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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
const URI_LENGTH_MAX: usize = 65536;
const TAB_ENTRIES_LIMIT: usize = 5;
use crate::error::*;
use crate::schema;
use crate::sync::record::TabsRecord;
use crate::DeviceType;
use rusqlite::{
types::{FromSql, ToSql},
Connection, OpenFlags,
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use sql_support::open_database::{self, open_database_with_flags};
use sql_support::ConnExt;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use sync15::{RemoteClient, ServerTimestamp};
pub type TabsDeviceType = crate::DeviceType;
pub type RemoteTabRecord = RemoteTab;
use types::Timestamp;
pub(crate) const TABS_CLIENT_TTL: u32 = 15_552_000; // 180 days, same as CLIENTS_TTL
const FAR_FUTURE: i64 = 4_102_405_200_000; // 2100/01/01
const MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE: usize = 512 * 1024; // Twice as big as desktop, still smaller than server max (2MB)
const MAX_TITLE_CHAR_LENGTH: usize = 512; // We put an upper limit on title sizes for tabs to reduce memory
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RemoteTab {
pub title: String,
pub url_history: Vec<String>,
pub icon: Option<String>,
pub last_used: i64, // In ms.
pub inactive: bool,
// Tabs that were requested to be closed on other clients
pub struct TabsRequestedClose {
pub client_id: String,
pub urls: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ClientRemoteTabs {
// The fxa_device_id of the client. *Should not* come from the id in the `clients` collection,
// because that may or may not be the fxa_device_id (currently, it will not be for desktop
// records.)
pub client_id: String,
pub client_name: String,
default = "devicetype_default_deser",
skip_serializing_if = "devicetype_is_unknown"
pub device_type: DeviceType,
// serde default so we can read old rows that didn't persist this.
pub last_modified: i64,
pub remote_tabs: Vec<RemoteTab>,
fn devicetype_default_deser() -> DeviceType {
// replace with `DeviceType::default_deser` once #4861 lands.
// Unlike most other uses-cases, here we do allow serializing ::Unknown, but skip it.
fn devicetype_is_unknown(val: &DeviceType) -> bool {
matches!(val, DeviceType::Unknown)
// Tabs has unique requirements for storage:
// * The "local_tabs" exist only so we can sync them out. There's no facility to
// query "local tabs", so there's no need to store these persistently - ie, they
// are write-only.
// * The "remote_tabs" exist purely for incoming items via sync - there's no facility
// to set them locally - they are read-only.
// Note that this means a database is only actually needed after Sync fetches remote tabs,
// and because sync users are in the minority, the use of a database here is purely
// optional and created on demand. The implication here is that asking for the "remote tabs"
// when no database exists is considered a normal situation and just implies no remote tabs exist.
// (Note however we don't attempt to remove the database when no remote tabs exist, so having
// no remote tabs in an existing DB is also a normal situation)
pub struct TabsStorage {
local_tabs: RefCell<Option<Vec<RemoteTab>>>,
db_path: PathBuf,
db_connection: Option<Connection>,
impl TabsStorage {
pub fn new(db_path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Self {
Self {
local_tabs: RefCell::default(),
db_path: db_path.as_ref().to_path_buf(),
db_connection: None,
/// Arrange for a new memory-based TabsStorage. As per other DB semantics, creating
/// this isn't enough to actually create the db!
pub fn new_with_mem_path(db_path: &str) -> Self {
let name = PathBuf::from(format!("file:{}?mode=memory&cache=shared", db_path));
/// If a DB file exists, open and return it.
pub fn open_if_exists(&mut self) -> Result<Option<&Connection>> {
if let Some(ref existing) = self.db_connection {
return Ok(Some(existing));
let flags = OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_NO_MUTEX
match open_database_with_flags(
) {
Ok(conn) => {
self.db_connection = Some(conn);
Err(open_database::Error::SqlError(rusqlite::Error::SqliteFailure(code, _)))
if code.code == rusqlite::ErrorCode::CannotOpen =>
Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
/// Open and return the DB, creating it if necessary.
pub fn open_or_create(&mut self) -> Result<&Connection> {
if let Some(ref existing) = self.db_connection {
return Ok(existing);
let flags = OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_NO_MUTEX
let conn = open_database_with_flags(
self.db_connection = Some(conn);
pub fn update_local_state(&mut self, local_state: Vec<RemoteTab>) {
/// Store tabs that we requested to close on other devices but
/// not yet executed on target device, other calls like getAll()
/// will check against this table to filter out any urls
pub fn add_remote_tab_closures(
&mut self,
tabs_requested_closed: Vec<TabsRequestedClose>,
) -> Result<()> {
let connection = self.open_or_create()?;
let tx = connection.unchecked_transaction()?;
for request_close in tabs_requested_closed {
let client_id = request_close.client_id;
let time_requested_close = Timestamp::now();
"inserting {} urls for device {},",
for url in request_close.urls {
"INSERT INTO pending_remote_tab_closures (client_id, url, time_requested_close) VALUES (:client_id, :url, :time_requested_close);",
rusqlite::named_params! {
":client_id": &client_id,
":url": url,
":time_requested_close": time_requested_close.as_millis()
// We try our best to fit as many tabs in a payload as possible, this includes
// limiting the url history entries, title character count and finally drop enough tabs
// until we have small enough payload that the server will accept
pub fn prepare_local_tabs_for_upload(&self) -> Option<Vec<RemoteTab>> {
if let Some(local_tabs) = self.local_tabs.borrow().as_ref() {
let mut sanitized_tabs: Vec<RemoteTab> = local_tabs
.filter_map(|mut tab| {
if tab.url_history.is_empty() || !is_url_syncable(&tab.url_history[0]) {
return None;
let mut sanitized_history = Vec::with_capacity(TAB_ENTRIES_LIMIT);
for url in tab.url_history {
if sanitized_history.len() == TAB_ENTRIES_LIMIT {
if is_url_syncable(&url) {
tab.url_history = sanitized_history;
// Potentially truncate the title to some limit
tab.title = slice_up_to(tab.title, MAX_TITLE_CHAR_LENGTH);
// Sort the tabs so when we trim tabs it's the oldest tabs
sanitized_tabs.sort_by(|a, b| b.last_used.cmp(&a.last_used));
// If trimming the tab length failed for some reason, just return the untrimmed tabs
trim_tabs_length(&mut sanitized_tabs, MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
return Some(sanitized_tabs);
pub fn get_remote_tabs(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<ClientRemoteTabs>> {
let conn = match self.open_if_exists() {
Err(e) => {
"Failed to read remote tabs: {}",
return None;
Ok(None) => return None,
Ok(Some(conn)) => conn,
let records: Vec<(TabsRecord, ServerTimestamp)> = match conn.query_rows_and_then_cached(
"SELECT record, last_modified FROM tabs",
|row| -> Result<_> {
serde_json::from_str(&row.get::<_, String>(0)?)?,
ServerTimestamp(row.get::<_, i64>(1)?),
) {
Ok(records) => records,
Err(e) => {
error_support::report_error!("tabs-read-remote", "Failed to read database: {}", e);
return None;
let mut crts: Vec<ClientRemoteTabs> = Vec::new();
let remote_clients: HashMap<String, RemoteClient> =
match self.get_meta::<String>(schema::REMOTE_CLIENTS_KEY) {
Err(e) => {
"Failed to get remote clients: {}",
return None;
// We don't return early here since we still store tabs even if we don't
// "know" about the client it's associated with (incase it becomes available later)
Ok(None) => HashMap::default(),
Ok(Some(json)) => serde_json::from_str(&json).unwrap(),
for (record, last_modified) in records {
let id =;
let crt = if let Some(remote_client) = remote_clients.get(&id) {
} else {
// A record with a device that's not in our remote clients seems unlikely, but
// could happen - in most cases though, it will be due to a disconnected client -
// so we really should consider just dropping it? (Sadly though, it does seem
// possible it's actually a very recently connected client, so we keep it)
// We should get rid of this eventually -
"Storing tabs from a client that doesn't appear in the devices list: {}",
ClientRemoteTabs::from_record(id, last_modified, record)
// Filter out any tabs the user requested to be closed on other devices but those devices
// have not yet actually closed the tab, so we hide them from the user until such time
// Should we add a flag here to give the call an option of not doing this?
let filtered_crts = self.filter_pending_remote_tabs(crts);
fn filter_pending_remote_tabs(&mut self, crts: Vec<ClientRemoteTabs>) -> Vec<ClientRemoteTabs> {
let conn = match self.open_if_exists() {
Err(e) => {
"Failed to read remote tabs: {}",
return crts;
Ok(None) => return crts,
Ok(Some(conn)) => conn,
let pending_tabs_result: Result<Vec<(String, String)>> = conn.query_rows_and_then_cached(
"SELECT client_id, url FROM pending_remote_tab_closures",
|row| {
row.get::<_, String>(0)?, // client_id
row.get::<_, String>(1)?, // url
// Make a hash map of all urls per client_id that we potentially want to filter
let pending_closures = match pending_tabs_result {
Ok(pending_closures) => pending_closures.into_iter().fold(
|mut acc: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>, (client_id, url)| {
Err(e) => {
error_support::report_error!("tabs-read-remote", "Failed to read database: {}", e);
return crts;
// Check if any of the client records that were passed in have urls that the user closed
// This means that they requested to close those tabs but those devices have not yet got
// actually closed the tabs
let filtered_crts: Vec<ClientRemoteTabs> = crts
.map(|mut crt| {
crt.remote_tabs.retain(|tab| {
// The top level in the url_history is the "active" tab, which we should use
// TODO: probably not the best way to url check
.map_or(false, |urls| urls.contains(&tab.url_history[0]))
// Return the filtered crts
// Keep DB from growing infinitely since we only ask for records since our last sync
// and may or may not know about the client it's associated with -- but we could at some point
// and should start returning those tabs immediately. If that client hasn't been seen in 3 weeks,
// we remove it until it reconnects
pub fn remove_stale_clients(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let last_sync = self.get_meta::<i64>(schema::LAST_SYNC_META_KEY)?;
if let Some(conn) = self.open_if_exists()? {
if let Some(last_sync) = last_sync {
let client_ttl_ms = (TABS_CLIENT_TTL as i64) * 1000;
// On desktop, a quick write temporarily sets the last_sync to FAR_FUTURE
// but if it doesn't set it back to the original (crash, etc) it
// means we'll most likely trash all our records (as it's more than any TTL we'd ever do)
// so we need to detect this for now until we have native quick write support
if last_sync - client_ttl_ms >= 0 && last_sync != (FAR_FUTURE * 1000) {
let tx = conn.unchecked_transaction()?;
let num_removed = tx.execute_cached(
"DELETE FROM tabs WHERE last_modified <= :last_sync - :ttl",
rusqlite::named_params! {
":last_sync": last_sync,
":ttl": client_ttl_ms,
"removed {} stale clients (threshold was {})",
last_sync - client_ttl_ms
impl TabsStorage {
pub(crate) fn replace_remote_tabs(
&mut self,
// This is a tuple because we need to know what the server reports
// as the last time a record was modified
new_remote_tabs: &Vec<(TabsRecord, ServerTimestamp)>,
) -> Result<()> {
let connection = self.open_or_create()?;
let tx = connection.unchecked_transaction()?;
// For tabs it's fine if we override the existing tabs for a remote
// there can only ever be one record for each client
for remote_tab in new_remote_tabs {
let record = &remote_tab.0;
let last_modified = remote_tab.1;
"inserting tab for device {}, last modified at {}",,
"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO tabs (guid, record, last_modified) VALUES (:guid, :record, :last_modified);",
rusqlite::named_params! {
":guid": &,
":record": serde_json::to_string(&record).expect("tabs don't fail to serialize"),
":last_modified": last_modified.as_millis()
pub(crate) fn wipe_remote_tabs(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(db) = self.open_if_exists()? {
db.execute_batch("DELETE FROM tabs")?;
pub(crate) fn wipe_local_tabs(&self) {
pub(crate) fn put_meta(&mut self, key: &str, value: &dyn ToSql) -> Result<()> {
let db = self.open_or_create()?;
"REPLACE INTO moz_meta (key, value) VALUES (:key, :value)",
&[(":key", &key as &dyn ToSql), (":value", value)],
pub(crate) fn get_meta<T: FromSql>(&mut self, key: &str) -> Result<Option<T>> {
match self.open_if_exists() {
Ok(Some(db)) => {
let res = db.try_query_one(
"SELECT value FROM moz_meta WHERE key = :key",
&[(":key", &key)],
Err(e) => Err(e),
Ok(None) => Ok(None),
pub(crate) fn delete_meta(&mut self, key: &str) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(db) = self.open_if_exists()? {
db.execute_cached("DELETE FROM moz_meta WHERE key = :key", &[(":key", &key)])?;
// Implementations related to storage of remotely closing remote tabs
impl TabsStorage {
// Remove any pending tabs that are 24hrs older than the last time that client has synced
// Or that client's incoming tabs does not have those tabs anymore
pub fn remove_old_pending_closures(
&mut self,
// This is a tuple because we need to know what the server reports
// as the last time a record was modified
new_remote_tabs: &[(TabsRecord, ServerTimestamp)],
) -> Result<()> {
let conn = self.open_or_create()?;
let tx = conn.unchecked_transaction()?;
// Insert new remote tabs into a temporary table
"CREATE TEMP TABLE if not exists new_remote_tabs (client_id TEXT, url TEXT)",
conn.execute("DELETE FROM new_remote_tabs", [])?; // Clear previous entries
for (record, _) in new_remote_tabs.iter() {
if let Some(url) = record.tabs.first().and_then(|tab| tab.url_history.first()) {
"INSERT INTO new_remote_tabs (client_id, url) VALUES (?, ?)",
rusqlite::params![, url],
// Delete entries from pending closures that do not exist in the new remote tabs
let delete_sql = "
DELETE FROM pending_remote_tab_closures
SELECT 1 FROM new_remote_tabs
WHERE new_remote_tabs.client_id = pending_remote_tab_closures.client_id
AND new_remote_tabs.url = pending_remote_tab_closures.url
conn.execute(delete_sql, [])?;
const TWENTY_FOUR_HRS_MS: u64 = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 24 hours in ms
// Anything that couldn't be removed above and is older than 24 hours
// is assumed not closeable and we can remove it from the list
let sql = "
DELETE FROM pending_remote_tab_closures
WHERE client_id IN (
SELECT guid FROM tabs
) AND (SELECT last_modified FROM tabs WHERE guid = client_id) - time_requested_close >= :twenty_four_hours_in_ms
tx.execute_cached(sql, &[(":twenty_four_hours_in_ms", &TWENTY_FOUR_HRS_MS)])?;
// Commit changes and clean up temp
conn.execute("DROP TABLE new_remote_tabs", [])?;
// Trim the amount of tabs in a list to fit the specified memory size
fn trim_tabs_length(tabs: &mut Vec<RemoteTab>, payload_size_max_bytes: usize) {
// See bug 535326 comment 8 for an explanation of the estimation
let max_serialized_size = (payload_size_max_bytes / 4) * 3 - 1500;
let size = compute_serialized_size(tabs);
if size > max_serialized_size {
// Estimate a little more than the direct fraction to maximize packing
let cutoff = (tabs.len() * max_serialized_size) / size;
// Keep dropping off the last entry until the data fits.
while compute_serialized_size(tabs) > max_serialized_size {
fn compute_serialized_size(v: &Vec<RemoteTab>) -> usize {
// Similar to places/utils.js
// This method ensures we safely truncate a string up to a certain max_len while
// respecting char bounds to prevent rust panics. If we do end up truncating, we
// append an ellipsis to the string
pub fn slice_up_to(s: String, max_len: usize) -> String {
if max_len >= s.len() {
return s;
let ellipsis = '\u{2026}';
// Ensure we leave space for the ellipsis while still being under the max
let mut idx = max_len - ellipsis.len_utf8();
while !s.is_char_boundary(idx) {
idx -= 1;
let mut new_str = s[..idx].to_string();
fn is_url_syncable(url: &str) -> bool {
url.len() <= URI_LENGTH_MAX
&& !(url.starts_with("about:")
|| url.starts_with("resource:")
|| url.starts_with("chrome:")
|| url.starts_with("wyciwyg:")
|| url.starts_with("blob:")
|| url.starts_with("file:")
|| url.starts_with("moz-extension:")
|| url.starts_with("data:"))
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::sync::record::TabsRecordTab;
use types::Timestamp;
fn test_is_url_syncable() {
// XXX - this smells wrong - we should insist on a valid complete URL?
fn test_open_if_exists_no_file() {
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let db_name = dir.path().join("test_open_for_read_no_file.db");
let mut storage = TabsStorage::new(db_name.clone());
storage.open_or_create().unwrap(); // will have created it.
// make a new storage, but leave the file alone.
let mut storage = TabsStorage::new(db_name);
// db file exists, so opening for read should open it.
fn test_tabs_meta() {
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let db_name = dir.path().join("test_tabs_meta.db");
let mut db = TabsStorage::new(db_name);
let test_key = "TEST KEY A";
let test_value = "TEST VALUE A";
let test_key2 = "TEST KEY B";
let test_value2 = "TEST VALUE B";
// should automatically make the DB if one doesn't exist
db.put_meta(test_key, &test_value).unwrap();
db.put_meta(test_key2, &test_value2).unwrap();
let retrieved_value: String = db.get_meta(test_key).unwrap().expect("test value");
let retrieved_value2: String = db.get_meta(test_key2).unwrap().expect("test value 2");
assert_eq!(retrieved_value, test_value);
assert_eq!(retrieved_value2, test_value2);
// check that the value of an existing key can be updated
let test_value3 = "TEST VALUE C";
db.put_meta(test_key, &test_value3).unwrap();
let retrieved_value3: String = db.get_meta(test_key).unwrap().expect("test value 3");
assert_eq!(retrieved_value3, test_value3);
// check that a deleted key is not retrieved
let retrieved_value4: Option<String> = db.get_meta(test_key).unwrap();
fn test_prepare_local_tabs_for_upload() {
let mut storage = TabsStorage::new_with_mem_path("test_prepare_local_tabs_for_upload");
assert_eq!(storage.prepare_local_tabs_for_upload(), None);
RemoteTab {
url_history: vec!["about:blank".to_owned(), "".to_owned()],
RemoteTab {
url_history: vec![
RemoteTab {
url_history: vec![
RemoteTab {
RemoteTab {
url_history: vec!["".to_owned()],
RemoteTab {
url_history: vec![
fn test_trimming_tab_title() {
let mut storage = TabsStorage::new_with_mem_path("test_prepare_local_tabs_for_upload");
assert_eq!(storage.prepare_local_tabs_for_upload(), None);
storage.update_local_state(vec![RemoteTab {
title: "a".repeat(MAX_TITLE_CHAR_LENGTH + 10), // Fill a string more than max
url_history: vec!["".to_owned()],
let ellipsis_char = '\u{2026}';
let mut truncated_title = "a".repeat(MAX_TITLE_CHAR_LENGTH - ellipsis_char.len_utf8());
// title trimmed to 50 characters
RemoteTab {
title: truncated_title, // title was trimmed to only max char length
url_history: vec!["".to_owned()],
fn test_utf8_safe_title_trim() {
let mut storage = TabsStorage::new_with_mem_path("test_prepare_local_tabs_for_upload");
assert_eq!(storage.prepare_local_tabs_for_upload(), None);
RemoteTab {
title: "😍".repeat(MAX_TITLE_CHAR_LENGTH + 10), // Fill a string more than max
url_history: vec!["".to_owned()],
RemoteTab {
title: "を".repeat(MAX_TITLE_CHAR_LENGTH + 5), // Fill a string more than max
url_history: vec!["".to_owned()],
let ellipsis_char = '\u{2026}';
// (MAX_TITLE_CHAR_LENGTH - ellipsis / "😍" bytes)
let mut truncated_title = "😍".repeat(127);
// (MAX_TITLE_CHAR_LENGTH - ellipsis / "を" bytes)
let mut truncated_jp_title = "を".repeat(169);
let remote_tabs = storage.prepare_local_tabs_for_upload().unwrap();
RemoteTab {
title: truncated_title, // title was trimmed to only max char length
url_history: vec!["".to_owned()],
RemoteTab {
title: truncated_jp_title, // title was trimmed to only max char length
url_history: vec!["".to_owned()],
// We should be less than max
assert!(remote_tabs[0].title.chars().count() <= MAX_TITLE_CHAR_LENGTH);
assert!(remote_tabs[1].title.chars().count() <= MAX_TITLE_CHAR_LENGTH);
fn test_trim_tabs_length() {
let mut storage = TabsStorage::new_with_mem_path("test_prepare_local_tabs_for_upload");
assert_eq!(storage.prepare_local_tabs_for_upload(), None);
let mut too_many_tabs: Vec<RemoteTab> = Vec::new();
for n in 1..5000 {
too_many_tabs.push(RemoteTab {
title: "aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa" //50 characters
url_history: vec![format!("https://foo{}.bar", n)],
let tabs_mem_size = compute_serialized_size(&too_many_tabs);
// ensure we are definitely over the payload limit
assert!(tabs_mem_size > MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
// Add our over-the-limit tabs to the local state
// prepare_local_tabs_for_upload did the trimming we needed to get under payload size
let tabs_to_upload = &storage.prepare_local_tabs_for_upload().unwrap();
assert!(compute_serialized_size(tabs_to_upload) <= MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
// Helper struct to model what's stored in the DB
struct TabsSQLRecord {
guid: String,
record: TabsRecord,
last_modified: i64,
fn test_remove_stale_clients() {
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let db_name = dir.path().join("test_remove_stale_clients.db");
let mut storage = TabsStorage::new(db_name);
let records = vec![
TabsSQLRecord {
guid: "device-1".to_string(),
record: TabsRecord {
id: "device-1".to_string(),
client_name: "Device #1".to_string(),
tabs: vec![TabsRecordTab {
title: "the title".to_string(),
url_history: vec!["".to_string()],
icon: Some("".to_string()),
last_used: 1643764207000,
last_modified: 1643764207000,
TabsSQLRecord {
guid: "device-outdated".to_string(),
record: TabsRecord {
id: "device-outdated".to_string(),
client_name: "Device outdated".to_string(),
tabs: vec![TabsRecordTab {
title: "the title".to_string(),
url_history: vec!["".to_string()],
icon: Some("".to_string()),
last_used: 1643764207000,
last_modified: 1443764207000, // old
let db = storage.open_if_exists().unwrap().unwrap();
for record in records {
"INSERT INTO tabs (guid, record, last_modified) VALUES (:guid, :record, :last_modified);",
rusqlite::named_params! {
":guid": &record.guid,
":record": serde_json::to_string(&record.record).unwrap(),
":last_modified": &record.last_modified,
// pretend we just synced
let last_synced = 1643764207000_i64;
.put_meta(schema::LAST_SYNC_META_KEY, &last_synced)
let remote_tabs = storage.get_remote_tabs().unwrap();
// We should've removed the outdated device
assert_eq!(remote_tabs.len(), 1);
// Assert the correct record is still being returned
assert_eq!(remote_tabs[0].client_id, "device-1");
fn test_add_pending_remote_close() {
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let db_name = dir.path().join("test_add_pending_remote_tab_closures.db");
let mut storage = TabsStorage::new(db_name);
// The tabs requested to to be closed
let tabs_requested_closed = vec![
TabsRequestedClose {
client_id: "device-1".to_string(),
urls: vec![
TabsRequestedClose {
client_id: "device-2".to_string(),
urls: vec![
let conn = storage.open_if_exists().unwrap().unwrap();
let mut stmt = conn
.prepare("SELECT client_id, url FROM pending_remote_tab_closures")
let rows = stmt
.query_map([], |row| {
Ok((row.get::<_, String>(0)?, row.get::<_, String>(1)?))
let mut results = Vec::new();
for row in rows {
let expected = vec![
("device-1".to_string(), "".to_string()),
("device-1".to_string(), "".to_string()),
("device-2".to_string(), "".to_string()),
("device-2".to_string(), "".to_string()),
assert_eq!(results, expected);
fn test_remote_tabs_filters_pending_closures() {
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let db_name = dir.path().join("remote_tabs_filters_pending_closures.db");
let mut storage = TabsStorage::new(db_name);
let records = vec![
TabsSQLRecord {
guid: "device-1".to_string(),
record: TabsRecord {
id: "device-1".to_string(),
client_name: "Device #1".to_string(),
tabs: vec![TabsRecordTab {
title: "the title".to_string(),
url_history: vec!["".to_string()],
icon: Some("".to_string()),
last_used: 1711929600015, // 4/1/2024
last_modified: 1711929600015, // 4/1/2024
TabsSQLRecord {
guid: "device-2".to_string(),
record: TabsRecord {
id: "device-2".to_string(),
client_name: "Another device".to_string(),
tabs: vec![
TabsRecordTab {
title: "the title".to_string(),
url_history: vec!["".to_string()],
icon: Some("".to_string()),
last_used: 1711929600015, // 4/1/2024
TabsRecordTab {
title: "the title".to_string(),
url_history: vec![
icon: None,
last_used: 1711929600015, // 4/1/2024
TabsRecordTab {
title: "the title".to_string(),
url_history: vec!["".to_string()],
icon: None,
last_used: 1711929600015, // 4/1/2024
last_modified: 1711929600015, // 4/1/2024
let db = storage.open_if_exists().unwrap().unwrap();
for record in records {
"INSERT INTO tabs (guid, record, last_modified) VALUES (:guid, :record, :last_modified);",
rusqlite::named_params! {
":guid": &record.guid,
":record": serde_json::to_string(&record.record).unwrap(),
":last_modified": &record.last_modified,
// Some tabs were requested to be closed
let tabs_requested_closed = vec![
TabsRequestedClose {
client_id: "device-1".to_string(),
urls: vec!["".to_string()],
TabsRequestedClose {
client_id: "device-2".to_string(),
urls: vec![
let remote_tabs = storage.get_remote_tabs().unwrap();
assert_eq!(remote_tabs.len(), 2);
// Device 1 had only 1 tab synced, we remotely closed it, so we expect no tabs
assert_eq!(remote_tabs[0].client_id, "device-1");
assert_eq!(remote_tabs[0].remote_tabs.len(), 0);
// Device 2 had 3 tabs open and we remotely closed 2, so we expect 1 tab returned
assert_eq!(remote_tabs[1].client_id, "device-2");
assert_eq!(remote_tabs[1].remote_tabs.len(), 1);
RemoteTab {
title: "the title".to_string(),
url_history: vec!["".to_string()],
icon: Some("".to_string()),
last_used: 1711929600015000, // TODO: it added an extra 3 zeros???
fn test_remove_old_pending_closures_timed_removal() {
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let db_name = dir.path().join("test_remove_old_pending_closures.db");
let mut storage = TabsStorage::new(db_name);
let db = storage.open_if_exists().unwrap().unwrap();
const TWENTY_FOUR_HRS_MS: u64 = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
let now_ms: u64 = Timestamp::now().as_millis();
// We manually insert two devices, one that hasn't updated in awhile and one that's
// updated recently
"INSERT INTO tabs (guid, record, last_modified) VALUES ('device-synced', '', :now);",
rusqlite::named_params! {
":now" : now_ms,
"INSERT INTO tabs (guid, record, last_modified) VALUES ('device-not-synced', '', :old);",
rusqlite::named_params! {
":old" : (now_ms - TWENTY_FOUR_HRS_MS),
// We also manually insert some pending remote tab closures, we specifically add a recent one
// and one that is 48hrs older since that device updated, which should get removed
"INSERT INTO pending_remote_tab_closures (client_id, url, time_requested_close) VALUES (:client_id, :url, :time_requested_close)",
rusqlite::named_params! {
":client_id" : "device-synced",
":url": "",
":time_requested_close": now_ms - TWENTY_FOUR_HRS_MS,
"INSERT INTO pending_remote_tab_closures (client_id, url, time_requested_close) VALUES (:client_id, :url, :time_requested_close)",
rusqlite::named_params! {
":client_id" : "device-not-synced",
":time_requested_close": now_ms,
// Verify we actually have 2 pending closures
let before_count: i64 = db
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pending_remote_tab_closures",
|row| row.get(0),
assert_eq!(before_count, 2);
// "incoming" records from other devices
let new_records = vec![(
TabsRecord {
id: "device-not-synced".to_string(),
client_name: "".to_string(),
tabs: vec![TabsRecordTab {
url_history: vec!["".to_string()],
ServerTimestamp::from_millis(now_ms as i64),
// Cleanup old pending closures
// need to reopen db to avoid mutable errors
let reopen_db = storage.open_if_exists().unwrap().unwrap();
let after_count: i64 = reopen_db
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pending_remote_tab_closures",
|row| row.get(0),
assert_eq!(after_count, 1);
let remaining_client_id: String = reopen_db
"SELECT client_id FROM pending_remote_tab_closures",
|row| row.get(0),
// Only the device that still hasn't synced keeps
assert_eq!(remaining_client_id, "device-not-synced");
fn test_remove_old_pending_closures_no_tab_removal() {
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let db_name = dir
let mut storage = TabsStorage::new(db_name);
let db = storage.open_if_exists().unwrap().unwrap();
let now_ms: u64 = Timestamp::now().as_millis();
// Set up the initial state with tabs that have been synced recently
"INSERT INTO tabs (guid, record, last_modified) VALUES ('device-recent', '', :now);",
rusqlite::named_params! {
":now": now_ms,
// Insert pending closures for a device
"INSERT INTO pending_remote_tab_closures (client_id, url, time_requested_close) VALUES (:client_id, :url, :time_requested_close)",
rusqlite::named_params! {
":client_id": "device-recent",
":url": "",
":time_requested_close": now_ms,
"INSERT INTO pending_remote_tab_closures (client_id, url, time_requested_close) VALUES (:client_id, :url, :time_requested_close)",
rusqlite::named_params! {
":client_id": "device-recent",
":url": "",
":time_requested_close": now_ms,
// Verify initial state has 2 pending closures
let before_count: i64 = db
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pending_remote_tab_closures",
|row| row.get(0),
assert_eq!(before_count, 2);
// Simulate incoming data that no longer includes one of the URLs
let new_records = vec![(
TabsRecord {
id: "device-recent".to_string(),
client_name: "".to_string(),
tabs: vec![TabsRecordTab {
url_history: vec!["".to_string()],
// Perform the cleanup
// need to reopen db to avoid mutable errors
let reopen_db = storage.open_if_exists().unwrap().unwrap();
// Check results after cleanup
let after_count: i64 = reopen_db
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pending_remote_tab_closures",
|row| row.get(0),
assert_eq!(after_count, 1); // Only one entry should remain
let remaining_url: String = reopen_db
.query_row("SELECT url FROM pending_remote_tab_closures", [], |row| {
assert_eq!(remaining_url, ""); // The URL still present in new_records should remain