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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import Foundation
/// Shim class for injecting JSON feature configs, as typed into the experimenter branch config page,
/// straight into the application.
/// This is suitable for unit testing and ui testing.
/// <code>
/// let hardcodedNimbus = HardcodedNimbus(with: [
/// "my-feature": """{
/// "enabled": true
/// }"""
/// ])
/// hardcodedNimbus.connect(with: FxNimbus.shared)
/// </code>
/// Once the `hardcodedNimbus` is connected to the `FxNimbus.shared`, then
/// calling `FxNimbus.shared.features.myFeature.value()` will behave as if the given JSON
/// came from an experiment.
public class HardcodedNimbusFeatures {
let features: [String: [String: Any]]
let bundles: [Bundle]
var exposureCounts = [String: Int]()
var malformedFeatures = [String: String]()
public init(bundles: [Bundle] = [.main], with features: [String: [String: Any]]) {
self.features = features
self.bundles = bundles
public convenience init(bundles: [Bundle] = [.main], with jsons: [String: String] = [String: String]()) {
let features = jsons.mapValuesNotNull {
try? Dictionary.parse(jsonString: $0)
self.init(bundles: bundles, with: features)
/// Reports how many times the feature has had {recordExposureEvent} on it.
public func getExposureCount(featureId: String) -> Int {
return exposureCounts[featureId] ?? 0
/// Helper function for testing if the exposure count for this feature is greater than zero.
public func isExposed(featureId: String) -> Bool {
return getExposureCount(featureId: featureId) > 0
/// Helper function for testing if app code has reported that any of the feature
/// configuration is malformed.
public func isMalformed(featureId: String) -> Bool {
return malformedFeatures[featureId] != nil
/// Getter method for the last part of the given feature was reported malformed.
public func getMalformed(for featureId: String) -> String? {
return malformedFeatures[featureId]
/// Utility function for {isUnderTest} to detect if the feature is under test.
public func has(featureId: String) -> Bool {
return features[featureId] != nil
/// Use this `NimbusFeatures` instance to populate the passed feature configurations.
public func connect(with fm: FeatureManifestInterface) {
fm.initialize { self }
extension HardcodedNimbusFeatures: FeaturesInterface {
public func getVariables(featureId: String, sendExposureEvent: Bool) -> Variables {
if let json = features[featureId] {
if sendExposureEvent {
recordExposureEvent(featureId: featureId)
return JSONVariables(with: json, in: bundles)
return NilVariables.instance
public func recordExposureEvent(featureId: String, experimentSlug _: String? = nil) {
if features[featureId] != nil {
exposureCounts[featureId] = getExposureCount(featureId: featureId) + 1
public func recordMalformedConfiguration(featureId: String, with partId: String) {
malformedFeatures[featureId] = partId