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# Running experiments on first run early startup
* Status: rejected
* Deciders: teshaq, travis, k88hudson, jhugman, jaredlockhart
* Date: 2021-08-16
## Context and Problem Statement
As an experimenter, I would like to run experiments early on a user's first run of the application. However, the experiment data is only available on the second run. We would like to have that experiment data available before the user's first run.
## Decision Drivers
* Availability of experiments early on the first run
* No impact on experimentation data analysis
* Flexibility in creating experiments
* Ability to quickly disable experiments
* Simplicity of releases
* Mobile's expectations of Nimbus (The SDK should be idempotent)
## Considered Options
* **(A) Do Nothing**
* Keep everything the way it is, preventing us from experimenting on users early on their first run
* **(B) Bundle Experiment data with app on release**
* On release, have an `initial_experiments.json` that defines the experiments that will be applied early on the first run
* Later on the first run, the client would retrieve the actual experiment data from remote-settings and overwrite the bundled data
* **(C) Retrieve Experiment data on first run, and deal with delay**
* We can retrieve the experiment data on the first run, experiment data however will not be available until after a short delay (network I/O + some disk I/O)
## Decision Outcome
None of the options were feasible, so for now we are sticking with option **(A) Do Nothing** until there are experiments planned that are expected to run on early startup on the first run, then we will revaluate our options.
The **(B) Bundle Experiment data with app on release** option was rejected mainly due to difficulty in disabling experiments and pausing enrollments. This can create a negative user experience as it prevents us from disabling any problematic experiments. Additionally, it ties experiment creation with application release cycles.
The **(C) Retrieve Experiment data on first run, and deal with delay** option was rejected due to the fact it changes the Nimbus SDK will no longer be idempotent,and the possibility of introducing undesirable UI.
## Pros and Cons of the Options
### Do nothing
* Good, because it keeps the flexibility in experiment creation
* Good, because disabling experiments can still done remotely for all experiments
* Good, because it keeps the Nimbus SDK idempotent.
* Bad, because it doesn't address the main problem of exposing experiments to user on their first run
### Bundle Experiment data with app on release
* Good, because it allows us to run experiments early on a user's first run
* Good, because it prevents us from having to wait for experiments, especially if a user has a slow network connection
* Bad, because it ties experiment creation with release cycles
* Bad, because it prevents us from disabling problematic first-run experiments without a dot release
* Bad, because it prevents us from pausing enrollment on first-run experiments without a dot release
* Bad, because it requires investment from the console team, and can modify existing flows.
### Retrieve Experiment data on first run, and deal with delay
* Good, because it enables us to retrieve experiments for users on their first run
* Good, because it keeps the flexibility in experiment creation
* Good, because disabling experiments can still done remotely for all experiments
* Bad, because experiments may not be ready early on the user's experience
* Bad, because it forces the customer application to deal with either the delay, or changing the configuration shortly after startup. e.g. a loading spinner or a pre-onboarding screen not under experimental control; delaying initialization of onboarding screens until after experiments have been loaded.
* Bad, because it changes the programming model from Nimbus being an idempotent configuration store to configuration changing non-deterministically.
* Bad, because the experimentation platform could force the app to add unchangeable user interface for the entire population. This itself may have an effect on key metrics.
## Links
* Document presented to product managers about **(C) Retrieve Experiment data on first run, and deal with delay**:
* Demo presenting option **(C) Retrieve Experiment data on first run, and deal with delay**: