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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import Foundation
@testable import MozillaTestServices
// Arrays are not thread-safe in Swift.
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "InvocationsArrayQueue")
class MockFxAccount: PersistedFirefoxAccount {
var invocations: [MethodInvocation] = []
enum MethodInvocation {
case checkAuthorizationStatus
case ensureCapabilities
case getProfile
case registerPersistCallback
case clearAccessTokenCache
case getAccessToken
case initializeDevice
case getDevices
init() {
super.init(inner: FirefoxAccount(config: FxaConfig(server: FxaServer.custom(url: ""), clientId: "", redirectUri: "", tokenServerUrlOverride: nil)))
required convenience init(fromJsonState _: String) throws {
fatalError("init(fromJsonState:) has not been implemented")
required convenience init(config _: FxAConfig) {
fatalError("init(config:) has not been implemented")
override func initializeDevice(name _: String, deviceType _: DeviceType, supportedCapabilities _: [DeviceCapability]) throws {
queue.sync { invocations.append(.initializeDevice) }
override func getDevices(ignoreCache _: Bool) throws -> [Device] {
queue.sync { invocations.append(.getDevices) }
return []
override func registerPersistCallback(_: PersistCallback) {
queue.sync { invocations.append(.registerPersistCallback) }
override func ensureCapabilities(supportedCapabilities _: [DeviceCapability]) throws {
queue.sync { invocations.append(.ensureCapabilities) }
override func checkAuthorizationStatus() throws -> AuthorizationInfo {
queue.sync { invocations.append(.checkAuthorizationStatus) }
return AuthorizationInfo(active: true)
override func clearAccessTokenCache() {
queue.sync { invocations.append(.clearAccessTokenCache) }
override func getAccessToken(scope _: String, ttl _: UInt64? = nil) throws -> AccessTokenInfo {
queue.sync { invocations.append(.getAccessToken) }
return AccessTokenInfo(scope: "profile", token: "toktok", key: nil, expiresAt: Int64.max)
override func getProfile(ignoreCache _: Bool) throws -> Profile {
queue.sync { invocations.append(.getProfile) }
return Profile(uid: "uid", email: "foo@bar.bobo", displayName: "Bobo the Foo", avatar: "", isDefaultAvatar: false)
override func beginOAuthFlow(
scopes _: [String],
entrypoint _: String
) throws -> URL {
return URL(string: "")!
class MockFxAccountManager: FxAccountManager {
var storedAccount: PersistedFirefoxAccount?
override func createAccount() -> PersistedFirefoxAccount {
return MockFxAccount()
override func makeDeviceConstellation(account _: PersistedFirefoxAccount) -> DeviceConstellation {
return MockDeviceConstellation(account: account)
override func tryRestoreAccount() -> PersistedFirefoxAccount? {
return storedAccount
class MockDeviceConstellation: DeviceConstellation {
var invocations: [MethodInvocation] = []
enum MethodInvocation {
case ensureCapabilities
case initDevice
case refreshState
override init(account: PersistedFirefoxAccount?) {
super.init(account: account ?? MockFxAccount())
override func initDevice(name: String, type: DeviceType, capabilities: [DeviceCapability]) {
queue.sync { invocations.append(.initDevice) }
super.initDevice(name: name, type: type, capabilities: capabilities)
override func ensureCapabilities(capabilities: [DeviceCapability]) {
queue.sync { invocations.append(.ensureCapabilities) }
super.ensureCapabilities(capabilities: capabilities)
override func refreshState() {
queue.sync { invocations.append(.refreshState) }
func mockFxAManager() -> MockFxAccountManager {
return MockFxAccountManager(
config: FxAConfig(server: .release, clientId: "clientid", redirectUri: "redirect"),
deviceConfig: DeviceConfig(name: "foo", type: .mobile, capabilities: [])