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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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import Foundation
extension Bool {
/// Convert a bool to its byte equivalent.
func toByte() -> UInt8 {
return self ? 1 : 0
extension UInt8 {
/// Convert a byte to its Bool equivalen.
func toBool() -> Bool {
return self != 0
/// Create a temporary array of C-compatible (null-terminated) strings to pass over FFI.
/// The strings are deallocated after the closure returns.
/// - parameters:
/// * args: The array of strings to use.
/// If `nil` no output array will be allocated and `nil` will be passed to `body`.
/// * body: The closure that gets an array of C-compatible strings
func withArrayOfCStrings<R>(
_ args: [String]?,
_ body: ([UnsafePointer<CChar>?]?) -> R
) -> R {
if let args = args {
let cStrings = { UnsafePointer(strdup($0)) }
defer {
cStrings.forEach { free(UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: $0)) }
return body(cStrings)
} else {
return body(nil)
/// This struct creates a Boolean with atomic or synchronized access.
/// This makes use of synchronization tools from Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)
/// in order to synchronize access.
struct AtomicBoolean {
private var semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)
private var val: Bool
var value: Bool {
get {
let tmp = val
return tmp
set {
val = newValue
init(_ initialValue: Bool = false) {
val = initialValue
/// Get a timestamp in nanos.
/// This is a monotonic clock.
func timestampNanos() -> UInt64 {
var info = mach_timebase_info()
guard mach_timebase_info(&info) == KERN_SUCCESS else { return 0 }
let currentTime = mach_absolute_time()
let nanos = currentTime * UInt64(info.numer) / UInt64(info.denom)
return nanos
/// Gets a gecko-compatible locale string (e.g. "es-ES")
/// If the locale can't be determined on the system, the value is "und",
/// to indicate "undetermined".
/// - returns: a locale string that supports custom injected locale/languages.
public func getLocaleTag() -> String {
if NSLocale.current.languageCode == nil {
return "und"
} else {
if NSLocale.current.regionCode == nil {
return NSLocale.current.languageCode!
} else {
return "\(NSLocale.current.languageCode!)-\(NSLocale.current.regionCode!)"
/// Gather information about the running application
struct AppInfo {
/// The application's identifier name
public static var name: String {
return Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
/// The application's display version string
public static var displayVersion: String {
return Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as? String ?? "Unknown"
/// The application's build ID
public static var buildId: String {
return Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleVersion"] as? String ?? "Unknown"