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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use anyhow::Result;
use autofill::db::{
models::{address, credit_card},
use autofill::encryption::{create_autofill_key, EncryptorDecryptor};
use autofill::error::Error;
use cli_support::fxa_creds::{get_cli_fxa, get_default_fxa_config, SYNC_SCOPE};
use cli_support::prompt::{prompt_string, prompt_usize};
use interrupt_support::NeverInterrupts; // XXX need a real interruptee!
use std::sync::Arc;
use structopt::StructOpt;
use sync15::client::{sync_multiple, MemoryCachedState, SetupStorageClient, Sync15StorageClient};
use sync15::engine::{EngineSyncAssociation, SyncEngine};
fn update_string(field_name: &str, field: String) -> String {
let opt_s = prompt_string(format!(
"new {} [now '{}' - leave blank to keep the same value]",
field_name, field
if let Some(s) = opt_s {
} else {
fn update_i64(field_name: &str, field: i64) -> i64 {
let opt = prompt_usize(format!(
"new {} [now '{}' - leave blank to keep the same value]",
field_name, field
if let Some(s) = opt {
s as i64
} else {
// Note: this uses doc comments to generate the help text.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, StructOpt)]
#[structopt(name = "autofill-utils", about = "Command-line utilities for autofill")]
pub struct Opts {
/// Sets the path to the database
name = "database_path",
short = "d",
default_value = "./autofill.db"
pub database_path: String,
/// Disables all logging (useful for performance evaluation)
#[structopt(name = "no-logging", long)]
pub no_logging: bool,
/// The key to use with the database (use --help to see more about keys)
/// If not specified, then this example will generate and store the key in
/// the database - which obviously isn't secure, but is suitable for when
/// treating this app as an example - just never specify the key.
/// If you specify a key, it will be used for all operations and not
/// persisted anywhere. This should be used if you are using this utility
/// to examine a 'real' database.
/// You should never mix these modes with the same database - obviously
/// the encryption and decryption operations work only with a single key.
#[structopt(name = "key", long, short = "k")]
pub key: Option<String>,
cmd: Command,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, StructOpt)]
enum Command {
/// Adds JSON address
#[structopt(name = "add-address")]
AddAddress {},
/// Gets address from database
#[structopt(name = "get-address")]
GetAddress {
#[structopt(name = "guid", long, short = "g")]
/// The guid of the address to retrieve
guid: String,
/// Gets all addresses from database
#[structopt(name = "get-all-addresses")]
/// Update address with given JSON address data
#[structopt(name = "update-address")]
UpdateAddress {
#[structopt(name = "guid", long)]
/// The guid of the item to update
guid: String,
/// Delete address from database
#[structopt(name = "delete-address")]
DeleteAddress {
#[structopt(name = "guid", long, short = "g")]
/// The guid of the address to delete
guid: String,
/// Adds JSON credit card
#[structopt(name = "add-credit-card")]
AddCreditCard {},
/// Gets credit card from database
#[structopt(name = "get-credit-card")]
GetCreditCard {
#[structopt(name = "guid", long, short = "g")]
/// The guid of the credit card to retrieve
guid: String,
/// Gets all credit cards from database
#[structopt(name = "get-all-credit-cards")]
/// Update credit card with given JSON credit card data
#[structopt(name = "update-credit-card")]
UpdateCreditCard {
#[structopt(name = "guid", long)]
/// The guid of the item to update
guid: String,
/// Delete credit card from database
#[structopt(name = "delete-credit-card")]
DeleteCreditCard {
#[structopt(name = "guid", long, short = "g")]
/// The guid of the credit card to delete
guid: String,
/// Syncs all or some engines.
Sync {
#[structopt(name = "engines", long)]
/// Path to store our cached fxa credentials.
#[structopt(name = "credentials", long, default_value = "./credentials.json")]
credential_file: String,
/// Wipe ALL storage from the server before syncing.
#[structopt(name = "wipe-all-remote", long)]
wipe_all: bool,
/// Wipe the engine data from the server before syncing.
#[structopt(name = "wipe-remote", long)]
wipe: bool,
/// Reset the engine before syncing
#[structopt(name = "reset", long)]
reset: bool,
/// Number of syncs to perform
#[structopt(name = "nsyncs", long, default_value = "1")]
nsyncs: u32,
/// Number of milliseconds to wait between syncs
#[structopt(name = "wait", long, default_value = "0")]
wait: u64,
fn run_add_address(store: &Store) -> Result<()> {
let address_fields = address::UpdatableAddressFields {
name: prompt_string("name").unwrap_or_default(),
organization: prompt_string("organization").unwrap_or_default(),
street_address: prompt_string("street_address").unwrap_or_default(),
address_level3: prompt_string("address_level3").unwrap_or_default(),
address_level2: prompt_string("address_level2").unwrap_or_default(),
address_level1: prompt_string("address_level1").unwrap_or_default(),
postal_code: prompt_string("postal_code").unwrap_or_default(),
country: prompt_string("country").unwrap_or_default(),
tel: prompt_string("tel").unwrap_or_default(),
email: prompt_string("email").unwrap_or_default(),
println!("Making `add_address` api call");
let address = Store::add_address(store, address_fields)?;
println!("Created address: {:#?}", address);
fn run_get_address(store: &Store, guid: String) -> Result<()> {
println!("Getting address for guid `{}`", guid);
let address = Store::get_address(store, guid)?;
println!("Retrieved address: {:#?}", address);
fn run_get_all_addresses(store: &Store) -> Result<()> {
println!("Getting all addresses");
let addresses = Store::get_all_addresses(store)?;
println!("Retrieved addresses: {:#?}", addresses);
fn run_update_address(store: &Store, guid: String) -> Result<()> {
let address = Store::get_address(store, guid.clone())?;
let updatable = address::UpdatableAddressFields {
name: update_string("name",,
organization: update_string("organization", address.organization),
street_address: update_string("street_address", address.street_address),
address_level3: update_string("address_level3", address.address_level3),
address_level2: update_string("address_level2", address.address_level2),
address_level1: update_string("address_level1", address.address_level1),
postal_code: update_string("postal_code", address.postal_code),
country: update_string("country",,
tel: update_string("tel",,
email: update_string("email",,
println!("Making `update_address` api call for guid {}", guid);
Store::update_address(store, guid.clone(), updatable)?;
let address = Store::get_address(store, guid)?;
println!("Updated address: {:#?}", address);
fn run_delete_address(store: &Store, guid: String) -> Result<()> {
println!("Deleting address for guid `{}`", guid);
Store::delete_address(store, guid)?;
println!("Successfully deleted address");
fn run_add_credit_card(store: &Store, key: &str) -> Result<()> {
let encdec = EncryptorDecryptor::new(key)?;
let cc_number = prompt_string("cc_number").unwrap_or_default();
let cc_number_enc = encdec.encrypt(&cc_number, "cc_number")?;
let cc_number_last_4 = cc_number_enc.chars().rev().take(4).collect();
let cc_fields = credit_card::UpdatableCreditCardFields {
cc_name: prompt_string("cc_name").unwrap_or_default(),
cc_exp_month: prompt_usize("cc_exp_month").unwrap_or_default() as i64,
cc_exp_year: prompt_usize("cc_exp_year").unwrap_or_default() as i64,
cc_type: prompt_string("cc_type").unwrap_or_default(),
println!("Making `add_credit_card` api call");
let credit_card = Store::add_credit_card(store, cc_fields)?;
println!("Created credit card: {:#?}", credit_card);
// copied from the impl.
fn get_last_4(v: &str) -> String {
fn run_get_credit_card(store: &Store, guid: String, key: &str) -> Result<()> {
println!("Getting credit card for guid `{}`", guid);
let credit_card = Store::get_credit_card(store, guid)?;
println!("Retrieved credit card: {:#?}", credit_card);
let encdec = EncryptorDecryptor::new(key)?;
let card_number = encdec.decrypt(&credit_card.cc_number_enc, "cc_number")?;
println!("credit-card number decrypts as: {}", card_number);
if get_last_4(&card_number) != credit_card.cc_number_last_4 {
println!("***** - last 4 digits are wrong!!!");
fn run_get_all_credit_cards(store: &Store, key: &str) -> Result<()> {
println!("Getting all credit cards");
let encdec = EncryptorDecryptor::new(key)?;
let credit_cards = Store::get_all_credit_cards(store)?;
println!("Retrieved credit cards:");
for card in credit_cards {
println!("{:#?}", card);
let card_number = encdec.decrypt(&card.cc_number_enc, "cc_number")?;
println!("credit-card number decrypts as: {}", card_number);
if get_last_4(&card_number) != card.cc_number_last_4 {
println!("***** - last 4 digits are wrong!!!");
fn run_update_credit_card(store: &Store, guid: String) -> Result<()> {
let cc = Store::get_credit_card(store, guid.clone())?;
let updatable = credit_card::UpdatableCreditCardFields {
cc_name: update_string("cc_name", cc.cc_name),
// TODO: EncryptorDecryptor dance
cc_number_enc: update_string("cc_number_enc", cc.cc_number_enc),
cc_number_last_4: update_string("cc_number_last_4", cc.cc_number_last_4),
cc_exp_month: update_i64("cc_exp_month", cc.cc_exp_month),
cc_exp_year: update_i64("cc_exp_year", cc.cc_exp_year),
cc_type: update_string("cc_type", cc.cc_type),
println!("Updating credit card");
println!("Making `update_credit_card` api call for guid {}", guid);
Store::update_credit_card(store, guid.clone(), updatable)?;
let credit_card = Store::get_credit_card(store, guid)?;
println!("Updated credit card: {:#?}", credit_card);
fn run_delete_credit_card(store: &Store, guid: String) -> Result<()> {
println!("Deleting credit card for guid `{}`", guid);
Store::delete_credit_card(store, guid)?;
println!("Successfully deleted credit card");
fn run_sync(
store: &Arc<Store>,
key: &str,
cred_file: String,
wipe_all: bool,
wipe: bool,
reset: bool,
nsyncs: u32,
wait: u64,
) -> Result<()> {
// XXX - need to add interrupts
let cli_fxa = get_cli_fxa(get_default_fxa_config(), &cred_file, &[SYNC_SCOPE])?;
if wipe_all {
let mut mem_cached_state = MemoryCachedState::default();
let mut global_state: Option<String> = None;
let mut engines: Vec<Box<dyn SyncEngine>> = vec![
for engine in &engines {
if wipe {
if reset {
// now the syncs.
// For now we never persist the global state, which means we may lose
// which engines are declined.
// That's OK for the short term, and ultimately, syncing functionality
// will be in places_api, which will give us this for free.
let mut error_to_report = None;
let engines_to_sync: Vec<&dyn SyncEngine> = engines.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref).collect();
for n in 0..nsyncs {
let mut result = sync_multiple(
&mut global_state,
&mut mem_cached_state,
for (name, result) in result.engine_results.drain() {
match result {
Ok(()) => log::info!("Status for {:?}: Ok", name),
Err(e) => {
log::warn!("Status for {:?}: {:?}", name, e);
error_to_report = Some(e);
match result.result {
Err(e) => {
log::warn!("Sync failed! {}", e);
log::warn!("BT: {:?}", error_support::backtrace::Backtrace);
error_to_report = Some(e);
Ok(()) => log::info!("Sync was successful!"),
println!("Sync service status: {:?}", result.service_status);
"Sync telemetry: {}",
if n < nsyncs - 1 {
log::info!("Waiting {}ms before syncing again...", wait);
// return an error if any engine failed.
match error_to_report {
Some(e) => Err(e.into()),
None => Ok(()),
fn get_encryption_key(store: &Store, db_path: &str, opts: &Opts) -> Result<String> {
// See the docstring for --key above for more context.
// if key was specified we use ut.
if let Some(key) = &opts.key {
return Ok(key.clone());
// Get it from the database - but it might not yet exist!
// (and we don't expose the DB directly, so cheat. This is a bit gross -
// maybe we should just expose them?)
use autofill::db::AutofillDb;
use rusqlite::{
types::{FromSql, ToSql},
use sql_support::ConnExt;
pub fn put_meta(conn: &Connection, key: &str, value: &dyn ToSql) -> Result<()> {
"REPLACE INTO moz_meta (key, value) VALUES (:key, :value)",
&[(":key", &key as &dyn rusqlite::ToSql), (":value", value)],
pub fn get_meta<T: FromSql>(conn: &Connection, key: &str) -> Result<Option<T>> {
let res = conn.try_query_one(
"SELECT value FROM moz_meta WHERE key = :key",
&[(":key", &key)],
let db = AutofillDb::new(db_path)?;
let key: Option<String> = get_meta(&db, "example-encryption-key")?;
if let Some(key) = key {
return Ok(key);
// So we need to generate it - but refuse to do so if it already has
// cards.
if !Store::get_all_credit_cards(store)?.is_empty() {
println!("***** We don't have a key but do have credit-cards.");
println!("***** I'm not going to generate an example one, so");
println!("***** you should probably delete the database (or all cards) and start again");
return Err(Error::MissingEncryptionKey.into());
// ok, generate it.
println!("***** Generating and storing example key");
let key = create_autofill_key()?;
put_meta(&db, "example-encryption-key", &key)?;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let opts = Opts::from_args();
if !opts.no_logging {
let db_path = opts.database_path.clone();
let store = Store::new(db_path)?;
let key = get_encryption_key(&store, &opts.database_path, &opts)?;
log::trace!("Using encryption key {}", key);
match opts.cmd {
Command::AddAddress {} => run_add_address(&store),
Command::GetAddress { guid } => run_get_address(&store, guid),
Command::GetAllAddresses => run_get_all_addresses(&store),
Command::UpdateAddress { guid } => run_update_address(&store, guid),
Command::DeleteAddress { guid } => run_delete_address(&store, guid),
Command::AddCreditCard {} => run_add_credit_card(&store, &key),
Command::GetCreditCard { guid } => run_get_credit_card(&store, guid, &key),
Command::GetAllCreditCards => run_get_all_credit_cards(&store, &key),
Command::UpdateCreditCard { guid } => run_update_credit_card(&store, guid),
Command::DeleteCreditCard { guid } => run_delete_credit_card(&store, guid),
Command::Sync {
} => run_sync(