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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use super::request::{InfoCollections, InfoConfiguration};
use super::storage_client::{SetupStorageClient, Sync15ClientResponse};
use super::CollectionKeys;
use crate::bso::OutgoingEncryptedBso;
use crate::error::{self, Error as ErrorKind, ErrorResponse};
use crate::record_types::{MetaGlobalEngine, MetaGlobalRecord};
use crate::EncryptedPayload;
use crate::{Guid, KeyBundle, ServerTimestamp};
use interrupt_support::Interruptee;
use serde_derive::*;
use self::SetupState::*;
const STORAGE_VERSION: usize = 5;
/// Maps names to storage versions for engines to include in a fresh
/// `meta/global` record. We include engines that we don't implement
/// because they'll be disabled on other clients if we omit them
/// (bug 1479929).
const DEFAULT_ENGINES: &[(&str, usize)] = &[
("passwords", 1),
("clients", 1),
("addons", 1),
("addresses", 1),
("bookmarks", 2),
("creditcards", 1),
("forms", 1),
("history", 1),
("prefs", 2),
("tabs", 1),
// Declined engines to include in a fresh `meta/global` record.
const DEFAULT_DECLINED: &[&str] = &[];
/// State that we require the app to persist to storage for us.
/// It's a little unfortunate we need this, because it's only tracking
/// "declined engines", and even then, only needed in practice when there's
/// no meta/global so we need to create one. It's extra unfortunate because we
/// want to move away from "globally declined" engines anyway, moving towards
/// allowing engines to be enabled or disabled per client rather than globally.
/// Apps are expected to treat this as opaque, so we support serializing it.
/// Note that this structure is *not* used to *change* the declined engines
/// list - that will be done in the future, but the API exposed for that
/// purpose will also take a mutable PersistedGlobalState.
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(tag = "schema_version")]
pub enum PersistedGlobalState {
/// V1 was when we persisted the entire GlobalState, keys and all!
/// V2 is just tracking the globally declined list.
/// None means "I've no idea" and theoretically should only happen on the
/// very first sync for an app.
V2 { declined: Option<Vec<String>> },
impl Default for PersistedGlobalState {
fn default() -> PersistedGlobalState {
PersistedGlobalState::V2 { declined: None }
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct EngineChangesNeeded {
pub local_resets: HashSet<String>,
pub remote_wipes: HashSet<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct RemoteEngineState {
info_collections: HashSet<String>,
declined: HashSet<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct EngineStateInput {
local_declined: HashSet<String>,
remote: Option<RemoteEngineState>,
user_changes: HashMap<String, bool>,
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct EngineStateOutput {
// The new declined.
declined: HashSet<String>,
// Which engines need resets or wipes.
changes_needed: EngineChangesNeeded,
fn compute_engine_states(input: EngineStateInput) -> EngineStateOutput {
use super::util::*;
log::debug!("compute_engine_states: input {:?}", input);
let (must_enable, must_disable) = partition_by_value(&input.user_changes);
let have_remote = input.remote.is_some();
let RemoteEngineState {
declined: remote_declined,
} = input.remote.clone().unwrap_or_default();
let both_declined_and_remote = set_intersection(&info_collections, &remote_declined);
if !both_declined_and_remote.is_empty() {
// Should we wipe these too?
"Remote state contains engines which are in both info/collections and meta/global's declined: {:?}",
let most_recent_declined_list = if have_remote {
} else {
let result_declined = set_difference(
&set_union(most_recent_declined_list, &must_disable),
let output = EngineStateOutput {
changes_needed: EngineChangesNeeded {
// Anything now declined which wasn't in our declined list before gets a reset.
local_resets: set_difference(&result_declined, &input.local_declined),
// Anything remote that we just declined gets a wipe. In the future
// we might want to consider wiping things in both remote declined
// and info/collections, but we'll let other clients pick up their
// own mess for now.
remote_wipes: set_intersection(&info_collections, &must_disable),
declined: result_declined,
// No PII here and this helps debug problems.
log::debug!("compute_engine_states: output {:?}", output);
impl PersistedGlobalState {
fn set_declined(&mut self, new_declined: Vec<String>) {
match self {
Self::V2 { ref mut declined } => *declined = Some(new_declined),
pub(crate) fn get_declined(&self) -> &[String] {
match self {
Self::V2 { declined: Some(d) } => d,
Self::V2 { declined: None } => &[],
/// Holds global Sync state, including server upload limits, the
/// last-fetched collection modified times, `meta/global` record, and
/// an encrypted copy of the crypto/keys resource (avoids keeping them
/// in memory longer than necessary; avoids key mismatches by ensuring the same KeyBundle
/// is used for both the keys and encrypted payloads.)
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct GlobalState {
pub config: InfoConfiguration,
pub collections: InfoCollections,
pub global: MetaGlobalRecord,
pub global_timestamp: ServerTimestamp,
pub keys: EncryptedPayload,
pub keys_timestamp: ServerTimestamp,
/// Creates a fresh `meta/global` record, using the default engine selections,
/// and declined engines from our PersistedGlobalState.
fn new_global(pgs: &PersistedGlobalState) -> MetaGlobalRecord {
let sync_id = Guid::random();
let mut engines: HashMap<String, _> = HashMap::new();
for (name, version) in DEFAULT_ENGINES.iter() {
let sync_id = Guid::random();
MetaGlobalEngine {
version: *version,
// We only need our PersistedGlobalState to fill out a new meta/global - if
// we previously saw a meta/global then we would have updated it with what
// it was at the time.
let declined = match pgs {
PersistedGlobalState::V2 { declined: Some(d) } => d.clone(),
_ => DEFAULT_DECLINED.iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect(),
MetaGlobalRecord {
storage_version: STORAGE_VERSION,
fn fixup_meta_global(global: &mut MetaGlobalRecord) -> bool {
let mut changed_any = false;
for &(name, version) in DEFAULT_ENGINES.iter() {
let had_engine = global.engines.contains_key(name);
let should_have_engine = !global.declined.iter().any(|c| c == name);
if had_engine != should_have_engine {
if should_have_engine {
log::debug!("SyncID for engine {:?} was missing", name);
MetaGlobalEngine {
sync_id: Guid::random(),
} else {
log::debug!("SyncID for engine {:?} was present, but shouldn't be", name);
changed_any = true;
pub struct SetupStateMachine<'a> {
client: &'a dyn SetupStorageClient,
root_key: &'a KeyBundle,
pgs: &'a mut PersistedGlobalState,
// `allowed_states` is designed so that we can arrange for the concept of
// a "fast" sync - so we decline to advance if we need to setup from scratch.
// The idea is that if we need to sync before going to sleep we should do
// it as fast as possible. However, in practice this isn't going to do
// what we expect - a "fast sync" that finds lots to do is almost certainly
// going to take longer than a "full sync" that finds nothing to do.
// We should almost certainly remove this and instead allow for a "time
// budget", after which we get interrupted. Later...
allowed_states: Vec<&'static str>,
sequence: Vec<&'static str>,
engine_updates: Option<&'a HashMap<String, bool>>,
interruptee: &'a dyn Interruptee,
pub(crate) changes_needed: Option<EngineChangesNeeded>,
impl<'a> SetupStateMachine<'a> {
/// Creates a state machine for a "classic" Sync 1.5 client that supports
/// all states, including uploading a fresh `meta/global` and `crypto/keys`
/// after a node reassignment.
pub fn for_full_sync(
client: &'a dyn SetupStorageClient,
root_key: &'a KeyBundle,
pgs: &'a mut PersistedGlobalState,
engine_updates: Option<&'a HashMap<String, bool>>,
interruptee: &'a dyn Interruptee,
) -> SetupStateMachine<'a> {
fn with_allowed_states(
client: &'a dyn SetupStorageClient,
root_key: &'a KeyBundle,
pgs: &'a mut PersistedGlobalState,
interruptee: &'a dyn Interruptee,
engine_updates: Option<&'a HashMap<String, bool>>,
allowed_states: Vec<&'static str>,
) -> SetupStateMachine<'a> {
SetupStateMachine {
sequence: Vec::new(),
changes_needed: None,
fn advance(&mut self, from: SetupState) -> error::Result<SetupState> {
match from {
// Fetch `info/configuration` with current server limits, and
// `info/collections` with collection last modified times.
Initial => {
let config = match self.client.fetch_info_configuration()? {
Sync15ClientResponse::Success { record, .. } => record,
Sync15ClientResponse::Error(ErrorResponse::NotFound { .. }) => {
other => return Err(other.create_storage_error()),
Ok(InitialWithConfig { config })
// XXX - we could consider combining these Initial* states, because we don't
// attempt to support filling in "missing" global state - *any* 404 in them
// means `FreshStart`.
// IOW, in all cases, they either `Err()`, move to `FreshStartRequired`, or
// advance to a specific next state.
InitialWithConfig { config } => {
match self.client.fetch_info_collections()? {
Sync15ClientResponse::Success {
record: collections,
} => Ok(InitialWithInfo {
// If the server doesn't have a `crypto/keys`, start over
// and reupload our `meta/global` and `crypto/keys`.
Sync15ClientResponse::Error(ErrorResponse::NotFound { .. }) => {
Ok(FreshStartRequired { config })
other => Err(other.create_storage_error()),
InitialWithInfo {
} => {
match self.client.fetch_meta_global()? {
Sync15ClientResponse::Success {
record: mut global,
last_modified: mut global_timestamp,
} => {
// If the server has a newer storage version, we can't
// sync until our client is updated.
if global.storage_version > STORAGE_VERSION {
return Err(ErrorKind::ClientUpgradeRequired);
// If the server has an older storage version, wipe and
// reupload.
if global.storage_version < STORAGE_VERSION {
Ok(FreshStartRequired { config })
} else {
log::info!("Have info/collections and meta/global. Computing new engine states");
let initial_global_declined: HashSet<String> =
let result = compute_engine_states(EngineStateInput {
local_declined: self.pgs.get_declined().iter().cloned().collect(),
user_changes: self.engine_updates.cloned().unwrap_or_default(),
remote: Some(RemoteEngineState {
declined: initial_global_declined.clone(),
info_collections: collections.keys().cloned().collect(),
// Persist the new declined.
// If the declined engines differ from remote, fix that.
let fixed_declined = if result.declined != initial_global_declined {
global.declined = result.declined.iter().cloned().collect();
"Uploading new declined {:?} to meta/global with timestamp {:?}",
} else {
// If there are missing syncIds, we need to fix those as well
let fixed_ids = if fixup_meta_global(&mut global) {
"Uploading corrected meta/global with timestamp {:?}",
} else {
if fixed_declined || fixed_ids {
global_timestamp =
self.client.put_meta_global(global_timestamp, &global)?;
log::debug!("new global_timestamp: {:?}", global_timestamp);
// Update the set of changes needed.
if self.changes_needed.is_some() {
// Should never happen (we prevent state machine
// loops elsewhere) but if it did, the info is stale
// anyway.
log::warn!("Already have a set of changes needed, Overwriting...");
self.changes_needed = Some(result.changes_needed);
Ok(InitialWithMetaGlobal {
Sync15ClientResponse::Error(ErrorResponse::NotFound { .. }) => {
Ok(FreshStartRequired { config })
other => Err(other.create_storage_error()),
InitialWithMetaGlobal {
} => {
// Now try and get keys etc - if we fresh-start we'll re-use declined.
match self.client.fetch_crypto_keys()? {
Sync15ClientResponse::Success {
} => {
// Note that collection/keys is itself a bso, so the
// json body also carries the timestamp. If they aren't
// identical something has screwed up and we should die.
assert_eq!(last_modified, record.envelope.modified);
let state = GlobalState {
keys: record.payload,
keys_timestamp: last_modified,
Ok(Ready { state })
// If the server doesn't have a `crypto/keys`, start over
// and reupload our `meta/global` and `crypto/keys`.
Sync15ClientResponse::Error(ErrorResponse::NotFound { .. }) => {
Ok(FreshStartRequired { config })
other => Err(other.create_storage_error()),
// We've got old state that's likely to be OK.
// We keep things simple here - if there's evidence of a new/missing
// meta/global or new/missing keys we just restart from scratch.
WithPreviousState { old_state } => match self.client.fetch_info_collections()? {
Sync15ClientResponse::Success {
record: collections,
} => Ok(
if self.engine_updates.is_none()
&& is_same_timestamp(old_state.global_timestamp, &collections, "meta")
&& is_same_timestamp(old_state.keys_timestamp, &collections, "crypto")
Ready {
state: GlobalState {
} else {
InitialWithConfig {
config: old_state.config,
_ => Ok(InitialWithConfig {
config: old_state.config,
Ready { state } => Ok(Ready { state }),
FreshStartRequired { config } => {
// Wipe the server.
log::info!("Fresh start: wiping remote");
// Upload a fresh `meta/global`...
log::info!("Uploading meta/global");
let computed = compute_engine_states(EngineStateInput {
local_declined: self.pgs.get_declined().iter().cloned().collect(),
user_changes: self.engine_updates.cloned().unwrap_or_default(),
remote: None,
self.changes_needed = Some(computed.changes_needed);
let new_global = new_global(self.pgs);
.put_meta_global(ServerTimestamp::default(), &new_global)?;
// ...And a fresh `crypto/keys`.
let new_keys = CollectionKeys::new_random()?.to_encrypted_payload(self.root_key)?;
let bso = OutgoingEncryptedBso::new(Guid::new("keys").into(), new_keys);
.put_crypto_keys(ServerTimestamp::default(), &bso)?;
// TODO(lina): Can we pass along server timestamps from the PUTs
// above, and avoid re-fetching the `m/g` and `c/k` we just
// uploaded?
// OTOH(mark): restarting the state machine keeps life simple and rare.
Ok(InitialWithConfig { config })
/// Runs through the state machine to the ready state.
pub fn run_to_ready(&mut self, state: Option<GlobalState>) -> error::Result<GlobalState> {
let mut s = match state {
Some(old_state) => WithPreviousState { old_state },
None => Initial,
loop {
let label = &s.label();
log::trace!("global state: {:?}", label);
match s {
Ready { state } => {
return Ok(state);
// If we already started over once before, we're likely in a
// cycle, and should try again later. Intermediate states
// aren't a problem, just the initial ones.
FreshStartRequired { .. } | WithPreviousState { .. } | Initial => {
if self.sequence.contains(label) {
// Is this really the correct error?
return Err(ErrorKind::SetupRace);
_ => {
if !self.allowed_states.contains(label) {
return Err(ErrorKind::SetupRequired);
s = self.advance(s)?;
/// States in the remote setup process.
/// TODO(lina): Add link once #56 is merged.
enum SetupState {
// These "Initial" states are only ever used when starting from scratch.
InitialWithConfig {
config: InfoConfiguration,
InitialWithInfo {
config: InfoConfiguration,
collections: InfoCollections,
InitialWithMetaGlobal {
config: InfoConfiguration,
collections: InfoCollections,
global: MetaGlobalRecord,
global_timestamp: ServerTimestamp,
WithPreviousState {
old_state: GlobalState,
Ready {
state: GlobalState,
FreshStartRequired {
config: InfoConfiguration,
impl SetupState {
fn label(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Initial { .. } => "Initial",
InitialWithConfig { .. } => "InitialWithConfig",
InitialWithInfo { .. } => "InitialWithInfo",
InitialWithMetaGlobal { .. } => "InitialWithMetaGlobal",
Ready { .. } => "Ready",
WithPreviousState { .. } => "WithPreviousState",
FreshStartRequired { .. } => "FreshStartRequired",
/// Whether we should skip fetching an item. Used when we already have timestamps
/// and want to check if we should reuse our existing state. The state's fairly
/// cheap to recreate and very bad to use if it is wrong, so we insist on the
/// *exact* timestamp matching and not a simple "later than" check.
fn is_same_timestamp(local: ServerTimestamp, collections: &InfoCollections, key: &str) -> bool {
collections.get(key).map_or(false, |ts| local == *ts)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::bso::{IncomingEncryptedBso, IncomingEnvelope};
use interrupt_support::NeverInterrupts;
struct InMemoryClient {
info_configuration: error::Result<Sync15ClientResponse<InfoConfiguration>>,
info_collections: error::Result<Sync15ClientResponse<InfoCollections>>,
meta_global: error::Result<Sync15ClientResponse<MetaGlobalRecord>>,
crypto_keys: error::Result<Sync15ClientResponse<IncomingEncryptedBso>>,
impl SetupStorageClient for InMemoryClient {
fn fetch_info_configuration(
) -> error::Result<Sync15ClientResponse<InfoConfiguration>> {
match &self.info_configuration {
Ok(client_response) => Ok(client_response.clone()),
Err(_) => Ok(Sync15ClientResponse::Error(ErrorResponse::ServerError {
status: 500,
route: "test/path".into(),
fn fetch_info_collections(&self) -> error::Result<Sync15ClientResponse<InfoCollections>> {
match &self.info_collections {
Ok(collections) => Ok(collections.clone()),
Err(_) => Ok(Sync15ClientResponse::Error(ErrorResponse::ServerError {
status: 500,
route: "test/path".into(),
fn fetch_meta_global(&self) -> error::Result<Sync15ClientResponse<MetaGlobalRecord>> {
match &self.meta_global {
Ok(global) => Ok(global.clone()),
// TODO(lina): Special handling for 404s, we want to ensure we
// handle missing keys and other server errors correctly.
Err(_) => Ok(Sync15ClientResponse::Error(ErrorResponse::ServerError {
status: 500,
route: "test/path".into(),
fn put_meta_global(
xius: ServerTimestamp,
global: &MetaGlobalRecord,
) -> error::Result<ServerTimestamp> {
// Ensure that the meta/global record we uploaded is "fixed up"
.filter(|e| e.0 != "logins")
.all(|&(k, _v)| global.engines.contains_key(k)));
assert_eq!(global.declined, vec!["logins".to_string()]);
// return a different timestamp.
Ok(ServerTimestamp(xius.0 + 1))
fn fetch_crypto_keys(&self) -> error::Result<Sync15ClientResponse<IncomingEncryptedBso>> {
match &self.crypto_keys {
Ok(Sync15ClientResponse::Success {
}) => Ok(Sync15ClientResponse::Success {
status: *status,
record: IncomingEncryptedBso::new(
last_modified: *last_modified,
route: route.clone(),
// TODO(lina): Same as above, for 404s.
_ => Ok(Sync15ClientResponse::Error(ErrorResponse::ServerError {
status: 500,
route: "test/path".into(),
fn put_crypto_keys(
xius: ServerTimestamp,
_keys: &OutgoingEncryptedBso,
) -> error::Result<()> {
assert_eq!(xius, ServerTimestamp(888_800));
Err(ErrorKind::StorageHttpError(ErrorResponse::ServerError {
status: 500,
route: "crypto/keys".to_string(),
fn wipe_all_remote(&self) -> error::Result<()> {
fn mocked_success_ts<T>(t: T, ts: i64) -> error::Result<Sync15ClientResponse<T>> {
Ok(Sync15ClientResponse::Success {
status: 200,
record: t,
last_modified: ServerTimestamp(ts),
route: "test/path".into(),
fn mocked_success<T>(t: T) -> error::Result<Sync15ClientResponse<T>> {
mocked_success_ts(t, 0)
fn mocked_success_keys(
keys: CollectionKeys,
root_key: &KeyBundle,
) -> error::Result<Sync15ClientResponse<IncomingEncryptedBso>> {
let timestamp = keys.timestamp;
let payload = keys.to_encrypted_payload(root_key).unwrap();
let bso = IncomingEncryptedBso::new(
IncomingEnvelope {
id: Guid::new("keys"),
modified: timestamp,
sortindex: None,
ttl: None,
Ok(Sync15ClientResponse::Success {
status: 200,
record: bso,
last_modified: timestamp,
route: "test/path".into(),
fn test_state_machine_ready_from_empty() {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let root_key = KeyBundle::new_random().unwrap();
let keys = CollectionKeys {
timestamp: ServerTimestamp(123_400),
default: KeyBundle::new_random().unwrap(),
collections: HashMap::new(),
let mg = MetaGlobalRecord {
sync_id: "syncIDAAAAAA".into(),
storage_version: 5usize,
engines: vec![(
MetaGlobalEngine {
version: 1usize,
sync_id: "syncIDBBBBBB".into(),
.map(|(key, value)| (key.to_owned(), value))
// We ensure that the record we upload doesn't have a logins record.
declined: vec!["logins".to_string()],
let client = InMemoryClient {
info_configuration: mocked_success(InfoConfiguration::default()),
info_collections: mocked_success(InfoCollections::new(
vec![("meta", 123_456), ("crypto", 145_000)]
.map(|(key, value)| (key.to_owned(), ServerTimestamp(value)))
meta_global: mocked_success_ts(mg, 999_000),
crypto_keys: mocked_success_keys(keys, &root_key),
let mut pgs = PersistedGlobalState::V2 { declined: None };
let mut state_machine =
SetupStateMachine::for_full_sync(&client, &root_key, &mut pgs, None, &NeverInterrupts);
"Should drive state machine to ready"
"Should cycle through all states"
fn test_from_previous_state_declined() {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
// The state-machine sequence where we didn't use the previous state
// (ie, where the state machine restarted)
let sm_seq_restarted = vec![
// The state-machine sequence where we used the previous state.
let sm_seq_used_previous = vec!["WithPreviousState", "Ready"];
// do the actual test.
fn do_test(
client: &dyn SetupStorageClient,
root_key: &KeyBundle,
pgs: &mut PersistedGlobalState,
engine_updates: Option<&HashMap<String, bool>>,
old_state: GlobalState,
expected_states: &[&str],
) {
let mut state_machine = SetupStateMachine::for_full_sync(
"Should drive state machine to ready"
assert_eq!(state_machine.sequence, expected_states);
// and all the complicated setup...
let ts_metaglobal = 123_456;
let ts_keys = 145_000;
let root_key = KeyBundle::new_random().unwrap();
let keys = CollectionKeys {
timestamp: ServerTimestamp(ts_keys + 1),
default: KeyBundle::new_random().unwrap(),
collections: HashMap::new(),
let mg = MetaGlobalRecord {
sync_id: "syncIDAAAAAA".into(),
storage_version: 5usize,
engines: vec![(
MetaGlobalEngine {
version: 1usize,
sync_id: "syncIDBBBBBB".into(),
.map(|(key, value)| (key.to_owned(), value))
// We ensure that the record we upload doesn't have a logins record.
declined: vec!["logins".to_string()],
let collections = InfoCollections::new(
vec![("meta", ts_metaglobal), ("crypto", ts_keys)]
.map(|(key, value)| (key.to_owned(), ServerTimestamp(value)))
let client = InMemoryClient {
info_configuration: mocked_success(InfoConfiguration::default()),
info_collections: mocked_success(collections.clone()),
meta_global: mocked_success_ts(mg.clone(), ts_metaglobal),
crypto_keys: mocked_success_keys(keys.clone(), &root_key),
// First a test where the "previous" global state is OK to reuse.
let mut pgs = PersistedGlobalState::V2 { declined: None };
// A "previous" global state.
let old_state = GlobalState {
config: InfoConfiguration::default(),
collections: collections.clone(),
global: mg.clone(),
global_timestamp: ServerTimestamp(ts_metaglobal),
keys: keys
.expect("should always work in this test"),
keys_timestamp: ServerTimestamp(ts_keys),
&mut pgs,
// Now where the meta/global record on the server is later.
let mut pgs = PersistedGlobalState::V2 { declined: None };
// A "previous" global state.
let old_state = GlobalState {
config: InfoConfiguration::default(),
collections: collections.clone(),
global: mg.clone(),
global_timestamp: ServerTimestamp(999_999),
keys: keys
.expect("should always work in this test"),
keys_timestamp: ServerTimestamp(ts_keys),
&mut pgs,
// Where keys on the server is later.
let mut pgs = PersistedGlobalState::V2 { declined: None };
// A "previous" global state.
let old_state = GlobalState {
config: InfoConfiguration::default(),
collections: collections.clone(),
global: mg.clone(),
global_timestamp: ServerTimestamp(ts_metaglobal),
keys: keys
.expect("should always work in this test"),
keys_timestamp: ServerTimestamp(999_999),
&mut pgs,
// Where there are engine-state changes.
let mut pgs = PersistedGlobalState::V2 { declined: None };
// A "previous" global state.
let old_state = GlobalState {
config: InfoConfiguration::default(),
global: mg,
global_timestamp: ServerTimestamp(ts_metaglobal),
keys: keys
.expect("should always work in this test"),
keys_timestamp: ServerTimestamp(ts_keys),
let mut engine_updates = HashMap::<String, bool>::new();
engine_updates.insert("logins".to_string(), false);
&mut pgs,
let declined = match pgs {
PersistedGlobalState::V2 { declined: d } => d,
// and check we now consider logins as declined.
assert_eq!(declined, Some(vec!["logins".to_string()]));
fn string_set(s: &[&str]) -> HashSet<String> {
fn string_map<T: Clone>(s: &[(&str, T)]) -> HashMap<String, T> {
s.iter().map(|v| (v.0.to_string(), v.1.clone())).collect()
fn test_engine_states() {
compute_engine_states(EngineStateInput {
local_declined: string_set(&["foo", "bar"]),
remote: None,
user_changes: Default::default(),
EngineStateOutput {
declined: string_set(&["foo", "bar"]),
// No wipes, no resets
changes_needed: Default::default(),
compute_engine_states(EngineStateInput {
local_declined: string_set(&["foo", "bar"]),
remote: Some(RemoteEngineState {
declined: string_set(&["foo"]),
info_collections: string_set(&["bar"])
user_changes: Default::default(),
EngineStateOutput {
// Now we have `foo`.
declined: string_set(&["foo"]),
// No wipes, no resets, should just be a local update.
changes_needed: Default::default(),
compute_engine_states(EngineStateInput {
local_declined: string_set(&["foo", "bar"]),
remote: Some(RemoteEngineState {
declined: string_set(&["foo", "bar", "quux"]),
info_collections: string_set(&[])
user_changes: Default::default(),
EngineStateOutput {
// Now we have `foo`.
declined: string_set(&["foo", "bar", "quux"]),
changes_needed: EngineChangesNeeded {
// Should reset `quux`.
local_resets: string_set(&["quux"]),
// No wipes, though.
remote_wipes: string_set(&[]),
compute_engine_states(EngineStateInput {
local_declined: string_set(&["bar", "baz"]),
remote: Some(RemoteEngineState {
declined: string_set(&["bar", "baz",]),
info_collections: string_set(&["quux"])
// Change a declined engine to undeclined.
user_changes: string_map(&[("bar", true)]),
EngineStateOutput {
declined: string_set(&["baz"]),
// No wipes, just undecline it.
changes_needed: Default::default()
compute_engine_states(EngineStateInput {
local_declined: string_set(&["bar", "baz"]),
remote: Some(RemoteEngineState {
declined: string_set(&["bar", "baz"]),
info_collections: string_set(&["foo"])
// Change an engine which exists remotely to declined.
user_changes: string_map(&[("foo", false)]),
EngineStateOutput {
declined: string_set(&["baz", "bar", "foo"]),
// No wipes, just undecline it.
changes_needed: EngineChangesNeeded {
// Should reset our local foo
local_resets: string_set(&["foo"]),
// And wipe the server.
remote_wipes: string_set(&["foo"]),