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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import android.content.Context as MockContext
import android.content.SharedPreferences as MockSharedPreferences
import com.example.nimbus.AppConfig
import org.mozilla.experiments.nimbus.HardcodedNimbusFeatures
import org.mozilla.experiments.nimbus.FeaturesInterface
import org.json.JSONObject
class PrefNimbusFeatures(
override val prefs: MockSharedPreferences,
val nimbus: HardcodedNimbusFeatures,
): FeaturesInterface {
override val context: MockContext = nimbus.context
override fun getVariables(featureId: String, recordExposureEvent: Boolean) =
nimbus.getVariables(featureId, recordExposureEvent)
val context = MockContext()
val prefs = MockSharedPreferences()
val nimbusFromRust = HardcodedNimbusFeatures(context,
"my-feature" to JSONObject(mapOf(
"my-boolean" to false,
"my-int" to 100,
"my-string" to "from json",
"my-text" to "from json"
// Before initialization with hardcoded, just get values from the manifest.
val feature0 = AppConfig.features.myFeature.value()
assert(feature0.myBoolean == false)
assert(feature0.myInt == 0)
assert(feature0.myString == "from manifest")
assert(feature0.myText == "from manifest")
val nimbus = PrefNimbusFeatures(prefs, nimbusFromRust)
AppConfig.initialize { nimbus }
val feature = AppConfig.features.myFeature.value()
assert(feature.myBoolean == false)
assert(feature.myInt == 100)
assert(feature.myString == "from json")
assert(feature.myText == "from json")
prefs.put("my-boolean-pref-key", true)
prefs.put("my-int-pref-key", 42)
prefs.put("my-string-pref-key", "from pref")
prefs.put("my-text-pref-key", "from pref")
assert(feature.myBoolean == true)
assert(feature.myInt == 42)
assert(feature.myString == "from pref")
assert(feature.myText == "from pref")