Revision control

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use anyhow::Result;
pub(crate) fn is_before(current_version: &Option<String>, upto_version: usize) -> bool {
if current_version.is_none() {
} else {
let current_version = current_version.as_deref().unwrap();
is_between(0, current_version, upto_version).unwrap_or(false)
fn is_between(min_version: usize, current_version: &str, max_version: usize) -> Result<bool> {
let (major, _) = current_version
.unwrap_or((current_version, ""));
let v = major.parse::<usize>()?;
Ok(min_version <= v && v < max_version)
/// The following are dumb string manipulations to pad out a version number.
/// We might use a version library if we need much more functionality, but right now
/// it's isolated in a single file where it can be replaced as/when necessary.
/// pad_major_minor_patch will zero pad the minor and patch versions if they are not present.
/// 112.1.3 --> 112.1.3
/// 112.1 --> 112.1.0
/// 112 --> 112.0.0
pub(crate) fn pad_major_minor_patch(version: &str) -> String {
match version_split(version) {
(Some(_), Some(_), Some(_)) => version.to_owned(),
(Some(major), Some(minor), None) => format!("{major}.{minor}.0"),
(Some(major), None, None) => format!("{major}.0.0"),
_ => format!("{version}.0.0"),
/// pad_major_minor will zero pad the minor version if it is not present.
/// If the patch version is present, then it is left intact.
/// 112.1.3 --> 112.1.3
/// 112.1 --> 112.1
/// 112 --> 112.0
pub(crate) fn pad_major_minor(version: &str) -> String {
match version_split(version) {
(Some(_), Some(_), Some(_)) => version.to_owned(),
(Some(major), Some(minor), None) => format!("{major}.{minor}"),
(Some(major), None, None) => format!("{major}.0"),
_ => format!("{version}.0"),
/// pad_major will keep the string as it is.
/// If the minor and/or patch versions are present, then they are left intact.
/// 112.1.3 --> 112.1.3
/// 112.1 --> 112.1
/// 112 --> 112
pub(crate) fn pad_major(version: &str) -> String {
fn version_split(version: &str) -> (Option<&str>, Option<&str>, Option<&str>) {
let mut split = version.splitn(3, '.');