Revision control

Copy as Markdown

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// This supports inserting and fetching an entire bookmark tree via JSON
// compatible data structures.
// It's currently used only by tests, examples and our utilities for importing
// from a desktop JSON exports.
// None of our "real" consumers currently require JSON compatibility, so try
// and avoid using this if you can!
// (We could possibly put this behind a feature flag?)
use crate::error::Result;
use crate::types::BookmarkType;
use crate::db::PlacesDb;
use rusqlite::Row;
use sql_support::ConnExt;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use sync_guid::Guid as SyncGuid;
use types::Timestamp;
use url::Url;
use super::{
BookmarkPosition, InsertableBookmark, InsertableFolder, InsertableItem, InsertableSeparator,
use serde::{
de::{Deserialize, Deserializer},
ser::{Serialize, SerializeStruct, Serializer},
use serde_derive::*;
/// Support for inserting and fetching a tree. Same limitations as desktop.
/// Note that the guids are optional when inserting a tree. They will always
/// have values when fetching it.
// For testing purposes we implement PartialEq, such that optional fields are
// ignored in the comparison. This allows tests to construct a tree with
// missing fields and be able to compare against a tree with all fields (such
// as one exported from the DB)
fn cmp_options<T: PartialEq>(s: &Option<T>, o: &Option<T>) -> bool {
match (s, o) {
(None, None) => true,
(None, Some(_)) => true,
(Some(_), None) => true,
(s, o) => s == o,
pub struct BookmarkNode {
pub guid: Option<SyncGuid>,
pub date_added: Option<Timestamp>,
pub last_modified: Option<Timestamp>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub url: Url,
impl From<BookmarkNode> for BookmarkTreeNode {
fn from(b: BookmarkNode) -> Self {
BookmarkTreeNode::Bookmark { b }
impl PartialEq for BookmarkNode {
fn eq(&self, other: &BookmarkNode) -> bool {
cmp_options(&self.guid, &other.guid)
&& cmp_options(&self.date_added, &other.date_added)
&& cmp_options(&self.last_modified, &other.last_modified)
&& cmp_options(&self.title, &other.title)
&& self.url == other.url
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct SeparatorNode {
pub guid: Option<SyncGuid>,
pub date_added: Option<Timestamp>,
pub last_modified: Option<Timestamp>,
impl From<SeparatorNode> for BookmarkTreeNode {
fn from(s: SeparatorNode) -> Self {
BookmarkTreeNode::Separator { s }
impl PartialEq for SeparatorNode {
fn eq(&self, other: &SeparatorNode) -> bool {
cmp_options(&self.guid, &other.guid)
&& cmp_options(&self.date_added, &other.date_added)
&& cmp_options(&self.last_modified, &other.last_modified)
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct FolderNode {
pub guid: Option<SyncGuid>,
pub date_added: Option<Timestamp>,
pub last_modified: Option<Timestamp>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub children: Vec<BookmarkTreeNode>,
impl From<FolderNode> for BookmarkTreeNode {
fn from(f: FolderNode) -> Self {
BookmarkTreeNode::Folder { f }
impl PartialEq for FolderNode {
fn eq(&self, other: &FolderNode) -> bool {
cmp_options(&self.guid, &other.guid)
&& cmp_options(&self.date_added, &other.date_added)
&& cmp_options(&self.last_modified, &other.last_modified)
&& cmp_options(&self.title, &other.title)
&& self.children == other.children
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))]
pub enum BookmarkTreeNode {
Bookmark { b: BookmarkNode },
Separator { s: SeparatorNode },
Folder { f: FolderNode },
impl BookmarkTreeNode {
pub fn node_type(&self) -> BookmarkType {
match self {
BookmarkTreeNode::Bookmark { .. } => BookmarkType::Bookmark,
BookmarkTreeNode::Folder { .. } => BookmarkType::Folder,
BookmarkTreeNode::Separator { .. } => BookmarkType::Separator,
pub fn guid(&self) -> &SyncGuid {
let guid = match self {
BookmarkTreeNode::Bookmark { b } => b.guid.as_ref(),
BookmarkTreeNode::Folder { f } => f.guid.as_ref(),
BookmarkTreeNode::Separator { s } => s.guid.as_ref(),
// Can this happen? Why is this an Option?
guid.expect("Missing guid?")
pub fn created_modified(&self) -> (Timestamp, Timestamp) {
let (created, modified) = match self {
BookmarkTreeNode::Bookmark { b } => (b.date_added, b.last_modified),
BookmarkTreeNode::Folder { f } => (f.date_added, f.last_modified),
BookmarkTreeNode::Separator { s } => (s.date_added, s.last_modified),
// Serde makes it tricky to serialize what we need here - a 'type' from the
// enum and then a flattened variant struct. So we gotta do it manually.
impl Serialize for BookmarkTreeNode {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> std::result::Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
let mut state = serializer.serialize_struct("BookmarkTreeNode", 2)?;
match self {
BookmarkTreeNode::Bookmark { b } => {
state.serialize_field("type", &BookmarkType::Bookmark)?;
state.serialize_field("guid", &b.guid)?;
state.serialize_field("date_added", &b.date_added)?;
state.serialize_field("last_modified", &b.last_modified)?;
state.serialize_field("title", &b.title)?;
state.serialize_field("url", &b.url.to_string())?;
BookmarkTreeNode::Separator { s } => {
state.serialize_field("type", &BookmarkType::Separator)?;
state.serialize_field("guid", &s.guid)?;
state.serialize_field("date_added", &s.date_added)?;
state.serialize_field("last_modified", &s.last_modified)?;
BookmarkTreeNode::Folder { f } => {
state.serialize_field("type", &BookmarkType::Folder)?;
state.serialize_field("guid", &f.guid)?;
state.serialize_field("date_added", &f.date_added)?;
state.serialize_field("last_modified", &f.last_modified)?;
state.serialize_field("title", &f.title)?;
state.serialize_field("children", &f.children)?;
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for BookmarkTreeNode {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> std::result::Result<Self, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
// *sob* - a union of fields we post-process.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize)]
struct Mapping {
#[serde(rename = "type")]
bookmark_type: u8,
guid: Option<SyncGuid>,
date_added: Option<Timestamp>,
last_modified: Option<Timestamp>,
title: Option<String>,
url: Option<String>,
children: Vec<BookmarkTreeNode>,
let m = Mapping::deserialize(deserializer)?;
let url = m.url.as_ref().and_then(|u| match Url::parse(u) {
Err(e) => {
"ignoring invalid url for {}: {:?}",
m.guid.as_ref().map(AsRef::as_ref).unwrap_or("<no guid>"),
Ok(parsed) => Some(parsed),
let bookmark_type = BookmarkType::from_u8_with_valid_url(m.bookmark_type, || url.is_some());
Ok(match bookmark_type {
BookmarkType::Bookmark => BookmarkNode {
guid: m.guid,
date_added: m.date_added,
last_modified: m.last_modified,
title: m.title,
url: url.unwrap(),
BookmarkType::Separator => SeparatorNode {
guid: m.guid,
date_added: m.date_added,
last_modified: m.last_modified,
BookmarkType::Folder => FolderNode {
guid: m.guid,
date_added: m.date_added,
last_modified: m.last_modified,
title: m.title,
children: m.children,
impl From<BookmarkTreeNode> for InsertableItem {
fn from(node: BookmarkTreeNode) -> Self {
match node {
BookmarkTreeNode::Bookmark { b } => InsertableBookmark {
parent_guid: SyncGuid::empty(),
position: BookmarkPosition::Append,
date_added: b.date_added,
last_modified: b.last_modified,
guid: b.guid,
url: b.url,
title: b.title,
BookmarkTreeNode::Separator { s } => InsertableSeparator {
parent_guid: SyncGuid::empty(),
position: BookmarkPosition::Append,
date_added: s.date_added,
last_modified: s.last_modified,
guid: s.guid,
BookmarkTreeNode::Folder { f } => InsertableFolder {
parent_guid: SyncGuid::empty(),
position: BookmarkPosition::Append,
date_added: f.date_added,
last_modified: f.last_modified,
guid: f.guid,
title: f.title,
children: f.children.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(),
mod test_serialize {
use super::*;
use serde_json::json;
fn test_tree_serialize() -> Result<()> {
let guid = SyncGuid::random();
let tree = BookmarkTreeNode::Folder {
f: FolderNode {
guid: Some(guid.clone()),
date_added: None,
last_modified: None,
title: None,
children: vec![BookmarkTreeNode::Bookmark {
b: BookmarkNode {
guid: None,
date_added: None,
last_modified: None,
title: Some("the bookmark".into()),
url: Url::parse("")?,
// round-trip the tree via serde.
let json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&tree)?;
let deser: BookmarkTreeNode = serde_json::from_str(&json)?;
assert_eq!(tree, deser);
// and check against the simplest json repr of the tree, which checks
// our PartialEq implementation.
let jtree = json!({
"type": 2,
"guid": &guid,
"children" : [
"type": 1,
"title": "the bookmark",
let deser_tree: BookmarkTreeNode = serde_json::from_value(jtree).expect("should deser");
assert_eq!(tree, deser_tree);
fn test_tree_invalid() {
let jtree = json!({
"type": 2,
"children" : [
"type": 1,
"title": "bookmark with invalid URL",
"url": "invalid_url"
"type": 1,
"title": "bookmark with missing URL",
"title": "bookmark with missing type, no URL",
"title": "bookmark with missing type, valid URL",
let deser_tree: BookmarkTreeNode = serde_json::from_value(jtree).expect("should deser");
let folder = match deser_tree {
BookmarkTreeNode::Folder { f } => f,
_ => panic!("must be a folder"),
let children = folder.children;
assert_eq!(children.len(), 4);
assert!(match &children[0] {
BookmarkTreeNode::Folder { f } =>
f.title == Some("bookmark with invalid URL".to_string()),
_ => false,
assert!(match &children[1] {
BookmarkTreeNode::Folder { f } =>
f.title == Some("bookmark with missing URL".to_string()),
_ => false,
assert!(match &children[2] {
BookmarkTreeNode::Folder { f } => {
f.title == Some("bookmark with missing type, no URL".to_string())
_ => false,
assert!(match &children[3] {
BookmarkTreeNode::Bookmark { b } => {
b.title == Some("bookmark with missing type, valid URL".to_string())
_ => false,
pub fn insert_tree(db: &PlacesDb, tree: FolderNode) -> Result<()> {
// This API is strange - we don't add `tree`, but just use it for the parent.
// It's only used for json importing, so we can live with a strange API :)
let parent = tree.guid.expect("inserting a tree without the root guid");
let tx = db.begin_transaction()?;
for child in tree.children {
let mut insertable: InsertableItem = child.into();
"can't specify a parent inserting a tree"
crate::storage::bookmarks::insert_bookmark_in_tx(db, insertable)?;
fn inflate(
parent: &mut BookmarkTreeNode,
pseudo_tree: &mut HashMap<SyncGuid, Vec<BookmarkTreeNode>>,
) {
if let BookmarkTreeNode::Folder { f: parent } = parent {
if let Some(children) = parent
.and_then(|guid| pseudo_tree.remove(guid))
parent.children = children;
for child in &mut parent.children {
inflate(child, pseudo_tree);
struct FetchedTreeRow {
level: u32,
_id: RowId,
guid: SyncGuid,
// parent and parent_guid are Option<> only to handle the root - we would
// assert but they aren't currently used.
_parent: Option<RowId>,
parent_guid: Option<SyncGuid>,
node_type: BookmarkType,
position: u32,
title: Option<String>,
date_added: Timestamp,
last_modified: Timestamp,
url: Option<String>,
impl FetchedTreeRow {
pub fn from_row(row: &Row<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
let url = row.get::<_, Option<String>>("url")?;
Ok(Self {
level: row.get("level")?,
_id: row.get::<_, RowId>("id")?,
guid: row.get::<_, String>("guid")?.into(),
_parent: row.get::<_, Option<RowId>>("parent")?,
parent_guid: row
.get::<_, Option<String>>("parentGuid")?
node_type: BookmarkType::from_u8_with_valid_url(row.get::<_, u8>("type")?, || {
position: row.get("position")?,
title: row.get::<_, Option<String>>("title")?,
date_added: row.get("dateAdded")?,
last_modified: row.get("lastModified")?,
/// Fetch the tree starting at the specified guid.
/// Returns a `BookmarkTreeNode`, its parent's guid (if any), and
/// position inside its parent.
pub enum FetchDepth {
pub fn fetch_tree(
db: &PlacesDb,
item_guid: &SyncGuid,
target_depth: &FetchDepth,
) -> Result<Option<(BookmarkTreeNode, Option<SyncGuid>, u32)>> {
// XXX - this needs additional work for tags - unlike desktop, there's no
// "tags" folder, but instead a couple of tables to join on.
let sql = r#"
descendants(fk, level, type, id, guid, parent, parentGuid, position,
title, dateAdded, lastModified) AS (
SELECT, 0, b1.type,, b1.guid, b1.parent,
(SELECT guid FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = b1.parent),
b1.position, b1.title, b1.dateAdded, b1.lastModified
FROM moz_bookmarks b1 WHERE b1.guid=:item_guid
SELECT, level + 1, b2.type,, b2.guid, b2.parent,
descendants.guid, b2.position, b2.title, b2.dateAdded,
FROM moz_bookmarks b2
JOIN descendants ON b2.parent = -- AND <> :tags_folder)
SELECT d.level,, d.guid, d.parent, d.parentGuid, d.type,
d.position, NULLIF(d.title, '') AS title, d.dateAdded,
d.lastModified, h.url
-- (SELECT icon_url FROM moz_icons i
-- JOIN moz_icons_to_pages ON icon_id =
-- JOIN moz_pages_w_icons pi ON page_id =
-- WHERE pi.page_url_hash = hash(h.url) AND pi.page_url = h.url
-- ORDER BY width DESC LIMIT 1) AS iconuri,
-- (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(t.title, ',')
-- FROM moz_bookmarks b2
-- JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON = +b2.parent AND t.parent = :tags_folder
-- WHERE =
-- ) AS tags,
-- EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM moz_items_annos
-- WHERE item_id = LIMIT 1) AS has_annos,
-- (SELECT a.content FROM moz_annos a
-- JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON a.anno_attribute_id =
-- WHERE place_id = AND = :charset_anno
-- ) AS charset
FROM descendants d
LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks b3 ON = d.parent
LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON =
ORDER BY d.level, d.parent, d.position"#;
let scope = db.begin_interrupt_scope()?;
let mut stmt = db.conn().prepare(sql)?;
let mut results =
stmt.query_and_then(&[(":item_guid", item_guid)], FetchedTreeRow::from_row)?;
let parent_guid: Option<SyncGuid>;
let position: u32;
// The first row in the result set is always the root of our tree.
let mut root = match {
Some(result) => {
let row = result?;
parent_guid = row.parent_guid.clone();
position = row.position;
match row.node_type {
BookmarkType::Folder => FolderNode {
guid: Some(row.guid.clone()),
date_added: Some(row.date_added),
last_modified: Some(row.last_modified),
title: row.title,
children: Vec::new(),
BookmarkType::Bookmark => {
// pretend invalid or missing URLs don't exist.
match row.url {
Some(str_val) => match Url::parse(str_val.as_str()) {
// an invalid URL presumably means a logic error
// somewhere far away from here...
Err(_) => return Ok(None),
Ok(url) => BookmarkNode {
guid: Some(row.guid.clone()),
date_added: Some(row.date_added),
last_modified: Some(row.last_modified),
title: row.title,
// This is double-extra-invalid because various
// constraints in the schema should prevent it (but we
// know from desktop's experience that on-disk
// corruption can cause it, so it's possible) - but
// we treat it as an `error` rather than just a `warn`
None => {
"bookmark {:#} has missing url",
return Ok(None);
BookmarkType::Separator => SeparatorNode {
guid: Some(row.guid.clone()),
date_added: Some(row.date_added),
last_modified: Some(row.last_modified),
None => return Ok(None),
// Skip the rest and return if root is not a folder
if let BookmarkTreeNode::Bookmark { .. } | BookmarkTreeNode::Separator { .. } = root {
return Ok(Some((root, parent_guid, position)));
// For all remaining rows, build a pseudo-tree that maps parent GUIDs to
// ordered children. We need this intermediate step because SQLite returns
// results in level order, so we'll see a node's siblings and cousins (same
// level, but different parents) before any of their descendants.
let mut pseudo_tree: HashMap<SyncGuid, Vec<BookmarkTreeNode>> = HashMap::new();
for result in results {
let row = result?;
// Check if we have done fetching the asked depth
if let FetchDepth::Specific(d) = *target_depth {
if row.level as usize > d + 1 {
let node = match row.node_type {
BookmarkType::Bookmark => match &row.url {
Some(url_str) => match Url::parse(url_str) {
Ok(url) => BookmarkNode {
guid: Some(row.guid.clone()),
date_added: Some(row.date_added),
last_modified: Some(row.last_modified),
title: row.title.clone(),
Err(e) => {
"ignoring malformed bookmark {} - invalid URL: {:?}",
None => {
log::warn!("ignoring malformed bookmark {} - no URL", row.guid);
BookmarkType::Separator => SeparatorNode {
guid: Some(row.guid.clone()),
date_added: Some(row.date_added),
last_modified: Some(row.last_modified),
BookmarkType::Folder => FolderNode {
guid: Some(row.guid.clone()),
date_added: Some(row.date_added),
last_modified: Some(row.last_modified),
title: row.title.clone(),
children: Vec::new(),
if let Some(parent_guid) = row.parent_guid.as_ref().cloned() {
let children = pseudo_tree.entry(parent_guid).or_default();
// Finally, inflate our tree.
inflate(&mut root, &mut pseudo_tree);
Ok(Some((root, parent_guid, position)))
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::api::places_api::test::new_mem_connection;
use crate::storage::bookmarks::BookmarkRootGuid;
use crate::tests::{assert_json_tree, assert_json_tree_with_depth};
use serde_json::json;
// These tests check the SQL that this JSON module does "behind the back" of the
// main storage API.
fn test_fetch_root() -> Result<()> {
let conn = new_mem_connection();
// Fetch the root
let (t, _, _) =
fetch_tree(&conn, &BookmarkRootGuid::Root.into(), &FetchDepth::Deepest)?.unwrap();
let f = match t {
BookmarkTreeNode::Folder { ref f } => f,
_ => panic!("tree root must be a folder"),
assert_eq!(f.guid, Some(BookmarkRootGuid::Root.into()));
assert_eq!(f.children.len(), 4);
fn test_insert_tree_and_fetch_level() -> Result<()> {
let conn = new_mem_connection();
let tree = FolderNode {
guid: Some(BookmarkRootGuid::Unfiled.into()),
children: vec![
BookmarkNode {
guid: None,
date_added: None,
last_modified: None,
title: Some("the bookmark".into()),
url: Url::parse("")?,
FolderNode {
title: Some("A folder".into()),
children: vec![
BookmarkNode {
guid: None,
date_added: None,
last_modified: None,
title: Some("bookmark 1 in A folder".into()),
url: Url::parse("")?,
BookmarkNode {
guid: None,
date_added: None,
last_modified: None,
title: Some("bookmark 2 in A folder".into()),
url: Url::parse("")?,
BookmarkNode {
guid: None,
date_added: None,
last_modified: None,
title: Some("another bookmark".into()),
url: Url::parse("")?,
insert_tree(&conn, tree)?;
let expected = json!({
"guid": &BookmarkRootGuid::Unfiled.as_guid(),
"children": [
"title": "the bookmark",
"title": "A folder",
"children": [
"title": "bookmark 1 in A folder",
"title": "bookmark 2 in A folder",
"title": "another bookmark",
// check it with deepest fetching level.
assert_json_tree(&conn, &BookmarkRootGuid::Unfiled.into(), expected.clone());
// check it with one level deep, which should be the same as the previous
// check it with zero level deep, which should return root and its children only
"guid": &BookmarkRootGuid::Unfiled.as_guid(),
"children": [
"title": "the bookmark",
"title": "A folder",
"children": [],
"title": "another bookmark",