Revision control

Copy as Markdown

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use super::record::{HistoryRecord, HistoryRecordVisit};
use crate::api::history::can_add_url;
use crate::db::PlacesDb;
use crate::error::*;
use crate::storage::{
apply_synced_deletion, apply_synced_reconciliation, apply_synced_visits, fetch_outgoing,
fetch_visits, finish_outgoing, FetchedVisit, FetchedVisitPage,
use crate::types::{UnknownFields, VisitType};
use interrupt_support::Interruptee;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use sync15::bso::{IncomingBso, IncomingKind, OutgoingBso};
use sync15::telemetry;
use sync_guid::Guid as SyncGuid;
use types::Timestamp;
use url::Url;
/// Clamps a history visit date between the current date and the earliest
/// sensible date.
fn clamp_visit_date(visit_date: Timestamp) -> std::result::Result<Timestamp, ()> {
let now = Timestamp::now();
if visit_date > now {
return Ok(now);
if visit_date < Timestamp::EARLIEST {
return Err(());
/// This is the action we will take *locally* for each incoming record.
/// For example, IncomingPlan::Delete means we will be deleting a local record
/// and not that we will be uploading a tombstone or deleting the record itself.
pub enum IncomingPlan {
/// An entry we just want to ignore - either due to the URL etc, or because no changes.
/// Something's wrong with this entry.
/// The entry appears sane, but there was some error.
/// We should locally delete this.
/// We should apply this.
Apply {
url: Url,
new_title: Option<String>,
visits: Vec<HistoryRecordVisit>,
unknown_fields: UnknownFields,
/// Entry exists locally and it's the same as the incoming record. This is
/// subtly different from Skip as we may still need to write metadata to
/// the local DB for reconciled items.
fn plan_incoming_record(conn: &PlacesDb, record: HistoryRecord, max_visits: usize) -> IncomingPlan {
let url = match Url::parse(&record.hist_uri) {
Ok(u) => u,
Err(e) => return IncomingPlan::Invalid(e.into()),
if ! {
return IncomingPlan::Invalid(InvalidPlaceInfo::InvalidGuid.into());
match can_add_url(&url) {
Ok(can) => {
if !can {
return IncomingPlan::Skip;
Err(e) => return IncomingPlan::Failed(e),
// Let's get what we know about it, if anything - last 20, like desktop?
let visit_tuple = match fetch_visits(conn, &url, max_visits) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => return IncomingPlan::Failed(e),
// This all seems more messy than it should be - struggling to find the
// correct signature for fetch_visits.
// An improvement might be to do this via a temp table so we can dedupe
// and apply in one operation rather than the fetch, rust-merge and update
// we are doing here.
let (existing_page, existing_visits): (Option<FetchedVisitPage>, Vec<FetchedVisit>) =
match visit_tuple {
None => (None, Vec::new()),
Some((p, v)) => (Some(p), v),
let guid_changed = match existing_page {
Some(p) => p.guid !=,
None => false,
let mut cur_visit_map: HashSet<(VisitType, Timestamp)> =
for visit in &existing_visits {
// it should be impossible for us to have invalid visits locally, but...
let transition = match visit.visit_type {
Some(t) => t,
None => continue,
match clamp_visit_date(visit.visit_date) {
Ok(date_use) => {
cur_visit_map.insert((transition, date_use));
Err(_) => {
log::warn!("Ignored visit before 1993-01-23");
// If we already have MAX_RECORDS visits, then we will ignore incoming
// visits older than that, to avoid adding dupes of earlier visits.
// (Not really clear why 20 is magic, but what's good enough for desktop
// is good enough for us at this stage.)
// We should also consider pushing this deduping down into storage, where
// it can possibly do a better job directly in SQL or similar.
let earliest_allowed: SystemTime = if existing_visits.len() == max_visits {
existing_visits[existing_visits.len() - 1].visit_date.into()
} else {
// work out which of the incoming visits we should apply.
let mut to_apply = Vec::with_capacity(record.visits.len());
for incoming_visit in record.visits {
let transition = match VisitType::from_primitive(incoming_visit.transition) {
Some(v) => v,
None => continue,
match clamp_visit_date( {
Ok(timestamp) => {
if earliest_allowed > timestamp.into() {
// If the entry isn't in our map we should add it.
let key = (transition, timestamp);
if !cur_visit_map.contains(&key) {
to_apply.push(HistoryRecordVisit {
date: timestamp.into(),
transition: transition as u8,
unknown_fields: incoming_visit.unknown_fields,
Err(()) => {
log::warn!("Ignored visit before 1993-01-23");
// Now we need to check the other attributes.
// Check if we should update title? For now, assume yes. It appears
// as though desktop always updates it.
if guid_changed || !to_apply.is_empty() {
let new_title = Some(record.title);
IncomingPlan::Apply {
visits: to_apply,
unknown_fields: record.unknown_fields,
} else {
pub fn apply_plan(
db: &PlacesDb,
inbound: Vec<IncomingBso>,
telem: &mut telemetry::EngineIncoming,
interruptee: &impl Interruptee,
) -> Result<()> {
// for a first-cut, let's do this in the most naive way possible...
let mut plans: Vec<(SyncGuid, IncomingPlan)> = Vec::with_capacity(inbound.len());
for incoming in inbound {
let content = incoming.into_content::<HistoryRecord>();
let plan = match content.kind {
IncomingKind::Tombstone => IncomingPlan::Delete,
IncomingKind::Content(record) => plan_incoming_record(db, record, MAX_VISITS),
IncomingKind::Malformed => {
// We could push IncomingPlan::Invalid here, but the code before the IncomingKind
// refactor didn't know what `id` to use, so skipped it - so we do too.
"Error deserializing incoming record: {}",
plans.push((, plan));
let mut tx = db.begin_transaction()?;
for (guid, plan) in plans {
match &plan {
IncomingPlan::Skip => {
log::trace!("incoming: skipping item {:?}", guid);
// XXX - should we `telem.reconciled(1);` here?
IncomingPlan::Invalid(err) => {
"incoming: record {:?} skipped because it is invalid: {}",
IncomingPlan::Failed(err) => {
"incoming: record {:?} failed to apply: {}",
IncomingPlan::Delete => {
log::trace!("incoming: deleting {:?}", guid);
apply_synced_deletion(db, &guid)?;
IncomingPlan::Apply {
} => {
"incoming: will apply {guid:?}: url={url:?}, title={new_title:?}, to_add={visits:?}, unknown_fields={unknown_fields:?}"
apply_synced_visits(db, &guid, url, new_title, visits, unknown_fields)?;
IncomingPlan::Reconciled => {
log::trace!("incoming: reconciled {:?}", guid);
apply_synced_reconciliation(db, &guid)?;
if tx.should_commit() {
// Trigger frecency and origin updates before committing the
// transaction, so that our origins table is consistent even
// if we're interrupted.
// ...And commit the final chunk of plans, making sure we trigger
// frecency and origin updates.
log::info!("incoming: {}", serde_json::to_string(&telem).unwrap());
pub fn get_planned_outgoing(db: &PlacesDb) -> Result<Vec<OutgoingBso>> {
// It might make sense for fetch_outgoing to manage its own
// begin_transaction - even though doesn't seem a large bottleneck
// at this time, the fact we hold a single transaction for the entire call
// really is used only for performance, so it's certainly a candidate.
let tx = db.begin_transaction()?;
let outgoing = fetch_outgoing(db, MAX_OUTGOING_PLACES, MAX_VISITS)?;
pub fn finish_plan(db: &PlacesDb) -> Result<()> {
let tx = db.begin_transaction()?;
log::trace!("Committing final sync plan");
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::api::matcher::{search_frecent, SearchParams};
use crate::api::places_api::ConnectionType;
use crate::db::PlacesDb;
use crate::history_sync::ServerVisitTimestamp;
use crate::observation::VisitObservation;
use crate::storage::history::history_sync::fetch_visits;
use crate::storage::history::{apply_observation, delete_visits_for, url_to_guid};
use crate::types::SyncStatus;
use interrupt_support::NeverInterrupts;
use serde_json::json;
use sql_support::ConnExt;
use std::time::Duration;
use sync15::bso::IncomingBso;
use types::Timestamp;
use url::Url;
fn get_existing_guid(conn: &PlacesDb, url: &Url) -> SyncGuid {
url_to_guid(conn, url)
.expect("should have worked")
.expect("should have got a value")
fn get_tombstone_count(conn: &PlacesDb) -> u32 {
let result: Result<Option<u32>> = conn.try_query_row(
"SELECT COUNT(*) from moz_places_tombstones;",
|row| Ok(row.get::<_, u32>(0)?),
.expect("should have worked")
.expect("should have got a value")
fn get_sync(conn: &PlacesDb, url: &Url) -> (SyncStatus, u32) {
let guid_result: Result<Option<(SyncStatus, u32)>> = conn.try_query_row(
"SELECT sync_status, sync_change_counter
FROM moz_places
WHERE url = :url;",
&[(":url", &String::from(url.clone()))],
|row| {
SyncStatus::from_u8(row.get::<_, u8>(0)?),
row.get::<_, u32>(1)?,
.expect("should have worked")
.expect("should have got values")
fn apply_and_get_outgoing(db: &PlacesDb, incoming: Vec<IncomingBso>) -> Vec<OutgoingBso> {
&mut telemetry::EngineIncoming::new(),
.expect("should apply");
get_planned_outgoing(db).expect("should get outgoing")
fn test_invalid_guid() -> Result<()> {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let conn = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let record = HistoryRecord {
id: "foo".into(),
title: "title".into(),
hist_uri: "".into(),
visits: vec![],
unknown_fields: UnknownFields::new(),
plan_incoming_record(&conn, record, 10),
fn test_invalid_url() -> Result<()> {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let conn = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let record = HistoryRecord {
id: "aaaaaaaaaaaa".into(),
title: "title".into(),
hist_uri: "invalid".into(),
visits: vec![],
unknown_fields: UnknownFields::new(),
plan_incoming_record(&conn, record, 10),
fn test_new() -> Result<()> {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let conn = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let visits = vec![HistoryRecordVisit {
date: SystemTime::now().into(),
transition: 1,
unknown_fields: UnknownFields::new(),
let record = HistoryRecord {
id: "aaaaaaaaaaaa".into(),
title: "title".into(),
hist_uri: "".into(),
unknown_fields: UnknownFields::new(),
plan_incoming_record(&conn, record, 10),
IncomingPlan::Apply { .. }
fn test_plan_dupe_visit_same_guid() {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let conn = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync).expect("no memory db");
let now = SystemTime::now();
let url = Url::parse("").expect("is valid");
// add it locally
let obs = VisitObservation::new(url.clone())
apply_observation(&conn, obs).expect("should apply");
// should be New with a change counter.
assert_eq!(get_sync(&conn, &url), (SyncStatus::New, 1));
let guid = get_existing_guid(&conn, &url);
// try and add it remotely.
let visits = vec![HistoryRecordVisit {
date: now.into(),
transition: 1,
unknown_fields: UnknownFields::new(),
let record = HistoryRecord {
id: guid,
title: "title".into(),
hist_uri: "".into(),
unknown_fields: UnknownFields::new(),
// We should have reconciled it.
plan_incoming_record(&conn, record, 10),
fn test_plan_dupe_visit_different_guid_no_visits() {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let conn = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync).expect("no memory db");
let now = SystemTime::now();
let url = Url::parse("").expect("is valid");
// add it locally
let obs = VisitObservation::new(url.clone())
apply_observation(&conn, obs).expect("should apply");
assert_eq!(get_sync(&conn, &url), (SyncStatus::New, 1));
// try and add an incoming record with the same URL but different guid.
let record = HistoryRecord {
id: SyncGuid::random(),
title: "title".into(),
hist_uri: "".into(),
visits: vec![],
unknown_fields: UnknownFields::new(),
// Even though there are no visits we should record that it will be
// applied with the guid change.
plan_incoming_record(&conn, record, 10),
IncomingPlan::Apply { .. }
// These "dupe" tests all do the full application of the plan and checks
// the end state of the db.
fn test_apply_dupe_no_local_visits() -> Result<()> {
// There's a chance the server ends up with different records but
// which reference the same URL.
// This is testing the case when there are no local visits to that URL.
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let db = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let guid1 = SyncGuid::random();
let ts1: Timestamp = (SystemTime::now() - Duration::new(5, 0)).into();
let guid2 = SyncGuid::random();
let ts2: Timestamp = SystemTime::now().into();
let url = Url::parse("")?;
// 2 incoming records with the same URL.
let incoming = vec![
"id": guid1,
"title": "title",
"histUri": url.as_str(),
"visits": [ {"date": ServerVisitTimestamp::from(ts1), "type": 1}]
"id": guid2,
"title": "title",
"histUri": url.as_str(),
"visits": [ {"date": ServerVisitTimestamp::from(ts2), "type": 1}]
"id": guid2,
"title": "title2",
"histUri": url.as_str(),
"visits": [ {"date": ServerVisitTimestamp::from(ts2), "type": 1}]
let outgoing = apply_and_get_outgoing(&db, incoming);
"should have guid1 as outgoing with both visits."
assert_eq!(outgoing[0], guid1);
// should have 1 URL with both visits locally.
let (page, visits) = fetch_visits(&db, &url, 3)?.expect("page exists");
page.guid, guid1,
"page should have the guid from the first record"
page.title, "title2",
"page should have the title from the second record"
assert_eq!(visits.len(), 2, "page should have 2 visits");
fn test_apply_dupe_local_unsynced_visits() -> Result<()> {
// There's a chance the server ends up with different records but
// which reference the same URL.
// This is testing the case when there are a local visits to that URL,
// but they are yet to be synced - the local guid should change and
// all visits should be applied.
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let db = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let guid1 = SyncGuid::random();
let ts1: Timestamp = (SystemTime::now() - Duration::new(5, 0)).into();
let guid2 = SyncGuid::random();
let ts2: Timestamp = SystemTime::now().into();
let url = Url::parse("")?;
let ts_local: Timestamp = (SystemTime::now() - Duration::new(10, 0)).into();
let obs = VisitObservation::new(url.clone())
apply_observation(&db, obs)?;
// 2 incoming records with the same URL.
let incoming = vec![
"id": guid1,
"title": "title",
"histUri": url.as_str(),
"visits": [ {"date": ServerVisitTimestamp::from(ts1), "type": 1}]
"id": guid2,
"title": "title",
"histUri": url.as_str(),
"visits": [ {"date": ServerVisitTimestamp::from(ts2), "type": 1}]
let outgoing = apply_and_get_outgoing(&db, incoming);
assert_eq!(outgoing.len(), 1, "should have guid1 as outgoing");
assert_eq!(outgoing[0], guid1);
// should have 1 URL with all visits locally, but with the first incoming guid.
let (page, visits) = fetch_visits(&db, &url, 3)?.expect("page exists");
assert_eq!(page.guid, guid1, "should have the expected guid");
assert_eq!(visits.len(), 3, "should have all visits");
fn test_apply_dupe_local_synced_visits() -> Result<()> {
// There's a chance the server ends up with different records but
// which reference the same URL.
// This is testing the case when there are a local visits to that URL,
// and they have been synced - the existing guid should not change,
// although all visits should still be applied.
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let db = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let guid1 = SyncGuid::random();
let ts1: Timestamp = (SystemTime::now() - Duration::new(5, 0)).into();
let guid2 = SyncGuid::random();
let ts2: Timestamp = SystemTime::now().into();
let url = Url::parse("")?;
let ts_local: Timestamp = (SystemTime::now() - Duration::new(10, 0)).into();
let obs = VisitObservation::new(url.clone())
apply_observation(&db, obs)?;
// 2 incoming records with the same URL.
let incoming = vec![
"id": guid1,
"title": "title",
"histUri": url.as_str(),
"visits": [ {"date": ServerVisitTimestamp::from(ts1), "type": 1}]
"id": guid2,
"title": "title",
"histUri": url.as_str(),
"sortindex": 0,
"ttl": 100,
"visits": [ {"date": ServerVisitTimestamp::from(ts2), "type": 1}]
let outgoing = apply_and_get_outgoing(&db, incoming);
"should have guid1 as outgoing with both visits."
// should have 1 URL with all visits locally, but with the first incoming guid.
let (page, visits) = fetch_visits(&db, &url, 3)?.expect("page exists");
assert_eq!(page.guid, guid1, "should have the expected guid");
assert_eq!(visits.len(), 3, "should have all visits");
fn test_apply_plan_incoming_invalid_timestamp() -> Result<()> {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let json = json!({
"id": "aaaaaaaaaaaa",
"title": "title",
"histUri": "",
"visits": [ {"date": 15_423_493_234_840_000_000u64, "type": 1}]
let db = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let outgoing = apply_and_get_outgoing(&db, vec![IncomingBso::from_test_content(json)]);
assert_eq!(outgoing.len(), 0, "nothing outgoing");
let now: Timestamp = SystemTime::now().into();
let (_page, visits) =
fetch_visits(&db, &Url::parse("").unwrap(), 2)?.expect("page exists");
assert_eq!(visits.len(), 1);
visits[0].visit_date <= now,
"should have clamped the timestamp"
fn test_apply_plan_incoming_invalid_negative_timestamp() -> Result<()> {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let json = json!({
"id": "aaaaaaaaaaaa",
"title": "title",
"histUri": "",
"visits": [ {"date": -123, "type": 1}]
let db = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let outgoing = apply_and_get_outgoing(&db, vec![IncomingBso::from_test_content(json)]);
assert_eq!(outgoing.len(), 0, "should skip the invalid entry");
fn test_apply_plan_incoming_invalid_visit_type() -> Result<()> {
let db = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let visits = vec![HistoryRecordVisit {
date: SystemTime::now().into(),
transition: 99,
unknown_fields: UnknownFields::new(),
let record = HistoryRecord {
id: "aaaaaaaaaaaa".into(),
title: "title".into(),
hist_uri: "".into(),
unknown_fields: UnknownFields::new(),
let plan = plan_incoming_record(&db, record, 10);
// We expect "Reconciled" because after skipping the invalid visit
// we found nothing to apply.
assert!(matches!(plan, IncomingPlan::Reconciled));
fn test_apply_plan_incoming_new() -> Result<()> {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let now: Timestamp = SystemTime::now().into();
let json = json!({
"id": "aaaaaaaaaaaa",
"title": "title",
"histUri": "",
"visits": [ {"date": ServerVisitTimestamp::from(now), "type": 1}]
let db = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let outgoing = apply_and_get_outgoing(&db, vec![IncomingBso::from_test_content(json)]);
// should have applied it locally.
let (page, visits) =
fetch_visits(&db, &Url::parse("").unwrap(), 2)?.expect("page exists");
assert_eq!(page.title, "title");
assert_eq!(visits.len(), 1);
let visit = visits.into_iter().next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(visit.visit_date, now);
// page should have frecency (going through a public api to get this is a pain)
// XXX - FIXME - searching for "title" here fails to find a result?
// But above, we've checked title is in the record.
let found = search_frecent(
SearchParams {
search_string: "".into(),
limit: 2,
assert_eq!(found.len(), 1);
let result = found.into_iter().next().unwrap();
assert!(result.frecency > 0, "should have frecency");
// and nothing outgoing.
assert_eq!(outgoing.len(), 0);
fn test_apply_plan_outgoing_new() -> Result<()> {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let db = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let url = Url::parse("")?;
let now = SystemTime::now();
let obs = VisitObservation::new(url)
apply_observation(&db, obs)?;
let outgoing = apply_and_get_outgoing(&db, vec![]);
assert_eq!(outgoing.len(), 1);
fn test_simple_visit_reconciliation() -> Result<()> {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let db = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let ts: Timestamp = (SystemTime::now() - Duration::new(5, 0)).into();
let url = Url::parse("")?;
// First add a local visit with the timestamp.
let obs = VisitObservation::new(url.clone())
apply_observation(&db, obs)?;
// Sync status should be "new" and have a change recorded.
assert_eq!(get_sync(&db, &url), (SyncStatus::New, 1));
let guid = get_existing_guid(&db, &url);
// and an incoming record with the same timestamp
let json = json!({
"id": guid,
"title": "title",
"histUri": url.as_str(),
"visits": [ {"date": ServerVisitTimestamp::from(ts), "type": 1}]
apply_and_get_outgoing(&db, vec![IncomingBso::from_test_content(json)]);
// should still have only 1 visit and it should still be local.
let (_page, visits) = fetch_visits(&db, &url, 2)?.expect("page exists");
assert_eq!(visits.len(), 1);
// The item should have changed to Normal and have no change counter.
assert_eq!(get_sync(&db, &url), (SyncStatus::Normal, 0));
fn test_simple_visit_incoming_and_outgoing() -> Result<()> {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let db = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let ts1: Timestamp = (SystemTime::now() - Duration::new(5, 0)).into();
let ts2: Timestamp = SystemTime::now().into();
let url = Url::parse("")?;
// First add a local visit with ts1.
let obs = VisitObservation::new(url.clone())
apply_observation(&db, obs)?;
let guid = get_existing_guid(&db, &url);
// and an incoming record with ts2
let json = json!({
"id": guid,
"title": "title",
"histUri": url.as_str(),
"visits": [ {"date": ServerVisitTimestamp::from(ts2), "type": 1}]
let outgoing = apply_and_get_outgoing(&db, vec![IncomingBso::from_test_content(json)]);
// should now have both visits locally.
let (_page, visits) = fetch_visits(&db, &url, 3)?.expect("page exists");
assert_eq!(visits.len(), 2);
// and the record should still be in outgoing due to our local change.
assert_eq!(outgoing.len(), 1);
let record = outgoing[0].to_test_incoming_t::<HistoryRecord>();
assert_eq!(, guid);
assert_eq!(record.visits.len(), 2, "should have both visits outgoing");
"most recent timestamp should be first"
"both timestamps should appear"
fn test_incoming_tombstone_local_new() -> Result<()> {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let db = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let url = Url::parse("")?;
let obs = VisitObservation::new(url.clone())
apply_observation(&db, obs)?;
assert_eq!(get_sync(&db, &url), (SyncStatus::New, 1));
let guid = get_existing_guid(&db, &url);
// and an incoming tombstone for that guid
let json = json!({
"id": guid,
"deleted": true,
let outgoing = apply_and_get_outgoing(&db, vec![IncomingBso::from_test_content(json)]);
assert_eq!(outgoing.len(), 0, "should be nothing outgoing");
assert_eq!(get_tombstone_count(&db), 0, "should be no tombstones");
fn test_incoming_tombstone_local_normal() -> Result<()> {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let db = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let url = Url::parse("")?;
let obs = VisitObservation::new(url.clone())
apply_observation(&db, obs)?;
let guid = get_existing_guid(&db, &url);
// Set the status to normal
apply_and_get_outgoing(&db, vec![]);
// It should have changed to normal but still have the initial counter.
assert_eq!(get_sync(&db, &url), (SyncStatus::Normal, 1));
// and an incoming tombstone for that guid
let json = json!({
"id": guid,
"deleted": true,
let outgoing = apply_and_get_outgoing(&db, vec![IncomingBso::from_test_content(json)]);
assert_eq!(outgoing.len(), 0, "should be nothing outgoing");
fn test_outgoing_tombstone() -> Result<()> {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let db = PlacesDb::open_in_memory(ConnectionType::Sync)?;
let url = Url::parse("")?;
let obs = VisitObservation::new(url.clone())
apply_observation(&db, obs)?;
let guid = get_existing_guid(&db, &url);
// Set the status to normal
apply_and_get_outgoing(&db, vec![]);
// It should have changed to normal but still have the initial counter.
assert_eq!(get_sync(&db, &url), (SyncStatus::Normal, 1));
// Delete it.
delete_visits_for(&db, &guid)?;
// should be a local tombstone.
assert_eq!(get_tombstone_count(&db), 1);
let outgoing = apply_and_get_outgoing(&db, vec![]);
assert_eq!(outgoing.len(), 1, "tombstone should be uploaded");
// tombstone should be removed.
assert_eq!(get_tombstone_count(&db), 0);
fn test_clamp_visit_date() {
let ts = Timestamp::from(727_747_199_999);
let ts = Timestamp::now();
assert_eq!(clamp_visit_date(ts), Ok(ts));