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// A "storage" module - this module is intended to be the layer between the
// API and the database.
pub mod bookmarks;
pub mod history;
pub mod history_metadata;
pub mod tags;
use crate::db::PlacesDb;
use crate::error::{Error, InvalidPlaceInfo, Result};
use crate::ffi::HistoryVisitInfo;
use crate::ffi::TopFrecentSiteInfo;
use crate::frecency::{calculate_frecency, DEFAULT_FRECENCY_SETTINGS};
use crate::types::{SyncStatus, UnknownFields, VisitType};
use interrupt_support::SqlInterruptScope;
use rusqlite::types::{FromSql, FromSqlResult, ToSql, ToSqlOutput, ValueRef};
use rusqlite::Result as RusqliteResult;
use rusqlite::{Connection, Row};
use serde_derive::*;
use sql_support::{self, ConnExt};
use std::fmt;
use sync_guid::Guid as SyncGuid;
use types::Timestamp;
use url::Url;
pub const URL_LENGTH_MAX: usize = 65536;
pub const TITLE_LENGTH_MAX: usize = 4096;
pub const TAG_LENGTH_MAX: usize = 100;
// pub const DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_MAX: usize = 256;
// Typesafe way to manage RowIds. Does it make sense? A better way?
Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Deserialize, Serialize, Default, Hash,
pub struct RowId(pub i64);
impl From<RowId> for i64 {
// XXX - ToSql!
fn from(id: RowId) -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for RowId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.0)
impl ToSql for RowId {
fn to_sql(&self) -> RusqliteResult<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
impl FromSql for RowId {
fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult<Self> {
pub struct PageInfo {
pub url: Url,
pub guid: SyncGuid,
pub row_id: RowId,
pub title: String,
pub hidden: bool,
pub preview_image_url: Option<Url>,
pub typed: u32,
pub frecency: i32,
pub visit_count_local: i32,
pub visit_count_remote: i32,
pub last_visit_date_local: Timestamp,
pub last_visit_date_remote: Timestamp,
pub sync_status: SyncStatus,
pub sync_change_counter: u32,
pub unknown_fields: UnknownFields,
impl PageInfo {
pub fn from_row(row: &Row<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
url: Url::parse(&row.get::<_, String>("url")?)?,
guid: row.get::<_, String>("guid")?.into(),
row_id: row.get("id")?,
title: row.get::<_, Option<String>>("title")?.unwrap_or_default(),
hidden: row.get("hidden")?,
preview_image_url: match row.get::<_, Option<String>>("preview_image_url")? {
Some(ref preview_image_url) => Some(Url::parse(preview_image_url)?),
None => None,
typed: row.get("typed")?,
frecency: row.get("frecency")?,
visit_count_local: row.get("visit_count_local")?,
visit_count_remote: row.get("visit_count_remote")?,
last_visit_date_local: row
.get::<_, Option<Timestamp>>("last_visit_date_local")?
last_visit_date_remote: row
.get::<_, Option<Timestamp>>("last_visit_date_remote")?
sync_status: SyncStatus::from_u8(row.get::<_, u8>("sync_status")?),
sync_change_counter: row
.get::<_, Option<u32>>("sync_change_counter")?
unknown_fields: match row.get::<_, Option<String>>("unknown_fields")? {
Some(v) => serde_json::from_str(&v)?,
None => UnknownFields::new(),
// fetch_page_info gives you one of these.
pub struct FetchedPageInfo {
pub page: PageInfo,
// XXX - not clear what this is used for yet, and whether it should be local, remote or either?
// The sql below isn't quite sure either :)
pub last_visit_id: Option<RowId>,
impl FetchedPageInfo {
pub fn from_row(row: &Row<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
page: PageInfo::from_row(row)?,
last_visit_id: row.get::<_, Option<RowId>>("last_visit_id")?,
// History::FetchPageInfo
pub fn fetch_page_info(db: &PlacesDb, url: &Url) -> Result<Option<FetchedPageInfo>> {
let sql = "
SELECT guid, url, id, title, hidden, typed, frecency,
visit_count_local, visit_count_remote,
last_visit_date_local, last_visit_date_remote,
sync_status, sync_change_counter, preview_image_url,
(SELECT id FROM moz_historyvisits
WHERE place_id =
AND (visit_date = h.last_visit_date_local OR
visit_date = h.last_visit_date_remote)) AS last_visit_id
FROM moz_places h
WHERE url_hash = hash(:page_url) AND url = :page_url";
&[(":page_url", &String::from(url.clone()))],
fn new_page_info(db: &PlacesDb, url: &Url, new_guid: Option<SyncGuid>) -> Result<PageInfo> {
let guid = match new_guid {
Some(guid) => guid,
None => SyncGuid::random(),
let url_str = url.as_str();
if url_str.len() > URL_LENGTH_MAX {
// Generally callers check this first (bookmarks don't, history does).
return Err(Error::InvalidPlaceInfo(InvalidPlaceInfo::UrlTooLong));
let sql = "INSERT INTO moz_places (guid, url, url_hash)
VALUES (:guid, :url, hash(:url))";
db.execute_cached(sql, &[(":guid", &guid as &dyn ToSql), (":url", &url_str)])?;
Ok(PageInfo {
url: url.clone(),
row_id: RowId(db.conn().last_insert_rowid()),
title: "".into(),
hidden: true, // will be set to false as soon as a non-hidden visit appears.
preview_image_url: None,
typed: 0,
frecency: -1,
visit_count_local: 0,
visit_count_remote: 0,
last_visit_date_local: Timestamp(0),
last_visit_date_remote: Timestamp(0),
sync_status: SyncStatus::New,
sync_change_counter: 0,
unknown_fields: UnknownFields::new(),
impl HistoryVisitInfo {
fn from_row(row: &rusqlite::Row<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
let visit_type = VisitType::from_primitive(row.get::<_, u8>("visit_type")?)
// Do we have an existing error we use for this? For now they
// probably don't care too much about VisitType, so this
// is fine.
let visit_date: Timestamp = row.get("visit_date")?;
let url: String = row.get("url")?;
let preview_image_url: Option<String> = row.get("preview_image_url")?;
Ok(Self {
url: Url::parse(&url)?,
title: row.get("title")?,
timestamp: visit_date,
is_hidden: row.get("hidden")?,
preview_image_url: match preview_image_url {
Some(s) => Some(Url::parse(&s)?),
None => None,
is_remote: !row.get("is_local")?,
impl TopFrecentSiteInfo {
pub(crate) fn from_row(row: &rusqlite::Row<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
let url: String = row.get("url")?;
Ok(Self {
url: Url::parse(&url)?,
title: row.get("title")?,
pub struct RunMaintenanceMetrics {
pub pruned_visits: bool,
pub db_size_before: u32,
pub db_size_after: u32,
/// Run maintenance on the places DB (prune step)
/// The `run_maintenance_*()` functions are intended to be run during idle time and will take steps
/// to clean up / shrink the database. They're split up so that we can time each one in the
/// Kotlin wrapper code (This is needed because we only have access to the Glean API in Kotlin and
/// it supports a stop-watch style API, not recording specific values).
/// db_size_limit is the approximate storage limit in bytes. If the database is using more space
/// than this, some older visits will be deleted to free up space. Pass in a 0 to skip this.
/// prune_limit is the maximum number of visits to prune if the database is over db_size_limit
pub fn run_maintenance_prune(
conn: &PlacesDb,
db_size_limit: u32,
prune_limit: u32,
) -> Result<RunMaintenanceMetrics> {
let db_size_before = conn.get_db_size()?;
let should_prune = db_size_limit > 0 && db_size_before > db_size_limit;
if should_prune {
history::prune_older_visits(conn, prune_limit)?;
let db_size_after = conn.get_db_size()?;
Ok(RunMaintenanceMetrics {
pruned_visits: should_prune,
/// Run maintenance on the places DB (vacuum step)
/// The `run_maintenance_*()` functions are intended to be run during idle time and will take steps
/// to clean up / shrink the database. They're split up so that we can time each one in the
/// Kotlin wrapper code (This is needed because we only have access to the Glean API in Kotlin and
/// it supports a stop-watch style API, not recording specific values).
pub fn run_maintenance_vacuum(conn: &PlacesDb) -> Result<()> {
let auto_vacuum_setting: u32 = conn.query_one("PRAGMA auto_vacuum")?;
if auto_vacuum_setting == 2 {
// Ideally, we run an incremental vacuum to delete 2 pages
conn.execute_one("PRAGMA incremental_vacuum(2)")?;
} else {
// If auto_vacuum=incremental isn't set, configure it and run a full vacuum.
"run_maintenance_vacuum: Need to run a full vacuum to set auto_vacuum=incremental"
conn.execute_one("PRAGMA auto_vacuum=incremental")?;
/// Run maintenance on the places DB (optimize step)
/// The `run_maintenance_*()` functions are intended to be run during idle time and will take steps
/// to clean up / shrink the database. They're split up so that we can time each one in the
/// Kotlin wrapper code (This is needed because we only have access to the Glean API in Kotlin and
/// it supports a stop-watch style API, not recording specific values).
pub fn run_maintenance_optimize(conn: &PlacesDb) -> Result<()> {
conn.execute_one("PRAGMA optimize")?;
/// Run maintenance on the places DB (checkpoint step)
/// The `run_maintenance_*()` functions are intended to be run during idle time and will take steps
/// to clean up / shrink the database. They're split up so that we can time each one in the
/// Kotlin wrapper code (This is needed because we only have access to the Glean API in Kotlin and
/// it supports a stop-watch style API, not recording specific values).
pub fn run_maintenance_checkpoint(conn: &PlacesDb) -> Result<()> {
conn.execute_one("PRAGMA wal_checkpoint(PASSIVE)")?;
pub fn update_all_frecencies_at_once(db: &PlacesDb, scope: &SqlInterruptScope) -> Result<()> {
let tx = db.begin_transaction()?;
let need_frecency_update = tx.query_rows_and_then(
"SELECT place_id FROM moz_places_stale_frecencies",
|r| r.get::<_, i64>(0),
let frecencies = need_frecency_update
.map(|places_id| {
calculate_frecency(db, &DEFAULT_FRECENCY_SETTINGS, *places_id, Some(false))?,
.collect::<Result<Vec<(i64, i32)>>>()?;
if frecencies.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
// Update all frecencies in one fell swoop
"WITH frecencies(id, frecency) AS (
UPDATE moz_places SET
frecency = (SELECT frecency FROM frecencies f
WHERE = id)
WHERE id IN (SELECT FROM frecencies f)",
sql_support::repeat_display(frecencies.len(), ",", |index, f| {
let (id, frecency) = frecencies[index];
write!(f, "({}, {})", id, frecency)
// ...And remove them from the stale table.
"DELETE FROM moz_places_stale_frecencies
WHERE place_id IN ({})",
sql_support::repeat_display(frecencies.len(), ",", |index, f| {
let (id, _) = frecencies[index];
write!(f, "{}", id)
pub(crate) fn put_meta(conn: &Connection, key: &str, value: &dyn ToSql) -> Result<()> {
"REPLACE INTO moz_meta (key, value) VALUES (:key, :value)",
&[(":key", &key as &dyn ToSql), (":value", value)],
pub(crate) fn get_meta<T: FromSql>(db: &PlacesDb, key: &str) -> Result<Option<T>> {
let res = db.try_query_one(
"SELECT value FROM moz_meta WHERE key = :key",
&[(":key", &key)],
pub(crate) fn delete_meta(db: &PlacesDb, key: &str) -> Result<()> {
db.execute_cached("DELETE FROM moz_meta WHERE key = :key", &[(":key", &key)])?;
/// Delete all items in the temp tables we use for staging changes.
pub fn delete_pending_temp_tables(conn: &PlacesDb) -> Result<()> {
"DELETE FROM moz_updateoriginsinsert_temp;
DELETE FROM moz_updateoriginsupdate_temp;
DELETE FROM moz_updateoriginsdelete_temp;",
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::api::places_api::test::new_mem_connection;
use crate::observation::VisitObservation;
use bookmarks::{
delete_bookmark, insert_bookmark, BookmarkPosition, BookmarkRootGuid, InsertableBookmark,
use history::apply_observation;
fn test_meta() {
let conn = new_mem_connection();
let value1 = "value 1".to_string();
let value2 = "value 2".to_string();
assert!(get_meta::<String>(&conn, "foo")
.expect("should get")
put_meta(&conn, "foo", &value1).expect("should put");
get_meta(&conn, "foo").expect("should get new val"),
put_meta(&conn, "foo", &value2).expect("should put an existing value");
assert_eq!(get_meta(&conn, "foo").expect("should get"), Some(value2));
delete_meta(&conn, "foo").expect("should delete");
assert!(get_meta::<String>(&conn, "foo")
.expect("should get non-existing")
delete_meta(&conn, "foo").expect("delete non-existing should work");
// Here we try and test that we replicate desktop behaviour, which isn't that obvious.
// * create a bookmark
// * remove the bookmark - this doesn't remove the place or origin - probably because in
// real browsers there will be visits for the URL existing, but this still smells like
// * Arrange for history for that item to be removed, via various means
// At this point the origin and place should be removed. The only code (in desktop and here) which
// removes places with a foreign_count of zero is that history removal!
fn test_removal_delete_visits_between() {
do_test_removal_places_and_origins(|conn: &PlacesDb, _guid: &SyncGuid| {
history::delete_visits_between(conn, Timestamp::EARLIEST, Timestamp::now())
fn test_removal_delete_visits_for() {
do_test_removal_places_and_origins(|conn: &PlacesDb, guid: &SyncGuid| {
history::delete_visits_for(conn, guid)
fn test_removal_prune() {
do_test_removal_places_and_origins(|conn: &PlacesDb, _guid: &SyncGuid| {
history::prune_older_visits(conn, 6)
fn test_removal_visit_at_time() {
do_test_removal_places_and_origins(|conn: &PlacesDb, _guid: &SyncGuid| {
let url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
let visit = Timestamp::from(727_747_200_001);
history::delete_place_visit_at_time(conn, &url, visit)
fn test_removal_everything() {
do_test_removal_places_and_origins(|conn: &PlacesDb, _guid: &SyncGuid| {
// The core test - takes a function which deletes history.
fn do_test_removal_places_and_origins<F>(removal_fn: F)
F: FnOnce(&PlacesDb, &SyncGuid) -> Result<()>,
let conn = new_mem_connection();
let url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
let bm = InsertableItem::Bookmark {
b: InsertableBookmark {
parent_guid: BookmarkRootGuid::Unfiled.into(),
position: BookmarkPosition::Append,
date_added: None,
last_modified: None,
guid: None,
url: url.clone(),
title: Some("the title".into()),
conn.query_one::<i64>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM moz_bookmarks;")
); // our 5 roots.
let bookmark_guid = insert_bookmark(&conn, bm).unwrap();
let place_guid = fetch_page_info(&conn, &url)
.expect("should work")
.expect("must exist")
// the place should exist with a foreign_count of 1.
conn.query_one::<i64>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM moz_bookmarks;")
); // our 5 roots + new bookmark
"SELECT foreign_count FROM moz_places WHERE url = \"\";"
// visit the bookmark.
delete_bookmark(&conn, &bookmark_guid).unwrap();
conn.query_one::<i64>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM moz_bookmarks;")
); // our 5 roots
// the place should have no foreign references, but still exists.
"SELECT foreign_count FROM moz_places WHERE url = \"\";"
removal_fn(&conn, &place_guid).expect("removal function should work");
conn.query_one::<i64>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM moz_places;")
conn.query_one::<i64>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM moz_origins;")
// Similar to the above, but if the bookmark has no visits the place/origin should die
// without requiring history removal
fn test_visitless_removal_places_and_origins() {
let conn = new_mem_connection();
let url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
let bm = InsertableItem::Bookmark {
b: InsertableBookmark {
parent_guid: BookmarkRootGuid::Unfiled.into(),
position: BookmarkPosition::Append,
date_added: None,
last_modified: None,
guid: None,
title: Some("the title".into()),
conn.query_one::<i64>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM moz_bookmarks;")
); // our 5 roots.
let bookmark_guid = insert_bookmark(&conn, bm).unwrap();
// the place should exist with a foreign_count of 1.
conn.query_one::<i64>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM moz_bookmarks;")
); // our 5 roots + new bookmark
"SELECT foreign_count FROM moz_places WHERE url = \"\";"
// Delete it.
delete_bookmark(&conn, &bookmark_guid).unwrap();
conn.query_one::<i64>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM moz_bookmarks;")
); // our 5 roots
// should be gone from places and origins.
conn.query_one::<i64>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM moz_places;")
conn.query_one::<i64>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM moz_origins;")