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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use crate::storage::bookmarks::BookmarkRootGuid;
use crate::types::BookmarkType;
use error_support::{ErrorHandling, GetErrorHandling};
use interrupt_support::Interrupted;
// Result type used internally
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
// Functions which are part of the public API should use this Result.
pub type ApiResult<T> = std::result::Result<T, PlacesApiError>;
// Errors we return via the public interface.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum PlacesApiError {
#[error("Unexpected error: {reason}")]
UnexpectedPlacesException { reason: String },
/// Thrown for invalid URLs
/// This includes attempting to insert a URL greater than 65536 bytes
/// (after punycoding and percent encoding).
#[error("UrlParseFailed: {reason}")]
UrlParseFailed { reason: String },
#[error("PlacesConnectionBusy error: {reason}")]
PlacesConnectionBusy { reason: String },
#[error("Operation Interrupted: {reason}")]
OperationInterrupted { reason: String },
/// Thrown when providing a guid to a create or update function
/// which does not refer to a known bookmark.
#[error("Unknown bookmark: {reason}")]
UnknownBookmarkItem { reason: String },
/// Attempt to create/update/delete a bookmark item in an illegal way.
/// Some examples:
/// - Attempting to change the URL of a bookmark folder
/// - Referring to a non-folder as the parentGUID parameter to a create or update
/// - Attempting to insert a child under BookmarkRoot.Root,
#[error("Invalid bookmark operation: {reason}")]
InvalidBookmarkOperation { reason: String },
/// Error enum used internally
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Invalid place info: {0}")]
InvalidPlaceInfo(#[from] InvalidPlaceInfo),
#[error("The store is corrupt: {0}")]
Corruption(#[from] Corruption),
#[error("Error synchronizing: {0}")]
SyncAdapterError(#[from] sync15::Error),
#[error("Error merging: {0}")]
MergeError(#[from] dogear::Error),
#[error("Error parsing JSON data: {0}")]
JsonError(#[from] serde_json::Error),
#[error("Error executing SQL: {0}")]
SqlError(#[from] rusqlite::Error),
#[error("Error parsing URL: {0}")]
UrlParseError(#[from] url::ParseError),
#[error("A connection of this type is already open")]
#[error("An invalid connection type was specified")]
#[error("IO error: {0}")]
IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error("Operation interrupted")]
InterruptedError(#[from] Interrupted),
#[error("Tried to close connection on wrong PlacesApi instance")]
#[error("Incoming bookmark missing type")]
#[error("Synced bookmark has unsupported kind {0}")]
#[error("Synced bookmark has unsupported validity {0}")]
// This will happen if you provide something absurd like
// "/" or "" as your database path. For more subtley broken paths,
// we'll likely return an IoError.
#[error("Illegal database path: {0:?}")]
#[error("UTF8 Error: {0}")]
Utf8Error(#[from] std::str::Utf8Error),
// This error is saying an old Fennec or iOS version isn't supported - it's never used for
// our specific version.
#[error("Can not import from database version {0}")]
#[error("Error opening database: {0}")]
OpenDatabaseError(#[from] sql_support::open_database::Error),
#[error("Invalid metadata observation: {0}")]
InvalidMetadataObservation(#[from] InvalidMetadataObservation),
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum InvalidPlaceInfo {
#[error("No url specified")]
#[error("Invalid guid")]
#[error("Invalid parent: {0}")]
#[error("Invalid child guid")]
// NoSuchGuid is used for guids, which aren't considered private information,
// so it's fine if this error, including the guid, is in the logs.
#[error("No such item: {0}")]
// NoSuchUrl is used for URLs, which are private information, so the URL
// itself is not included in the error.
#[error("No such url")]
#[error("Can't update a bookmark of type {0} with one of type {1}")]
MismatchedBookmarkType(u8, u8),
// Only returned when attempting to insert a bookmark --
// for history we just ignore it.
#[error("URL too long")]
// Like Urls, a tag is considered private info, so the value isn't in the error.
#[error("The tag value is invalid")]
#[error("Cannot change the '{0}' property of a bookmark of type {1:?}")]
IllegalChange(&'static str, BookmarkType),
#[error("Cannot update the bookmark root {0:?}")]
// Error types used when we can't continue due to corruption.
// Note that this is currently only for "logical" corruption. Should we
// consider mapping sqlite error codes which mean a lower-level of corruption
// into an enum value here?
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Corruption {
#[error("Bookmark '{0}' has a parent of '{1}' which does not exist")]
NoParent(String, String),
#[error("The local roots are invalid")]
#[error("The synced roots are invalid")]
#[error("Bookmark '{0}' has no parent but is not the bookmarks root")]
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum InvalidMetadataObservation {
#[error("Observed view time is invalid (too long)")]
// Define how our internal errors are handled and converted to external errors
// See `support/error/` for how this works, especially the warning about PII.
impl GetErrorHandling for Error {
type ExternalError = PlacesApiError;
fn get_error_handling(&self) -> ErrorHandling<Self::ExternalError> {
match self {
Error::InvalidPlaceInfo(info) => {
let label = info.to_string();
ErrorHandling::convert(match &info {
InvalidPlaceInfo::InvalidParent(..) => {
PlacesApiError::InvalidBookmarkOperation { reason: label }
InvalidPlaceInfo::UrlTooLong => {
PlacesApiError::UrlParseFailed { reason: label }
InvalidPlaceInfo::NoSuchGuid(..) => {
PlacesApiError::UnknownBookmarkItem { reason: label }
InvalidPlaceInfo::IllegalChange(..) => {
PlacesApiError::InvalidBookmarkOperation { reason: label }
InvalidPlaceInfo::CannotUpdateRoot(..) => {
PlacesApiError::InvalidBookmarkOperation { reason: label }
_ => PlacesApiError::UnexpectedPlacesException { reason: label },
Error::UrlParseError(e) => {
// This is a known issue with invalid URLs coming from Fenix. Let's just log a
// warning for this one. See #5235 for more details.
ErrorHandling::convert(PlacesApiError::UrlParseFailed {
reason: e.to_string(),
// Can't pattern match on `err` without adding a dep on the sqlite3-sys crate,
// so we just use a `if` guard.
Error::SqlError(rusqlite::Error::SqliteFailure(err, _))
if err.code == rusqlite::ErrorCode::DatabaseBusy =>
ErrorHandling::convert(PlacesApiError::PlacesConnectionBusy {
reason: self.to_string(),
Error::SqlError(rusqlite::Error::SqliteFailure(err, _))
if err.code == rusqlite::ErrorCode::OperationInterrupted =>
ErrorHandling::convert(PlacesApiError::OperationInterrupted {
reason: self.to_string(),
Error::InterruptedError(err) => {
// Can't unify with the above ... :(
ErrorHandling::convert(PlacesApiError::OperationInterrupted {
reason: err.to_string(),
Error::Corruption(e) => {
ErrorHandling::convert(PlacesApiError::UnexpectedPlacesException {
reason: e.to_string(),
Error::SyncAdapterError(e) => {
match e {
sync15::Error::StoreError(store_error) => {
// If it's a type-erased version of one of our errors, try
// and resolve it.
if let Some(places_err) = store_error.downcast_ref::<Error>() {
log::info!("Recursing to resolve places error");
} else {
ErrorHandling::convert(PlacesApiError::UnexpectedPlacesException {
reason: self.to_string(),
_ => ErrorHandling::convert(PlacesApiError::UnexpectedPlacesException {
reason: self.to_string(),
Error::InvalidMetadataObservation(InvalidMetadataObservation::ViewTimeTooLong) => {
ErrorHandling::convert(PlacesApiError::UnexpectedPlacesException {
reason: self.to_string(),
_ => ErrorHandling::convert(PlacesApiError::UnexpectedPlacesException {
reason: self.to_string(),