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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use super::{fetch_page_info, TAG_LENGTH_MAX};
use crate::db::PlacesDb;
use crate::error::{InvalidPlaceInfo, Result};
use sql_support::ConnExt;
use url::Url;
/// The validity of a tag.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ValidatedTag<'a> {
/// The tag is invalid.
Invalid(&'a str),
/// The tag is valid, but normalized to remove leading and trailing
/// whitespace.
Normalized(&'a str),
/// The original tag is valid.
Original(&'a str),
impl<'a> ValidatedTag<'a> {
/// Returns `true` if the original tag is valid; `false` if it's invalid or
/// normalized.
pub fn is_original(&self) -> bool {
matches!(&self, ValidatedTag::Original(_))
/// Returns the tag string if the tag is valid or normalized, or an error
/// if the tag is invalid.
pub fn ensure_valid(&self) -> Result<&'a str> {
match self {
ValidatedTag::Invalid(_) => Err(InvalidPlaceInfo::InvalidTag.into()),
ValidatedTag::Normalized(t) | ValidatedTag::Original(t) => Ok(t),
/// Checks the validity of the specified tag.
pub fn validate_tag(tag: &str) -> ValidatedTag<'_> {
// Drop empty and oversized tags.
let t = tag.trim();
if t.is_empty() || t.len() > TAG_LENGTH_MAX {
} else if t.len() != tag.len() {
} else {
/// Tags the specified URL.
/// # Arguments
/// * `conn` - A database connection on which to operate.
/// * `url` - The URL to tag.
/// * `tag` - The tag to add for the URL.
/// # Returns
/// There is no success return value.
pub fn tag_url(db: &PlacesDb, url: &Url, tag: &str) -> Result<()> {
let tag = validate_tag(tag).ensure_valid()?;
let tx = db.begin_transaction()?;
// This function will not create a new place.
// Fetch the place id, so we (a) avoid creating a new tag when we aren't
// going to reference it and (b) to avoid a sub-query.
let place_id = match fetch_page_info(db, url)? {
Some(info) =>,
None => return Err(InvalidPlaceInfo::NoSuchUrl.into()),
"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_tags(tag, lastModified)
VALUES(:tag, now())",
&[(":tag", &tag)],
"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_tags_relation(tag_id, place_id)
VALUES((SELECT id FROM moz_tags WHERE tag = :tag), :place_id)",
(":tag", &tag as &dyn rusqlite::ToSql),
(":place_id", &place_id),
/// Remove the specified tag from the specified URL.
/// # Arguments
/// * `conn` - A database connection on which to operate.
/// * `url` - The URL from which the tag should be removed.
/// * `tag` - The tag to remove from the URL.
/// # Returns
/// There is no success return value - the operation is ignored if the URL
/// does not have the tag.
pub fn untag_url(db: &PlacesDb, url: &Url, tag: &str) -> Result<()> {
let tag = validate_tag(tag).ensure_valid()?;
"DELETE FROM moz_tags_relation
WHERE tag_id = (SELECT id FROM moz_tags
WHERE tag = :tag)
AND place_id = (SELECT id FROM moz_places
WHERE url_hash = hash(:url)
AND url = :url)",
&[(":tag", &tag), (":url", &url.as_str())],
/// Remove all tags from the specified URL.
/// # Arguments
/// * `conn` - A database connection on which to operate.
/// * `url` - The URL for which all tags should be removed.
/// # Returns
/// There is no success return value.
pub fn remove_all_tags_from_url(db: &PlacesDb, url: &Url) -> Result<()> {
"DELETE FROM moz_tags_relation
place_id = (SELECT id FROM moz_places
WHERE url_hash = hash(:url)
AND url = :url)",
&[(":url", &url.as_str())],
/// Remove the specified tag from all URLs.
/// # Arguments
/// * `conn` - A database connection on which to operate.
/// * `tag` - The tag to remove.
/// # Returns
/// There is no success return value.
pub fn remove_tag(db: &PlacesDb, tag: &str) -> Result<()> {
"DELETE FROM moz_tags
WHERE tag = :tag",
&[(":tag", &tag)],
/// Retrieves a list of URLs which have the specified tag.
/// # Arguments
/// * `conn` - A database connection on which to operate.
/// * `tag` - The tag to query.
/// # Returns
/// * A Vec<Url> with all URLs which have the tag, ordered by the frecency of
/// the URLs.
pub fn get_urls_with_tag(db: &PlacesDb, tag: &str) -> Result<Vec<Url>> {
let tag = validate_tag(tag).ensure_valid()?;
let mut stmt = db.prepare(
"SELECT p.url FROM moz_places p
JOIN moz_tags_relation r ON r.place_id =
JOIN moz_tags t ON = r.tag_id
WHERE t.tag = :tag
ORDER BY p.frecency",
let rows = stmt.query_and_then(&[(":tag", &tag)], |row| row.get::<_, String>("url"))?;
let mut urls = Vec::new();
for row in rows {
/// Retrieves a list of tags for the specified URL.
/// # Arguments
/// * `conn` - A database connection on which to operate.
/// * `url` - The URL to query.
/// # Returns
/// * A Vec<String> with all tags for the URL, sorted by the last modified
/// date of the tag (latest to oldest)
pub fn get_tags_for_url(db: &PlacesDb, url: &Url) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
let mut stmt = db.prepare(
"SELECT t.tag
FROM moz_tags t
JOIN moz_tags_relation r ON r.tag_id =
JOIN moz_places h ON = r.place_id
WHERE url_hash = hash(:url) AND url = :url
ORDER BY t.lastModified DESC",
let rows = stmt.query_and_then(&[(":url", &url.as_str())], |row| {
row.get::<_, String>("tag")
let mut tags = Vec::new();
for row in rows {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::api::places_api::test::new_mem_connection;
use crate::storage::new_page_info;
fn check_tags_for_url(db: &PlacesDb, url: &Url, mut expected: Vec<String>) {
let mut tags = get_tags_for_url(db, url).expect("should work");
assert_eq!(tags, expected);
fn check_urls_with_tag(db: &PlacesDb, tag: &str, mut expected: Vec<Url>) {
let mut with_tag = get_urls_with_tag(db, tag).expect("should work");
assert_eq!(with_tag, expected);
fn get_foreign_count(db: &PlacesDb, url: &Url) -> i32 {
let count: Result<Option<i32>> = db.try_query_row(
"SELECT foreign_count
FROM moz_places
WHERE url = :url",
&[(":url", &url.as_str())],
|row| Ok(row.get::<_, i32>(0)?),
count.expect("should work").expect("should get a value")
fn test_validate_tag() {
let v = validate_tag("foo");
assert_eq!(v, ValidatedTag::Original("foo"));
assert_eq!(v.ensure_valid().expect("should work"), "foo");
let v = validate_tag(" foo ");
assert_eq!(v, ValidatedTag::Normalized("foo"));
assert_eq!(v.ensure_valid().expect("should work"), "foo");
let v = validate_tag("");
assert_eq!(v, ValidatedTag::Invalid(""));
assert_eq!(validate_tag("foo bar"), ValidatedTag::Original("foo bar"));
validate_tag(" foo bar "),
ValidatedTag::Normalized("foo bar")
fn test_tags() {
let conn = new_mem_connection();
let url1 = Url::parse("").expect("valid url");
let url2 = Url::parse("").expect("valid url");
new_page_info(&conn, &url1, None).expect("should create the page");
new_page_info(&conn, &url2, None).expect("should create the page");
check_tags_for_url(&conn, &url1, vec![]);
check_tags_for_url(&conn, &url2, vec![]);
assert_eq!(get_foreign_count(&conn, &url1), 0);
assert_eq!(get_foreign_count(&conn, &url2), 0);
tag_url(&conn, &url1, "common").expect("should work");
assert_eq!(get_foreign_count(&conn, &url1), 1);
tag_url(&conn, &url1, "tag-1").expect("should work");
assert_eq!(get_foreign_count(&conn, &url1), 2);
tag_url(&conn, &url2, "common").expect("should work");
assert_eq!(get_foreign_count(&conn, &url2), 1);
tag_url(&conn, &url2, "tag-2").expect("should work");
assert_eq!(get_foreign_count(&conn, &url2), 2);
vec!["common".to_string(), "tag-1".to_string()],
vec!["common".to_string(), "tag-2".to_string()],
check_urls_with_tag(&conn, "common", vec![url1.clone(), url2.clone()]);
check_urls_with_tag(&conn, "tag-1", vec![url1.clone()]);
check_urls_with_tag(&conn, "tag-2", vec![url2.clone()]);
untag_url(&conn, &url1, "common").expect("should work");
assert_eq!(get_foreign_count(&conn, &url1), 1);
check_urls_with_tag(&conn, "common", vec![url2.clone()]);
remove_tag(&conn, "common").expect("should work");
check_urls_with_tag(&conn, "common", vec![]);
assert_eq!(get_foreign_count(&conn, &url2), 1);
remove_tag(&conn, "tag-1").expect("should work");
check_urls_with_tag(&conn, "tag-1", vec![]);
assert_eq!(get_foreign_count(&conn, &url1), 0);
remove_tag(&conn, "tag-2").expect("should work");
check_urls_with_tag(&conn, "tag-2", vec![]);
assert_eq!(get_foreign_count(&conn, &url2), 0);
// should be no tags rows left.
let count: Result<Option<u32>> = conn.try_query_row(
"SELECT COUNT(*) from moz_tags",
|row| Ok(row.get::<_, u32>(0)?),
assert_eq!(count.unwrap().unwrap(), 0);
let count: Result<Option<u32>> = conn.try_query_row(
"SELECT COUNT(*) from moz_tags_relation",
|row| Ok(row.get::<_, u32>(0)?),
assert_eq!(count.unwrap().unwrap(), 0);
// places should still exist.
fetch_page_info(&conn, &url1)
.expect("should work")
.expect("should exist");
fetch_page_info(&conn, &url2)
.expect("should work")
.expect("should exist");