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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "stateful"), allow(clippy::needless_update))]
use crate::{
enrollment::{EnrolledReason, EnrollmentStatus, NotEnrolledReason},
evaluator::{choose_branch, is_experiment_available, targeting},
AppContext, AvailableRandomizationUnits, Branch, BucketConfig, Experiment, RandomizationUnit,
Result, TargetingAttributes,
use serde_json::{json, Map, Value};
pub fn ta_with_locale(locale: String) -> TargetingAttributes {
let app_ctx = AppContext {
#[cfg(feature = "stateful")]
locale: Some(locale),
#[cfg(not(feature = "stateful"))]
let req_ctx = Map::from_iter([("locale".to_string(), Value::String(locale))]);
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "stateful")] {
} else {
TargetingAttributes::new(app_ctx, req_ctx)
fn test_locale_substring() -> Result<()> {
let expression_statement = "'en' in locale || 'de' in locale";
let ta = ta_with_locale("de-US".to_string());
assert_eq!(targeting(expression_statement, &ta.into()), None);
fn test_locale_substring_fails() -> Result<()> {
let expression_statement = "'en' in locale || 'de' in locale";
let ta = ta_with_locale("cz-US".to_string());
let enrollment_status = targeting(expression_statement, &ta.into()).unwrap();
if let EnrollmentStatus::NotEnrolled { reason } = enrollment_status {
if let NotEnrolledReason::NotTargeted = reason {
// OK
} else {
panic!("Expected to fail on NotTargeted reason, got: {:?}", reason)
} else {
panic! {"Expected to fail targeting with NotEnrolled, got: {:?}", enrollment_status}
fn test_language_region_from_locale() {
fn test(locale: &str, language: Option<&str>, region: Option<&str>) {
let ta = ta_with_locale(locale.to_string());
test("en-US", Some("en"), Some("US"));
test("es", Some("es"), None);
test("nim-BUS", Some("nim"), Some("BUS"));
// Not sure these are useful.
test("nim-", Some("nim"), None);
test("-BUS", None, Some("BUS"));
fn test_geo_targeting_one_locale() -> Result<()> {
let expression_statement = "language in ['ro']";
let ta = ta_with_locale("ro".to_string());
assert_eq!(targeting(expression_statement, &ta.into()), None);
fn test_geo_targeting_multiple_locales() -> Result<()> {
let expression_statement = "language in ['en', 'ro']";
let ta = ta_with_locale("ro".to_string());
assert_eq!(targeting(expression_statement, &ta.into()), None);
fn test_geo_targeting_fails_properly() -> Result<()> {
let expression_statement = "language in ['en', 'ro']";
let ta = ta_with_locale("ar".to_string());
let enrollment_status = targeting(expression_statement, &ta.into()).unwrap();
if let EnrollmentStatus::NotEnrolled { reason } = enrollment_status {
if let NotEnrolledReason::NotTargeted = reason {
// OK
} else {
panic!("Expected to fail on NotTargeted reason, got: {:?}", reason)
} else {
panic! {"Expected to fail targeting with NotEnrolled, got: {:?}", enrollment_status}
fn test_minimum_version_targeting_passes() -> Result<()> {
// Here's our valid jexl statement
let expression_statement = "app_version|versionCompare('96.!') >= 0";
let ctx = AppContext {
app_version: Some("97pre.1.0-beta.1".into()),
assert_eq!(targeting(expression_statement, &ctx.into()), None);
fn test_minimum_version_targeting_fails() -> Result<()> {
// Here's our valid jexl statement
let expression_statement = "app_version|versionCompare('96+.0') >= 0";
let ctx = AppContext {
app_version: Some("96.1".into()),
targeting(expression_statement, &ctx.into()),
Some(EnrollmentStatus::NotEnrolled {
reason: NotEnrolledReason::NotTargeted
fn test_targeting_specific_version() -> Result<()> {
// Here's our valid jexl statement that targets **only** 96 versions
let expression_statement =
"(app_version|versionCompare('96.!') >= 0) && (app_version|versionCompare('97.!') < 0)";
let ctx = AppContext {
app_version: Some("96.1".into()),
// OK 96.1 is a 96 version
assert_eq!(targeting(expression_statement, &ctx.into()), None);
let ctx = AppContext {
app_version: Some("97.1".into()),
// Not targeted, version is 97
targeting(expression_statement, &ctx.into()),
Some(EnrollmentStatus::NotEnrolled {
reason: NotEnrolledReason::NotTargeted
let ctx = AppContext {
app_version: Some("95.1".into()),
// Not targeted, version is 95
targeting(expression_statement, &ctx.into()),
Some(EnrollmentStatus::NotEnrolled {
reason: NotEnrolledReason::NotTargeted
fn test_targeting_invalid_transform() -> Result<()> {
let expression_statement = "app_version|invalid_transform('96+.0')";
let ctx = AppContext {
app_version: Some("96.1".into()),
let err = targeting(expression_statement, &ctx.into());
if let Some(e) = err {
if let EnrollmentStatus::Error { reason: _ } = e {
// OK
} else {
panic!("Should have returned an error since the transform doesn't exist")
} else {
panic!("Should not have been targeted")
fn test_targeting() {
// Here's our valid jexl statement
let expression_statement =
"app_id == '1010' && (app_version|versionCompare('4.0') >= 0 || app_build == \"1234\")";
// A matching context testing the logical AND + OR of the expression
let ctx = AppContext {
app_name: "nimbus_test".to_string(),
app_id: "1010".to_string(),
channel: "test".to_string(),
app_version: Some("4.4".to_string()),
app_build: Some("1234".to_string()),
custom_targeting_attributes: None,
assert_eq!(targeting(expression_statement, &ctx.into()), None);
// A matching context testing the logical OR of the expression
let ctx = AppContext {
app_name: "nimbus_test".to_string(),
app_id: "1010".to_string(),
channel: "test".to_string(),
app_version: Some("4.4".to_string()),
app_build: Some("1234".to_string()),
custom_targeting_attributes: None,
assert_eq!(targeting(expression_statement, &ctx.into()), None);
// A matching context testing the other branch of the logical OR
let ctx = AppContext {
app_name: "nimbus_test".to_string(),
app_id: "1010".to_string(),
channel: "test".to_string(),
app_version: Some("3.4".to_string()),
app_build: Some("1234".to_string()),
custom_targeting_attributes: None,
assert_eq!(targeting(expression_statement, &ctx.into()), None);
// A non-matching context testing the logical AND of the expression
let ctx = AppContext {
app_name: "not_nimbus_test".to_string(),
app_id: "".to_string(),
channel: "test".to_string(),
app_version: Some("4.4".to_string()),
app_build: Some("1234".to_string()),
custom_targeting_attributes: None,
targeting(expression_statement, &ctx.into()),
Some(EnrollmentStatus::NotEnrolled {
reason: NotEnrolledReason::NotTargeted
// A non-matching context testing the logical OR of the expression
let ctx = AppContext {
app_name: "not_nimbus_test".to_string(),
app_id: "1010".to_string(),
channel: "test".to_string(),
app_version: Some("3.5".to_string()),
app_build: Some("12345".to_string()),
custom_targeting_attributes: None,
targeting(expression_statement, &ctx.into()),
Some(EnrollmentStatus::NotEnrolled {
reason: NotEnrolledReason::NotTargeted
fn test_targeting_custom_targeting_attributes() {
// Here's our valid jexl statement
let expression_statement =
"app_id == '1010' && (app_version == '4.4' || app_build == \"1234\") && is_first_run == true && ios_version == '8.8'";
let mut custom_targeting_attributes = Map::<String, Value>::new();
custom_targeting_attributes.insert("is_first_run".into(), json!(true));
custom_targeting_attributes.insert("ios_version".into(), json!("8.8"));
// A matching context that includes the appropriate specific context
let ctx = AppContext {
app_name: "nimbus_test".to_string(),
app_id: "1010".to_string(),
channel: "test".to_string(),
app_version: Some("4.4".to_string()),
app_build: Some("1234".to_string()),
custom_targeting_attributes: Some(custom_targeting_attributes),
assert_eq!(targeting(expression_statement, &ctx.into()), None);
// A matching context without the specific context
let ctx = AppContext {
app_name: "nimbus_test".to_string(),
app_id: "1010".to_string(),
channel: "test".to_string(),
app_version: Some("4.4".to_string()),
app_build: Some("1234".to_string()),
custom_targeting_attributes: None,
// We haven't defined `is_first_run` here, so this should error out, i.e. return an error.
targeting(expression_statement, &ctx.into()),
Some(EnrollmentStatus::Error { .. })
fn test_invalid_expression() {
// This expression doesn't return a bool
let expression_statement = "2.0";
targeting(expression_statement, &Default::default()),
Some(EnrollmentStatus::Error {
reason: "Invalid Expression - didn't evaluate to a bool".to_string()
fn test_evaluation_error() {
// This is an invalid JEXL statement
let expression_statement = "This is not a valid JEXL expression";
targeting(expression_statement, &Default::default()),
Some(EnrollmentStatus::Error { reason }) if reason.starts_with("EvaluationError:")))
fn test_choose_branch() {
let slug = "TEST_EXP1";
let branches = vec![
Branch {
slug: "control".to_string(),
ratio: 1,
feature: None,
features: None,
Branch {
slug: "blue".to_string(),
ratio: 1,
feature: None,
features: None,
// 299eed1e-be6d-457d-9e53-da7b1a03f10d maps to the second index
let id = uuid::Uuid::parse_str("3d2142de-53bf-2d48-a92d-45fb7036cbf6").unwrap();
let b = choose_branch(slug, &branches, &id.to_string()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(b.slug, "blue");
// 542213c0-9aef-47eb-bc6b-3b8529736ba2 maps to the first index
let id = uuid::Uuid::parse_str("542213c0-9aef-47eb-bc6b-3b8529736ba2").unwrap();
let b = choose_branch(slug, &branches, &id.to_string()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(b.slug, "control");
fn test_is_experiment_available() {
let experiment = Experiment {
app_name: Some("NimbusTest".to_string()),
app_id: Some("".to_string()),
channel: Some("production".to_string()),
schema_version: "1.0.0".to_string(),
slug: "TEST_EXP".to_string(),
is_enrollment_paused: false,
feature_ids: vec!["monkey".to_string()],
bucket_config: BucketConfig {
randomization_unit: RandomizationUnit::NimbusId,
start: 0,
count: 10000,
total: 10000,
branches: vec![
Branch {
slug: "control".to_string(),
ratio: 1,
feature: None,
features: None,
Branch {
slug: "blue".to_string(),
ratio: 1,
feature: None,
features: None,
reference_branch: Some("control".to_string()),
// Application context for matching the above experiment. If any of the `app_name`, `app_id`,
// or `channel` doesn't match the experiment, then the client won't be enrolled.
let th = AppContext {
app_name: "NimbusTest".to_string(),
app_id: "".to_string(),
channel: "nightly".to_string(),
// If is_release is true, we should match on the exact combination of
// app_name, channel and app_id.
assert!(!is_experiment_available(&th, &experiment, true));
// If is_release is false, we only match on app_name.
// As a nightly build, we want to be able to test production experiments
assert!(is_experiment_available(&th, &experiment, false));
let experiment = Experiment {
channel: Some("nightly".to_string()),
// channels now match, so should be available for enrollment (true) and testing (false)
assert!(is_experiment_available(&th, &experiment, true));
assert!(is_experiment_available(&th, &experiment, false));
let experiment = Experiment {
app_name: Some("a_different_app".to_string()),
assert!(!is_experiment_available(&th, &experiment, false));
assert!(!is_experiment_available(&th, &experiment, false));
fn test_qualified_enrollment() {
let experiment = Experiment {
app_name: Some("NimbusTest".to_string()),
app_id: Some("".to_string()),
channel: Some("nightly".to_string()),
schema_version: "1.0.0".to_string(),
slug: "TEST_EXP".to_string(),
is_enrollment_paused: false,
feature_ids: vec!["monkey".to_string()],
bucket_config: BucketConfig {
randomization_unit: RandomizationUnit::NimbusId,
start: 0,
count: 10000,
total: 10000,
branches: vec![
Branch {
slug: "control".to_string(),
ratio: 1,
feature: None,
features: None,
Branch {
slug: "blue".to_string(),
ratio: 1,
feature: None,
features: None,
reference_branch: Some("control".to_string()),
// Application context for matching the above experiment. If the `app_name` or
// `channel` doesn't match the experiment, then the client won't be enrolled.
let mut ctx = AppContext {
app_name: "NimbusTest".to_string(),
channel: "nightly".to_string(),
let id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4();
let enrollment = evaluate_enrollment(
println!("Uh oh! {:#?}", enrollment.status);
EnrollmentStatus::Enrolled {
reason: EnrolledReason::Qualified,
// Change the channel to test when it has a different case than expected = "Nightly".to_string();
// Now we will be enrolled in the experiment because we have the right channel, but with different capitalization
let enrollment = evaluate_enrollment(
EnrollmentStatus::Enrolled {
reason: EnrolledReason::Qualified,
fn test_wrong_randomization_units() {
let experiment = Experiment {
app_name: Some("NimbusTest".to_string()),
app_id: Some("".to_string()),
channel: Some("nightly".to_string()),
schema_version: "1.0.0".to_string(),
slug: "TEST_EXP".to_string(),
is_enrollment_paused: false,
feature_ids: vec!["test-feature".to_string()],
bucket_config: BucketConfig {
randomization_unit: RandomizationUnit::UserId,
start: 0,
count: 10000,
total: 10000,
branches: vec![
Branch {
slug: "control".to_string(),
ratio: 1,
feature: None,
features: None,
Branch {
slug: "blue".to_string(),
ratio: 1,
feature: None,
features: None,
reference_branch: Some("control".to_string()),
// Application context for matching the above experiment. If any of the `app_name`, `app_id`,
// or `channel` doesn't match the experiment, then the client won't be enrolled.
let ctx = AppContext {
app_name: "NimbusTest".to_string(),
app_id: "".to_string(),
channel: "nightly".to_string(),
// We won't be enrolled in the experiment because we don't have the right randomization units since the
// experiment is requesting the `UserId` and the `Default::default()` here will just have the
// NimbusId.
let enrollment = evaluate_enrollment(
// The status should be `Error`
assert!(matches!(enrollment.status, EnrollmentStatus::Error { .. }));
// Fits because of the user_id.
let available_randomization_units = AvailableRandomizationUnits::with_user_id("bobo");
let enrollment =
evaluate_enrollment(&available_randomization_units, &experiment, &ctx.into()).unwrap();
EnrollmentStatus::Enrolled {
reason: EnrolledReason::Qualified,
fn test_not_targeted_for_enrollment() {
let experiment = Experiment {
app_name: Some("NimbusTest".to_string()),
app_id: Some("".to_string()),
channel: Some("nightly".to_string()),
schema_version: "1.0.0".to_string(),
slug: "TEST_EXP2".to_string(),
is_enrollment_paused: false,
feature_ids: vec!["test-feature".to_string()],
bucket_config: BucketConfig {
randomization_unit: RandomizationUnit::NimbusId,
start: 0,
count: 10000,
total: 10000,
branches: vec![
Branch {
slug: "control".to_string(),
ratio: 1,
feature: None,
features: None,
Branch {
slug: "blue".to_string(),
ratio: 1,
feature: None,
features: None,
reference_branch: Some("control".to_string()),
let id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4();
// If the `app_name` or `channel` doesn't match the experiment,
// then the client won't be enrolled.
// Start with a context that does't match the app_name:
let mut ctx = AppContext {
app_name: "Wrong!".to_string(),
channel: "nightly".to_string(),
// We won't be enrolled in the experiment because we don't have the right app_name
let enrollment = evaluate_enrollment(
EnrollmentStatus::NotEnrolled {
reason: NotEnrolledReason::NotTargeted
// Change the app_name back and change the channel to test when it doesn't match:
ctx.app_name = "NimbusTest".to_string(); = "Wrong".to_string();
// Now we won't be enrolled in the experiment because we don't have the right channel, but with the same
// `NotTargeted` reason
let enrollment = evaluate_enrollment(
EnrollmentStatus::NotEnrolled {
reason: NotEnrolledReason::NotTargeted
fn test_enrollment_bucketing() {
let experiment = Experiment {
app_id: Some("".to_string()),
channel: Some("nightly".to_string()),
schema_version: "1.0.0".to_string(),
slug: "TEST_EXP1".to_string(),
is_enrollment_paused: false,
feature_ids: vec!["test-feature".to_string()],
bucket_config: BucketConfig {
randomization_unit: RandomizationUnit::NimbusId,
start: 0,
count: 2000,
total: 10000,
branches: vec![
Branch {
slug: "control".to_string(),
ratio: 1,
feature: None,
features: None,
Branch {
slug: "blue".to_string(),
ratio: 1,
feature: None,
features: None,
reference_branch: Some("control".to_string()),
let available_randomization_units: AvailableRandomizationUnits = Default::default();
// 299eed1e-be6d-457d-9e53-da7b1a03f10d uuid fits in start: 0, count: 2000, total: 10000 with the example namespace, to the treatment-variation-b branch
// Tested against the desktop implementation
let id = uuid::Uuid::parse_str("299eed1e-be6d-457d-9e53-da7b1a03f10d").unwrap();
// Application context for matching exp3
let ctx = AppContext {
app_id: "".to_string(),
channel: "nightly".to_string(),
let enrollment = evaluate_enrollment(
EnrollmentStatus::Enrolled {
reason: EnrolledReason::Qualified,
#[cfg(not(feature = "stateful"))]
fn test_lang_region_overrides() {
let request = json!({
"language": "en",
"region": "US",
let ta = TargetingAttributes::new(AppContext::default(), request.as_object().unwrap().clone());
let value = serde_json::to_value(ta).unwrap();
assert_eq!(value.get("language").unwrap(), &json!("en"));
assert_eq!(value.get("region").unwrap(), &json!("US"));
let request = json!({
"locale": "en",
"region": "US",
let ta = TargetingAttributes::new(AppContext::default(), request.as_object().unwrap().clone());
let value = serde_json::to_value(ta).unwrap();
assert_eq!(value.get("language").unwrap(), &json!("en"));
assert_eq!(value.get("region").unwrap(), &json!("US"));
let request = json!({
"locale": "es-CX",
"language": "en",
"region": "US",
let ta = TargetingAttributes::new(AppContext::default(), request.as_object().unwrap().clone());
let value = serde_json::to_value(ta).unwrap();
assert_eq!(value.get("language").unwrap(), &json!("en"));
assert_eq!(value.get("region").unwrap(), &json!("US"));