Revision control

Copy as Markdown

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::{
storage::bookmarks::json_tree::{fetch_tree, insert_tree, BookmarkTreeNode, FetchDepth},
use sql_support::ConnExt;
use sync_guid::Guid as SyncGuid;
use types::Timestamp;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
pub fn insert_json_tree(conn: &PlacesDb, jtree: Value) {
let tree: BookmarkTreeNode = serde_json::from_value(jtree).expect("should be valid");
let folder_node = match tree {
BookmarkTreeNode::Folder { f: folder_node } => folder_node,
_ => panic!("must be a folder"),
insert_tree(conn, folder_node).expect("should insert");
pub struct InvalidBookmarkIds {
pub place_id: i64,
pub guid: SyncGuid,
// Append a bookmark with an invalid URL to the specified parent. Note that it's
// currently impossible to append a bookmark with NULL as there is a CHECK
// contraint in the schema.
pub fn append_invalid_bookmark(
db: &PlacesDb,
parent_guid: &SyncGuid,
title: &str,
url: &str,
) -> InvalidBookmarkIds {
let parent = get_raw_bookmark(db, parent_guid)
.expect("should work")
.expect("parent must exist");
assert_eq!(parent.bookmark_type, BookmarkType::Folder);
let position = parent.child_count;
let guid = SyncGuid::random();
// Assume the invalid URL isn't already there.
let place_sql = "
INSERT INTO moz_places (guid, url, url_hash)
VALUES (:guid, :url, hash(:url))";
(":guid", &guid as &dyn rusqlite::ToSql),
(":url", &url.to_string()),
.expect("should insert");
let place_id = db.conn().last_insert_rowid();
let bm_sql = format!(
INSERT INTO moz_bookmarks
(fk, type, parent, position,
title, dateAdded, lastModified, guid)
({place_id}, {bm_type}, {parent_id}, {position},
:title, {timestamp}, {timestamp}, :guid)",
place_id = place_id,
bm_type = BookmarkType::Bookmark as u8,
timestamp = Timestamp::now(),
parent_id = parent.row_id.0,
position = position,
(":title", &title.to_string() as &dyn rusqlite::ToSql),
(":guid", &guid),
.expect("should insert bookmark");
InvalidBookmarkIds { place_id, guid }
pub fn assert_json_tree(conn: &PlacesDb, folder: &SyncGuid, expected: Value) {
assert_json_tree_with_depth(conn, folder, expected, &FetchDepth::Deepest)
pub fn assert_json_tree_with_depth(
conn: &PlacesDb,
folder: &SyncGuid,
expected: Value,
target_depth: &FetchDepth,
) {
let (fetched, _, _) = fetch_tree(conn, folder, target_depth)
.expect("error fetching tree")
let deser_tree: BookmarkTreeNode = serde_json::from_value(expected).unwrap();
assert_eq!(fetched, deser_tree);
// and while checking the tree, check positions are correct.
// check the positions for children in a folder are "correct" in that
// the first child has a value of zero, etc - ie, this will fail if there
// are holes or duplicates in the position values.
// Clever implementation stolen from desktop.
pub fn check_positions(conn: &PlacesDb) {
// Use triangular numbers to detect skipped position, then
// a subquery to select enough fields to help diagnose when it fails.
let sql = "
WITH bad_parents(pid) as (
SELECT parent
FROM moz_bookmarks
GROUP BY parent
HAVING (SUM(DISTINCT position + 1) - (count(*) * (count(*) + 1) / 2)) <> 0
SELECT parent, guid, title, position FROM moz_bookmarks
WHERE parent in bad_parents
ORDER BY parent, position
let mut stmt = conn.prepare(sql).expect("sql is ok");
let parents: Vec<_> = stmt
.query_and_then([], |row| -> rusqlite::Result<_> {
row.get::<_, i64>(0)?,
row.get::<_, String>(1)?,
row.get::<_, Option<String>>(2)?,
row.get::<_, u32>(3)?,
.expect("should work")
assert_eq!(parents, Vec::new());