copying link to clipboard -->
<string name="toast_copy_link_to_clipboard">ወደ ቅንጥብ ሰሌዳ ተቀድቷል</string>
<!-- An option from the share dialog to sign into sync -->
<string name="sync_sign_in">ለማመሳሰል ይግቡ</string>
<!-- An option from the three dot menu to sync and save data -->
<string name="sync_menu_sync_and_save_data">አመሳስል እና ውሂብ አስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- An option from the share dialog to send link to all other sync devices -->
<string name="sync_send_to_all">ወደ ሁሉም መሳሪያዎች ላክ</string>
<!-- An option from the share dialog to reconnect to sync -->
<string name="sync_reconnect">ከማመሳሰል ጋር እንደገና ያገናኙ</string>
<!-- Text displayed when sync is offline and cannot be accessed -->
<string name="sync_offline">ከመስመር ውጭ</string>
<!-- An option to connect additional devices -->
<string name="sync_connect_device">ሌላ መሳሪያ ያገናኙ</string>
<!-- The dialog text shown when additional devices are not available -->
<string name="sync_connect_device_dialog">ትር ለመላክ ቢያንስ በአንድ ሌላ መሳሪያ ወደ Firefox ይግቡ።</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog button -->
<string name="sync_confirmation_button">ገባኝ</string>
<!-- Share error message -->
<string name="share_error_snackbar">ለዚህ መተግበሪያ ማጋራት አይቻልም</string>
<!-- Add new device screen title -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_title">ወደ መሳሪያ ላክ</string>
<!-- Text for the warning message on the Add new device screen -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_message">ምንም መሣሪያዎች አልተገናኙም</string>
<!-- Text for the button to learn about sending tabs -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_learn_button">ትሮችን ስለመላክ ይወቁ…</string>
<!-- Text for the button to connect another device -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_connect_button">ሌላ መሳሪያ ያገናኙ…</string>
<!-- Notifications -->
<!-- Text shown in the notification that pops up to remind the user that a private browsing session is active. -->
<string name="notification_pbm_delete_text_2">የግል ትሮችን ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Text shown in the notification that pops up to remind the user that a private browsing session is active for Android 14+ -->
<string name="notification_erase_title_android_14">የግል ትሮች ይዘጉ?</string>
<string name="notification_erase_text_android_14">የግል ትሮችን ለመዝጋት ይህን ማሳወቂያ ነካ ያድርጉ ወይም ያንሸራትቱ።</string>
<!-- Name of the marketing notification channel. Displayed in the "App notifications" system settings for the app -->
<string name="notification_marketing_channel_name">ግብይት</string>
<!-- Title shown in the notification that pops up to remind the user to set fenix as default browser.
The app name is in the text, due to limitations with localizing Nimbus experiments -->
<string name="nimbus_notification_default_browser_title" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Firefox ፈጣን እና ግላዊ ነው</string>
<!-- Text shown in the notification that pops up to remind the user to set fenix as default browser.
The app name is in the text, due to limitations with localizing Nimbus experiments -->
<string name="nimbus_notification_default_browser_text" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Firefoxን ነባሪ አሳሽዎ ያድርጉ</string>
<!-- Title shown in the notification that pops up to re-engage the user -->
<string name="notification_re_engagement_title">የግል አሰሳ ይሞክሩ</string>
<!-- Text shown in the notification that pops up to re-engage the user.
%1$s is a placeholder that will be replaced by the app name. -->
<string name="notification_re_engagement_text">በ%1$s ውስጥ ያለ ምንም ኩኪዎች ወይም ታሪክ ማስቀመጥ ያስሱ</string>
<!-- Title A shown in the notification that pops up to re-engage the user -->
<string name="notification_re_engagement_A_title">ያለ ዱካ ያስሱ</string>
<!-- Text A shown in the notification that pops up to re-engage the user.
%1$s is a placeholder that will be replaced by the app name. -->
<string name="notification_re_engagement_A_text">የግል አሰሳ በ%1$s ውስጥ መረጃዎን አያስቀምጥም።</string>
<!-- Title B shown in the notification that pops up to re-engage the user -->
<string name="notification_re_engagement_B_title">የመጀመሪያ ፍለጋዎን ይጀምሩ</string>
<!-- Text B shown in the notification that pops up to re-engage the user -->
<string name="notification_re_engagement_B_text">በአቅራቢያ ያለን ነገር ይፈልጉ። ወይም ዘና የሚያደርግ ነገር ይወቁ።</string>
<!-- Survey -->
<!-- Text shown in the fullscreen message that pops up to ask user to take a short survey.
The app name is in the text, due to limitations with localizing Nimbus experiments -->
<string name="nimbus_survey_message_text">እባኮትን አጭር ዳሰሳ በማድረግ ፋየርፎክስን የተሻለ ለማድረግ ያግዙ።</string>
<!-- Preference for taking the short survey. -->
<string name="preferences_take_survey">በዳሰሳ ጥናት ይሳተፉ</string>
<!-- Preference for not taking the short survey. -->
<string name="preferences_not_take_survey">አይ አመሰግናለሁ</string>
<!-- Snackbar -->
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user deletes a collection -->
<string name="snackbar_collection_deleted">ስብስብ ተሰርዟል</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user renames a collection -->
<string name="snackbar_collection_renamed">ስብስብ ተሰይሟል</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a tab -->
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">ትር ተዘግቷል</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">ትሮች ተዘግተዋል</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user bookmarks a list of tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_message_bookmarks_saved">እልባቶች ተቀምጠዋል!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to shortcuts -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_shortcuts">ወደ አቋራጮች ታክሏል!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">የግል ትር ተዘግቷል</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tabs_closed">የግል ትሮች ተዘግተዋል</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user erases their private browsing data -->
<string name="snackbar_private_data_deleted">የግል አሰሳ ውሂብ ተሰርዟል</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar to undo deleting a tab, top site or collection -->
<string name="snackbar_deleted_undo">ቀልብስ</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user removes a top site -->
<string name="snackbar_top_site_removed">ድረ-ገፅ ተወግዷል</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt which appears after scanning a code, but before navigating to it
First parameter is the name of the app, second parameter is the URL or text scanned-->
<string name="qr_scanner_confirmation_dialog_message">%1$s %2$sን እንዲከፍት ፍቀድ</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt dialog positive option to allow navigation to scanned link -->
<string name="qr_scanner_dialog_positive">ፍቀድ</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt dialog positive option to deny navigation to scanned link -->
<string name="qr_scanner_dialog_negative">ከልክል</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt dialog error message shown when a hostname does not contain http or https. -->
<string name="qr_scanner_dialog_invalid">የድር አድራሻ ልክ አይደለም።</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt dialog positive option when there is an error -->
<string name="qr_scanner_dialog_invalid_ok">እሺ</string>
<!-- Tab collection deletion prompt dialog message. Placeholder will be replaced with the collection name -->
<string name="tab_collection_dialog_message">እርግጠኛ ነዎት %1$sን መሰረዝ ይፈልጋሉ?</string>
<!-- Collection and tab deletion prompt dialog message. This will show when the last tab from a collection is deleted -->
<string name="delete_tab_and_collection_dialog_message">ይህን ትር መሰረዝ መላውን ስብስብ ይሰርዛል። በማንኛውም ጊዜ አዳዲስ ስብስቦችን መፍጠር ይችላሉ።</string>
<!-- Collection and tab deletion prompt dialog title. Placeholder will be replaced with the collection name. This will show when the last tab from a collection is deleted -->
<string name="delete_tab_and_collection_dialog_title">%1$s ይሰረዝ?</string>
<!-- Tab collection deletion prompt dialog option to delete the collection -->
<string name="tab_collection_dialog_positive">ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Text displayed in a notification when the user enters full screen mode -->
<string name="full_screen_notification">ወደ ሙሉ ማያ ገጽ ሁነታ በመግባት ላይ</string>
<!-- Message for copying the URL via long press on the toolbar -->
<string name="url_copied">URL ተቀድቷል</string>
<!-- Sample text for accessibility font size -->
<string name="accessibility_text_size_sample_text_1">ይህ ናሙና ጽሑፍ ነው። በዚህ ቅንብር መጠን ሲጨምሩ ወይም ሲቀንሱ ጽሁፍ እንዴት እንደሚታይ ለማሳየት እዚህ ነው።</string>
<!-- Summary for Accessibility Text Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_text_size_summary">በድረ-ገጾች ላይ ፅሑፎችን ትልልቅ ወይም ትንንሽ ያድርጉ</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Text Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_font_size_title">የቅርጸ ቁምፊ መጠን</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Text Automatic Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_auto_size_2">ራስ-ሰር የቅርጸ-ቁምፊ መጠን</string>
<!-- Summary for Accessibility Text Automatic Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_auto_size_summary">የቅርጸ-ቁምፊ መጠን ከእርስዎ Android ቅንብሮች ጋር ይዛመዳል። የቅርጸ ቁምፊ መጠንን እዚህ ለማስተዳደር ያሰናክሉ።</string>
<!-- Title for the Delete browsing data preference -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data">የአሰሳ ውሂብን ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Title for the tabs item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_tabs_title_2">ትሮችን ክፈት</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the tabs item in Delete browsing data, parameter will be replaced with the number of open tabs -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_tabs_subtitle">%d ትሮች</string>
<!-- Title for the data and history items in Delete browsing data -->
<!-- Title for the history item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_browsing_history_title">የአሰሳ ታሪክ</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the data and history items in delete browsing data, parameter will be replaced with the
number of history items the user has -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_browsing_data_subtitle">%d አድራሻዎች</string>
<!-- Title for the cookies and site data items in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cookies_and_site_data">ኩኪዎች እና የድረ-ገፅ ውሂብ</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the cookies item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cookies_subtitle">ከአብዛኛዎቹ ድረ-ገፆች ዘግተው እንዲወጡ ይደረጋሉ</string>
<!-- Title for the cached images and files item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cached_files">የተሸጎጡ ምስሎች እና ፋይሎች</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the cached images and files item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cached_files_subtitle">የማከማቻ ቦታን ያስለቅቃል</string>
<!-- Title for the site permissions item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_site_permissions">የድረ-ገፅ ፈቃዶች</string>
<!-- Title for the downloads item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_downloads">የወረዱ</string>
<!-- Text for the button to delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_button">የአሰሳ ውሂብን ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Title for the Delete browsing data on quit preference -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_on_quit">ሲዘጋ የአሰሳ ውሂብን ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Summary for the Delete browsing data on quit preference. "Quit" translation should match delete_browsing_data_on_quit_action translation. -->
<string name="preference_summary_delete_browsing_data_on_quit_2">ከዋናው ምናሌ ውስጥ \&quot;አቋርጥ\&quot;ን ስትመርጡ የአሰሳ ውሂብን በራስ ሰር ይሰርዛል</string>
<!-- Action item in menu for the Delete browsing data on quit feature -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_on_quit_action">አቁም</string>
<!-- Title text of a delete browsing data dialog. -->
<string name="delete_history_prompt_title">የሚሰረዝበት ጊዜ</string>
<!-- Body text of a delete browsing data dialog. -->
<string name="delete_history_prompt_body" moz:RemovedIn="130" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ታሪክን (ከሌሎች መሳሪያዎች ጋር የሰመረ ታሪክን ጨምሮ)፣ ኩኪዎችን እና ሌላ የአሰሳ ውሂብን ያስወግዳል።</string>
<!-- Body text of a delete browsing data dialog. -->
<string name="delete_history_prompt_body_2">ታሪክን ያስወግዳል (ከሌሎች መሳሪያዎች ጋር የተመሳሰለ ታሪክን ጨምሮ)</string>
<!-- Radio button in the delete browsing data dialog to delete history items for the last hour. -->
<string name="delete_history_prompt_button_last_hour">የመጨረሻው ሰዓት</string>
<!-- Radio button in the delete browsing data dialog to delete history items for today and yesterday. -->
<string name="delete_history_prompt_button_today_and_yesterday">ዛሬ እና ትናንት</string>
<!-- Radio button in the delete browsing data dialog to delete all history. -->
<string name="delete_history_prompt_button_everything">ሁሉም ነገር</string>
<!-- Dialog message to the user asking to delete browsing data. Parameter will be replaced by app name. -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_prompt_message_3">%s የተመረጠውን የአሰሳ ውሂብ ይሰርዛል።</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button for the data deletion dialog -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_prompt_cancel">ተወው</string>
<!-- Text for the allow button for the data deletion dialog -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_prompt_allow">ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar confirmation that the data was deleted -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_snackbar">የአሰሳ ውሂብ ተሰርዟል</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar to show the user that the deletion of browsing data is in progress -->
<string name="deleting_browsing_data_in_progress">የአሰሳ ውሂብን በመሰረዝ ላይ…</string>
<!-- Dialog message to the user asking to delete all history items inside the opened group. Parameter will be replaced by a history group name. -->
<string name="delete_all_history_group_prompt_message">በ &quot;%s&quot; ውስጥ ያሉትን ሁሉንም ድረ-ገፆች ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button for the history group deletion dialog -->
<string name="delete_history_group_prompt_cancel">ተወው</string>
<!-- Text for the allow button for the history group dialog -->
<string name="delete_history_group_prompt_allow">ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar confirmation that the history group was deleted -->
<string name="delete_history_group_snackbar">ቡድን ተሰርዟል</string>
<!-- Onboarding -->
<!-- text to display in the snackbar once account is signed-in -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_sync_is_on">ማመሳሰል በርቷል</string>
<!-- Onboarding theme -->
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when multiple tabs have been sent to device -->
<string name="sync_sent_tabs_snackbar">ትሮች ተልከዋል!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when one tab has been sent to device -->
<string name="sync_sent_tab_snackbar">ትር ተልኳል!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when sharing tabs failed -->
<string name="sync_sent_tab_error_snackbar">መላክ አልተቻለም</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar for the "retry" action that the user has after sharing tabs failed -->
<string name="sync_sent_tab_error_snackbar_action">እንደገና ሞክር</string>
<!-- Title of QR Pairing Fragment -->
<string name="sync_scan_code">ኮዱን ይቃኙ</string>
<!-- Instructions on how to access pairing -->
<string name="sign_in_instructions"><![CDATA[በኮምፒተርዎ ላይ Firefox ን ይክፈቱ እና ወደ <b></b> ይሂዱ]]></string>
<!-- Text shown for sign in pairing when ready -->
<string name="sign_in_ready_for_scan">ለመቃኘት ዝግጁ</string>
<!-- Text shown for settings option for sign with pairing -->
<string name="sign_in_with_camera">በካሜራዎ ይግቡ</string>
<!-- Text shown for settings option for sign with email -->
<string name="sign_in_with_email">በምትኩ ኢሜይል ተጠቀም</string>
<!-- Text shown for settings option for create new account text.'Firefox' intentionally hardcoded here.-->
<string name="sign_in_create_account_text"><![CDATA[መለያ የለም? ፋየርፎክስን በመሳሪያዎች መካከል ለማመሳሰል <u>አንድ ይፍጠሩ</u>።]]></string>
<!-- Text shown in confirmation dialog to sign out of account. The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="sign_out_confirmation_message_2">%s ከመለያዎ ጋር ማመሳሰል ያቆማል፣ ነገር ግን በዚህ መሳሪያ ላይ የትኛውንም የአሰሳ ውሂብዎን አይሰርዝም።</string>
<!-- Option to continue signing out of account shown in confirmation dialog to sign out of account -->
<string name="sign_out_disconnect">ግንኙነት አቋርጥ</string>
<!-- Option to cancel signing out shown in confirmation dialog to sign out of account -->
<string name="sign_out_cancel">ተወው</string>
<!-- Error message snackbar shown after the user tried to select a default folder which cannot be altered -->
<string name="bookmark_cannot_edit_root">ነባሪ አቃፊዎችን ማርትዕ አይቻልም</string>
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<!-- Link displayed in enhanced tracking protection panel to access tracking protection settings -->
<string name="etp_settings">የጥበቃ ቅንብሮች</string>
<!-- Preference title for enhanced tracking protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection">የተሻሻለ የመከታተያ ጥበቃ</string>
<!-- Preference summary for enhanced tracking protection settings on/off switch -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_summary">አሁን አጠቃላይ የኩኪ ጥበቃን በማሳየት ላይ፣ የኛ እጅግ ኃይለኛው ድረ-ገጽ ተሻጋሪ መከታተያዎችን አጋጅ።</string>
<!-- Description of enhanced tracking protection. The parameter is the name of the application (For example: Firefox Fenix) -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_explanation_2">%s በመስመር ላይ የሚያደርጉትን ከሚከተሉ ብዙ በጣም የተለመዱ መከታተያዎች ይጠብቅዎታል።</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website about enhanced tracking protection -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_explanation_learn_more">የበለጠ ለማወቅ</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the standard protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_default_1">መደበኛ (ነባሪ)</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the standard protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_description_5">ገጾች በመደበኛነት ይጫናሉ፣ ነገር ግን ጥቂት መከታተያዎችን ያግዳል።</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Standard protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_info_button">በመደበኛ የመከታተያ ጥበቃ የታገደው</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict">ጥብቅ</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description_4">ጠንካራ የመከታተያ ጥበቃ እና ፈጣን አፈጻጸም፣ ነገር ግን አንዳንድ ጣቢያዎች በትክክል ላይሰሩ ይችላሉ።</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">በጥብቅ የመከታተያ ጥበቃ የታገደው</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">ብጁ</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description_2">የትኞቹን መከታተያዎች እና ስክሪፕቶች እንደሚታገዱ ይምረጡ።</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">በብጁ የመከታተያ ጥበቃ የታገደው</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">ኩኪዎች</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">ድረ-ገፅ ተሻጋሪ እና የማህበራዊ ሚዲያ መከታተያዎች</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">ካልተጎበኙ ድረ-ገፆች የመጡ ኩኪዎች</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">ሁሉም የሶስተኛ ወገን ኩኪዎች (ድረ-ገፆች ባግባቡ እንዳይሰሩ ሊያደርግ ይችላል)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">ሁሉም ኩኪዎች (ድረ-ገፆች ባግባቡ እንዳይሰሩ ያደርጋል)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_5">ድረ-ገጽ ተሻጋሪ ኩኪዎችን ለይ</string>
<!-- Preference for Global Privacy Control for the custom privacy settings for Global Privacy Control. '&amp;' is replaced with the ampersand symbol: &-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_global_privacy_control">ድር ጣቢያዎች ውሂብ እንዳያጋሩ እና እንዳይሸጡ ይንገሯቸው</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">የመከታተያ ይዘት</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">በሁሉም ትሮች ውስጥ</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">በግል ትሮች ውስጥ ብቻ</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">ምናባዊ ገንዘብ መቆፈርያዎች</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">የአሳሽ አሻራ መከታተያዎች</string>
<!-- Button label for navigating to the Enhanced Tracking Protection details -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_details">ዝርዝር ማብራሪያዎች</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">ታግዷል</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">ተፈቅዷል</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (social media trackers) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_social_media_trackers_title">ማህበራዊ ሚዲያ መከታተያዎች</string>
<!-- Description of social media trackers that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_social_media_trackers_description">የማህበራዊ አውታረ መረቦች በድር ላይ የአሰሳ እንቅስቃሴዎን ለመከታተል ያላቸውን ችሎታ ይገድባል።</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (cross-site tracking cookies) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_title">ገጽ-ተሻጋሪ መከታተያ ኩኪዎች</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (cross-site tracking cookies) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_title_2">ድረ-ገጽ ተሻጋሪ ኩኪዎች</string>
<!-- Description of cross-site tracking cookies that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_description">የማስታወቂያ አውታረ መረቦች እና የትንታኔ ኩባንያዎች የእርስዎን የአሰሳ ውሂብ በብዙ ድረ-ገጾች ላይ ለመሰብሰብ የሚጠቀሙባቸውን ኩኪዎች ያግዳል።</string>
<!-- Description of cross-site tracking cookies that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_description_2">አጠቃላይ የኩኪ ጥበቃ ኩኪዎችን እርስዎ ካሉበት ድረ-ገጽ ላይ ይነጥላቸዋል ስለዚህ እንደ የማስታወቂያ አውታረ መረቦች ያሉ መከታተያዎች እርስዎን በሁሉም ድረ-ገጾች ላይ ለመከታተል ሊጠቀሙባቸው አይችሉም።</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (cryptominers) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cryptominers_title">ክሪፕቶማይነሮች</string>
<!-- Description of cryptominers that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cryptominers_description">ተንኮል አዘል ስክሪፕቶች መሳሪያዎን ለዲጂታል ገንዘብ ቁፋሮ ለማዋል ፈቃድ እንዳያገኙ ይከላከላል።</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (fingerprinters) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_fingerprinters_title">የአሳሽ አሻራ መከታተያዎች</string>
<!-- Description of fingerprinters that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_fingerprinters_description">ለክትትል ዓላማዎች የሚያገለግል በልዩ ሁኔታ የሚለይ ውሂብ ስለ መሳሪያዎ እንዳይሰበሰብ ያቆማል።</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (tracking content) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_tracking_content_title">የመከታተያ ይዘት</string>
<!-- Description of tracking content that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_tracking_content_description">ከማስታወቂያዎች፣ ቪዲዮዎች እና ሌሎች የክትትል ኮድ የያዙ ሌሎች ይዘቶችን ከመጫን ያቆማል። አንዳንድ የድረ-ገጽ ተግባራትን ሊጎዳ ይችላል።</string>
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection message that protection is currently on for this site -->
<string name="etp_panel_on">ጥበቃዎች ለዚህ ጣቢያ በርተዋል</string>
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection message that protection is currently off for this site -->
<string name="etp_panel_off">ለዚህ ጣቢያ ጥበቃዎች ጠፍተዋል</string>
<!-- Header for exceptions list for which sites enhanced tracking protection is always off -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_exceptions">ለእነዚህ ድረ-ገፆች የተሻሻለ የመከታተያ ጥበቃ ጠፍቷል</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate
back from ETP details (Ex: Tracking content) -->
<string name="etp_back_button_content_description">ወደ ኋላ ያስሱ</string>
<!-- About page link text to open what's new link -->
<string name="about_whats_new">በ%s ውስጥ ምን አዲስ ነገር አለ</string>
<!-- Open source licenses page title
The first parameter is the app name -->
<string name="open_source_licenses_title">%s | ክፍት ምንጭ ሶፍትዌር (OSS) ጥቅሎች</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (redirect trackers) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_redirect_trackers_title">የዝውውር መከታተያዎች</string>
<!-- Description of redirect tracker cookies that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_redirect_trackers_description">ወደታወቁ የመከታተያ ድረ-ገጾች በማዘዋወር የተዘጋጁ ኩኪዎችን ያጸዳል።</string>
<!-- Description of the SmartBlock Enhanced Tracking Protection feature. The * symbol is intentionally hardcoded here,
as we use it on the UI to indicate which trackers have been partially unblocked. -->
<string name="preference_etp_smartblock_description">ከዚህ በታች ምልክት የተደረገባቸው አንዳንድ መከታተያዎች በዚህ ገጽ ላይ እገዳው በከፊል ተነስቷል ምክንያቱም ከእነሱ ጋር ስለተገናኙ *።</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website about enhanced tracking protection SmartBlock -->
<string name="preference_etp_smartblock_learn_more">ተጨማሪ ይወቁ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.):
Enhanced tracking protection exception preference icon for ETP settings. -->
<string name="preference_etp_exceptions_icon_description">የተሻሻለ የመከታተያ ጥበቃ ልዩ ምርጫ አዶ</string>
<!-- About page link text to open support link -->
<string name="about_support">ድጋፍ</string>
<!-- About page link text to list of past crashes (like about:crashes on desktop) -->
<string name="about_crashes">ብልሽቶች</string>
<!-- About page link text to open privacy notice link -->
<string name="about_privacy_notice">የግላዊነት ማሳወቂያ</string>
<!-- About page link text to open know your rights link -->
<string name="about_know_your_rights">መብቶትን ይወቁ</string>
<!-- About page link text to open licensing information link -->
<string name="about_licensing_information">የፈቃድ መረጃ</string>
<!-- About page link text to open a screen with libraries that are used -->
<string name="about_other_open_source_libraries">የምንጠቀማቸው ጥቅሎች</string>
<!-- Toast shown to the user when they are activating the secret dev menu
The first parameter is number of long clicks left to enable the menu -->
<string name="about_debug_menu_toast_progress">የአርም ምናሌ፡ %1$d ጠቅታ(ዎች) ለማንቃት ይቀራል</string>
<string name="about_debug_menu_toast_done">ማረም ምናሌ ነቅቷል</string>
<!-- Browser long press popup menu -->
<!-- Copy the current url -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_long_press_popup_copy">ቅዳ</string>
<!-- Paste & go the text in the clipboard. '&amp;' is replaced with the ampersand symbol: & -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_long_press_popup_paste_and_go">ለጥፍ እና ሂድ</string>
<!-- Paste the text in the clipboard -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_long_press_popup_paste">ለጥፍ</string>
<!-- Snackbar message shown after an URL has been copied to clipboard. -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_url_copied_to_clipboard_snackbar">URL ወደ ቅንጥብ ሰሌዳ ተቀድቷል</string>
<!-- Title text for the Add To Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_title">ወደ መነሻ ማያ ገጽ ጨምር</string>
<!-- Cancel button text for the Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_cancel">ተወው</string>
<!-- Add button text for the Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_add">ጨምር</string>
<!-- Continue to website button text for the first-time Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_continue">ወደ ድር ድረ-ገፅ ይቀጥሉ</string>
<!-- Placeholder text for the TextView in the Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_text_placeholder">የአቋራጭ ስም</string>
<!-- Describes the add to homescreen functionality -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_description_2">ፈጣን መዳረሻ እንዲኖርዎት እና መተግበሪያ በሚመስል ልምድ በፍጥነት ለማሰስ ይህን ድረ-ገጽ በቀላሉ ወደ መሳሪያዎ መነሻ ማያ ገጽ ማከል ይችላሉ።</string>
<!-- Preference for managing the settings for logins and passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_logins_and_passwords">መግቢያዎች እና የይለፍ ቃሎች</string>
<!-- Preference for managing the settings for logins and passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_logins_and_passwords_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የይለፍ ቃሎች</string>
<!-- Preference for managing the saving of logins and passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_save_logins">መግቢያዎችን እና የይለፍ ቃሎችን ያስቀምጡ</string>
<!-- Preference for managing the saving of logins and passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_save_logins_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የይለፍ ቃሎችን አስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- Preference option for asking to save passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_save_logins_ask_to_save">ለማስቀመጥ ይጠይቁ</string>
<!-- Preference option for never saving passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_save_logins_never_save">በጭራሽ አታስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- Preference for autofilling saved logins in Firefox (in web content), %1$s will be replaced with the app name -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_autofill2">በ%1$s ውስጥ በራስ-ሙላ</string>
<!-- Description for the preference for autofilling saved logins in Firefox (in web content), %1$s will be replaced with the app name -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_autofill_description">%1$s በሚጠቀሙበት ጊዜ የተጠቃሚ ስሞችን እና የይለፍ ቃሎችን በድረ-ገፆች ውስጥ ይሙሉ እና ያስቀምጡ።</string>
<!-- Preference for autofilling logins from Fenix in other apps (e.g. autofilling the Twitter app) -->
<string name="preferences_android_autofill">በሌሎች መተግበሪያዎች ውስጥ በራስ-ሙላ</string>
<!-- Description for the preference for autofilling logins from Fenix in other apps (e.g. autofilling the Twitter app) -->
<string name="preferences_android_autofill_description">በመሳሪያዎ ላይ ባሉ ሌሎች መተግበሪያዎች ውስጥ የተጠቃሚ ስሞችን እና የይለፍ ቃላትን ይሙሉ።</string>
<!-- Preference option for adding a login -->
<string name="preferences_logins_add_login">መግቢያ አክል</string>
<!-- Preference option for adding a password -->
<string name="preferences_logins_add_login_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የይለፍ ቃል ያክሉ</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing saved logins in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins">መግቢያዎችን ያመሳስሉ</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing saved passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የይለፍ ቃሎችን አሰናስል</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing saved logins in Fenix, when not signed in-->
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins_across_devices">በመሳሪያዎች ላይ መግቢያዎችን ያመሳስሉ</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing saved passwords in Fenix, when not signed in-->
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins_across_devices_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የይለፍ ቃሎችን በሁሉም መሳሪያዎች ላይ ያሰናስሉ</string>
<!-- Preference to access list of saved logins -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins">የተቀመጡ መግቢያዎች</string>
<!-- Description of empty list of saved passwords. Placeholder is replaced with app name. -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_description_empty_text">ያስቀመጡት ወይም ከ%s ጋር ያመሳስሏቸው መግቢያዎች እዚህ ይታያሉ።</string>
<!-- Description of empty list of saved passwords. Placeholder is replaced with app name. -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_description_empty_text_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ከ%s ጋር ያስቀመጧቸው ወይም ያሰናሰሏቸው የይለፍ ቃሎች እዚህ ይዘረዘራሉ። የሚያስቀምጡት ሁሉም የይለፍ ቃሎች የተመሰጠሩ ናቸው።
<!-- Preference to access list of saved logins -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_description_empty_learn_more_link">ስለ ማመሳሰል የበለጠ ይረዱ።</string>
<!-- Clickable text for opening an external link for more information about Sync. -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_description_empty_learn_more_link_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ስለ ማሰናሰል የበለጠ ይረዱ</string>
<!-- Preference to access list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions">ልዩ ሁኔታዎች</string>
<!-- Empty description of list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions_description_empty">ያልተቀመጡ መግቢያዎች እና የይለፍ ቃሎች እዚህ ይታያሉ።</string>
<!-- Description of list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions_description">ለእነዚህ ድረ-ገፆች መግቢያዎች እና የይለፍ ቃሎች አይቀመጡም።</string>
<!-- Text on button to remove all saved login exceptions -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions_remove_all">ሁሉንም የማይካተቱትን ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Hint for search box in logins list -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_search">መግቢያዎችን ፈልግ</string>
<!-- The header for the site that a login is for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_site">ድረ-ገፅ</string>
<!-- The header for the username for a login -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_username">የተጠቃሚ ስም</string>
<!-- The header for the password for a login -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_password">የይለፍ ቃል</string>
<!-- Shown in snackbar to tell user that the password has been copied -->
<string name="logins_password_copied">የይለፍ ቃል ወደ ቅንጥብ ሰሌዳ ተቀድቷል</string>
<!-- Shown in snackbar to tell user that the username has been copied -->
<string name="logins_username_copied">የተጠቃሚ ስም ወደ ቅንጥብ ሰሌዳ ተቀድቷል</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to copy a password in logins-->
<string name="saved_logins_copy_password">የይለፍ ቃል ቅዳ</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to clear a password while editing a login-->
<string name="saved_logins_clear_password">የይለፍ ቃል አጽዳ</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to copy a username in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_copy_username">የተጠቃሚ ስም ቅዳ</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to clear a username while editing a login -->
<string name="saved_login_clear_username">የተጠቃሚ ስም አጽዳ</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to clear the hostname field while creating a login -->
<string name="saved_login_clear_hostname">የአስተናጋጅ ስም ያጽዱ</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to open a site in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_open_site">ድረ-ገፅን በአሳሽ ውስጥ ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to reveal a password in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_reveal_password">የይለፍ ቃል አሳይ</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to hide a password in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_hide_password">የይለፍ ቃል ደብቅ</string>
<!-- Message displayed in biometric prompt displayed for authentication before allowing users to view their logins -->
<string name="logins_biometric_prompt_message">የተቀመጡ መግቢያዎችዎን ለማየት ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Message displayed in biometric prompt displayed for authentication before allowing users to view their passwords -->
<string name="logins_biometric_prompt_message_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ያስቀመጧቸውን የይለፍ ቃሎች ለማየት ቁልፉን ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Title of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_title">የእርስዎን መግቢያዎች እና የይለፍ ቃላት ደህንነት ይጠብቁ</string>
<!-- Message of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_message">የተቀመጡ መግቢያዎችዎን እና የይለፍ ቃላትዎን ሌላ ሰው የእርስዎን መሣሪያ በመጠቀም እንዳይደረስበት ለመከላከል የመሣሪያ መቆለፊያ ስርዓተ ጥለትን፣ ፒን ወይም የይለፍ ቃል ያዘጋጁ።</string>
<!-- Negative button to ignore warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_later">በኋላ</string>
<!-- Positive button to send users to set up a pin of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_set_up_now">አሁን አዋቅር</string>
<!-- Title of PIN verification dialog to direct users to re-enter their device credentials to access their logins -->
<string name="logins_biometric_prompt_message_pin">መሣሪያዎን ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Force Enable Zoom Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_force_enable_zoom">በሁሉም ድረ-ገጾች ላይ አጉላ</string>
<!-- Summary for Accessibility Force Enable Zoom Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_force_enable_zoom_summary">ይህን የእጅ ምልክት በሚከለክሉ ድረ-ገጾች ላይ እንኳን መቆንጠጥ እና ማጉላትን መፍቀድ ያንቁ።</string>
<!-- Saved logins sorting strategy menu item -by name- (if selected, it will sort saved logins alphabetically) -->
<string name="saved_logins_sort_strategy_alphabetically">ስም (ሀ-ፐ)</string>
<!-- Saved logins sorting strategy menu item -by last used- (if selected, it will sort saved logins by last used) -->
<string name="saved_logins_sort_strategy_last_used">ለመጨረሻ ጊዜ ጥቅም ላይ የዋለ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Sort saved logins dropdown menu chevron icon -->
<string name="saved_logins_menu_dropdown_chevron_icon_content_description">የመግቢያ ምናሌን ደርድር</string>
<!-- Autofill -->
<!-- Preference and title for managing the autofill settings -->
<string name="preferences_autofill">ራስ ሙላ</string>
<!-- Preference and title for managing the settings for addresses -->
<string name="preferences_addresses">አድራሻዎች</string>
<!-- Preference and title for managing the settings for credit cards -->
<string name="preferences_credit_cards">ክሬዲት ካርዶች</string>
<!-- Preference for saving and autofilling credit cards -->
<string name="preferences_credit_cards_save_and_autofill_cards">ካርዶችን ያስቀምጡ እና በራስ-ሙላ</string>
<!-- Preference summary for saving and autofilling credit card data -->
<string name="preferences_credit_cards_save_and_autofill_cards_summary">መረጃ የተመሰጠረ ነው</string>
<!-- Preference option for syncing credit cards across devices. This is displayed when the user is not signed into sync -->
<string name="preferences_credit_cards_sync_cards_across_devices">በመሳሪያዎች ላይ አሰናስል</string>
<!-- Preference option for syncing credit cards across devices. This is displayed when the user is signed into sync -->
<string name="preferences_credit_cards_sync_cards">ካርዶችን ያመሳስሉ</string>
<!-- Preference option for adding a credit card -->
<string name="preferences_credit_cards_add_credit_card">ክሬዲት ካርድ ያክሉ</string>
<!-- Preference option for adding a card -->
<string name="preferences_credit_cards_add_credit_card_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ካርድ ጨምር</string>
<!-- Preference option for managing saved credit cards -->
<string name="preferences_credit_cards_manage_saved_cards">የተቀመጡ ካርዶችን ያስተዳድሩ</string>
<!-- Preference option for managing saved cards -->
<string name="preferences_credit_cards_manage_saved_cards_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ካርዶችን ያስተዳድሩ</string>
<!-- Preference option for adding an address -->
<string name="preferences_addresses_add_address">አድራሻ ጨምር</string>
<!-- Preference option for managing saved addresses -->
<string name="preferences_addresses_manage_addresses">አድራሻዎችን ያስተዳድሩ</string>
<!-- Preference for saving and autofilling addresses -->
<string name="preferences_addresses_save_and_autofill_addresses">አድራሻዎችን ያስቀምጡ እና በራስ-ሙላ</string>
<!-- Preference for saving and filling addresses -->
<string name="preferences_addresses_save_and_autofill_addresses_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">አድራሻዎችን ያስቀምጡ እና በራስ-ሰር ይሙሉ</string>
<!-- Preference summary for saving and autofilling address data -->
<string name="preferences_addresses_save_and_autofill_addresses_summary">እንደ ቁጥሮች፣ ኢሜይል እና የመላኪያ አድራሻዎች ያሉ መረጃዎችን ያካትቱ</string>
<!-- Preference summary for saving and filling address data -->
<string name="preferences_addresses_save_and_autofill_addresses_summary_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ስልክ ቁጥሮች እና የኢሜይል አድራሻዎችን ያካትታል</string>
<!-- Title of the "Add card" screen -->
<string name="credit_cards_add_card">ካርድ ጨምር</string>
<!-- Title of the "Edit card" screen -->
<string name="credit_cards_edit_card">ካርድ ያርትዑ</string>
<!-- The header for the card number of a credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_card_number">የካርድ ቁጥር</string>
<!-- The header for the expiration date of a credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_expiration_date">የሚያበቃበት ቀን</string>
<!-- The label for the expiration date month of a credit card to be used by a11y services-->
<string name="credit_cards_expiration_date_month">የሚያበቃበት ወር</string>
<!-- The label for the expiration date year of a credit card to be used by a11y services-->
<string name="credit_cards_expiration_date_year">የሚያበቃበት ዓመት</string>
<!-- The header for the name on the credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_name_on_card">በካርዱ ላይ ያለው ስም</string>
<!-- The text for the "Delete card" menu item for deleting a credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_menu_delete_card">ካርድ ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- The text for the "Delete card" button for deleting a credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_delete_card_button">ካርድ ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- The text for the confirmation message of "Delete card" dialog -->
<string name="credit_cards_delete_dialog_confirmation">እርግጠኛ ነዎት ይህን ክሬዲት ካርድ መሰረዝ ይፈልጋሉ?</string>
<!-- The text for the confirmation message of "Delete card" dialog -->
<string name="credit_cards_delete_dialog_confirmation_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ካርዱ ይጥፋ?</string>
<!-- The text for the positive button on "Delete card" dialog -->
<string name="credit_cards_delete_dialog_button">ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- The title for the "Save" menu item for saving a credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_menu_save">አስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- The text for the "Save" button for saving a credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_save_button">አስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- The text for the "Cancel" button for cancelling adding, updating or deleting a credit card -->
<string name="credit_cards_cancel_button">ተወው</string>
<!-- Title of the "Saved cards" screen -->
<string name="credit_cards_saved_cards">የተቀመጡ ካርዶች</string>
<!-- Error message for credit card number validation -->
<string name="credit_cards_number_validation_error_message">እባክዎ የሚሰራ የክሬዲት ካርድ ቁጥር ያስገቡ</string>
<!-- Error message for card number validation -->
<string name="credit_cards_number_validation_error_message_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የሚሰራ ካርድ ቁጥር ያስገቡ</string>
<!-- Error message for credit card name on card validation -->
<string name="credit_cards_name_on_card_validation_error_message">እባክዎ ይህንን መስክ ይሙሉ</string>
<!-- Error message for card name on card validation -->
<string name="credit_cards_name_on_card_validation_error_message_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ስም ይጨምሩ</string>
<!-- Message displayed in biometric prompt displayed for authentication before allowing users to view their saved credit cards -->
<string name="credit_cards_biometric_prompt_message">የተቀመጡ ካርዶችዎን ለማየት ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Title of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="credit_cards_warning_dialog_title">የክሬዲት ካርዶችዎን ደህንነት ይጠብቁ</string>
<!-- Title of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="credit_cards_warning_dialog_title_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የተቀመጡ የመክፈያ ዘዴዎችዎን ደህንነት ይጠብቁ</string>
<!-- Message of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="credit_cards_warning_dialog_message">የተቀመጡ ክሬዲት ካርዶችዎን ሌላ ሰው የእርስዎን መሣሪያ በመጠቀም እንዳይደረስበት ለመከላከል የመሣሪያ መቆለፊያ ስርዓተ ጥለትን፣ ፒን ወይም የይለፍ ቃል ያዘጋጁ።</string>
<!-- Positive button to send users to set up a pin of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="credit_cards_warning_dialog_set_up_now">አሁን አዋቅር</string>
<!-- Negative button to ignore warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="credit_cards_warning_dialog_later">በኋላ</string>
<!-- Title of PIN verification dialog to direct users to re-enter their device credentials to access their credit cards -->
<string name="credit_cards_biometric_prompt_message_pin">መሣሪያዎን ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Message displayed in biometric prompt for authentication, before allowing users to use their stored credit card information -->
<string name="credit_cards_biometric_prompt_unlock_message">የተከማቸ የክሬዲት ካርድ መረጃን ለመጠቀም ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Title of the "Add address" screen -->
<string name="addresses_add_address">አድራሻ ጨምር</string>
<!-- Title of the "Edit address" screen -->
<string name="addresses_edit_address">አድራሻ አርትዕ</string>
<!-- Title of the "Manage addresses" screen -->
<string name="addresses_manage_addresses">አድራሻዎችን ያስተዳድሩ</string>
<!-- The header for the first name of an address -->
<string name="addresses_first_name">የመጀመሪያ ስም</string>
<!-- The header for the middle name of an address -->
<string name="addresses_middle_name">የአባት ስም</string>
<!-- The header for the last name of an address -->
<string name="addresses_last_name">የአያት ስም</string>
<!-- The header for the street address of an address -->
<string name="addresses_street_address">የአድራሻ ጎዳና</string>
<!-- The header for the city of an address -->
<string name="addresses_city">ከተማ</string>
<!-- The header for the subregion of an address when "state" should be used -->
<string name="addresses_state">ክልል</string>
<!-- The header for the subregion of an address when "province" should be used -->
<string name="addresses_province">ዞን</string>
<!-- The header for the zip code of an address -->
<string name="addresses_zip">ዚፕ</string>
<!-- The header for the country or region of an address -->
<string name="addresses_country">ሀገር ወይም ክልል</string>
<!-- The header for the phone number of an address -->
<string name="addresses_phone">ስልክ</string>
<!-- The header for the email of an address -->
<string name="addresses_email">ኢ-ሜይል</string>
<!-- The text for the "Save" button for saving an address -->
<string name="addresses_save_button">አስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- The text for the "Cancel" button for cancelling adding, updating or deleting an address -->
<string name="addresses_cancel_button">ተወው</string>
<!-- The text for the "Delete address" button for deleting an address -->
<string name="addressess_delete_address_button">አድራሻ ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- The title for the "Delete address" confirmation dialog -->
<string name="addressess_confirm_dialog_message">እርግጠኛ ነዎት ይህን አድራሻ መሰረዝ ይፈልጋሉ?</string>
<!-- The title for the "Delete address" confirmation dialog -->
<string name="addressess_confirm_dialog_message_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ይህ አድራሻ ይጥፋ?</string>
<!-- The text for the positive button on "Delete address" dialog -->
<string name="addressess_confirm_dialog_ok_button">ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- The text for the negative button on "Delete address" dialog -->
<string name="addressess_confirm_dialog_cancel_button">ተወው</string>
<!-- The text for the "Save address" menu item for saving an address -->
<string name="address_menu_save_address">አድራሻ አስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- The text for the "Delete address" menu item for deleting an address -->
<string name="address_menu_delete_address">አድራሻ ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Title of the Add search engine screen -->
<string name="search_engine_add_custom_search_engine_title">የፍለጋ ፍርግም አክል</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Title for the button that navigates to add new engine screen -->
<string name="search_engine_add_custom_search_engine_button_content_description">አዲስ የፍለጋ ፍርግም ያክሉ</string>
<!-- Title of the Edit search engine screen -->
<string name="search_engine_edit_custom_search_engine_title">የፍለጋ ፍርግሞችን ያርትዑ</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to edit a search engine -->
<string name="search_engine_edit">አርትዕ</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to delete a search engine -->
<string name="search_engine_delete">ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Label for the TextField in which user enters custom search engine name -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_name_label">ስም</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the Search Engine Name text field before a user enters text -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_name_hint_2">የፍለጋ ፍርግም ስም</string>
<!-- Label for the TextField in which user enters custom search engine URL -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_url_label">የፍለጋ ሕብረ-ቁምፊ URL</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the Search String TextField before a user enters text -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_search_string_hint_2">ለፍለጋ የሚጠቀሙት URL</string>
<!-- Description text for the Search String TextField. The %s is part of the string -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_search_string_example" formatted="false">ጥያቄውን በ &quot;%s&quot; ይተኩ። ምሳሌ፡- \n</string>
<!-- Accessibility description for the form in which details about the custom search engine are entered -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_form_description">ብጁ የፍለጋ ፍርግም ዝርዝር ማብራሪያዎች</string>
<!-- Label for the TextField in which user enters custom search engine suggestion URL -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_suggest_url_label">የፍለጋ ጥቆማ API (አማራጭ)</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the Search Suggestion String TextField before a user enters text -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_suggest_string_hint">የፍለጋ ጥቆማ API URL</string>
<!-- Description text for the Search Suggestion String TextField. The %s is part of the string -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_suggest_string_example_2" formatted="false">መጠይቁን በ “%s” ይተኩ። ምሳሌ፡-\n;q=%s</string>
<!-- The text for the "Save" button for saving a custom search engine -->
<string name="search_custom_engine_save_button">አስቀምጥ</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user leaves the name field empty -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_error_empty_name">የፍለጋ ፍርግም ስም ያስገቡ</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user leaves the search string field empty -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_error_empty_search_string">የፍለጋ ሕብረቁምፊ ያስገቡ</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user leaves out the required template string -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_error_missing_template">የፍለጋ ሕብረቁምፊ ና የምሳሌ ቅርጸት እንደ ሚመሳሰሉ ያረጋግጡ</string>
<!-- Text shown when we aren't able to validate the custom search query. The first parameter is the url of the custom search engine -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_error_cannot_reach">ከ &quot;%s&quot; ጋር መገናኘት ላይ ስህተት</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user creates a new search engine -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_success_message">%s ተፈጠረ</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user successfully edits a custom search engine -->
<string name="search_edit_custom_engine_success_message">%s ተቀምጧል</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user successfully deletes a custom search engine -->
<string name="search_delete_search_engine_success_message">%s ተሰርዟል</string>
<!-- Heading for the instructions to allow a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_intro">ለመፍቀድ:-</string>
<!-- First step for the allowing a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_settings">1. ወደ አንድሮይድ መቼቶች ይሂዱ</string>
<!-- Second step for the allowing a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_permissions"><![CDATA[2. <b>ፍቃዶችን</b>ን መታ ያድርጉ]]></string>
<!-- Third step for the allowing a permission (Fore example: Camera) -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_feature"><![CDATA[3. <b>%1$s</b> ን ወደ አብራ ቀይር]]></string>
<!-- Label that indicates a site is using a secure connection -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_secure_connection_2">ግንኙነት ደህንነቱ የተጠበቀ ነው</string>
<!-- Label that indicates a site is using a insecure connection -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_insecure_connection_2">ግንኙነት ደህንነቱ የተጠበቀ አይደለም</string>
<!-- Label to clear site data -->
<string name="clear_site_data">ኩኪዎች እና የድረ-ገፅ ውሂብ ያጽዱ</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete all data for current site -->
<string name="confirm_clear_site_data"><![CDATA[ የ<b>%s</b> ድረ-ገፅን ሁሉንም ኩኪዎች እና ውሂቦች ማጽዳት እንደሚፈልጉ እርግጠኛ ነዎት?]]></string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete all the permissions for all sites-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permissions_on_all_sites">እርግጠኛ ነዎት በሁሉም ድረ-ገፆች ላይ ያሉትን ሁሉንም ፈቃዶች ማጽዳት ይፈልጋሉ?</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete all the permissions for a site-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permissions_site">እርግጠኛ ነዎት የዚህ ድረ-ገፅ ሁሉንም ፈቃዶች ማጽዳት ይፈልጋሉ?</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to set default value a permission for a site-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permission_site">እርግጠኛ ነዎት የዚህን ድረ-ገፅ ፈቃድ ማጽዳት ይፈልጋሉ?</string>
<!-- label shown when there are not site exceptions to show in the site exception settings -->
<string name="no_site_exceptions">ምንም የተለየ ድረ-ገፅ የለም</string>
<!-- Bookmark deletion confirmation -->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_confirmation">እርግጠኛ ነዎት ይህን እልባት መሰረዝ ይፈልጋሉ?</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that adds a shortcut to the home fragment -->
<string name="browser_menu_add_to_shortcuts">ወደ አቋራጭ ጨምር</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that removes a shortcut from the home fragment -->
<string name="browser_menu_remove_from_shortcuts">ከአቋራጭ ላይ አስወድግ</string>
<!-- text shown before the issuer name to indicate who its verified by, parameter is the name of
the certificate authority that verified the ticket-->
<string name="certificate_info_verified_by">አረጋጋጭ:- %1$s</string>
<!-- Login overflow menu delete button -->
<string name="login_menu_delete_button">ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Login overflow menu edit button -->
<string name="login_menu_edit_button">አርትዕ</string>
<!-- Message in delete confirmation dialog for logins -->
<string name="login_deletion_confirmation">እርግጠኛ ነዎት ይህን መግቢያ መሰረዝ ይፈልጋሉ?</string>
<!-- Message in delete confirmation dialog for password -->
<string name="login_deletion_confirmation_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">እርግጠኛ ነዎት ይህን የይለፍ ቃል መሰረዝ ይፈልጋሉ?</string>
<!-- Positive action of a dialog asking to delete -->
<string name="dialog_delete_positive">ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Negative action of a dialog asking to delete login -->
<string name="dialog_delete_negative">ተወው</string>
<!-- The saved login options menu description. -->
<string name="login_options_menu">የመግቢያ አማራጮች</string>
<!-- The saved password options menu description. -->
<string name="login_options_menu_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የይለፍ ቃል አማራጮች</string>
<!-- The editable text field for a login's web address. -->
<string name="saved_login_hostname_description">ለመግቢያው የድር አድራሻ ሊስተካከል የሚችል የጽሑፍ መስክ።</string>
<!-- The editable text field for a website address. -->
<string name="saved_login_hostname_description_3" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ለድር ጣቢያው አድራሻ ሊስተካከል የሚችል የጽሑፍ መስክ።</string>
<!-- The editable text field for a login's username. -->
<string name="saved_login_username_description">ለመግቢያው የተጠቃሚ ስም ሊስተካከል የሚችል የጽሑፍ መስክ።</string>
<!-- The editable text field for a username. -->
<string name="saved_login_username_description_3" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ለተጠቃሚ ስም ሊስተካከል የሚችል የጽሑፍ መስክ።</string>
<!-- The editable text field for a login's password. -->
<string name="saved_login_password_description">ለመግቢያው የይለፍ ቃል ሊስተካከል የሚችል የጽሑፍ መስክ።</string>
<!-- The editable text field for a login's password. -->
<string name="saved_login_password_description_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ለይለፍ ቃል ሊስተካከል የሚችል የጽሑፍ መስክ።</string>
<!-- The button description to save changes to an edited login. -->
<string name="save_changes_to_login">መግቢያው ላይ የተደረገውን ለውጥ አስቀምጥ።</string>
<!-- The button description to save changes to an edited password. -->
<string name="save_changes_to_login_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ለውጦችን አስቀምጥ።</string>
<!-- The page title for editing a saved login. -->
<string name="edit">አርትዕ</string>
<!-- The page title for editing a saved password. -->
<string name="edit_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የይለፍ ቃል አርትዕ</string>
<!-- The page title for adding new login. -->
<string name="add_login">አዲስ መግቢያ ያክሉ</string>
<!-- The page title for adding new password. -->
<string name="add_login_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የይለፍ ቃል ያክሉ</string>
<!-- The error message in add/edit login view when password field is blank. -->
<string name="saved_login_password_required">የይለፍ ቃል ያስፈልጋል</string>
<!-- Error text displayed underneath the password field when it is in an error case. -->
<string name="saved_login_password_required_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የይለፍ ቃል ያስገቡ</string>
<!-- The error message in add login view when username field is blank. -->
<string name="saved_login_username_required">የተጠቃሚ ስም ያስፈልጋል</string>
<!-- The error message in add login view when username field is blank. -->
<string name="saved_login_username_required_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የተጠቃሚ ስም ያስገቡ</string>
<!-- The error message in add login view when hostname field is blank. -->
<string name="saved_login_hostname_required" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የአስተናጋጅ ስም ያስፈልጋል</string>
<!-- The error message in add login view when hostname field is blank. -->
<string name="saved_login_hostname_required_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የድር አድራሻ ያስገቡ</string>
<!-- Voice search button content description -->
<string name="voice_search_content_description">የድምጽ ፍለጋ</string>
<!-- Voice search prompt description displayed after the user presses the voice search button -->
<string name="voice_search_explainer">አሁን ይናገሩ</string>
<!-- The error message in edit login view when a duplicate username exists. -->
<string name="saved_login_duplicate">በዚያ የተጠቃሚ ስም መግቢያ አስቀድሞ አለ</string>
<!-- This is the hint text that is shown inline on the hostname field of the create new login page. '' intentionally hardcoded here -->
<string name="add_login_hostname_hint_text"></string>
<!-- This is an error message shown below the hostname field of the add login page when a hostname does not contain http or https. -->
<string name="add_login_hostname_invalid_text_3">የድር አድራሻ &quot;https://&quot; ወይም &quot;http://&quot; መያዝ አለበት</string>
<!-- This is an error message shown below the hostname field of the add login page when a hostname is invalid. -->
<string name="add_login_hostname_invalid_text_2">ትክክለኛ የአስተናጋጅ ስም ያስፈልጋል</string>
<!-- Synced Tabs -->
<!-- Text displayed to ask user to connect another device as no devices found with account -->
<string name="synced_tabs_connect_another_device">ሌላ መሳሪያ ያገናኙ።</string>
<!-- Text displayed asking user to re-authenticate -->
<string name="synced_tabs_reauth">እባክዎ እንደገና ያረጋግጡ።</string>
<!-- Text displayed when user has disabled tab syncing in Firefox Sync Account -->
<string name="synced_tabs_enable_tab_syncing">እባክዎ የትር ማመሳሰልን ያንቁ።</string>
<!-- Text displayed when user has no tabs that have been synced -->
<string name="synced_tabs_no_tabs">በሌሎች መሳሪያዎችዎ ላይ በፋየርፎክስ ውስጥ ምንም የተከፈቱ ትሮች የሉዎትም።</string>
<!-- Text displayed in the synced tabs screen when a user is not signed in to Firefox Sync describing Synced Tabs -->
<string name="synced_tabs_sign_in_message">ከሌሎች መሳሪያዎችዎ የትሮች ዝርዝር ይመልከቱ።</string>
<!-- Text displayed on a button in the synced tabs screen to link users to sign in when a user is not signed in to Firefox Sync -->
<string name="synced_tabs_sign_in_button">ለማመሳሰል ይግቡ</string>
<!-- The text displayed when a synced device has no tabs to show in the list of Synced Tabs. -->
<string name="synced_tabs_no_open_tabs">ምንም ክፍት ትሮች የሉም</string>
<!-- Content description for expanding a group of synced tabs. -->
<string name="synced_tabs_expand_group">የተመሳሰሉ ትሮችን ቡድን ዘርጋ</string>
<!-- Content description for collapsing a group of synced tabs. -->
<string name="synced_tabs_collapse_group">የተመሳሰሉ የትሮች ቡድን ሰብስብ</string>
<!-- Top Sites -->
<!-- Title text displayed in the dialog when shortcuts limit is reached. -->
<string name="shortcut_max_limit_title">የአቋራጭ ገደብ ላይ ደርሷል</string>
<!-- Content description text displayed in the dialog when shortcut limit is reached. -->
<string name="shortcut_max_limit_content">አዲስ አቋራጭ ለመጨመር አንዱን ያስወግዱ። ድረ-ገፁን ነክተው ይያዙ እና አስወግድ የሚለውን ይምረጡ።</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog button text when top sites limit is reached. -->
<string name="top_sites_max_limit_confirmation_button">እሺ፣ ገባኝ</string>
<!-- Label for the preference to show the shortcuts for the most visited top sites on the homepage -->
<string name="top_sites_toggle_top_recent_sites_4">አቋራጮች</string>
<!-- Title text displayed in the rename top site dialog. -->
<string name="top_sites_rename_dialog_title">ስም</string>
<!-- Hint for renaming title of a shortcut -->
<string name="shortcut_name_hint">የአቋራጭ ስም</string>
<!-- Button caption to confirm the renaming of the top site. -->
<string name="top_sites_rename_dialog_ok">እሺ</string>
<!-- Dialog button text for canceling the rename top site prompt. -->
<string name="top_sites_rename_dialog_cancel">ተወው</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to open the homepage settings. -->
<string name="top_sites_menu_settings">ቅንብሮች</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to navigate to sponsors and privacy support articles. '&amp;' is replaced with the ampersand symbol: & -->
<string name="top_sites_menu_sponsor_privacy">የእኛ ስፖንሰሮች እና የእርስዎ ግላዊነት</string>
<!-- Label text displayed for a sponsored top site. -->
<string name="top_sites_sponsored_label">ስፖንሰር የተደረገ</string>
<!-- Inactive tabs in the tabs tray -->
<!-- Title text displayed in the tabs tray when a tab has been unused for 14 days. -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_title">የቦዘኑ ትሮች</string>
<!-- Content description for closing all inactive tabs -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_delete_all">ሁሉንም የቦዘኑ ትሮችን ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Content description for expanding the inactive tabs section. -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_expand_content_description">የቦዘኑ ትሮችን ዘርጋ</string>
<!-- Content description for collapsing the inactive tabs section. -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_collapse_content_description">የቦዘኑ ትሮችን ሰብስብ</string>
<!-- Inactive tabs auto-close message in the tabs tray -->
<!-- The header text of the auto-close message when the user is asked if they want to turn on the auto-closing of inactive tabs. -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_auto_close_message_header" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ከአንድ ወር በኋላ በራስ-ሰር ይዘጋ?</string>
<!-- A description below the header to notify the user what the inactive tabs auto-close feature is. -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_auto_close_message_description" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Firefox ባለፈው ወር ውስጥ ያላዩዋቸውን ትሮች ሊዘጋ ይችላል።</string>
<!-- A call to action below the description to allow the user to turn on the auto closing of inactive tabs. -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_auto_close_message_action" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ራስ-ሰር ዝጋን ያብሩ</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar to confirm auto-close is enabled for inactive tabs -->
<string name="inactive_tabs_auto_close_message_snackbar">በራስ-ሰር መዝጋት ነቅቷል</string>
<!-- Awesome bar suggestion's headers -->
<!-- Search suggestions title for Firefox Suggest. -->
<string name="firefox_suggest_header">የፋየርፎክስ ጥቆማ</string>
<!-- Title for search suggestions when Google is the default search suggestion engine. -->
<string name="google_search_engine_suggestion_header"> የጉግል ፍለጋ</string>
<!-- Title for search suggestions when the default search suggestion engine is anything other than Google. The first parameter is default search engine name. -->
<string name="other_default_search_engine_suggestion_header">%s ፍለጋ</string>
<!-- Default browser experiment -->
<string name="default_browser_experiment_card_text">በፋየርፎክስ ውስጥ በራስ-ሰር የሚከፈቱ ከድረ-ገፆች፣ ኢሜይሎች እና መልዕክቶች አገናኞችን ያዘጋጁ።</string>
<!-- Content description for close button in collection placeholder. -->
<string name="remove_home_collection_placeholder_content_description">አስወግድ</string>
<!-- Content description radio buttons with a link to more information -->
<string name="radio_preference_info_content_description">ለተጨማሪ ዝርዝሮች ጠቅ ያድርጉ</string>
<!-- Content description for the action bar "up" button -->
<string name="action_bar_up_description">ወደ ላይ ዳስስ</string>
<!-- Content description for privacy content close button -->
<string name="privacy_content_close_button_content_description">ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Pocket recommended stories -->
<!-- Header text for a section on the home screen. -->
<string name="pocket_stories_header_1">አነቃቂ ታሪኮች</string>
<!-- Header text for a section on the home screen. -->
<string name="pocket_stories_categories_header">ታሪኮች በርዕስ</string>
<!-- Text of a button allowing users to access an external url for more Pocket recommendations. -->
<string name="pocket_stories_placeholder_text">ተጨማሪ ያግኙ</string>
<!-- Title of an app feature. Smaller than a heading. The first parameter is product name Pocket -->
<string name="pocket_stories_feature_title_2">በ%s የተጎላበተ።</string>
<!-- Caption for describing a certain feature. The placeholder is for a clickable text (eg: Learn more) which will load an url in a new tab when clicked. -->
<string name="pocket_stories_feature_caption">የፋየርፎክስ ቤተሰብ አካል። %s</string>
<!-- Clickable text for opening an external link for more information about Pocket. -->
<string name="pocket_stories_feature_learn_more">የበለጠ ለማወቅ</string>
<!-- Text indicating that the Pocket story that also displays this text is a sponsored story by other 3rd party entity. -->
<string name="pocket_stories_sponsor_indication">ስፖንሰር የተደረገ</string>
<!-- Snackbar message for enrolling in a Nimbus experiment from the secret settings when Studies preference is Off.-->
<string name="experiments_snackbar">ውሂብ ለመላክ ቴሌሜትሪ ያንቁ።</string>
<!-- Snackbar button text to navigate to telemetry settings.-->
<string name="experiments_snackbar_button">ወደ ቅንብሮች ይሂዱ</string>
<!-- Review quality check feature-->
<!-- Name for the review quality check feature used as title for the panel. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_feature_name_2">የግምገማ አረጋጋጭ</string>
<!-- Summary for grades A and B for review quality check adjusted grading. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_grade_a_b_description">አስተማማኝ ግምገማዎች</string>
<!-- Summary for grade C for review quality check adjusted grading. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_grade_c_description">አስተማማኝ እና የማይታመኑ ግምገማዎች ድብልቅ</string>
<!-- Summary for grades D and F for review quality check adjusted grading. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_grade_d_f_description">የማይታመኑ ግምገማዎች</string>
<!-- Text for title presenting the reliability of a product's reviews. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_grade_title">እነዚህ ግምገማዎች ምን ያህል አስተማማኝ ናቸው?</string>
<!-- Title for when the rating has been updated by the review checker -->
<string name="review_quality_check_adjusted_rating_title">የተስተካከለ ደረጃ</string>
<!-- Description for a product's adjusted star rating. The text presents that the product's reviews which were evaluated as unreliable were removed from the adjusted rating. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_adjusted_rating_description" moz:RemovedIn="122" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የማይታመኑ ግምገማዎች ተወግደዋል</string>
<!-- Description for a product's adjusted star rating. The text presents that the product's reviews which were evaluated as unreliable were removed from the adjusted rating. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_adjusted_rating_description_2">በአስተማማኝ ግምገማዎች ላይ የተመሠረተ</string>
<!-- Title for list of highlights from a product's review emphasizing a product's important traits. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_highlights_title">ከቅርብ ግዜ ግምገማዎች ዋና ዋናዎቹ</string>
<!-- Title for section explaining how we analyze the reliability of a product's reviews. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_explanation_title">የግምገማ ጥራትን እንዴት እንደምንወስን</string>
<!-- Paragraph explaining how we analyze the reliability of a product's reviews. First parameter is the Fakespot product name. In the phrase "Fakespot by Mozilla", "by" can be localized. Does not need to stay by. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_explanation_body_reliability">የምርት ግምገማዎችን አስተማማኝነት ለማረጋገጥ AI ቴክኖሎጂን ከ%s በMozilla እንጠቀማለን። ይህ እርስዎ የግምገማ ጥራትን ብቻ እንጂ የምርት ጥራትን እንዲገመግሙ አይረዳወትም።</string>
<!-- Paragraph explaining the grading system we use to classify the reliability of a product's reviews. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_info_review_grade_header"><![CDATA[የእያንዳንዱን ምርት ግምገማዎች በ<b>ፊደል ደረጃ</b> ከሀ እስከ ረ እንመድባለን።]]></string>
<!-- Description explaining grades A and B for review quality check adjusted grading. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_info_grade_info_AB">አስተማማኝ ግምገማዎች። ግምገማዎቹ ሐቀኛ፣ አድልዎ የለሽ ግምገማዎችን ትተው ከወጡ እውነተኛ ደንበኞች ሊሆኑ እንደሚችሉ እናምናለን።</string>
<!-- Description explaining grade C for review quality check adjusted grading. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_info_grade_info_C">አስተማማኝ እና የማይታመኑ ግምገማዎች ድብልቅ እንዳለ እናምናለን።</string>
<!-- Description explaining grades D and F for review quality check adjusted grading. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_info_grade_info_DF">የማይታመኑ ግምገማዎች። ግምገማዎቹ የሐሰት ወይም አድሏዊ ከሆኑ ገምጋሚዎች ናቸው ብለን እናምናለን።</string>
<!-- Paragraph explaining how a product's adjusted grading is calculated. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_explanation_body_adjusted_grading"><![CDATA[የ<b>የተስተካከለ ደረጃ</b> አስተማማኝ ናቸው ብለን ባመንባቸው ግምገማዎች ላይ ብቻ የተመሰረተ ነው።]]></string>
<!-- Paragraph explaining product review highlights. First parameter is the name of the retailer (e.g. Amazon). -->
<string name="review_quality_check_explanation_body_highlights"><![CDATA[<b>ዋና ዋናዎቹ</b> አስተማማኝ ናቸው ብለን የምናምንባቸው ባለፉት 80 ቀናት ውስጥ ከ%s ግምገማዎች የተገኙ ናቸው።]]></string>
<!-- Text for learn more caption presenting a link with information about review quality. First parameter is for clickable text defined in review_quality_check_info_learn_more_link. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_info_learn_more">ስለ%s የበለጠ ይወቁ።</string>
<!-- Clickable text that links to review quality check SuMo page. First parameter is the Fakespot product name. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_info_learn_more_link_2">%s የግምገማ ጥራትን እንዴት እንደሚወስን</string>
<!-- Text for title of settings section. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_settings_title">ቅንብሮች</string>
<!-- Text for label for switch preference to show recommended products from review quality check settings section. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_settings_recommended_products">በግምገማ አረጋጋጭ ውስጥ ማስታወቂያዎችን አሳይ</string>
<!-- Description for switch preference to show recommended products from review quality check settings section. First parameter is for clickable text defined in review_quality_check_settings_recommended_products_learn_more.-->
<string name="review_quality_check_settings_recommended_products_description_2" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ለሚመለከታቸው ምርቶች አልፎ አልፎ ማስታወቂያዎችን ያያሉ። ምርቶችን የምናስተዋውቀው በታማኝ ግምገማዎች ብቻ ነው። %s</string>
<!-- Clickable text that links to review quality check recommended products support article. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_settings_recommended_products_learn_more" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የበለጠ ለማወቅ</string>
<!-- Text for turning sidebar off button from review quality check settings section. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_settings_turn_off">የግምገማ አረጋጋጭን ያጥፉ</string>
<!-- Text for title of recommended product section. This is displayed above a product image, suggested as an alternative to the product reviewed. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_ad_title" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ሊታሰብበት የሚገባ ተጨማሪ</string>
<!-- Caption for recommended product section indicating this is an ad by Fakespot. First parameter is the Fakespot product name. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_ad_caption" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ማስታወቂያ በ%s</string>
<!-- Caption for review quality check panel. First parameter is for clickable text defined in review_quality_check_powered_by_link. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_powered_by_2">የግምገማ አረጋጋጭ የተጎላበተው በ%s ነው</string>
<!-- Clickable text that links to First parameter is the Fakespot product name. In the phrase "Fakespot by Mozilla", "by" can be localized. Does not need to stay by. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_powered_by_link" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">%s በሞዚላ</string>
<!-- Text for title of warning card informing the user that the current analysis is outdated. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_outdated_analysis_warning_title" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ለመፈተሽ አዲስ መረጃ</string>
<!-- Text for button from warning card informing the user that the current analysis is outdated. Clicking this should trigger the product's re-analysis. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_outdated_analysis_warning_action" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">አሁን ያረጋግጡ</string>
<!-- Title for warning card informing the user that the current product does not have enough reviews for a review analysis. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_no_reviews_warning_title">እስካሁን በቂ ግምገማዎች የሉም</string>
<!-- Text for body of warning card informing the user that the current product does not have enough reviews for a review analysis. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_no_reviews_warning_body">ይህ ምርት ተጨማሪ ግምገማዎች ሲኖረው ጥራታቸውን ማረጋገጥ እንችላለን።</string>
<!-- Title for warning card informing the user that the current product is currently not available. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_product_availability_warning_title">ምርቱ አይገኝም</string>
<!-- Text for the body of warning card informing the user that the current product is currently not available. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_product_availability_warning_body">ይህ ምርት ወደ ክምችት እንደተመለሰ ካዩ፣ ሪፖርት ያድርጉት እና ግምገማዎቹን ለማየት እንሰራለን።</string>
<!-- Clickable text for warning card informing the user that the current product is currently not available. Clicking this should inform the server that the product is available. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_product_availability_warning_action_2">ምርት በክምችት መኖሩን አመልክት</string>
<!-- Title for warning card informing the user that the current product's re-analysis is still processing. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_reanalysis_in_progress_warning_title" moz:RemovedIn="122">የግምገማ ጥራት በመፈተሽ ላይ</string>
<!-- Title for warning card informing the user that the current product's analysis is still processing. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_analysis_in_progress_warning_title" moz:RemovedIn="122">የግምገማ ጥራት በመፈተሽ ላይ</string>
<!-- Title for warning card informing the user that the current product's analysis is still processing. The parameter is the percentage progress (0-100%) of the analysis process (e.g. 56%). -->
<string name="review_quality_check_analysis_in_progress_warning_title_2">የግምገማውን ጥራት በመፈተሽ ላይ (%s)</string>
<!-- Text for body of warning card informing the user that the current product's analysis is still processing. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_analysis_in_progress_warning_body">ይህ ወደ 60 ሰከንድ ሊወስድ ይችላል።</string>
<!-- Title for info card displayed after the user reports a product is back in stock. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_analysis_requested_info_title">ሪፖርት ስላደረጉ እናመሰግናለን!</string>
<!-- Text for body of info card displayed after the user reports a product is back in stock. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_analysis_requested_info_body">በ24 ሰዓታት ውስጥ ስለዚህ ምርት ግምገማዎች መረጃ ሊኖረን ይገባል። እባክዎን ተመልሰው ያረጋግጡ።</string>
<!-- Title for info card displayed when the user review checker while on a product that Fakespot does not analyze (e.g. gift cards, music). -->
<string name="review_quality_check_not_analyzable_info_title">እነዚህን ግምገማዎች ማረጋገጥ አንችልም</string>
<!-- Text for body of info card displayed when the user review checker while on a product that Fakespot does not analyze (e.g. gift cards, music). -->
<string name="review_quality_check_not_analyzable_info_body">እንደ አለመታደል ሆኖ ለተወሰኑ የምርት ዓይነቶች የግምገማውን ጥራት ማረጋገጥ አንችልም። ለምሳሌ፣ የስጦታ ካርዶች እና የቪዲዮ፣ ሙዚቃ እና ጨዋታዎች ሥርጭት።</string>
<!-- Title for info card displayed when another user reported the displayed product is back in stock. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_analysis_requested_other_user_info_title" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">መረጃ በቅርቡ ይመጣል</string>
<!-- Text for body of info card displayed when another user reported the displayed product is back in stock. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_analysis_requested_other_user_info_body" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">በ24 ሰዓታት ውስጥ ስለዚህ ምርት ግምገማዎች መረጃ ሊኖረን ይገባል። እባክዎን ተመልሰው ያረጋግጡ።</string>
<!-- Title for info card displayed to the user when analysis finished updating. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_analysis_updated_confirmation_title" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ትንታኔው ወቅታዊ ነው</string>
<!-- Text for the action button from info card displayed to the user when analysis finished updating. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_analysis_updated_confirmation_action" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">ገባኝ</string>
<!-- Title for error card displayed to the user when an error occurred. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_generic_error_title">አሁን ምንም መረጃ የለም</string>
<!-- Text for body of error card displayed to the user when an error occurred. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_generic_error_body">ችግሩን ለመፍታት እየሰራን ነው። እባክዎ በቅርቡ ተመልሰው ያረጋግጡ።</string>
<!-- Title for error card displayed to the user when the device is disconnected from the network. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_no_connection_title">ምንም የአውታረ መረብ ግንኙነት የለም</string>
<!-- Text for body of error card displayed to the user when the device is disconnected from the network. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_no_connection_body">የአውታረ መረብ ግንኙነትዎን ያረጋግጡ እና ከዚያ ገጹን እንደገና ለመጫን ይሞክሩ።</string>
<!-- Title for card displayed to the user for products whose reviews were not analyzed yet. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_no_analysis_title">ስለእነዚህ ግምገማዎች እስካሁን ምንም መረጃ የለም</string>
<!-- Text for the body of card displayed to the user for products whose reviews were not analyzed yet. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_no_analysis_body">የዚህ ምርት ግምገማዎች አስተማማኝ መሆናቸውን ለማወቅ የግምገማውን ጥራት ያረጋግጡ። ወደ 60 ሰከንድ ብቻ ነው የሚወስደው።</string>
<!-- Text for button from body of card displayed to the user for products whose reviews were not analyzed yet. Clicking this should trigger a product analysis. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_no_analysis_link">የግምገማውን ጥራት ያረጋግጡ</string>
<!-- Headline for review quality check contextual onboarding card. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_title">የእኛን የታመነ የምርት ግምገማዎች መመሪያን ይሞክሩ</string>
<!-- Description for review quality check contextual onboarding card. The first and last two parameters are for retailer names (e.g. Amazon, Walmart). The second parameter is for the name of the application (e.g. Firefox). -->
<string name="review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_description">ከመግዛትዎ በፊት በ%1$s ላይ የምርት ግምገማዎች ምን ያህል አስተማማኝ እንደሆኑ ይመልከቱ። የግምገማ አረጋጋጭ፣ ከ%2$s የመጣ የሙከራ ባህሪ፣ ልክ በአሳሹ ውስጥ ነው የተሰራው። በ%3$s እና %4$s ላይም ይሰራል።</string>
<!-- Description for review quality check contextual onboarding card. The first parameters is for retailer name (e.g. Amazon). The second parameter is for the name of the application (e.g. Firefox). -->
<string name="review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_description_one_vendor">ከመግዛትዎ በፊት በ%1$s ላይ የምርት ግምገማዎች ምን ያህል አስተማማኝ እንደሆኑ ይመልከቱ። የ%2$s የሙከራ ባህሪ የግምገማ አረጋጋጭ በቀጥታ በአሳሹ ውስጥ ነው የተሰራው።</string>
<!-- Paragraph presenting review quality check feature. First parameter is the Fakespot product name. Second parameter is for clickable text defined in review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_learn_more_link. In the phrase "Fakespot by Mozilla", "by" can be localized. Does not need to stay by. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_learn_more">በሞዚላ የ%1$s ኃይልን በመጠቀም አድሎአዊ እና ትክክለኛ ያልሆኑ ግምገማዎችን እናግዝዎታለን። ሲገዙ እርስዎን ለመጠበቅ የእኛ AI ሞዴል ሁልጊዜ እየተሻሻለ ነው። %2$s</string>
<!-- Clickable text from the contextual onboarding card that links to review quality check support article. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_learn_more_link">የበለጠ ለማወቅ</string>
<!-- Caption text to be displayed in review quality check contextual onboarding card above the opt-in button. First parameter is the Fakespot product name. Following parameters are for clickable texts defined in review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_privacy_policy and review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_terms_use. In the phrase "Fakespot by Mozilla", "by" can be localized. Does not need to stay by. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_caption">“አዎ ይሞክሩት” ን በመምረጥ በ%1$s በMozillaው %2$s እና %3$s ተስማምተዋል።</string>
<!-- Caption text to be displayed in review quality check contextual onboarding card above the opt-in button. Parameter is the Fakespot product name. After the colon, what appears are two links, each on their own line. The first link is to a Privacy policy (review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_privacy_policy_2). The second link is to Terms of use (review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_terms_use_2). -->
<string name="review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_caption_2" moz:RemovedIn="123" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">“አዎ ይሞከር”ን በመምረጥ ከ%1$s በሚከተለው ይስማማሉ፡</string>
<!-- Clickable text from the review quality check contextual onboarding card that links to Fakespot privacy policy. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_privacy_policy">የግላዊነት ፖሊሲ</string>
<!-- Clickable text from the review quality check contextual onboarding card that links to Fakespot privacy policy. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_privacy_policy_2" moz:RemovedIn="123" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የግላዊነት መምሪያ</string>
<!-- Clickable text from the review quality check contextual onboarding card that links to Fakespot terms of use. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_terms_use">የአጠቃቀም መመሪያ</string>
<!-- Clickable text from the review quality check contextual onboarding card that links to Fakespot terms of use. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_terms_use_2" moz:RemovedIn="123" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የአጠቃቀም መመሪያ</string>
<!-- Text for opt-in button from the review quality check contextual onboarding card. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_primary_button_text">አዎ፣ ይሞክሩት</string>
<!-- Text for opt-out button from the review quality check contextual onboarding card. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_contextual_onboarding_secondary_button_text">አሁን አይሆንም</string>
<!-- Text for the first CFR presenting the review quality check feature. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_first_cfr_message">ከመግዛትዎ በፊት — የዚህን ምርት ግምገማዎች ማመን እንደሚችሉ ይወቁ።</string>
<!-- Text displayed in the first CFR presenting the review quality check feature that opens the review checker when clicked. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_first_cfr_action" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የግምገማ አረጋጋጭን ይሞክሩት</string>
<!-- Text for the second CFR presenting the review quality check feature. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_second_cfr_message">እነዚህ ግምገማዎች አስተማማኝ ናቸው? የተስተካከለ ደረጃን ለማየት አሁን ያረጋግጡ።</string>
<!-- Text displayed in the second CFR presenting the review quality check feature that opens the review checker when clicked. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_second_cfr_action" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">የግምገማ አረጋጋጭን ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Flag showing that the review quality check feature is work in progress. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_beta_flag"> ያልተጠናቀቀ ወይም Beta</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.) for opening browser menu button to open review quality check bottom sheet. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_open_handle_content_description">የግምገማ አረጋጋጭን ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.) for closing browser menu button to open review quality check bottom sheet. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_close_handle_content_description">የግምገማ አረጋጋጭን ዝጋ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.) for review quality check star rating. First parameter is the number of stars (1-5) representing the rating. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_star_rating_content_description">%1$s ከ5 ኮከቦች</string>
<!-- Text for minimize button from highlights card. When clicked the highlights card should reduce its size. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_highlights_show_less">ያነሰ አሳይ</string>
<!-- Text for maximize button from highlights card. When clicked the highlights card should expand to its full size. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_highlights_show_more">ተጨማሪ አሳይ</string>
<!-- Text for highlights card quality category header. Reviews shown under this header should refer the product's quality. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_highlights_type_quality">ጥራት</string>
<!-- Text for highlights card price category header. Reviews shown under this header should refer the product's price. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_highlights_type_price">ዋጋ</string>
<!-- Text for highlights card shipping category header. Reviews shown under this header should refer the product's shipping. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_highlights_type_shipping">ማጓጓዣ</string>
<!-- Text for highlights card packaging and appearance category header. Reviews shown under this header should refer the product's packaging and appearance. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_highlights_type_packaging_appearance">ማሸጊያ እና ገፅታ</string>
<!-- Text for highlights card competitiveness category header. Reviews shown under this header should refer the product's competitiveness. -->
<string name="review_quality_check_highlights_type_competitiveness">ተወዳዳሪነት</string>
<!-- Text that is surrounded by quotes. The parameter is the actual text that is in quotes. An example of that text could be: Excellent craftsmanship, and that is displayed as “Excellent craftsmanship”. The text comes from a buyer's review that the feature is highlighting" -->
<string name="surrounded_with_quotes">“%s”</string>
<!-- Accessibility services actions labels. These will be appended to accessibility actions like "Double tap to.." but not by or applications but by services like Talkback. -->
<!-- Action label for elements that can be collapsed if interacting with them. Talkback will append this to say "Double tap to collapse". -->
<string name="a11y_action_label_collapse">ሰብስብ</string>
<!-- Current state for elements that can be collapsed if interacting with them. Talkback will dictate this after a state change. -->
<string name="a11y_state_label_collapsed">ተሰብስቧል</string>
<!-- Action label for elements that can be expanded if interacting with them. Talkback will append this to say "Double tap to expand". -->
<string name="a11y_action_label_expand">ዘርጋ</string>
<!-- Current state for elements that can be expanded if interacting with them. Talkback will dictate this after a state change. -->
<string name="a11y_state_label_expanded">ተዘርግቷል</string>
<!-- Action label for links to a website containing documentation about a wallpaper collection. Talkback will append this to say "Double tap to open link to learn more about this collection". -->
<string name="a11y_action_label_wallpaper_collection_learn_more">ስለዚህ ስብስብ የበለጠ ለማወቅ አገናኝ ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Action label for links that point to an article. Talkback will append this to say "Double tap to read the article". -->
<string name="a11y_action_label_read_article">ጽሑፉን ያንብቡ</string>
<!-- Action label for links to the Firefox Pocket website. Talkback will append this to say "Double tap to open link to learn more". -->
<string name="a11y_action_label_pocket_learn_more">የበለጠ ለማወቅ አገናኝ ይክፈቱ</string>
<!-- Content description for headings announced by accessibility service. The first parameter is the text of the heading. Talkback will announce the first parameter and then speak the word "Heading" indicating to the user that this text is a heading for a section. -->
<string name="a11y_heading">%s፣ ርዕስ</string>
<!-- Title for dialog displayed when trying to access links present in a text. -->
<string name="a11y_links_title">አገናኞች</string>
<!-- Additional content description for text bodies that contain urls. -->
<string name="a11y_links_available">የሚገኙ አገናኞች</string>
<!-- Translations feature-->
<!-- Translation request dialog -->
<!-- Title for the translation dialog that allows a user to translate the webpage. -->
<string name="translations_bottom_sheet_title">ይህን ገጽ መተርጎም?</string>
<!-- Title for the translation dialog that allows a user to translate the webpage when a user uses the translation feature the first time. The first parameter is the name of the application, for example, "Fenix". -->
<string name="translations_bottom_sheet_title_first_time">በ%1$s ውስጥ የግል ትርጉሞችን ይሞክሩ</string>
<!-- Additional information on the translation dialog that appears when a user uses the translation feature the first time. The first parameter is clickable text with a link, for example, "Learn more". -->
<string name="translations_bottom_sheet_info_message">ለግላዊነትዎ፣ ትርጉሞች ከመሳሪያዎ አይወጡም። አዲስ ቋንቋዎች እና ማሻሻያዎች በቅርቡ ይመጣሉ! %1$s</string>
<!-- Text that links to additional information about the Firefox translations feature. -->
<string name="translations_bottom_sheet_info_message_learn_more">ተጨማሪ ይወቁ</string>
<!-- Label for the dropdown to select which language to translate from on the translations dialog. Usually the translate from language selected will be the same as the page language. -->
<string name="translations_bottom_sheet_translate_from">ተርጉም ከ</string>
<!-- Label for the dropdown to select which language to translate to on the translations dialog. Usually the translate to language selected will be the user's preferred language. -->
<string name="translations_bottom_sheet_translate_to">ተርጉም ወደ</string>
<!-- Button text on the translations dialog to dismiss the dialog and return to the browser. -->
<string name="translations_bottom_sheet_negative_button">አሁን አይሆንም</string>
<!-- Button text on the translations dialog when a translation error appears, used to dismiss the dialog and return to the browser. -->
<string name="translations_bottom_sheet_negative_button_error">ተከናውኗል</string>
<!-- Button text on the translations dialog to begin a translation of the website. -->
<string name="translations_bottom_sheet_positive_button">ተርጉም</string>
<!-- Button text on the translations dialog when a translation error appears. -->
<string name="translations_bottom_sheet_positive_button_error">እንደገና ሞክር</string>
<!-- Inactive button text on the translations dialog that indicates a translation is currently in progress. This button will be accompanied by a loading icon. -->
<string name="translations_bottom_sheet_translating_in_progress">በመተርጎም ላይ</string>
<!-- Button content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.) for the translations dialog translate button that indicates a translation is currently in progress. -->
<string name="translations_bottom_sheet_translating_in_progress_content_description">በመተርጎም ሂደት ላይ</string>
<!-- Default dropdown option when initially selecting a language from the translations dialog language selection dropdown. -->
<string name="translations_bottom_sheet_default_dropdown_selection">ቋንቋ ይምረጡ</string>
<!-- The title of the warning card informs the user that a translation could not be completed. -->
<string name="translation_error_could_not_translate_warning_text">የመተርጎም ችግር ነበር። እባክዎ እንደገና ይሞክሩ።</string>
<!-- The title of the warning card informs the user that the list of languages cannot be loaded. -->
<string name="translation_error_could_not_load_languages_warning_text">ቋንቋዎችን መጫን አልተቻለም። የበይነመረብ ግንኙነትዎን ይፈትሹ እና እንደገና ይሞክሩ።</string>
<!-- The title of the warning card informs the user that a language is not supported. The first parameter is the name of the language that is not supported. -->
<string name="translation_error_language_not_supported_warning_text">ይቅርታ፣ እስካሁን %1$sን አንደግፍም።</string>
<!-- Button text on the warning card when a language is not supported. The link will take the user to a page to a support page about translations. -->
<string name="translation_error_language_not_supported_learn_more">ተጨማሪ ይወቁ</string>
<!-- Translations options dialog -->
<!-- Title of the translation options dialog that allows a user to set their translation options for the site the user is currently on. -->
<string name="translation_option_bottom_sheet_title">የትርጉም አማራጮች</string>
<!-- Toggle switch label that allows a user to set the setting if they would like the browser to always offer or suggest translations when available. -->
<string name="translation_option_bottom_sheet_always_translate">ሁልጊዜ ለመተርጎም አቅርብ</string>
<!-- Toggle switch label that allows a user to set if they would like a given language to automatically translate or not. The first parameter is the language name, for example, "Spanish". -->
<string name="translation_option_bottom_sheet_always_translate_in_language">ሁልጊዜ %1$sን ተርጉም</string>
<!-- Toggle switch label that allows a user to set if they would like to never be offered a translation of the given language. The first parameter is the language name, for example, "Spanish". -->
<string name="translation_option_bottom_sheet_never_translate_in_language">%1$sን በጭራሽ አትተርጉም</string>
<!-- Toggle switch label that allows a user to set the setting if they would like the browser to never translate the site the user is currently visiting. -->
<string name="translation_option_bottom_sheet_never_translate_site">ይህን ጣቢያ በጭራሽ አትተርጉም</string>
<!-- Toggle switch description that will appear under the "Never translate these sites" settings toggle switch to provide more information on how this setting interacts with other settings. -->
<string name="translation_option_bottom_sheet_switch_never_translate_site_description">ሁሉንም ሌሎች ቅንብሮችን ይሽራል</string>
<!-- Toggle switch description that will appear under the "Never translate" and "Always translate" toggle switch settings to provide more information on how these settings interacts with other settings. -->
<string name="translation_option_bottom_sheet_switch_description">የመተርጎም ቅናሾችን ይሽራል</string>
<!-- Button text for the button that will take the user to the translation settings dialog. -->
<string name="translation_option_bottom_sheet_translation_settings">የትርጉም ቅንብሮች</string>
<!-- Button text for the button that will take the user to a website to learn more about how translations works in the given app. The first parameter is the name of the application, for example, "Fenix". -->
<string name="translation_option_bottom_sheet_about_translations">በ%1$s ውስጥ ስለ ትርጉሞች</string>
<!-- Translation settings dialog -->
<!-- Title of the translation settings dialog that allows a user to set their preferred translation settings. -->
<string name="translation_settings_toolbar_title">ትርጉሞች</string>
<!-- Toggle switch label that indicates that the browser should signal or indicate when a translation is possible for any page. -->
<string name="translation_settings_offer_to_translate">ሲቻል ለመተርጎም አቅርብ</string>
<!-- Toggle switch label that indicates that downloading files required for translating is permitted when using data saver mode in Android. -->
<string name="translation_settings_always_download">ሁልጊዜ ቋንቋዎችን በውሂብ ቁጠባ ሁነታ አውርድ</string>
<!-- Section header text that begins the section of a list of different options the user may select to adjust their translation preferences. -->
<string name="translation_settings_translation_preference">የትርጉም ምርጫዎች</string>
<!-- Button text for the button that will take the user to the automatic translations settings dialog. On the automatic translations settings dialog, the user can set if translations should occur automatically for a given language. -->
<string name="translation_settings_automatic_translation">ራስ-ሰር ትርጉም</string>
<!-- Button text for the button that will take the user to the never translate these sites dialog. On the never translate these sites dialog, the user can set if translations should never occur on certain websites. -->
<string name="translation_settings_automatic_never_translate_sites">እነዚህን ጣቢያዎች በጭራሽ አትተርጉም</string>
<!-- Button text for the button that will take the user to the download languages dialog. On the download languages dialog, the user can manage which languages they would like to download for translations. -->
<string name="translation_settings_download_language">ቋንቋዎችን አውርድ</string>
<!-- Automatic translation preference screen -->
<!-- Title of the automatic translation preference screen that will appear on the toolbar.-->
<string name="automatic_translation_toolbar_title_preference">ራስ-ሰር ትርጉም</string>
<!-- Screen header presenting the automatic translation preference feature. It will appear under the toolbar. -->
<string name="automatic_translation_header_preference">”ሁልጊዜ መተርጎም“ እና ”ፍፁም አትተረጎም“ ምርጫዎችን ለማስተዳደር ቋንቋ ምረጥ።</string>
<!-- Automatic translation options preference screen -->
<!-- Preference option for offering to translate. Radio button title text.-->
<string name="automatic_translation_option_offer_to_translate_title_preference">ለመተርጎም አቅርብ (ነባሪ)</string>
<!-- Preference option for offering to translate. Radio button summary text. The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix)-->
<string name="automatic_translation_option_offer_to_translate_summary_preference">%1$s ጣቢያዎችን በዚህ ቋንቋ ለመተርጎም ያቀርባል።</string>
<!-- Preference option for always translate. Radio button title text. -->
<string name="automatic_translation_option_always_translate_title_preference">ሁልጊዜ ተርጉም</string>
<!-- Preference option for always translate. Radio button summary text. The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix)-->
<string name="automatic_translation_option_always_translate_summary_preference">%1$s ገጹ ሲጫን ይህን ቋንቋ በራስ-ሰር ይተረጉመዋል።</string>
<!-- Preference option for never translate. Radio button title text.-->
<string name="automatic_translation_option_never_translate_title_preference">በጭራሽ አትተረጎም</string>
<!-- Preference option for never translate. Radio button summary text. The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix)-->
<string name="automatic_translation_option_never_translate_summary_preference">%1$s በዚህ ቋንቋ ጣቢያዎችን ለመተርጎም በጭራሽ አይሰጥም።</string>
<!-- Never translate site preference screen -->
<!-- Title of the never translate site preference screen that will appear on the toolbar.-->
<string name="never_translate_site_toolbar_title_preference">እነዚህን ጣቢያዎች በጭራሽ አትተርጉም</string>
<!-- Screen header presenting the never translate site preference feature. It will appear under the toolbar. -->
<string name="never_translate_site_header_preference">አዲስ ጣቢያ ለመጨመር፡ ይጎብኙት እና ከትርጉም ሜኑ ውስጥ “ይህን ጣቢያ በጭራሽ አትተርጉም” የሚለውን ይምረጡ።</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): For a never-translated site list item that is selected.
The first parameter is web site url (for example:"") -->
<string name="never_translate_site_item_list_content_description_preference">%1$sን አስወግድ</string>
<!-- The Delete site dialogue title will appear when the user clicks on a list item.
The first parameter is web site url (for example:"") -->
<string name="never_translate_site_dialog_title_preference">%1$s ይጥፋ?</string>
<!-- The Delete site dialogue positive button will appear when the user clicks on a list item. The site will be deleted. -->
<string name="never_translate_site_dialog_confirm_delete_preference">አጥፋ</string>
<!-- The Delete site dialogue negative button will appear when the user clicks on a list item. The dialog will be dismissed. -->
<string name="never_translate_site_dialog_cancel_preference">ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Download languages preference screen -->
<!-- Title of the download languages preference screen toolbar.-->
<string name="download_languages_toolbar_title_preference">ቋንቋዎችን አውርድ</string>
<!-- Screen header presenting the download language preference feature. It will appear under the toolbar.The first parameter is "Learn More," a clickable text with a link. Talkback will append this to say "Double tap to open link to learn more". -->
<string name="download_languages_header_preference">ለፈጣን ትርጉሞች እና ከመስመር ውጭ ለመተርጎም የተሟላ ቋንቋዎችን ያውርዱ። %1$s</string>
<!-- Clickable text from the screen header that links to a website. -->
<string name="download_languages_header_learn_more_preference">ተጨማሪ ይወቁ</string>
<!-- The subhead of the download language preference screen will appear above the pivot language. -->
<string name="download_languages_available_languages_preference">የሚገኙ ቋንቋዎች</string>
<!-- Text that will appear beside a core or pivot language package name to show that the language is necessary for the translation feature to function. -->
<string name="download_languages_default_system_language_require_preference">ያስፈልጋል</string>
<!-- A text for download language preference item.
The first parameter is the language name, for example, "Spanish".
The second parameter is the language file size, for example, "(3.91 KB)" or, if the language package name is a pivot language, "(required)". -->
<string name="download_languages_language_item_preference">%1$s (%2$s)</string>
<!-- The subhead of the download language preference screen will appear above the items that were not downloaded. -->
<string name="download_language_header_preference">ቋንቋዎችን አውርድ</string>
<!-- All languages list item. When the user presses this item, they can download or delete all languages. -->
<string name="download_language_all_languages_item_preference">ሁሉም ቋንቋዎች</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): For a language list item that was downloaded, the user can now delete it. -->
<string name="download_languages_item_content_description_downloaded_state">አጥፋ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): For a language list item, downloading is in progress. -->
<string name="download_languages_item_content_description_in_progress_state">በሂደት ላይ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): For a language list item that was not downloaded. -->
<string name="download_languages_item_content_description_not_downloaded_state">አውርድ</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): For a language list item that is selected. -->
<string name="download_languages_item_content_description_selected_state">ተመርጧል</string>
<!-- Title for the dialog used by the translations feature to confirm deleting a language.
The dialog will be presented when the user requests deletion of a language.
The first parameter is the name of the language, for example, "Spanish" and the second parameter is the size in kilobytes or megabytes of the language file. -->
<string name="delete_language_file_dialog_title">%1$s (%2$s) ይሰረዝ?</string>
<!-- Additional information for the dialog used by the translations feature to confirm deleting a language. The first parameter is the name of the application, for example, "Fenix". -->
<string name="delete_language_file_dialog_message">ይህን ቋንቋ ከሰረዙት፣ ሲተረጉሙ %1$s ከፊል ቋንቋዎችን ወደ መሸጎጫዎ ያወርዳል።</string>
<!-- Title for the dialog used by the translations feature to confirm deleting all languages file.
The dialog will be presented when the user requests deletion of all languages file.
The first parameter is the size in kilobytes or megabytes of the language file. -->
<string name="delete_language_all_languages_file_dialog_title">ሁሉም ቋንቋዎች ይሰረዙ (%1$s)?</string>
<!-- Additional information for the dialog used by the translations feature to confirm deleting all languages file. The first parameter is the name of the application, for example, "Fenix". -->
<string name="delete_language_all_languages_file_dialog_message">ሁሉንም ቋንቋዎች ከሰረዙ፣ ሲተረጉሙ %1$s ከፊል ቋንቋዎችን ወደ መሸጎጫዎ ያወርዳል።</string>
<!-- Button text on the dialog used by the translations feature to confirm deleting a language. -->
<string name="delete_language_file_dialog_positive_button_text">ሰርዝ</string>
<!-- Button text on the dialog used by the translations feature to cancel deleting a language. -->
<string name="delete_language_file_dialog_negative_button_text">ተወው</string>
<!-- Title for the data saving mode warning dialog used by the translations feature.
This dialog will be presented when the user attempts to download a language or perform
a translation without the necessary language files downloaded first when Android's data saver mode is enabled and the user is not using WiFi.
The first parameter is the size in kilobytes or megabytes of the language file.-->
<string name="download_language_file_dialog_title">በውሂብ ቆጣቢ ሁነታ (%1$s) ላይ እያለ ይውረድ?</string>
<!-- Additional information for the data saving mode warning dialog used by the translations feature. This text explains the reason a download is required for a translation. -->
<string name="download_language_file_dialog_message_all_languages">ትርጉሞችን የግል ለማድረግ ከፊል ቋንቋዎችን ወደ መሸጎጫዎ እናወርዳለን።</string>
<!-- Checkbox label text on the data saving mode warning dialog used by the translations feature. This checkbox allows users to ignore the data usage warnings. -->
<string name="download_language_file_dialog_checkbox_text">ሁልጊዜ በውሂብ ቁጠባ ሁነታ አውርድ</string>
<!-- Button text on the data saving mode warning dialog used by the translations feature to allow users to confirm they wish to continue and download the language file. -->
<string name="download_language_file_dialog_positive_button_text">አውርድ</string>
<!-- Button text on the data saving mode warning dialog used by the translations feature to allow users to confirm they wish to continue and download the language file and perform a translation. -->
<string name="download_language_file_dialog_positive_button_text_all_languages">ያውርዱ እና ይተርጉሙ</string>
<!-- Button text on the data saving mode warning dialog used by the translations feature to allow users to cancel the action and not perform a download of the language file. -->
<string name="download_language_file_dialog_negative_button_text">ተወው</string>
<!-- Debug drawer -->
<!-- The user-facing title of the Debug Drawer feature. -->
<string name="debug_drawer_title">የፍተሻ መሳሪያዎች</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate back within the debug drawer. -->
<string name="debug_drawer_back_button_content_description">ወደ ኋላ ዳስስ</string>
<!-- The title of the Tab Tools feature in the Debug Drawer. -->
<string name="debug_drawer_tab_tools_title">የትር መሳሪያዎች</string>
<!-- The title of the tab count section in Tab Tools. -->
<string name="debug_drawer_tab_tools_tab_count_title">የትር ብዛት</string>
<!-- The active tab count category in the tab count section in Tab Tools. -->
<string name="debug_drawer_tab_tools_tab_count_normal">ንቁ</string>
<!-- The inactive tab count category in the tab count section in Tab Tools. -->
<string name="debug_drawer_tab_tools_tab_count_inactive">እንቅስቃሴ-አልባ</string>
<!-- The private tab count category in the tab count section in Tab Tools. -->
<string name="debug_drawer_tab_tools_tab_count_private">የግል</string>
<!-- The total tab count category in the tab count section in Tab Tools. -->
<string name="debug_drawer_tab_tools_tab_count_total">ጠቅላላ</string>
<!-- The title of the tab creation tool section in Tab Tools. -->
<string name="debug_drawer_tab_tools_tab_creation_tool_title">ትር መፍጠሪያ መሣሪያ</string>
<!-- The label of the text field in the tab creation tool. -->
<string name="debug_drawer_tab_tools_tab_creation_tool_text_field_label">የሚፈጠረው የትር ብዛት</string>
<!-- The button text to add tabs to the active tab group in the tab creation tool. -->
<string name="debug_drawer_tab_tools_tab_creation_tool_button_text_active">ወደ ንቁ ትሮች ያክሉ</string>
<!-- The button text to add tabs to the inactive tab group in the tab creation tool. -->
<string name="debug_drawer_tab_tools_tab_creation_tool_button_text_inactive">ወደ ቦዘኑ ትሮች ያክሉ</string>
<!-- The button text to add tabs to the private tab group in the tab creation tool. -->
<string name="debug_drawer_tab_tools_tab_creation_tool_button_text_private">ወደ የግል ትሮች ያክሉ</string>