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from collections import namedtuple
from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence
# Transform for the nimbus-build tasks
build = TransformSequence()
def setup_build_tasks(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
binary = task["attributes"]["binary"]
target = task["attributes"]["target"]
setup_linux_build_task(task, target, binary)
elif target in MAC_BUILD_TARGETS:
setup_mac_build_task(task, target, binary)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown target for nimbus build task: {target}")
yield task
def setup_linux_build_task(task, target, binary):
docker_image = "linux"
if target in ("aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"):
docker_image = "linux2004"
task["description"] = f"Build {binary} ({target})"
task["worker-type"] = "b-linux"
task["worker"] = {
"max-run-time": 1800,
"docker-image": {"in-tree": docker_image},
"artifacts": [
"name": f"public/build/{binary}-{target}.zip",
"path": f"/builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/build/{binary}-{target}.zip",
"type": "file",
task["run"] = {
"using": "run-commands",
"pre-commands": [
["git", "submodule", "update", "--init"],
["source", "taskcluster/scripts/toolchain/"],
"commands": [
["taskcluster/scripts/", "build/", binary, target],
"use-caches": True,
task["fetches"] = {
"toolchain": [
def setup_mac_build_task(task, target, binary):
task["description"] = f"Build {binary} ({target})"
task["worker-type"] = "b-osx"
task["worker"] = {
"max-run-time": 1800,
"artifacts": [
"name": f"public/build/{binary}-{target}.zip",
"path": f"checkouts/vcs/build/{binary}-{target}.zip",
"type": "file",
task["run"] = {
"using": "run-commands",
"run-task-command": ["/usr/local/bin/python3", "run-task"],
"pre-commands": [
["source", "taskcluster/scripts/"],
["source", "taskcluster/scripts/toolchain/"],
"commands": [
["taskcluster/scripts/", "build/", binary, target]
task["fetches"] = {
"toolchain": [
# Transform for the nimbus-assemble task
# This task produces a single zip file + checksum that combines the binaries from each individual
# build task.
assemble = TransformSequence()
# nimbus-build task that a nimbus-binaries-assemble task depends on
NimbusBuildDep = namedtuple("NimbusBuildDep", "label target")
def setup_assemble_tasks(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
# Which nimbus binary are we assembling?
binary = task["attributes"]["nimbus-binary"]
# Find nimbus-build task dependencies for our binary.
build_task_deps = [
NimbusBuildDep(label, build_task.attributes["target"])
for (label, build_task) in config.kind_dependencies_tasks.items()
if build_task.kind == "nimbus-build"
and build_task.attributes.get("binary") == binary
task["dependencies"] = {dep.label: dep.label for dep in build_task_deps}
task["fetches"] = {
dep.label: [
"artifact": f"{binary}-{}.zip",
"dest": binary,
"extract": True if binary == "nimbus-fml" else False,
for dep in build_task_deps
artifact_path = "/builds/worker/artifacts"
if binary == "nimbus-fml":
# For nimbus-fml, we zip all binaries together and include the sha256
task["release-artifacts"] = [f"{binary}.{ext}" for ext in ("zip", "sha256")]
task["run"] = {
"using": "run-commands",
"commands": [
["mkdir", "-p", artifact_path],
["cd", "/builds/worker/fetches/nimbus-fml"],
["zip", f"{artifact_path}/", "-r", "."],
["cd", artifact_path],
["eval", "sha256sum", "", ">", "nimbus-fml.sha256"],
elif binary == "nimbus-cli":
# For nimbus-cli, we just publish the binaries separately
task["release-artifacts"] = [
f"{binary}-{}.zip" for dep in build_task_deps
# Publish a JSON file with information about the build
sources = [
for dep in build_task_deps
task["run"] = {
"using": "run-commands",
"commands": [
["mkdir", "-p", artifact_path],
["cp"] + sources + [artifact_path],
yield task