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# Build the Rust toolchain for other tasks:
# - The "Rust toolchain" includes all targets/components listed in our `rust-toolchain` file
# - It also includes some targets needed for cross-compilation
# - run-task from taskgraph handles uploading files from UPLOAD_DIR to the public artifacts directory at the end of the task
# - run-task also handles downloading and untaring those artifacts to the fetches directory at the start of other tasks (if `rust` is included in `fetches:toolchain`)
# - `` handles copying the files to the correct directories
set -ex
# UPLOAD_DIR is not set for the generic worker, so we need to set it ourselves
# FIXME: what's the right way to get this value?
# Clear out any existing Rust files
rm -fr ~/.cargo ~/.rustup
# Install rustup
echo "${RUSTUP_SHA256} *rustup-init" | shasum -a 256 -c -
chmod +x rustup-init
./rustup-init -y --no-modify-path
rm rustup-init
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
source "$HOME"/.cargo/env
# So long as this is executed after the checkout it will use the version specified in rust-toolchain.yaml
rustup update
rustup target add aarch64-apple-darwin
# Tar everything into UPLOAD_DIR
cd "$HOME"
mkdir -p "$UPLOAD_DIR"
tar -czf "$UPLOAD_DIR"/rust-osx.tar.gz .rustup .cargo