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typedef extern RemoteSettingsConfig;
typedef extern RemoteSettingsServer;
namespace nimbus {};
dictionary AppContext {
string app_name;
string app_id;
string channel;
string? app_version;
string? app_build;
string? architecture;
string? device_manufacturer;
string? device_model;
string? locale;
string? os;
string? os_version;
string? android_sdk_version;
string? debug_tag;
// Note that installation date is
// the unix time, which is milliseconds since epoch
i64? installation_date;
string? home_directory;
JsonObject? custom_targeting_attributes;
dictionary EnrolledExperiment {
sequence<string> feature_ids;
string slug;
string user_facing_name;
string user_facing_description;
string branch_slug;
dictionary AvailableExperiment {
string slug;
string user_facing_name;
string user_facing_description;
sequence<ExperimentBranch> branches;
string? reference_branch;
dictionary ExperimentBranch {
string slug;
i32 ratio;
dictionary EnrollmentChangeEvent {
string experiment_slug;
string branch_slug;
string? reason;
EnrollmentChangeEventType change;
enum EnrollmentChangeEventType {
callback interface MetricsHandler {
void record_enrollment_statuses(sequence<EnrollmentStatusExtraDef> enrollment_status_extras);
/// Feature activation is the pre-cursor to feature exposure: it is defined as the first time
/// the feature configuration is asked for.
void record_feature_activation(FeatureExposureExtraDef event);
void record_feature_exposure(FeatureExposureExtraDef event);
void record_malformed_feature_config(MalformedFeatureConfigExtraDef event);
dictionary EnrollmentStatusExtraDef {
string? branch;
string? conflict_slug;
string? error_string;
string? reason;
string? slug;
string? status;
dictionary FeatureExposureExtraDef {
string? branch;
string slug;
string feature_id;
dictionary MalformedFeatureConfigExtraDef {
string? branch;
string? slug;
string feature_id;
string part;
enum NimbusError {
"InvalidPersistedData", "RkvError", "IOError",
"JSONError", "EvaluationError", "InvalidExpression", "InvalidFraction",
"TryFromSliceError", "EmptyRatiosError", "OutOfBoundsError","UrlParsingError",
"UuidError", "InvalidExperimentFormat",
"InvalidPath", "InternalError", "NoSuchExperiment", "NoSuchBranch",
"DatabaseNotReady", "VersionParsingError", "BehaviorError", "TryFromIntError",
"ParseIntError", "TransformParameterError", "ClientError", "UniFFICallbackError",
typedef string JsonObject;
[Trait, WithForeign]
interface RecordedContext {
JsonObject to_json();
void record();
interface NimbusClient {
AppContext app_ctx,
RecordedContext? recorded_context,
sequence<string> coenrolling_feature_ids,
string dbpath,
RemoteSettingsConfig? remote_settings_config,
MetricsHandler metrics_handler
/// Initializes the database and caches enough information so that the
/// non-blocking API functions (eg, `get_experiment_branch()`) can
/// return accurate results rather than throwing a "not initialized" error.
/// It's not strictly necessary to call this function - any function that
/// wants to use the database will implicitly initialize too - this exists
/// so that the consuming application can have confidence the non-blocking
/// functions will return data instead of returning an error, and will do
/// the minimum amount of work to achieve that.
void initialize();
/// Returns the branch allocated for a given slug or id.
string? get_experiment_branch(string id);
string? get_feature_config_variables(string feature_id);
/// Returns a list of experiment branches for a given experiment ID.
sequence<ExperimentBranch> get_experiment_branches(string experiment_slug);
/// Returns a list of experiments this user is enrolled in.
sequence<EnrolledExperiment> get_active_experiments();
/// Records a Glean event that this feature has been exposed.
/// If the feature is not involved in an experiment, then the event is suppressed.
/// If the feature is only involved in a rollout, then the event is suppressed.
/// If the feature is involved in an experiment, then record the experiment slug
/// and branch.
/// If the feature is involved in an experiment and a rollout, then record only the
/// experiment slug and branch.
/// If the slug is specified, then use this as the experiment, and use it to look up
/// the branch. This is useful for coenrolling features.
void record_feature_exposure(string feature_id, string? slug);
/// Records a Glean event that this feature configuration is malformed.
/// Accepts a part_id to give the experiment owner or feature implementer
/// clues where to look.
/// The Glean event will always fire, but the content of that event will
/// vary depending on whether then feature is part of an experiment or rollout
/// or not.
void record_malformed_feature_config(string feature_id, string part_id);
/// Returns a list of experiments for this `app_name`, as specified in the `AppContext`.
/// It is not intended to be used to be used for user facing applications.
sequence<AvailableExperiment> get_available_experiments();
/// Getter and setter for user's participation in all experiments.
/// Possible values are:
/// * `true`: the user will not enroll in new experiments, and opt out of all existing ones.
/// * `false`: experiments proceed as usual.
boolean get_global_user_participation();
sequence<EnrollmentChangeEvent> set_global_user_participation(boolean opt_in);
/// Fetches the list of experiments from the server. This does not affect the list
/// of active experiments or experiment enrolment.
/// Fetched experiments are not applied until `apply_pending_updates()` is called.
void fetch_experiments();
/// Toggles the enablement of the fetch. If `false`, then calling `fetch_experiments`
/// returns immediately, having not done any fetching from remote settings.
/// This is only useful for QA, and should not be used in production: use
/// `set_global_user_participation` instead.
void set_fetch_enabled(boolean flag);
boolean is_fetch_enabled();
/// Apply the updated experiments from the last fetch.
/// After calling this, the list of active experiments might change
/// (there might be new experiments, or old experiments might have expired).
sequence<EnrollmentChangeEvent> apply_pending_experiments();
/// A convenience method for apps to set the experiments from a local source
/// for either testing, or before the first fetch has finished.
/// Experiments set with this method are not applied until `apply_pending_updates()` is called.
void set_experiments_locally(string experiments_json);
/// These are test-only functions and should never be exposed to production
/// users, as they mess with the "statistical requirements" of the SDK.
/// Reset the enrollments and experiments in the database to an empty state.
void reset_enrollments();
/// Opt in to a specific branch on a specific experiment. Useful for
/// developers to test their app's interaction with the experiment.
sequence<EnrollmentChangeEvent> opt_in_with_branch(string experiment_slug, string branch);
/// Opt out of a specific experiment.
sequence<EnrollmentChangeEvent> opt_out(string experiment_slug);
/// Reset internal state in response to application-level telemetry reset.
/// Consumers should call this method when the user resets the telemetry state of the
/// consuming application, such as by opting out of submitting telemetry. It resets the
/// internal state of the Nimbus client to create a clean break between data collected
/// before and after the reset, including:
/// * clearing any unique identifiers used internally, so they will reset to
/// new random values on next use.
/// * accepting new randomization units, based on application-level ids that
/// may have also changed.
/// * disqualifying this client out of any active experiments, to avoid submitting
/// misleading incomplete data.
sequence<EnrollmentChangeEvent> reset_telemetry_identifiers();
/// This provides low level access to the targeting machinery for other uses by the application (e.g. messages)
/// Additional parameters can be added via the optional JSON object. This allows for many JEXL expressions
/// to be run across the same context.
NimbusTargetingHelper create_targeting_helper(optional JsonObject? additional_context = null);
/// This provides a unified String interpolation library which exposes the application context.
/// It's first use is in the messaging helper, to add extra parameters to URLs.
NimbusStringHelper create_string_helper(optional JsonObject? additional_context = null);
/// Records an event for the purposes of behavioral targeting.
/// This function is used to record and persist data used for the behavioral
/// targeting such as "core-active" user targeting.
void record_event(string event_id, optional i64 count = 1);
/// Records an event as if it were in the past.
/// This, and `advance_event_time` are useful for testing.
/// `seconds_ago` must be positive.
void record_past_event(string event_id, i64 seconds_ago, optional i64 count = 1);
/// Advances what the event store thinks is now.
/// This, and `record_past_event` are useful for testing.
/// `by_seconds` must be positive.
void advance_event_time(i64 by_seconds);
void clear_events();
void dump_state_to_log();
interface NimbusTargetingHelper {
/// Execute the given jexl expression and evaluate against the existing targeting parameters and context passed to
/// the helper at construction.
boolean eval_jexl(string expression);
interface NimbusStringHelper {
/// Take the given template and find patterns that match the regular expression `{\w+}`.
/// Any matches are used as keys into the application context, the `additional_context` or the special case `uuid`.
string string_format(string template, optional string? uuid = null);
/// Generates an optional UUID to be passed into the `string_format` method.
/// If the return is not null, then it should be recorded with Glean as a UuidMetricType.
string? get_uuid(string template);