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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import org.mozilla.experiments.nimbus.MockNimbus
import com.example.lib.nimbus.*
val injected: MockNimbus = MockNimbus(
"search" to """{
"spotlight": {
"keep-for-days": 42,
"icon": "screenshot"
"homescreen" to """{
"sections-enabled": {
"pocket": true
AppNimbus.initialize { injected }
// We have two different Nimbus features, in different parts of the app.
val search =
assert(search.spotlight.keepForDays == 42)
assert(search.spotlight.icon == IconType.SCREENSHOT)
// Meanwhile in a different repository, in the same app.
val homescreen = LibNimbus.features.homescreen.value()
assert(homescreen.sectionsEnabled[HomeScreenSection.POCKET] == true)
// Show that the caching works by testing that the value that comes out of the
// feature holders triple equals the values we got out before.
assert( === search)
assert(LibNimbus.features.homescreen.value() === homescreen)
// After calling the invaldiateCachedValues() method, triple equals
// should no longer holder.
assert( !== search)
assert(LibNimbus.features.homescreen.value() !== homescreen)