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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import Foundation
import Glean
import UIKit
private let logTag = "Nimbus.swift"
private let logger = Logger(tag: logTag)
public let defaultErrorReporter: NimbusErrorReporter = { err in
switch err {
case is LocalizedError:
let description = err.localizedDescription
logger.error("Nimbus error: \(description)")
logger.error("Nimbus error: \(err)")
class GleanMetricsHandler: MetricsHandler {
func recordEnrollmentStatuses(enrollmentStatusExtras: [EnrollmentStatusExtraDef]) {
for extra in enrollmentStatusExtras {
branch: extra.branch,
conflictSlug: extra.conflictSlug,
errorString: extra.errorString,
reason: extra.reason,
slug: extra.slug,
status: extra.status
func recordFeatureActivation(event: FeatureExposureExtraDef) {
branch: event.branch,
experiment: event.slug,
featureId: event.featureId
func recordFeatureExposure(event: FeatureExposureExtraDef) {
branch: event.branch,
experiment: event.slug,
featureId: event.featureId
func recordMalformedFeatureConfig(event: MalformedFeatureConfigExtraDef) {
branch: event.branch,
experiment: event.slug,
featureId: event.featureId,
partId: event.part
public extension Nimbus {
/// Create an instance of `Nimbus`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - server: the server that experiments will be downloaded from
/// - appSettings: the name and channel for the app
/// - dbPath: the path on disk for the database
/// - resourceBundles: an optional array of `Bundle` objects that are used to lookup text and images
/// - enabled: intended for FeatureFlags. If false, then return a dummy `Nimbus` instance. Defaults to `true`.
/// - errorReporter: a closure capable of reporting errors. Defaults to using a logger.
/// - Returns an implementation of `NimbusApi`.
/// - Throws `NimbusError` if anything goes wrong with the Rust FFI or in the `NimbusClient` constructor.
static func create(
_ server: NimbusServerSettings?,
appSettings: NimbusAppSettings,
coenrollingFeatureIds: [String] = [],
dbPath: String,
resourceBundles: [Bundle] = [Bundle.main],
enabled: Bool = true,
userDefaults: UserDefaults? = nil,
errorReporter: @escaping NimbusErrorReporter = defaultErrorReporter,
recordedContext: RecordedContext? = nil
) throws -> NimbusInterface {
guard enabled else {
return NimbusDisabled.shared
let context = Nimbus.buildExperimentContext(appSettings)
let remoteSettings = { server -> RemoteSettingsConfig in
collectionName: server.collection,
server: .custom(url: server.url.absoluteString)
let nimbusClient = try NimbusClient(
appCtx: context,
recordedContext: recordedContext,
coenrollingFeatureIds: coenrollingFeatureIds,
dbpath: dbPath,
remoteSettingsConfig: remoteSettings,
metricsHandler: GleanMetricsHandler()
return Nimbus(
nimbusClient: nimbusClient,
resourceBundles: resourceBundles,
userDefaults: userDefaults,
errorReporter: errorReporter
static func buildExperimentContext(
_ appSettings: NimbusAppSettings,
bundle: Bundle = Bundle.main,
device: UIDevice = .current
) -> AppContext {
let info = bundle.infoDictionary ?? [:]
var inferredDateInstalledOn: Date? {
let documentsURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).last,
let attributes = try? FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: documentsURL.path)
else { return nil }
return attributes[.creationDate] as? Date
let installationDateSinceEpoch = {
Int64(($0.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000).rounded())
return AppContext(
appName: appSettings.appName,
appId: info["CFBundleIdentifier"] as? String ?? "unknown",
appVersion: info["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as? String,
appBuild: info["CFBundleVersion"] as? String,
architecture: Sysctl.machine, // Sysctl is from Glean.
deviceManufacturer: Sysctl.manufacturer,
deviceModel: Sysctl.model,
locale: getLocaleTag(), // from Glean utils
os: device.systemName,
osVersion: device.systemVersion,
androidSdkVersion: nil,
debugTag: "",
installationDate: installationDateSinceEpoch,
homeDirectory: nil,
customTargetingAttributes: try? appSettings.customTargetingAttributes.stringify()