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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import XCTest
@testable import MozillaTestServices
class NimbusMessagingTests: XCTestCase {
func createDatabasePath() -> String {
// For whatever reason, we cannot send a file:// because it'll fail
// to make the DB both locally and on CI, so we just send the path
let directory = NSTemporaryDirectory()
let filename = "testdb-\(UUID().uuidString).db"
let dbPath = directory + filename
return dbPath
func createNimbus() throws -> NimbusMessagingProtocol {
let appSettings = NimbusAppSettings(appName: "NimbusMessagingTests", channel: "nightly")
let nimbusEnabled = try Nimbus.create(nil, appSettings: appSettings, dbPath: createDatabasePath())
XCTAssert(nimbusEnabled is Nimbus)
if let nimbus = nimbusEnabled as? Nimbus {
try nimbus.initializeOnThisThread()
return nimbusEnabled
func testJexlHelper() throws {
let nimbus = try createNimbus()
let helper = try nimbus.createMessageHelper()
XCTAssertTrue(try helper.evalJexl(expression: "app_name == 'NimbusMessagingTests'"))
XCTAssertFalse(try helper.evalJexl(expression: "app_name == 'not-the-app-name'"))
// The JEXL evaluator should error for unknown identifiers
XCTAssertThrowsError(try helper.evalJexl(expression: "appName == 'snake_case_only'"))
func testJexlHelperWithJsonSerialization() throws {
let nimbus = try createNimbus()
let helper = try nimbus.createMessageHelper(additionalContext: ["test_value_from_json": 42])
XCTAssertTrue(try helper.evalJexl(expression: "test_value_from_json == 42"))
func testJexlHelperWithJsonCodable() throws {
let nimbus = try createNimbus()
let context = DummyContext(testValueFromJson: 42)
let helper = try nimbus.createMessageHelper(additionalContext: context)
// Snake case only
XCTAssertTrue(try helper.evalJexl(expression: "test_value_from_json == 42"))
// Codable's encode in snake case, so even if the codable is mixed case,
// the JEXL must use snake case.
XCTAssertThrowsError(try helper.evalJexl(expression: "testValueFromJson == 42"))
func testStringHelperWithJsonSerialization() throws {
let nimbus = try createNimbus()
let helper = try nimbus.createMessageHelper(additionalContext: ["test_value_from_json": 42])
XCTAssertEqual(helper.stringFormat(template: "{app_name} version {test_value_from_json}", uuid: nil), "NimbusMessagingTests version 42")
func testStringHelperWithUUID() throws {
let nimbus = try createNimbus()
let helper = try nimbus.createMessageHelper()
XCTAssertNil(helper.getUuid(template: "No UUID"))
// If {uuid} is detected in the template, then we should record it as a glean metric
// so Glean can associate it with this UUID.
// In this way, we can give the UUID to third party services without them being able
// to build up a profile of the client.
// In the meantime, we're able to tie the UUID to the Glean client id while keeping the client id
// secret.
let uuid = helper.getUuid(template: "A {uuid} in here somewhere")
XCTAssertNotNil(UUID(uuidString: uuid!))
let uuid2 = helper.stringFormat(template: "{uuid}", uuid: uuid)
XCTAssertNotNil(UUID(uuidString: uuid2))
private struct DummyContext: Encodable {
let testValueFromJson: Int
private extension Device {
static func isSimulator() -> Bool {
return ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["SIMULATOR_ROOT"] != nil