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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package mozilla.appservices.httpconfig
import mozilla.components.concept.fetch.Client
import mozilla.components.concept.fetch.MutableHeaders
import mozilla.components.concept.fetch.Request
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock
import kotlin.concurrent.write
* All errors emitted by the client will subclass this.
sealed class ViaductClientError(msg: String) : Exception(msg)
* Error indicating that the request method is not supported.
class UnsupportedRequestMethodError(method: MsgTypes.Request.Method) : ViaductClientError("Unsupported HTTP method: $method")
* Singleton allowing management of the HTTP backend
* used by Rust components.
object RustHttpConfig {
// Protects imp/client
private var lock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
private var client: Lazy<Client>? = null
// Important note to future maintainers: if you mess around with
// this code, you have to make sure `imp` can't get GCed. Extremely
// bad things will happen if it does!
private var imp: CallbackImpl? = null
* Set the HTTP client to be used by all Rust code.
* the `Lazy`'s value is not read until the first request is made.
fun setClient(c: Lazy<Client>) {
lock.write {
client = c
if (imp == null) {
imp = CallbackImpl()
/** Allows connections to the hard-coded address the Android Emulator uses
* to connect to the emulator's host (ie, - if you don't
* call this, viaduct will fail to use that address as it isn't https. The
* expectation is that you will only call this in debug builds or if you
* are sure you are running on an emulator.
fun allowAndroidEmulatorLoopback() { {
internal fun convertRequest(request: MsgTypes.Request): Request {
val headers = MutableHeaders()
for (h in request.headersMap) {
headers.append(h.key, h.value)
return Request(
url = request.url,
method = convertMethod(request.method),
headers = headers,
connectTimeout = Pair(request.connectTimeoutSecs.toLong(), TimeUnit.SECONDS),
readTimeout = Pair(request.readTimeoutSecs.toLong(), TimeUnit.SECONDS),
body = if (request.hasBody()) {
} else {
redirect = if (request.followRedirects) {
} else {
cookiePolicy = Request.CookiePolicy.OMIT,
useCaches = request.useCaches,
@Suppress("TooGenericExceptionCaught", "ReturnCount")
internal fun doFetch(b: RustBuffer.ByValue): RustBuffer.ByValue { {
try {
val request = MsgTypes.Request.parseFrom(b.asCodedInputStream())
val rb = try {
// Note: `client!!` is fine here, since if client is null,
// we wouldn't have yet initialized
val resp = client!!.value.fetch(convertRequest(request))
val rb = MsgTypes.Response.newBuilder()
resp.body.useStream {
for (h in resp.headers) {
rb.putHeaders(, h.value)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
MsgTypes.Response.newBuilder().setExceptionMessage("fetch error: ${e.message ?: e.javaClass.canonicalName}")
val built =
val needed = built.serializedSize
val outputBuf = LibViaduct.INSTANCE.viaduct_alloc_bytebuffer(needed)
try {
// This is only null if we passed a negative number or something to
// viaduct_alloc_bytebuffer.
val stream = outputBuf.asCodedOutputStream()!!
return outputBuf
} catch (e: Throwable) {
// Note: we want to clean this up only if we are not returning it to rust.
LibViaduct.INSTANCE.viaduct_log_error("Failed to write buffer: ${e.message}")
throw e
} finally {
internal fun convertMethod(m: MsgTypes.Request.Method): Request.Method {
return when (m) {
MsgTypes.Request.Method.GET -> Request.Method.GET
MsgTypes.Request.Method.POST -> Request.Method.POST
MsgTypes.Request.Method.HEAD -> Request.Method.HEAD
MsgTypes.Request.Method.OPTIONS -> Request.Method.OPTIONS
MsgTypes.Request.Method.DELETE -> Request.Method.DELETE
MsgTypes.Request.Method.PUT -> Request.Method.PUT
MsgTypes.Request.Method.TRACE -> Request.Method.TRACE
MsgTypes.Request.Method.CONNECT -> Request.Method.CONNECT
else -> throw UnsupportedRequestMethodError(m)
internal class CallbackImpl : RawFetchCallback {
override fun invoke(b: RustBuffer.ByValue): RustBuffer.ByValue {
try {
return RustHttpConfig.doFetch(b)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
LibViaduct.INSTANCE.viaduct_log_error("doFetch failed: ${e.message}")
// This is our last resort. It's bad news should we fail to
// return something from this function.
return RustBuffer.ByValue()