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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package mozilla.appservices.places
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.BookmarkItem
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.BookmarkPosition
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.BookmarkUpdateInfo
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.ConnectionType
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.DocumentType
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.FrecencyThresholdOption
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.HistoryHighlight
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.HistoryHighlightWeights
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.HistoryMetadata
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.HistoryMetadataObservation
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.HistoryVisitInfo
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.HistoryVisitInfosWithBound
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.InsertableBookmark
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.InsertableBookmarkFolder
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.InsertableBookmarkItem
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.InsertableBookmarkSeparator
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesApiException
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.SearchResult
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.SqlInterruptHandle
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.TopFrecentSiteInfo
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.VisitObservation
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.VisitType
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.placesApiNew
import mozilla.appservices.sync15.SyncTelemetryPing
import mozilla.telemetry.glean.private.CounterMetricType
import mozilla.telemetry.glean.private.LabeledMetricType
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesApi as UniffiPlacesApi
import mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesConnection as UniffiPlacesConnection
import org.mozilla.appservices.places.GleanMetrics.PlacesManager as PlacesManagerMetrics
typealias Url = String
typealias Guid = String
* An implementation of a [PlacesManager] backed by a Rust Places library.
* This type, as well as all connection types, are thread safe (they perform locking internally
* where necessary).
* @param path an absolute path to a file that will be used for the internal database.
class PlacesApi(path: String) : PlacesManager, AutoCloseable {
// References to our "api" object and the single writer connection.
private var api: UniffiPlacesApi
private var writeConn: PlacesWriterConnection
init {
// pushback on allowing this to actually be a constructor, so it's a global
// function instead :(
api = placesApiNew(path)
val uniffiConnection = api.newConnection(ConnectionType.READ_WRITE)
writeConn = PlacesWriterConnection(uniffiConnection, this)
companion object {
// These numbers come from `places::db::ConnectionType`
private const val READ_ONLY: Int = 1
private const val READ_WRITE: Int = 2
override fun registerWithSyncManager() {
override fun openReader(): PlacesReaderConnection {
val conn = api.newConnection(ConnectionType.READ_ONLY)
return PlacesReaderConnection(conn)
override fun getWriter(): PlacesWriterConnection {
return writeConn
override fun close() {
override fun syncHistory(syncInfo: SyncAuthInfo): SyncTelemetryPing {
val pingJSONString = this.api.historySync(
return SyncTelemetryPing.fromJSONString(pingJSONString)
override fun syncBookmarks(syncInfo: SyncAuthInfo): SyncTelemetryPing {
val pingJSONString = this.api.bookmarksSync(
return SyncTelemetryPing.fromJSONString(pingJSONString)
override fun resetHistorySyncMetadata() {
override fun resetBookmarkSyncMetadata() {
return this.api.bookmarksReset()
open class PlacesConnection internal constructor(uniffiConn: UniffiPlacesConnection) : InterruptibleConnection, AutoCloseable {
protected var conn: UniffiPlacesConnection
protected var interruptHandle: SqlInterruptHandle
init {
interruptHandle = uniffiConn.newInterruptHandle()
conn = uniffiConn
protected fun destroy() {
override fun close() {
override fun interrupt() {
* An implementation of a [ReadableHistoryConnection], used for read-only
* access to places APIs.
* This class is thread safe.
open class PlacesReaderConnection internal constructor(conn: UniffiPlacesConnection) :
ReadableBookmarksConnection {
override fun queryAutocomplete(query: String, limit: Int): List<SearchResult> {
return this.conn.queryAutocomplete(query, limit)
override fun matchUrl(query: String): Url? {
return this.conn.matchUrl(query)
override fun getTopFrecentSiteInfos(numItems: Int, frecencyThreshold: FrecencyThresholdOption): List<TopFrecentSiteInfo> {
return this.conn.getTopFrecentSiteInfos(numItems, frecencyThreshold)
override fun getVisited(urls: List<String>): List<Boolean> {
return this.conn.getVisited(urls)
override fun getVisitedUrlsInRange(start: Long, end: Long, includeRemote: Boolean): List<String> {
return this.conn.getVisitedUrlsInRange(start, end, includeRemote)
override fun getVisitInfos(start: Long, end: Long, excludeTypes: List<VisitType>): List<HistoryVisitInfo> {
readQueryCounters.measure {
return this.conn.getVisitInfos(start, end, visitTransitionSet(excludeTypes))
override fun getVisitPage(offset: Long, count: Long, excludeTypes: List<VisitType>): List<HistoryVisitInfo> {
return this.conn.getVisitPage(offset, count, visitTransitionSet(excludeTypes))
override fun getVisitPageWithBound(
bound: Long,
offset: Long,
count: Long,
excludeTypes: List<VisitType>,
): HistoryVisitInfosWithBound {
return this.conn.getVisitPageWithBound(offset, bound, count, visitTransitionSet(excludeTypes))
override fun getVisitCount(excludeTypes: List<VisitType>): Long {
return this.conn.getVisitCount(visitTransitionSet(excludeTypes))
override suspend fun getLatestHistoryMetadataForUrl(url: Url): HistoryMetadata? {
return readQueryCounters.measure {
override suspend fun getHistoryMetadataSince(since: Long): List<HistoryMetadata> {
return readQueryCounters.measure {
override suspend fun getHistoryMetadataBetween(start: Long, end: Long): List<HistoryMetadata> {
return readQueryCounters.measure {
this.conn.getHistoryMetadataBetween(start, end)
override suspend fun queryHistoryMetadata(query: String, limit: Int): List<HistoryMetadata> {
return readQueryCounters.measure {
this.conn.queryHistoryMetadata(query, limit)
override suspend fun getHighlights(
weights: HistoryHighlightWeights,
limit: Int,
): List<HistoryHighlight> {
return readQueryCounters.measure {
this.conn.getHistoryHighlights(weights, limit)
override fun getBookmark(guid: Guid): BookmarkItem? {
return readQueryCounters.measure {
this.conn.bookmarksGetByGuid(guid, false)
override fun getBookmarksTree(rootGUID: Guid, recursive: Boolean): BookmarkItem? {
if (recursive) {
return this.conn.bookmarksGetTree(rootGUID)
} else {
return this.conn.bookmarksGetByGuid(rootGUID, true)
override fun getBookmarksWithURL(url: Url): List<BookmarkItem> {
return readQueryCounters.measure {
override fun getBookmarkUrlForKeyword(keyword: String): Url? {
return this.conn.bookmarksGetUrlForKeyword(keyword)
override fun searchBookmarks(query: String, limit: Int): List<BookmarkItem> {
return readQueryCounters.measure {
this.conn.bookmarksSearch(query, limit)
override fun getRecentBookmarks(limit: Int): List<BookmarkItem> {
return readQueryCounters.measure {
override fun countBookmarksInTrees(guids: List<Guid>): UInt {
return readQueryCounters.measure {
private val readQueryCounters: PlacesManagerCounterMetrics by lazy {
internal fun VisitType.toInt(): Int {
return when (this) {
VisitType.LINK -> 1
VisitType.TYPED -> 2
VisitType.BOOKMARK -> 3
VisitType.EMBED -> 4
VisitType.DOWNLOAD -> 7
VisitType.FRAMED_LINK -> 8
VisitType.RELOAD -> 9
VisitType.UPDATE_PLACE -> 10
fun visitTransitionSet(l: List<VisitType>): Int {
var res = 0
for (ty in l) {
res = res or (1 shl ty.toInt())
return res
* An implementation of a [WritableHistoryConnection], use for read or write
* access to the Places APIs.
* This class is thread safe.
class PlacesWriterConnection internal constructor(conn: UniffiPlacesConnection, api: PlacesApi) :
WritableBookmarksConnection {
// The reference to our PlacesAPI. Mostly used to know how to handle getting closed.
val apiRef = WeakReference(api)
override fun noteObservation(data: VisitObservation) {
return writeQueryCounters.measure {
override fun deleteVisitsFor(url: String) {
return writeQueryCounters.measure {
override fun deleteVisit(url: String, visitTimestamp: Long) {
return writeQueryCounters.measure {
this.conn.deleteVisit(url, visitTimestamp)
override fun deleteVisitsSince(since: Long) {
deleteVisitsBetween(since, Long.MAX_VALUE)
override fun deleteVisitsBetween(startTime: Long, endTime: Long) {
return writeQueryCounters.measure {
this.conn.deleteVisitsBetween(startTime, endTime)
override fun runMaintenance(dbSizeLimit: UInt) {
val pruneMetrics = PlacesManagerMetrics.runMaintenanceTime.measure {
val pruneMetrics = PlacesManagerMetrics.runMaintenancePruneTime.measure {
this.conn.runMaintenancePrune(dbSizeLimit, 12U)
PlacesManagerMetrics.runMaintenanceVacuumTime.measure {
PlacesManagerMetrics.runMaintenanceOptimizeTime.measure {
PlacesManagerMetrics.runMaintenanceChkPntTime.measure {
PlacesManagerMetrics.dbSizeAfterMaintenance.accumulateSamples(listOf(pruneMetrics.dbSizeAfter.toLong() / 1024))
override fun deleteEverything() {
return writeQueryCounters.measure {
override fun deleteAllBookmarks() {
return writeQueryCounters.measure {
override fun deleteBookmarkNode(guid: Guid): Boolean {
return writeQueryCounters.measure {
override suspend fun noteHistoryMetadataObservation(observation: HistoryMetadataObservation) {
// Different types of `HistoryMetadataObservation` are flattened out into a list of values.
// The other side of this (rust code) is going to deal with missing/absent values. We're just
// passing them along here.
// NB: Even though `MsgTypes.HistoryMetadataObservation` has an optional title field, we ignore it here.
// That's used by consumers which aren't already using the history observation APIs.
return writeQueryCounters.measure {
override suspend fun noteHistoryMetadataObservationViewTime(key: HistoryMetadataKey, viewTime: Int) {
val obs = HistoryMetadataObservation(
url = key.url,
searchTerm = key.searchTerm,
referrerUrl = key.referrerUrl,
viewTime = viewTime,
override suspend fun noteHistoryMetadataObservationDocumentType(key: HistoryMetadataKey, documentType: DocumentType) {
val obs = HistoryMetadataObservation(
url = key.url,
searchTerm = key.searchTerm,
referrerUrl = key.referrerUrl,
documentType = documentType,
override suspend fun deleteHistoryMetadataOlderThan(olderThan: Long) {
return writeQueryCounters.measure {
override suspend fun deleteHistoryMetadata(key: HistoryMetadataKey) {
return writeQueryCounters.measure {
// Does the shared insert work.
private fun doInsert(item: InsertableBookmarkItem): Guid {
return writeQueryCounters.measure {
override fun createFolder(parentGUID: Guid, title: String, position: UInt?): Guid {
val p = if (position == null) {
} else {
val folder = InsertableBookmarkFolder(parentGuid = parentGUID, position = p, title = title, children = emptyList())
return this.doInsert(InsertableBookmarkItem.Folder(folder))
override fun createSeparator(parentGUID: Guid, position: UInt?): Guid {
val p = if (position == null) {
} else {
val sep = InsertableBookmarkSeparator(parentGuid = parentGUID, position = p)
return this.doInsert(InsertableBookmarkItem.Separator(sep))
override fun createBookmarkItem(parentGUID: Guid, url: Url, title: String, position: UInt?): Guid {
val p = if (position == null) {
} else {
val bm = InsertableBookmark(parentGuid = parentGUID, position = p, url = url, title = title)
return this.doInsert(InsertableBookmarkItem.Bookmark(bm))
override fun updateBookmark(guid: Guid, parentGuid: Guid?, position: UInt?, title: String?, url: Url?) {
val p: UInt? = if (position == null) {
} else {
return writeQueryCounters.measure {
val info = BookmarkUpdateInfo(guid = guid, title = title, url = url, parentGuid = parentGuid, position = p)
return this.conn.bookmarksUpdate(info)
override fun acceptResult(searchString: String, url: String) {
return this.conn.acceptResult(searchString, url)
override fun close() {
// If our API is still around, do nothing.
if (apiRef.get() == null) {
// Otherwise, it must have gotten GCed without calling close() :(
// So we go through the non-writer connection destructor.
private val writeQueryCounters: PlacesManagerCounterMetrics by lazy {
* A class for providing the auth-related information needed to sync.
* Note that this has the same shape as `SyncUnlockInfo` from logins - we
* probably want a way of sharing these.
class SyncAuthInfo(
val kid: String,
val fxaAccessToken: String,
val syncKey: String,
val tokenserverURL: String,
* An API for interacting with Places. This is the top-level entry-point, and
* exposes functions which return lower-level objects with the core
* functionality.
interface PlacesManager {
* Registers with the sync manager.
* Call this to enable bookmarks/history syncing functionality
fun registerWithSyncManager()
* Open a reader connection.
fun openReader(): ReadableHistoryConnection
* Get a reference to the writer connection.
* This should always return the same object.
fun getWriter(): WritableHistoryConnection
* Syncs the places history store, returning a telemetry ping.
* Note that this function blocks until the sync is complete, which may
* take some time due to the network etc. Because only 1 thread can be
* using a PlacesAPI at a time, it is recommended, but not enforced, that
* you have all connections you intend using open before calling this.
fun syncHistory(syncInfo: SyncAuthInfo): SyncTelemetryPing
* Syncs the places bookmarks store, returning a telemetry ping.
* Note that this function blocks until the sync is complete, which may
* take some time due to the network etc. Because only 1 thread can be
* using a PlacesAPI at a time, it is recommended, but not enforced, that
* you have all connections you intend using open before calling this.
fun syncBookmarks(syncInfo: SyncAuthInfo): SyncTelemetryPing
* Resets all sync metadata for history, including change flags,
* sync statuses, and last sync time. The next sync after reset
* will behave the same way as a first sync when connecting a new
* device.
* This method only needs to be called when the user disconnects
* from Sync. There are other times when Places resets sync metadata,
* but those are handled internally in the Rust code.
fun resetHistorySyncMetadata()
* Resets all sync metadata for bookmarks, including change flags,
* sync statuses, and last sync time. The next sync after reset
* will behave the same way as a first sync when connecting a new
* device.
* This method only needs to be called when the user disconnects
* from Sync. There are other times when Places resets sync metadata,
* but those are handled internally in the Rust code.
fun resetBookmarkSyncMetadata()
interface InterruptibleConnection : AutoCloseable {
* Interrupt ongoing operations running on a separate thread.
fun interrupt()
* This interface exposes the 'read' part of the [HistoryMetadata] storage API.
interface ReadableHistoryMetadataConnection : InterruptibleConnection {
* Returns the most recent [HistoryMetadata] for the provided [url].
* @param url Url to search by.
* @return [HistoryMetadata] if there's a matching record, `null` otherwise.
suspend fun getLatestHistoryMetadataForUrl(url: String): HistoryMetadata?
* Returns all [HistoryMetadata] where [HistoryMetadata.updatedAt] is greater or equal to [since].
* @param since Timestamp to search by.
* @return A `List` of matching [HistoryMetadata], empty if nothing is found.
suspend fun getHistoryMetadataSince(since: Long): List<HistoryMetadata>
* Returns all [HistoryMetadata] where [HistoryMetadata.updatedAt] is between [start] and [end], inclusive.
* @param start A `start` timestamp.
* @param end An `end` timestamp.
* @return A `List` of matching [HistoryMetadata], empty if nothing is found.
suspend fun getHistoryMetadataBetween(start: Long, end: Long): List<HistoryMetadata>
* Searches through [HistoryMetadata] by [query], matching records by [HistoryMetadata.url],
* [HistoryMetadata.title] and [HistoryMetadata.searchTerm].
* @param query A search query.
* @param limit A maximum number of records to return.
* @return A `List` of matching [HistoryMetadata], empty if nothing is found.
suspend fun queryHistoryMetadata(query: String, limit: Int): List<HistoryMetadata>
* Returns an ordered list of [HistoryHighlight], ranked by their "highlight score".
* A highlight score takes into account factors listed in [HistoryHighlightWeights].
* @param weights A set of weights that specify importance of various factors to the highlight score.
* @param limit A maximum number of records to return.
* @return A `List` of ranked [HistoryHighlight], empty if no history/metadata is found.
suspend fun getHighlights(weights: HistoryHighlightWeights, limit: Int): List<HistoryHighlight>
* This interface exposes the 'write' part of the [HistoryMetadata] storage API.
interface WritableHistoryMetadataConnection : ReadableHistoryMetadataConnection {
* Record or update metadata information about a URL. See [HistoryMetadataObservation].
suspend fun noteHistoryMetadataObservation(observation: HistoryMetadataObservation)
// There's a bit of an impedance mismatch here; `HistoryMetadataKey` is
// a concept that only exists here and not in the rust. We can iterate on
// this as the entire "history metadata" requirement evolves.
suspend fun noteHistoryMetadataObservationViewTime(key: HistoryMetadataKey, viewTime: Int)
suspend fun noteHistoryMetadataObservationDocumentType(key: HistoryMetadataKey, documentType: DocumentType)
* Deletes [HistoryMetadata] with [HistoryMetadata.updatedAt] older than [olderThan].
* @param olderThan A timestamp to delete records by. Exclusive.
suspend fun deleteHistoryMetadataOlderThan(olderThan: Long)
* Deletes metadata records that match [key].
* @param key A [HistoryMetadataKey] for which to delete metadata records.
suspend fun deleteHistoryMetadata(key: HistoryMetadataKey)
interface ReadableHistoryConnection : InterruptibleConnection {
* A way to search the internal database tailored for autocompletion purposes.
* @param query a string to match results against.
* @param limit a maximum number of results to retrieve.
* @return a list of [SearchResult] matching the [query], in arbitrary order.
fun queryAutocomplete(query: String, limit: Int): List<SearchResult>
* See if a url that's sufficiently close to `search` exists in
* the database.
* @param query the search string
* @return If no url exists, returns null. If one exists, it returns the next
* portion of it that definitely matches (where portion is defined
* something like 'complete origin or path segment')
fun matchUrl(query: String): String?
* Returns a list of the top frecent site infos limited by the given number of items
* and frecency threshold sorted by most to least frecent.
* @param numItems the number of top frecent sites to return in the list.
* @param frecencyThreshold frecency threshold options for filtering visited sites based on
* their frecency score.
* @return a list of the top frecent site infos sorted by most to least frecent.
fun getTopFrecentSiteInfos(numItems: Int, frecencyThreshold: FrecencyThresholdOption): List<TopFrecentSiteInfo>
* Maps a list of page URLs to a list of booleans indicating if each URL was visited.
* @param urls a list of page URLs about which "visited" information is being requested.
* @return a list of booleans indicating visited status of each
* corresponding page URI from [urls].
fun getVisited(urls: List<String>): List<Boolean>
* Returns a list of visited URLs for a given time range.
* @param start beginning of the range, unix timestamp in milliseconds.
* @param end end of the range, unix timestamp in milliseconds.
* @param includeRemote boolean flag indicating whether or not to include remote visits. A visit
* is (roughly) considered remote if it didn't originate on the current device.
fun getVisitedUrlsInRange(start: Long, end: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE, includeRemote: Boolean = true): List<String>
* Get detailed information about all visits that occurred in the
* given time range.
* @param start The (inclusive) start time to bound the query.
* @param end The (inclusive) end time to bound the query.
fun getVisitInfos(
start: Long,
end: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE,
excludeTypes: List<VisitType> = listOf(),
): List<HistoryVisitInfo>
* Return a "page" of history results. Each page will have visits in descending order
* with respect to their visit timestamps. In the case of ties, their row id will
* be used.
* Note that you may get surprising results if the items in the database change
* while you are paging through records.
* @param offset The offset where the page begins.
* @param count The number of items to return in the page.
* @param excludeTypes List of visit types to exclude.
fun getVisitPage(offset: Long, count: Long, excludeTypes: List<VisitType> = listOf()): List<HistoryVisitInfo>
* Page more efficiently than using simple numeric offset. We first figure out
* a visited timestamp upper bound, then do a smaller numeric offset relative to
* the bound.
* @param bound The upper bound of already visited items.
* @param offset The offset between first item that has visit date equal to bound
* and last visited item.
* @param count The number eof items to return in the page.
* @param excludeTypes List of visit types to exclude.
fun getVisitPageWithBound(
bound: Long,
offset: Long,
count: Long,
excludeTypes: List<VisitType> = listOf(),
): HistoryVisitInfosWithBound
* Get the number of history visits.
* It is intended that this be used with `getVisitPage` to allow pagination
* through records, however be aware that (unless you hold the only
* reference to the write connection, and know a sync may not occur at this
* time), the number of items in the database may change between when you
* call `getVisitCount` and `getVisitPage`.
* @param excludeTypes List of visit types to exclude.
fun getVisitCount(excludeTypes: List<VisitType> = listOf()): Long
interface WritableHistoryConnection : ReadableHistoryConnection {
* Record a visit to a URL, or update meta information about page URL. See [VisitObservation].
fun noteObservation(data: VisitObservation)
* Run periodic database maintenance. This might include, but is not limited
* to:
* - `VACUUM`ing.
* - Requesting that the indices in our tables be optimized.
* - Expiring irrelevant history visits.
* - Periodic repair or deletion of corrupted records.
* - Deleting older visits when the database exceeds dbSizeLimit
* - etc.
* Maintenance in performed in small chunks at a time to avoid blocking the
* DB connection for too long. This means that this should be called
* regularly when the app is idle.
* @param dbSizeLimit: Maximum DB size to aim for, in bytes. If the
* database exceeds this size, we will prune a small number of visits.
* For reference, desktop normally uses 75 MiB (78643200). If it
* determines that either the disk or memory is constrained then it halves
* the amount. The default of 0 disables pruning.
fun runMaintenance(dbSizeLimit: UInt = 0U)
* Delete everything locally.
* This will not delete visits from remote devices, however it will
* prevent them from trickling in over time when future syncs occur.
* The difference between this and wipeLocal is that wipeLocal does
* not prevent the deleted visits from returning. For wipeLocal,
* the visits will return on the next full sync (which may be
* arbitrarially far in the future), whereas items which were
* deleted by deleteEverything (or potentially could have been)
* should not return.
fun deleteEverything()
* Deletes all visits from the given URL. If the page has previously
* been synced, a tombstone will be written to the Sync server, meaning
* visits for the page should be deleted from all synced devices. If
* the page is bookmarked, or has a keyword or tags, only its visits
* will be removed; otherwise, the page will be removed completely.
* Note that, if the page is duplicated on the Sync server (that is,
* the server has a record with the page URL, but its GUID is different
* than the one we have locally), only the record whose GUID matches the
* local GUID will be deleted. This is (hopefully) rare, and sadly there
* is not much we can do about it. It indicates a client-side bug that
* occurred at some point in the past.
* @param url the url to be removed.
fun deleteVisitsFor(url: String)
* Deletes all visits which occurred since the specified time. If the
* deletion removes the last visit for a place, the place itself will also
* be removed (and if the place has been synced, the deletion of the
* place will also be synced)
* @param start time for the deletion, unix timestamp in milliseconds.
fun deleteVisitsSince(since: Long)
* Equivalent to deleteVisitsSince, but takes an `endTime` as well.
* Timestamps are in milliseconds since the unix epoch.
* See documentation for deleteVisitsSince for caveats.
* @param startTime Inclusive beginning of the time range to delete.
* @param endTime Inclusive end of the time range to delete.
fun deleteVisitsBetween(startTime: Long, endTime: Long)
* Delete the single visit that occurred at the provided timestamp.
* Note that this will not delete the visit on another device, unless this is the last
* remaining visit of that URL that this device is aware of.
* However, it should prevent this visit from being inserted again.
* @param url The URL of the place to delete.
* @param visitTimestamp The timestamp of the visit to delete, in MS since the unix epoch
fun deleteVisit(url: String, visitTimestamp: Long)
* Records an accepted autocomplete match, recording the query string,
* and chosen URL for subsequent matches.
* @param searchString The query string
* @param url The chosen URL string
fun acceptResult(searchString: String, url: String)
* Represents a set of properties which uniquely identify a history metadata.
* In database terms this is a compound key.
* @property url A url of the page.
* @property searchTerm An optional search term which was used to find this page.
* @property referrerUrl An optional referrer url for this page.
data class HistoryMetadataKey(
val url: String,
val searchTerm: String?,
val referrerUrl: String?,
* A helper class for gathering basic count metrics on different kinds of PlacesManager operations.
* For each type of operation, we want to measure:
* - total count of operations performed
* - count of operations that produced an error, labeled by type
* This is a convenience wrapper to measure the two in one shot.
class PlacesManagerCounterMetrics(
val count: CounterMetricType,
val errCount: LabeledMetricType<CounterMetricType>,
) {
@Suppress("ComplexMethod", "TooGenericExceptionCaught")
inline fun <U> measure(callback: () -> U): U {
try {
return callback()
} catch (e: Exception) {
when (e) {
is PlacesApiException.UrlParseFailed -> {
is PlacesApiException.OperationInterrupted -> {
is PlacesApiException.UnknownBookmarkItem -> {
is PlacesApiException.InvalidBookmarkOperation -> {
is PlacesApiException.PlacesConnectionBusy -> {
is PlacesApiException.UnexpectedPlacesException -> {
else -> {
throw e