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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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use crate::error::*;
use crate::types::VisitType;
use error_support::trace_error;
use rusqlite::Connection;
use types::Timestamp;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
enum RedirectBonus {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct FrecencySettings {
// TODO: These probably should not all be i32s...
pub num_visits: i32, // from "places.frecency.numVisits"
pub first_bucket_cutoff_days: i32, // from "places.frecency.firstBucketCutoff"
pub second_bucket_cutoff_days: i32, // from "places.frecency.secondBucketCutoff"
pub third_bucket_cutoff_days: i32, // from "places.frecency.thirdBucketCutoff"
pub fourth_bucket_cutoff_days: i32, // from "places.frecency.fourthBucketCutoff"
pub first_bucket_weight: i32, // from "places.frecency.firstBucketWeight"
pub second_bucket_weight: i32, // from "places.frecency.secondBucketWeight"
pub third_bucket_weight: i32, // from "places.frecency.thirdBucketWeight"
pub fourth_bucket_weight: i32, // from "places.frecency.fourthBucketWeight"
pub default_bucket_weight: i32, // from "places.frecency.defaultBucketWeight"
pub embed_visit_bonus: i32, // from "places.frecency.embedVisitBonus"
pub framed_link_visit_bonus: i32, // from "places.frecency.framedLinkVisitBonus"
pub link_visit_bonus: i32, // from "places.frecency.linkVisitBonus"
pub typed_visit_bonus: i32, // from "places.frecency.typedVisitBonus"
pub bookmark_visit_bonus: i32, // from "places.frecency.bookmarkVisitBonus"
pub download_visit_bonus: i32, // from "places.frecency.downloadVisitBonus"
pub permanent_redirect_visit_bonus: i32, // from "places.frecency.permRedirectVisitBonus"
pub temporary_redirect_visit_bonus: i32, // from "places.frecency.tempRedirectVisitBonus"
pub redirect_source_visit_bonus: i32, // from "places.frecency.redirectSourceVisitBonus"
pub default_visit_bonus: i32, // from "places.frecency.defaultVisitBonus"
pub unvisited_bookmark_bonus: i32, // from "places.frecency.unvisitedBookmarkBonus"
pub unvisited_typed_bonus: i32, // from "places.frecency.unvisitedTypedBonus"
pub reload_visit_bonus: i32, // from "places.frecency.reloadVisitBonus"
pub const DEFAULT_FRECENCY_SETTINGS: FrecencySettings = FrecencySettings {
// These are the default values of the preferences.
num_visits: 10,
first_bucket_cutoff_days: 4,
second_bucket_cutoff_days: 14,
third_bucket_cutoff_days: 31,
fourth_bucket_cutoff_days: 90,
first_bucket_weight: 100,
second_bucket_weight: 70,
third_bucket_weight: 50,
fourth_bucket_weight: 30,
default_bucket_weight: 10,
embed_visit_bonus: 0,
framed_link_visit_bonus: 0,
link_visit_bonus: 100,
typed_visit_bonus: 2000,
bookmark_visit_bonus: 75,
download_visit_bonus: 0,
permanent_redirect_visit_bonus: 0,
temporary_redirect_visit_bonus: 0,
redirect_source_visit_bonus: 25,
default_visit_bonus: 0,
unvisited_bookmark_bonus: 140,
unvisited_typed_bonus: 200,
reload_visit_bonus: 0,
impl Default for FrecencySettings {
fn default() -> Self {
impl FrecencySettings {
// Note: in Places, `redirect` defaults to false.
pub fn get_transition_bonus(
visit_type: Option<VisitType>,
visited: bool,
redirect: bool,
) -> i32 {
if redirect {
return self.redirect_source_visit_bonus;
match (visit_type, visited) {
(Some(VisitType::Link), _) => self.link_visit_bonus,
(Some(VisitType::Embed), _) => self.embed_visit_bonus,
(Some(VisitType::FramedLink), _) => self.framed_link_visit_bonus,
(Some(VisitType::RedirectPermanent), _) => self.temporary_redirect_visit_bonus,
(Some(VisitType::RedirectTemporary), _) => self.permanent_redirect_visit_bonus,
(Some(VisitType::Download), _) => self.download_visit_bonus,
(Some(VisitType::Reload), _) => self.reload_visit_bonus,
(Some(VisitType::Typed), true) => self.typed_visit_bonus,
(Some(VisitType::Typed), false) => self.unvisited_typed_bonus,
(Some(VisitType::Bookmark), true) => self.bookmark_visit_bonus,
(Some(VisitType::Bookmark), false) => self.unvisited_bookmark_bonus,
(Some(VisitType::UpdatePlace), _) => self.default_visit_bonus,
// 0 == undefined (see bug 375777 in bugzilla for details)
(None, _) => self.default_visit_bonus,
fn get_frecency_aged_weight(&self, age_in_days: i32) -> i32 {
if age_in_days <= self.first_bucket_cutoff_days {
} else if age_in_days <= self.second_bucket_cutoff_days {
} else if age_in_days <= self.third_bucket_cutoff_days {
} else if age_in_days <= self.fourth_bucket_cutoff_days {
} else {
struct FrecencyComputation<'db, 's> {
conn: &'db Connection,
settings: &'s FrecencySettings,
page_id: i64,
most_recent_redirect_bonus: RedirectBonus,
typed: i32,
visit_count: i32,
foreign_count: i32,
is_query: bool,
impl<'db, 's> FrecencyComputation<'db, 's> {
fn new(
conn: &'db Connection,
settings: &'s FrecencySettings,
page_id: i64,
most_recent_redirect_bonus: RedirectBonus,
) -> Result<Self> {
let mut stmt = conn.prepare_cached(
(visit_count_local + visit_count_remote) as visit_count,
(substr(url, 0, 7) = 'place:') as is_query
FROM moz_places
WHERE id = :page_id
let mut rows = stmt.query(&[(":page_id", &page_id)])?;
// trace_error to track down #4856
let row = trace_error!(;
let typed: i32 = row.get("typed")?;
let visit_count: i32 = row.get("visit_count")?;
let foreign_count: i32 = row.get("foreign_count")?;
let is_query: bool = row.get("is_query")?;
Ok(Self {
fn has_bookmark(&self) -> bool {
self.foreign_count > 0
fn score_recent_visits(&self) -> Result<(usize, f32)> {
// Get a sample of the last visits to the page, to calculate its weight.
// In case the visit is a redirect target, calculate the frecency
// as if the original page was visited.
// If it's a redirect source, we may want to use a lower bonus.
let get_recent_visits = format!(
IFNULL(origin.visit_type, v.visit_type) AS visit_type,
target.visit_type AS target_visit_type,
FROM moz_historyvisits v
LEFT JOIN moz_historyvisits origin ON = v.from_visit
AND v.visit_type IN ({redirect_permanent}, {redirect_temporary})
LEFT JOIN moz_historyvisits target ON = target.from_visit
AND target.visit_type IN ({redirect_permanent}, {redirect_temporary})
WHERE v.place_id = :page_id
ORDER BY v.visit_date DESC
LIMIT {max_visits}",
redirect_permanent = VisitType::RedirectPermanent as u8,
redirect_temporary = VisitType::RedirectTemporary as u8,
// in practice this is constant, so caching the query is fine.
// (rusqlite has a max cache size too should things change)
max_visits = self.settings.num_visits,
let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare_cached(&get_recent_visits)?;
let now = Timestamp::now();
let row_iter = stmt.query_and_then(
&[(":page_id", &self.page_id)],
|row| -> rusqlite::Result<_> {
let visit_type = row.get::<_, Option<u8>>("visit_type")?.unwrap_or(0);
let target_visit_type = row.get::<_, Option<u8>>("target_visit_type")?.unwrap_or(0);
let visit_date: Timestamp = row.get("visit_date")?;
let age_in_days =
(now.as_millis() as f64 - visit_date.as_millis() as f64) / 86_400_000.0;
age_in_days.round() as i32,
let mut num_sampled_visits = 0;
let mut points_for_sampled_visits = 0.0f32;
for row_result in row_iter {
let (visit_type, target_visit_type, age_in_days) = row_result?;
// When adding a new visit, we should haved passed-in whether we should
// use the redirect bonus. We can't fetch this information from the
// database, because we only store redirect targets.
// For older visits we extract the value from the database.
let use_redirect_bonus = if self.most_recent_redirect_bonus == RedirectBonus::Unknown
|| num_sampled_visits > 0
target_visit_type == Some(VisitType::RedirectPermanent)
|| (target_visit_type == Some(VisitType::RedirectTemporary)
&& visit_type != Some(VisitType::Typed))
} else {
self.most_recent_redirect_bonus == RedirectBonus::Redirect
let mut bonus =
.get_transition_bonus(visit_type, true, use_redirect_bonus);
if self.has_bookmark() {
bonus += self
.get_transition_bonus(Some(VisitType::Bookmark), true, false);
if bonus != 0 {
let weight = self.settings.get_frecency_aged_weight(age_in_days) as f32;
points_for_sampled_visits += weight * (bonus as f32 / 100.0)
num_sampled_visits += 1;
Ok((num_sampled_visits, points_for_sampled_visits))
fn get_frecency_for_sample(&self, num_sampled: usize, score: f32) -> i32 {
if score == 0.0f32 {
// We were unable to calculate points, maybe cause all the visits in the
// sample had a zero bonus. Though, we know the page has some past valid
// visit, or visit_count would be zero. Thus we set the frecency to
// -1, so they are still shown in autocomplete.
} else {
// Estimate frecency using the sampled visits.
// Use ceil() so that we don't round down to 0, which
// would cause us to completely ignore the place during autocomplete.
((self.visit_count as f32) * score.ceil() / (num_sampled as f32)).ceil() as i32
fn compute_unvisited_bookmark_frecency(&self) -> i32 {
// Make it so something bookmarked and typed will have a higher frecency
// than something just typed or just bookmarked.
let mut bonus = self
.get_transition_bonus(Some(VisitType::Bookmark), false, false);
if self.typed != 0 {
bonus += self
.get_transition_bonus(Some(VisitType::Typed), false, false);
// Assume "now" as our age_in_days, so use the first bucket.
let score = (self.settings.first_bucket_weight as f32) * (bonus as f32 / 100.0f32);
// use ceil() so that we don't round down to 0, which
// would cause us to completely ignore the place during autocomplete
score.ceil() as i32
pub fn calculate_frecency(
db: &Connection,
settings: &FrecencySettings,
page_id: i64,
is_redirect: Option<bool>,
) -> Result<i32> {
assert!(page_id > 0, "calculate_frecency given invalid page_id");
let most_recent_redirect_bonus = match is_redirect {
None => RedirectBonus::Unknown,
Some(true) => RedirectBonus::Redirect,
Some(false) => RedirectBonus::Normal,
let fc = FrecencyComputation::new(db, settings, page_id, most_recent_redirect_bonus)?;
let (num_sampled_visits, sample_score) = if fc.visit_count > 0 {
} else {
(0, 0.0f32)
Ok(if num_sampled_visits > 0 {
// If we sampled some visits for this page, use the calculated weight.
fc.get_frecency_for_sample(num_sampled_visits, sample_score)
} else if !fc.has_bookmark() || fc.is_query {
// Otherwise, this page has no visits, it may be bookmarked.
} else {
// For unvisited bookmarks, produce a non-zero frecency, so that they show
// up in URL bar autocomplete.