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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import XCTest
@testable import MozillaTestServices
// These tests cover the integration of the underlying Rust libraries into Swift
// URL{Request,Response} data types, as well as the key management and error
// handling logic of OhttpManager class.
// A testing model of Client, KeyConfigEndpoint, Relay, Gateway, and Target. This
// includes an OHTTP decryption server to decode messages, but does not model TLS,
// etc.
class FakeOhttpNetwork {
let server = OhttpTestServer()
let configURL = URL(string: "")!
let relayURL = URL(string: "")!
// Create an instance of OhttpManager with networking hooks installed to
// send requests to this model instead of the Internet.
func newOhttpManager() -> OhttpManager {
OhttpManager(configUrl: configURL,
relayUrl: relayURL,
network: client)
// Response helpers
func statusResponse(request: URLRequest, statusCode: Int) -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse) {
HTTPURLResponse(url: request.url!,
statusCode: statusCode,
httpVersion: "HTTP/1.1",
headerFields: [:])!)
func dataResponse(request: URLRequest, body: Data, contentType: String) -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse) {
HTTPURLResponse(url: request.url!,
statusCode: 200,
httpVersion: "HTTP/1.1",
headerFields: ["Content-Length": String(body.count),
"Content-Type": contentType])!)
// Network node models
func client(_ request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, URLResponse) {
switch request.url {
case configURL: return config(request)
case relayURL: return relay(request)
default: throw NSError()
func config(_ request: URLRequest) -> (Data, URLResponse) {
let key = server.getConfig()
return dataResponse(request: request,
body: Data(key),
contentType: "application/octet-stream")
func relay(_ request: URLRequest) -> (Data, URLResponse) {
return gateway(request)
func gateway(_ request: URLRequest) -> (Data, URLResponse) {
let inner = try! server.receive(message: [UInt8](request.httpBody!))
var innerUrl = URLComponents()
innerUrl.scheme = inner.scheme = inner.server
innerUrl.path = inner.endpoint
var innerRequest = URLRequest(url: innerUrl.url!)
innerRequest.httpMethod = inner.method
innerRequest.httpBody = Data(inner.payload)
for (k, v) in inner.headers {
innerRequest.setValue(v, forHTTPHeaderField: k)
let (innerData, innerResponse) = target(innerRequest)
// Wrap with BHTTP/OHTTP
var headers: [String: String] = [:]
for (k, v) in innerResponse.allHeaderFields {
headers[k as! String] = v as? String
let reply = try! server.respond(response: OhttpResponse(statusCode: UInt16(innerResponse.statusCode),
headers: headers,
payload: [UInt8](innerData)))
return dataResponse(request: request,
body: Data(reply),
contentType: "message/ohttp-res")
func target(_ request: URLRequest) -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse) {
// Dummy JSON application response
let data = try! ["hello": "world"])
return dataResponse(request: request,
body: data,
contentType: "application/json")
class OhttpTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() {
// Test that a GET request can retrieve expected data from Target, including
// passing headers in each direction.
func testGet() async {
class DataTargetNetwork: FakeOhttpNetwork {
override func target(_ request: URLRequest) -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse) {
XCTAssertEqual(request.url, URL(string: "")!)
XCTAssertEqual(request.httpMethod, "GET")
XCTAssertEqual(request.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept"), "application/octet-stream")
return dataResponse(request: request,
body: Data([0x10, 0x20, 0x30]),
contentType: "application/octet-stream")
let mock = DataTargetNetwork()
let ohttp = mock.newOhttpManager()
let url = URL(string: "")!
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.setValue("application/octet-stream", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")
let (data, response) = try! await request)
XCTAssertEqual(response.statusCode, 200)
XCTAssertEqual([UInt8](data), [0x10, 0x20, 0x30])
XCTAssertEqual(response.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type"), "application/octet-stream")
// Test that POST requests to an API using JSON work as expected.
func testJsonApi() async {
class JsonTargetNetwork: FakeOhttpNetwork {
override func target(_ request: URLRequest) -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse) {
XCTAssertEqual(request.url, URL(string: "")!)
XCTAssertEqual(request.httpMethod, "POST")
XCTAssertEqual(request.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept"), "application/json")
XCTAssertEqual(request.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type"), "application/json")
XCTAssertEqual(String(decoding: request.httpBody!, as: UTF8.self),
let data = try! ["hello": "world"])
return dataResponse(request: request,
body: data,
contentType: "application/json")
let mock = JsonTargetNetwork()
let ohttp = mock.newOhttpManager()
let url = URL(string: "")!
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
request.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")
request.httpBody = try! ["version": 1])
let (data, response) = try! await request)
XCTAssertEqual(response.statusCode, 200)
XCTAssertEqual(String(bytes: data, encoding: .utf8), #"{"hello":"world"}"#)
XCTAssertEqual(response.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type"), "application/json")
// Test that config keys are cached across requests.
func testKeyCache() async {
class CountConfigNetwork: FakeOhttpNetwork {
var numConfigFetches = 0
override func config(_ request: URLRequest) -> (Data, URLResponse) {
numConfigFetches += 1
return super.config(request)
let mock = CountConfigNetwork()
let ohttp = mock.newOhttpManager()
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!)
_ = try! await request)
_ = try! await request)
_ = try! await request)
XCTAssertEqual(mock.numConfigFetches, 1)
// Test that bad key config data throws MalformedKeyConfig error.
func testBadConfig() async {
class MalformedKeyNetwork: FakeOhttpNetwork {
override func config(_ request: URLRequest) -> (Data, URLResponse) {
dataResponse(request: request,
body: Data(),
contentType: "application/octet-stream")
do {
let mock = MalformedKeyNetwork()
let ohttp = mock.newOhttpManager()
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!)
_ = try await request)
} catch OhttpError.MalformedKeyConfig {
} catch {
// Test that using the wrong key throws a RelayFailed error and
// that the key is removed from cache.
func testWrongKey() async {
class WrongKeyNetwork: FakeOhttpNetwork {
override func config(_ request: URLRequest) -> (Data, URLResponse) {
dataResponse(request: request,
body: Data(OhttpTestServer().getConfig()),
contentType: "application/octet-stream")
override func gateway(_ request: URLRequest) -> (Data, URLResponse) {
do {
_ = try server.receive(message: [UInt8](request.httpBody!))
} catch OhttpError.MalformedMessage {
} catch {
return statusResponse(request: request, statusCode: 400)
do {
let mock = WrongKeyNetwork()
let ohttp = mock.newOhttpManager()
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!)
_ = try await request)
} catch OhttpError.RelayFailed {
} catch {
// Test that bad Gateway data generates MalformedMessage errors.
func testBadGateway() async {
class BadGatewayNetwork: FakeOhttpNetwork {
override func gateway(_ request: URLRequest) -> (Data, URLResponse) {
dataResponse(request: request,
body: Data(),
contentType: "message/ohttp-res")
do {
let mock = BadGatewayNetwork()
let ohttp = mock.newOhttpManager()
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!)
_ = try await request)
} catch OhttpError.MalformedMessage {
} catch {
// Test behaviour when Gateway disallows a Target URL.
func testDisallowedTarget() async {
class DisallowedTargetNetwork: FakeOhttpNetwork {
override func target(_ request: URLRequest) -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse) {
statusResponse(request: request, statusCode: 403)
let mock = DisallowedTargetNetwork()
let ohttp = mock.newOhttpManager()
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!)
let (_, response) = try! await request)
XCTAssertEqual(response.statusCode, 403)
// Test that ordinary network failures are surfaced as URLError.
func testNetworkFailure() async {
class NoConnectionNetwork: FakeOhttpNetwork {
override func client(_ request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, URLResponse) {
if request.url == configURL {
return config(request)
throw NSError(domain: NSURLErrorDomain,
code: URLError.cannotConnectToHost.rawValue)
do {
let mock = NoConnectionNetwork()
let ohttp = mock.newOhttpManager()
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!)
_ = try await request)
} catch is URLError {
} catch {