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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import Foundation
* A builder for [Nimbus] singleton objects, parameterized in a declarative class.
public class NimbusBuilder {
let dbFilePath: String
public init(dbPath: String) {
dbFilePath = dbPath
* An optional server URL string.
* This will only be null or empty in development or testing, or in any build variant of a
* non-Mozilla fork.
public func with(url: String?) -> Self {
self.url = url
return self
var url: String?
* A closure for reporting errors from Rust.
public func with(errorReporter reporter: @escaping NimbusErrorReporter) -> NimbusBuilder {
errorReporter = reporter
return self
var errorReporter: NimbusErrorReporter = defaultErrorReporter
* A flag to select the main or preview collection of remote settings. Defaults to `false`.
public func using(previewCollection flag: Bool) -> NimbusBuilder {
usePreviewCollection = flag
return self
var usePreviewCollection: Bool = false
* A flag to indicate if this is being run on the first run of the app. This is used to control
* whether the `initial_experiments` file is used to populate Nimbus.
public func isFirstRun(_ flag: Bool) -> NimbusBuilder {
isFirstRun = flag
return self
var isFirstRun: Bool = true
* A optional raw resource of a file downloaded at or near build time from Remote Settings.
public func with(initialExperiments fileURL: URL?) -> NimbusBuilder {
initialExperiments = fileURL
return self
var initialExperiments: URL?
* The timeout used to wait for the loading of the `initial_experiments
public func with(timeoutForLoadingInitialExperiments seconds: TimeInterval) -> NimbusBuilder {
timeoutLoadingExperiment = seconds
return self
var timeoutLoadingExperiment: TimeInterval = 0.200 /* seconds */
* Optional callback to be called after the creation of the nimbus object and it is ready
* to be used.
public func onCreate(callback: @escaping (NimbusInterface) -> Void) -> NimbusBuilder {
onCreateCallback = callback
return self
var onCreateCallback: ((NimbusInterface) -> Void)?
* Optional callback to be called after the calculation of new enrollments and applying of changes to
* experiments recipes.
public func onApply(callback: @escaping (NimbusInterface) -> Void) -> NimbusBuilder {
onApplyCallback = callback
return self
var onApplyCallback: ((NimbusInterface) -> Void)?
* Optional callback to be called after the fetch of new experiments has completed.
* experiments recipes.
public func onFetch(callback: @escaping (NimbusInterface) -> Void) -> NimbusBuilder {
onFetchCallback = callback
return self
var onFetchCallback: ((NimbusInterface) -> Void)?
* Resource bundles used to look up bundled text and images. Defaults to `[Bundle.main]`.
public func with(bundles: [Bundle]) -> NimbusBuilder {
resourceBundles = bundles
return self
var resourceBundles: [Bundle] = [.main]
* The object generated from the `nimbus.fml.yaml` file.
public func with(featureManifest: FeatureManifestInterface) -> NimbusBuilder {
self.featureManifest = featureManifest
return self
var featureManifest: FeatureManifestInterface?
* Main user defaults for the app.
public func with(userDefaults: UserDefaults) -> NimbusBuilder {
self.userDefaults = userDefaults
return self
var userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
* The command line arguments for the app. This is useful for QA, and can be safely left in the app in production.
public func with(commandLineArgs: [String]) -> NimbusBuilder {
self.commandLineArgs = commandLineArgs
return self
var commandLineArgs: [String]?
* An optional RecordedContext object.
* When provided, its JSON contents will be added to the Nimbus targeting context, and its value will be published
* to Glean.
public func with(recordedContext: RecordedContext?) -> Self {
self.recordedContext = recordedContext
return self
var recordedContext: RecordedContext?
// swiftlint:disable function_body_length
* Build a [Nimbus] singleton for the given [NimbusAppSettings]. Instances built with this method
* have been initialized, and are ready for use by the app.
* Instance have _not_ yet had [fetchExperiments()] called on it, or anything usage of the
* network. This is to allow the networking stack to be initialized after this method is called
* and the networking stack to be involved in experiments.
public func build(appInfo: NimbusAppSettings) -> NimbusInterface {
let serverSettings: NimbusServerSettings?
if let string = url,
let url = URL(string: string)
if usePreviewCollection {
serverSettings = NimbusServerSettings(url: url, collection: remoteSettingsPreviewCollection)
} else {
serverSettings = NimbusServerSettings(url: url, collection: remoteSettingsCollection)
} else {
serverSettings = nil
do {
let nimbus = try newNimbus(appInfo, serverSettings: serverSettings)
let fm = featureManifest
let onApplyCallback = onApplyCallback
if fm != nil || onApplyCallback != nil {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .nimbusExperimentsApplied,
object: nil,
queue: nil)
{ _ in
if let callback = onFetchCallback {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .nimbusExperimentsFetched,
object: nil,
queue: nil)
{ _ in
// Is the app being built locally, and the nimbus-cli
// hasn't been used before this run.
func isLocalBuild() -> Bool {
serverSettings == nil && nimbus.isFetchEnabled()
if let args = ArgumentProcessor.createCommandLineArgs(args: commandLineArgs) {
ArgumentProcessor.initializeTooling(nimbus: nimbus, args: args)
} else if let file = initialExperiments, isFirstRun || isLocalBuild() {
let job = nimbus.applyLocalExperiments(fileURL: file)
_ = job.joinOrTimeout(timeout: timeoutLoadingExperiment)
} else {
// By now, on this thread, we have a fully initialized Nimbus object, ready for use:
// * we gave a 200ms timeout to the loading of a file from res/raw
// * on completion or cancellation, applyPendingExperiments or initialize was
// called, and this thread waited for that to complete.
featureManifest?.initialize { nimbus }
return nimbus
} catch {
return newNimbusDisabled()
// swiftlint:enable function_body_length
func getCoenrollingFeatureIds() -> [String] {
featureManifest?.getCoenrollingFeatureIds() ?? []
func newNimbus(_ appInfo: NimbusAppSettings, serverSettings: NimbusServerSettings?) throws -> NimbusInterface {
try Nimbus.create(serverSettings,
appSettings: appInfo,
coenrollingFeatureIds: getCoenrollingFeatureIds(),
dbPath: dbFilePath,
resourceBundles: resourceBundles,
userDefaults: userDefaults,
errorReporter: errorReporter,
recordedContext: recordedContext)
func newNimbusDisabled() -> NimbusInterface {