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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import org.mozilla.experiments.nimbus.MockNimbus
import com.example.lib.nimbus.*
import org.json.JSONObject
var injected: MockNimbus = MockNimbus(
"property-overrides-test" to """{
"variables-json": "variables-json"
AppNimbus.initialize { injected }
val value = LibNimbus.features.overridesCoverall.value()
assert(value.noOverride == OverrideSource.NONE)
assert(value.scalar == OverrideSource.APP_FML)
assert([OverrideSource.APP_FML] == true)
assert([OverrideSource.CHANNEL_SPECIFIC] == true) // because we used release in the app fml.
assert(value.stringMap["app-fml"] == OverrideSource.APP_FML)
assert(value.nestedObject.scalar == OverrideSource.APP_FML)
assert(value.nestedObject.noOverride == OverrideSource.NONE)
// Make sure toJSONObject() works: Map<Enum, Boolean>, Map<String, Enum>, Object.
val obs = value.toJSONObject()
val exp = JSONObject("""
"no-override": "none",
"scalar": "app-fml",
"map": {
"none": false,
"lib-fml": true,
"app-fml": true,
"variables-json": false,
"channel-specific": true
"string-map": {
"none": "none",
"lib-fml": "lib-fml",
"app-fml": "app-fml",
"variables-json": "none",
"channel-specific": "channel-specific"
"nested-object": {
"no-override": "none",
"scalar": "app-fml"
if (obs.similar(exp)) {
} else {
println("exp = ${exp}")
println("obs = ${obs}")