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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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//! Implements Elliptic-Curve Diffie-Hellman for JWE - specifically, the
//! "Ephemeral-Static direct key agreement" mode described in
use crate::{
error::{JwCryptoError, Result},
Algorithm, CompactJwe, EncryptionAlgorithm, JweHeader, Jwk, JwkKeyParameters,
use base64::{engine::general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD, Engine};
use rc_crypto::{
agreement::{self, EphemeralKeyPair, InputKeyMaterial, UnparsedPublicKey},
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// Key params specific to ECDH encryption.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ECKeysParameters {
pub crv: String,
pub x: String,
pub y: String,
/// The ECDH helper that takes the cleartext and key, creates the appropriate
/// header, then calls the `aes` module to do the actual encryption.
pub(crate) fn encrypt_to_jwe(
data: &[u8],
enc: EncryptionAlgorithm,
peer_jwk: &Jwk,
) -> Result<CompactJwe> {
let local_key_pair = EphemeralKeyPair::generate(&agreement::ECDH_P256)?;
let local_public_key = extract_pub_key_jwk(&local_key_pair)?;
let ec_key_params = match peer_jwk.key_parameters {
JwkKeyParameters::EC(ref params) => params,
_ => return Err(JwCryptoError::IllegalState("Not an EC key")),
let protected_header = JweHeader {
kid: peer_jwk.kid.clone(),
alg: Algorithm::ECDH_ES,
epk: Some(local_public_key),
apu: None,
apv: None,
let secret = derive_shared_secret(&protected_header, local_key_pair, ec_key_params)?;
match protected_header.enc {
EncryptionAlgorithm::A256GCM => {
aes::aes_gcm_encrypt(data, protected_header, secret.as_ref())
/// The ECDH helper that takes the ciphertext in the form of a CompactJwe,
/// and the keys, creates the appropriate header, then calls the `aes` module to
/// do the actual decryption.
pub(crate) fn decrypt_jwe(jwe: &CompactJwe, local_key_pair: EphemeralKeyPair) -> Result<String> {
// Part 0: Validate inputs.
let protected_header = jwe.protected_header()?.ok_or(JwCryptoError::IllegalState(
"protected_header must be present.",
if protected_header.alg != Algorithm::ECDH_ES {
return Err(JwCryptoError::IllegalState("alg mismatch."));
// `alg="ECDH-ES"` mandates no encrypted key.
if jwe.encrypted_key()?.is_some() {
return Err(JwCryptoError::IllegalState(
"The Encrypted Key must be empty.",
// Part 1: Reconstruct the secret.
let peer_jwk = protected_header
.ok_or(JwCryptoError::IllegalState("epk not present"))?;
let ec_key_params = match peer_jwk.key_parameters {
JwkKeyParameters::EC(ref params) => params,
_ => return Err(JwCryptoError::IllegalState("Not an EC key")),
let secret = derive_shared_secret(&protected_header, local_key_pair, ec_key_params)?;
// Part 2: decrypt the payload
match protected_header.enc {
EncryptionAlgorithm::A256GCM => aes::aes_gcm_decrypt(jwe, secret.as_ref()),
fn derive_shared_secret(
protected_header: &JweHeader,
local_key_pair: EphemeralKeyPair,
peer_key: &ECKeysParameters,
) -> Result<digest::Digest> {
let (private_key, _) = local_key_pair.split();
let peer_public_key_raw_bytes = public_key_from_ec_params(peer_key)?;
let peer_public_key = UnparsedPublicKey::new(&agreement::ECDH_P256, &peer_public_key_raw_bytes);
// Note: We don't support key-wrapping, but if we did `algorithm_id` would be `alg` instead.
let algorithm_id = protected_header.enc.algorithm_id();
let ikm = private_key.agree(&peer_public_key)?;
let apu = protected_header.apu.as_deref().unwrap_or_default();
let apv = protected_header.apv.as_deref().unwrap_or_default();
get_secret_from_ikm(ikm, apu, apv, algorithm_id)
fn public_key_from_ec_params(jwk: &ECKeysParameters) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let x = URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.decode(&jwk.x)?;
let y = URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.decode(&jwk.y)?;
if jwk.crv != "P-256" {
return Err(JwCryptoError::PartialImplementation(
"Only P-256 curves are supported.",
if x.len() != (256 / 8) {
return Err(JwCryptoError::IllegalState("X must be 32 bytes long."));
if y.len() != (256 / 8) {
return Err(JwCryptoError::IllegalState("Y must be 32 bytes long."));
let mut peer_pub_key: Vec<u8> = vec![0x04];
fn get_secret_from_ikm(
ikm: InputKeyMaterial,
apu: &str,
apv: &str,
alg: &str,
) -> Result<digest::Digest> {
let secret = ikm.derive(|z| {
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![];
// ConcatKDF (1 iteration since keyLen <= hashLen).
// See rfc7518 section 4.6 for reference.
// otherinfo
buf.extend_from_slice(&(alg.len() as u32).to_be_bytes());
buf.extend_from_slice(&(apu.len() as u32).to_be_bytes());
buf.extend_from_slice(&(apv.len() as u32).to_be_bytes());
digest::digest(&digest::SHA256, &buf)
/// Extracts the public key from an [EphemeralKeyPair] as a [Jwk].
pub fn extract_pub_key_jwk(key_pair: &EphemeralKeyPair) -> Result<Jwk> {
let pub_key_bytes = key_pair.public_key().to_bytes()?;
// Uncompressed form (see SECG SEC1 section 2.3.3).
// First byte is 4, then 32 bytes for x, and 32 bytes for y.
assert_eq!(pub_key_bytes.len(), 1 + 32 + 32);
assert_eq!(pub_key_bytes[0], 0x04);
let x = Vec::from(&pub_key_bytes[1..33]);
let x = URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(x);
let y = Vec::from(&pub_key_bytes[33..]);
let y = URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(y);
Ok(Jwk {
kid: None,
key_parameters: JwkKeyParameters::EC(ECKeysParameters {
crv: "P-256".to_owned(),
fn test_encrypt_decrypt_jwe_ecdh_es() {
use super::{decrypt_jwe, encrypt_to_jwe, DecryptionParameters, EncryptionParameters};
use rc_crypto::agreement;
let key_pair = EphemeralKeyPair::generate(&agreement::ECDH_P256).unwrap();
let jwk = extract_pub_key_jwk(&key_pair).unwrap();
let data = b"The big brown fox jumped over... What?";
let encrypted = encrypt_to_jwe(
EncryptionParameters::ECDH_ES {
enc: EncryptionAlgorithm::A256GCM,
peer_jwk: &jwk,
let decrypted = decrypt_jwe(
DecryptionParameters::ECDH_ES {
local_key_pair: key_pair,
assert_eq!(decrypted, std::str::from_utf8(data).unwrap());
fn test_bad_key_type() {
use super::{encrypt_to_jwe, EncryptionParameters};
use crate::error::JwCryptoError;
let key_pair = EphemeralKeyPair::generate(&agreement::ECDH_P256).unwrap();
let jwk = extract_pub_key_jwk(&key_pair).unwrap();
let data = b"The big brown fox fell down";
EncryptionParameters::Direct {
enc: EncryptionAlgorithm::A256GCM,
jwk: &jwk