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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
// To compile/run from the root directory:
// cargo check -p sync-test
// cargo run -p sync-test -- --oauth-retries 5
// (You can safely ignore the noisy 500 for
use interrupt_support::NeverInterrupts;
use log::*;
use serde_derive::*;
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::mem;
use sync15::bso::{IncomingBso, OutgoingBso};
use sync15::client::{sync_multiple, MemoryCachedState};
use sync15::engine::{
CollectionRequest, EngineSyncAssociation, SyncEngine,
use sync15::{telemetry, ServerTimestamp};
use sync_guid::Guid;
use crate::auth::TestClient;
use crate::testing::TestGroup;
// A test record. It has to derive `Serialize` and `Deserialize` (which we import
// in scope when we do `use serde_derive::*`), so that the `sync15` crate can
// serialize them to JSON, and parse them from JSON. Deriving `Debug` lets us
// print it with `{:?}` below.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct TestRecord {
// This field is required for all Sync records, but can be set to whatever
// value we want. In the test, we just generate a random GUID, but we can
// use any GUID we want...
// `"recordAAAAAA".into()` also works!
pub id: Guid,
// To test that syncing happens.
pub message: String,
pub struct TestEngine {
pub name: &'static str,
pub test_records: RefCell<Vec<TestRecord>>,
pub engine_sync_assoc: RefCell<EngineSyncAssociation>,
pub was_reset_called: Cell<bool>,
pub global_id: Option<Guid>,
pub coll_id: Option<Guid>,
// Lotsa boilerplate to implement `SyncEngine`... 😅
impl SyncEngine for TestEngine {
fn collection_name(&self) -> std::borrow::Cow<'static, str> {
// HACK: We have to use a "well-known" collection name in `meta/global`
// (you can see the list in `DEFAULT_ENGINES`, inside
// `components/sync15/src/`). Otherwise, `LocalCollStateMachine`
// won't know how to set up the sync IDs. Even though `TestRecord` isn't
// actually an address record, that's OK—they're all encrypted, so the
// server can't check their contents.
fn stage_incoming(
inbound: Vec<IncomingBso>,
_telem: &mut telemetry::Engine,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
for bso in inbound {
let incoming_record = bso.into_content::<TestRecord>().content().unwrap();
info!("Got incoming record {:?}", incoming_record);
fn apply(
_timestamp: ServerTimestamp,
_telem: &mut telemetry::Engine,
) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<OutgoingBso>> {
// Notice the `&mut *` and `.borrow_mut()` to extract the Vec from
// the RefCell.
let temp: Vec<TestRecord> = mem::take(&mut *self.test_records.borrow_mut());
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?
fn set_uploaded(
_new_timestamp: ServerTimestamp,
records_synced: Vec<Guid>,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// This should print something like:
// `[... INFO sync_test::sync15] Uploaded records: [Guid("ai5xy_LtNAuN")]`
// If we were a real engine, this is where we'd mark our outgoing records
// as uploaded. In a test, we can just assert that the records we uploaded
info!("Uploaded records: {:?}", records_synced);
fn get_collection_request(
_server_timestamp: ServerTimestamp,
) -> anyhow::Result<Option<CollectionRequest>> {
// This is where we can add a `since` bound, so we only fetch records
// since the last sync time...but, we aren't storing that yet, so we
// just fetch all records that we've ever written.
/// This is where we return our test collection's sync ID (and global sync
/// ID).
fn get_sync_assoc(&self) -> anyhow::Result<EngineSyncAssociation> {
let our_assoc = self.engine_sync_assoc.borrow();
"TEST {}: get_sync_assoc called with {:?}",, *our_assoc
/// Reset the engine without wiping local data, ready for a "first sync".
/// `assoc` defines how this engine is to be associated with sync.
fn reset(&self, assoc: &EngineSyncAssociation) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
println!("TEST {}: Reset called",;
*self.engine_sync_assoc.borrow_mut() = assoc.clone();
// Won't really be used anywhere.
fn wipe(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// This is where we'd erase all data and Sync state. Since we're
// just an in-memory engine, and `sync_multiple` doesn't exercise
// this, we do nothing.
fn sync_client(c: &mut TestClient, desc: &str, engine: &dyn SyncEngine) {
let mut persisted_global_state = None;
let mut mem_cached_state = MemoryCachedState::default();
let result = sync_multiple(
&mut persisted_global_state,
&mut mem_cached_state,
println!("Finished syncing {desc} client: {:?}", result);
fn sync_first_client(c0: &mut TestClient, engine: &dyn SyncEngine) {
sync_client(c0, "first", engine);
fn sync_second_client(c1: &mut TestClient, engine: &dyn SyncEngine) {
sync_client(c1, "second", engine);
// Integration test for the sync15 component
// It currently only tests elements and behavior of
// components/sync15/src/
// Note that it will fail if a mock email account cannot be successfully
// created.
fn test_sync_multiple(c0: &mut TestClient, c1: &mut TestClient) {
let test_vec = vec![TestRecord {
id: Guid::random(),
message: "<3".to_string(),
let first_client_engine = TestEngine {
name: "c0",
test_records: RefCell::new(test_vec.clone()),
engine_sync_assoc: RefCell::new(EngineSyncAssociation::Disconnected), // should also test Connected
was_reset_called: Cell::new(false),
global_id: Option::from(Guid::random()),
coll_id: Option::from(Guid::random()),
sync_first_client(c0, &first_client_engine);
"Should have called first reset."
let second_client_engine = TestEngine {
name: "c1",
test_records: RefCell::default(),
engine_sync_assoc: first_client_engine.engine_sync_assoc, // unlike c0, will not call reset()
was_reset_called: Cell::new(false),
global_id: Option::from(Guid::random()),
coll_id: Option::from(Guid::random()),
sync_second_client(c1, &second_client_engine);
"Second client shouldn't have called reset."
let vector1 = first_client_engine.test_records.into_inner();
let vector2 = second_client_engine.test_records.into_inner();
assert!(vector1.is_empty(), "The vector should be empty.");
test_vec, vector2,
"Both clients' messages should match after the two calls to sync_multiple()."
"Client {:?}'s test_records: {:?}",, vector1
"Client {:?}'s test_records: {:?}",, vector2
// Boilerplate...
pub fn get_test_group() -> TestGroup {
TestGroup::new("sync15", vec![("test_sync_multiple", test_sync_multiple)])