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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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use crate::{EncryptorDecryptorError, JwCryptoError, Jwk};
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
/// High-level struct for handling Encryption/Decryption
/// This struct wraps the jwcrypto functionality in a convenient package. Also, it uses
/// `EncryptorDecryptorError`, which includes a description that can help track down where
/// encryption errors are happening.
/// EncryptorDecryptor takes a generic Error parameter that it uses for its results. This can be
/// anything that implement `From<EncryptorDecryptorError>`, typically it's the internal error type
/// for a crate.
pub struct EncryptorDecryptor<E = EncryptorDecryptorError> {
jwk: Jwk,
phantom: PhantomData<*const E>,
// Need to implement Send/Sync by hand, since technically we have a pointer field. This is safe
// since we don't actually store the error value.
unsafe impl<E> Send for EncryptorDecryptor<E> {}
unsafe impl<E> Sync for EncryptorDecryptor<E> {}
impl<E: From<EncryptorDecryptorError>> EncryptorDecryptor<E> {
/// Create a key that can be used to construct an EncryptorDecryptor
pub fn create_key() -> Result<String, E> {
let key = crate::Jwk::new_direct_key(None).to_encdec_result("create key")?;
Ok(serde_json::to_string(&key).to_encdec_result("create_key (serialization)")?)
pub fn new(key: &str) -> Result<Self, E> {
match serde_json::from_str(key) {
Ok(jwk) => Ok(Self {
phantom: PhantomData,
Err(_) => Err(EncryptorDecryptorError {
from: JwCryptoError::InvalidKey,
description: "creating EncryptorDecryptor".into(),
pub fn new_with_random_key() -> Result<Self, E> {
/// Encrypt a string
/// `description` is a developer-friendly description of the operation that gets reported to Sentry
/// on crypto errors.
pub fn encrypt(&self, cleartext: &str, description: &str) -> Result<String, E> {
crate::EncryptionParameters::Direct {
enc: crate::EncryptionAlgorithm::A256GCM,
jwk: &self.jwk,
/// Encrypt a struct
/// `description` is a developer-friendly description of the operation that gets reported to Sentry
/// on crypto errors.
pub fn encrypt_struct<T: Serialize>(&self, fields: &T, description: &str) -> Result<String, E> {
let str = serde_json::to_string(fields).to_encdec_result(description)?;
self.encrypt(&str, description)
/// Decrypt a string
/// `description` is a developer-friendly description of the operation that gets reported to Sentry
/// on crypto errors.
pub fn decrypt(&self, ciphertext: &str, description: &str) -> Result<String, E> {
if ciphertext.is_empty() {
return Err(JwCryptoError::EmptyCyphertext).to_encdec_result(description);
crate::DecryptionParameters::Direct {
jwk: self.jwk.clone(),
/// Decrypt a struct
/// `description` is a developer-friendly description of the operation that gets reported to Sentry
/// on crypto errors.
pub fn decrypt_struct<T: DeserializeOwned>(
ciphertext: &str,
description: &str,
) -> Result<T, E> {
let json = self.decrypt(ciphertext, description)?;
// Create canary text.
// These are used to check if a key is still valid for a database. Call this when opening a
// database for the first time and save the result.
pub fn create_canary(&self, text: &str) -> Result<String, E> {
self.encrypt(text, "create canary")
// Create canary text.
// These are used to check if a key is still valid for a database. Call this when re-opening a
// database, using the same text parameter and the return value of the initial check_canary call.
// - If check_canary() returns true, then it's safe to assume the key can decrypt the DB data
// - If check_canary() returns false, then the key is no longer valid. It should be
// regenerated and the DB data should be wiped since we can no longer read it properly
pub fn check_canary(&self, canary: &str, text: &str) -> Result<bool, E> {
Ok(self.decrypt(canary, "check canary")? == text)
trait ToEncryptorDecryptorResult<T, E> {
fn to_encdec_result(self, description: &str) -> Result<T, E>;
impl<T, InternalError, ExternalError> ToEncryptorDecryptorResult<T, ExternalError>
for Result<T, InternalError>
InternalError: Into<JwCryptoError>,
ExternalError: From<EncryptorDecryptorError>,
fn to_encdec_result(self, description: &str) -> Result<T, ExternalError> {
self.map_err(|e| {
EncryptorDecryptorError {
from: e.into(),
description: description.into(),