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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
use std::path::PathBuf;
use crate::{
version_utils::{is_before, pad_major, pad_major_minor, pad_major_minor_patch},
LaunchableApp, NimbusApp,
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
impl TryFrom<&Cli> for LaunchableApp {
type Error = anyhow::Error;
fn try_from(value: &Cli) -> Result<Self> {
impl LaunchableApp {
pub(crate) fn try_from_app_channel_device(
app: Option<&str>,
channel: Option<&str>,
device_id: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<Self> {
match (&app, &channel) {
(None, None) => anyhow::bail!("A value for --app and --channel must be specified. Supported apps are: fenix, focus_android, firefox_ios and focus_ios"),
(None, _) => anyhow::bail!("A value for --app must be specified. One of: fenix, focus_android, firefox_ios and focus_ios are currently supported"),
(_, None) => anyhow::bail!("A value for --channel must be specified. Supported channels are: developer, nightly, beta and release"),
_ => (),
let app = app.unwrap();
let channel = channel.unwrap();
let prefix = match app {
"fenix" => Some("org.mozilla"),
"focus_android" => Some("org.mozilla"),
"firefox_ios" => Some("org.mozilla.ios"),
"focus_ios" => Some("org.mozilla.ios"),
_ => anyhow::bail!("Only --app values of fenix, focus_android, firefox_ios and focus_ios are currently supported"),
let suffix = match app {
"fenix" => Some(match channel {
"developer" => "fenix.debug",
"nightly" => "fenix",
"beta" => "firefox_beta",
"release" => "firefox",
_ => bail!(format!("Application {} has no channel '{}'. Try one of developer, nightly, beta or release", app, channel)),
"focus_android" => Some(match channel {
"developer" => "focus.debug",
"nightly" => "focus.nightly",
"beta" => "focus.beta",
"release" => "focus",
_ => bail!(format!("Application {} has no channel '{}'. Try one of developer, nightly, beta or release", app, channel)),
"firefox_ios" => Some(match channel {
"developer" => "Fennec",
"beta" => "FirefoxBeta",
"release" => "Firefox",
_ => bail!(format!("Application {} has no channel '{}'. Try one of developer, beta or release", app, channel)),
"focus_ios" => Some(match channel {
"developer" => "Focus",
"beta" => "Focus",
"release" => "Focus",
_ => bail!(format!("Application {} has no channel '{}'. Try one of developer, beta or release", app, channel)),
_ => None,
// Scheme for deeplinks.
let scheme = match app {
"fenix" => Some(match channel {
// Firefox for Android defines per channel deeplink schemes in the app/build.gradle.
"developer" => "fenix-dev",
"nightly" => "fenix-nightly",
"beta" => "fenix-beta",
"release" => "fenix",
_ => unreachable!(),
"firefox_ios" => Some(match channel {
// Firefox for iOS uses MOZ_PUBLIC_URL_SCHEME, which is always
// and MOZ_INTERNAL_URL_SCHEME which is different per channel.
// From inspection of the code, there are no different uses for the internal vs
// public, so very useful for launching the specific app on a phone where you
// have multiple versions installed.
"developer" => "fennec",
"beta" => "firefox-beta",
"release" => "firefox-internal",
_ => unreachable!(),
// Focus for iOS has two, firefox-focus and firefox-klar
// It's not clear if Focus's channels are configured for this
"focus_ios" => Some("firefox-focus"),
// Focus for Android provides no deeplinks.
_ => None,
Ok(match (app, prefix, suffix) {
("fenix", Some(prefix), Some(suffix)) => Self::Android {
package_name: format!("{}.{}", prefix, suffix),
activity_name: ".App".to_string(),
open_deeplink: Some("open".to_string()),
("focus_android", Some(prefix), Some(suffix)) => Self::Android {
package_name: format!("{}.{}", prefix, suffix),
activity_name: "org.mozilla.focus.activity.MainActivity".to_string(),
open_deeplink: None,
("firefox_ios", Some(prefix), Some(suffix)) => Self::Ios {
app_id: format!("{}.{}", prefix, suffix),
device_id: device_id.unwrap_or("booted").to_string(),
("focus_ios", Some(prefix), Some(suffix)) => Self::Ios {
app_id: format!("{}.{}", prefix, suffix),
device_id: device_id.unwrap_or("booted").to_string(),
_ => unreachable!(),
impl NimbusApp {
pub(crate) fn ref_from_version(
version: &Option<String>,
ref_: &String,
) -> Result<String> {
let app_name = self
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Either an --app or a --manifest must be specified"))?;
if version.is_none() {
// gecko-dev uses master, not main
if (app_name == "fenix" || app_name == "focus_android") && ref_ == "main" {
return Ok("master".into());
return Ok(ref_.to_string());
let v = version.as_ref().unwrap();
let v = match app_name.as_str() {
"fenix" => {
if is_before(version, 111) {
} else if is_before(version, 126) {
} else {
bail!("gecko-dev does not have tagged versions, use --ref instead")
"focus_android" => {
if is_before(version, 110) {
} else if is_before(version, 126) {
} else {
bail!("gecko-dev does not have tagged versions, use --ref instead")
"firefox_ios" => {
if is_before(version, 112) {
} else {
"focus_ios" => pad_major(v),
_ => v.to_string(),
Ok(match app_name.as_str() {
"fenix" => format!("releases_v{v}"),
"focus_android" => format!("releases_v{v}"),
"firefox_ios" => {
if is_before(version, 106) {
} else {
"focus_ios" => format!("releases_v{v}"),
_ => anyhow::bail!("{} is not defined", app_name),
pub(crate) fn github_repo<'a>(&self, version: &Option<String>) -> Result<&'a str> {
let app_name = self
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Either an --app or a --manifest must be specified"))?;
Ok(match app_name.as_str() {
// Fenix and Focus are both in the same repo
"fenix" => {
if is_before(version, 111) {
} else if is_before(version, 126) {
} else {
"focus_android" => {
if is_before(version, 110) {
} else if is_before(version, 126) {
} else {
"firefox_ios" => "mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios",
"focus_ios" => "mozilla-mobile/focus-ios",
_ => unreachable!("{} is not defined", app_name),
pub(crate) fn manifest_location<'a>(&self, version: &Option<String>) -> Result<&'a str> {
let app_name = self
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Either an --app or a --manifest must be specified"))?;
Ok(match app_name.as_str() {
"fenix" => {
if is_before(version, 98) {
bail!("Fenix wasn't Nimbus enabled before v98")
} else if is_before(version, 111) {
} else if is_before(version, 112) {
} else if is_before(version, 126) {
} else {
"focus_android" => {
if is_before(version, 102) {
bail!("Focus for Android wasn't Nimbus enabled before v102")
} else if is_before(version, 110) {
} else if is_before(version, 112) {
} else if is_before(version, 126) {
} else {
"firefox_ios" => {
if is_before(version, 98) {
bail!("Firefox for iOS wasn't Nimbus enabled before v98")
} else if is_before(version, 122) {
} else {
"focus_ios" => {
if is_before(version, 108) {
bail!("Focus wasn't Nimbus enabled before v108")
} else if is_before(version, 122) {
} else {
_ => anyhow::bail!("{} is not defined", app_name),
pub(crate) fn rs_production_server() -> String {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string())
pub(crate) fn rs_stage_server() -> String {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string())
pub(crate) fn api_v6_production_server() -> String {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string())
pub(crate) fn api_v6_stage_server() -> String {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string())
pub(crate) fn manifest_cache_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> {
match std::env::var("NIMBUS_MANIFEST_CACHE") {
Ok(s) => {
let cwd = std::env::current_dir().expect("Current Working Directory is not set");
// We let the Nimbus FML define its own cache.
_ => None,
#[cfg(feature = "server")]
pub(crate) fn server_port() -> String {
match std::env::var("NIMBUS_CLI_SERVER_PORT") {
Ok(s) => s,
_ => "8080".to_string(),
#[cfg(feature = "server")]
pub(crate) fn server_host() -> String {
match std::env::var("NIMBUS_CLI_SERVER_HOST") {
Ok(s) => s,
_ => {
use local_ip_address::local_ip;
let ip = local_ip().unwrap();