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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import Foundation
public typealias GetSdk = () -> FeaturesInterface?
public protocol FeatureHolderInterface {
/// Send an exposure event for this feature. This should be done when the user is shown the feature, and may change
/// their behavior because of it.
func recordExposure()
/// Send an exposure event for this feature, in the given experiment.
/// If the experiment does not exist, or the client is not enrolled in that experiment, then no exposure event
/// is recorded.
/// If you are not sure of the experiment slug, then this is _not_ the API you need: you should use
/// {recordExposure} instead.
/// - Parameter slug the experiment identifier, likely derived from the ``value``.
func recordExperimentExposure(slug: String)
/// Send a malformed feature event for this feature.
/// - Parameter partId an optional detail or part identifier to be attached to the event.
func recordMalformedConfiguration(with partId: String)
/// Is this feature the focus of an automated test.
/// A utility flag to be used in conjunction with ``HardcodedNimbusFeatures``.
/// It is intended for use for app-code to detect when the app is under test, and
/// take steps to make itself easier to test.
/// These cases should be rare, and developers should look for other ways to test
/// code without relying on this facility.
/// For example, a background worker might be scheduled to run every 24 hours, but
/// under test it would be desirable to run immediately, and only once.
func isUnderTest() -> Bool
/// ``FeatureHolder`` is a class that unpacks a JSON object from the Nimbus SDK and transforms it into a useful
/// type safe object, generated from a feature manifest (a `.fml.yaml` file).
/// The routinely useful methods to application developers are the ``value()`` and the event recording
/// methods of ``FeatureHolderInterface``.
/// There are methods useful for testing, and more advanced uses: these all start with `with`.
public class FeatureHolder<T: FMLFeatureInterface> {
private let lock = NSLock()
private var cachedValue: T?
private var getSdk: GetSdk
private let featureId: String
private var create: (Variables, UserDefaults?) -> T
public init(_ getSdk: @escaping () -> FeaturesInterface?,
featureId: String,
with create: @escaping (Variables, UserDefaults?) -> T)
self.getSdk = getSdk
self.featureId = featureId
self.create = create
/// Get the JSON configuration from the Nimbus SDK and transform it into a configuration object as specified
/// in the feature manifest. This is done each call of the method, so the method should be called once, and the
/// result used for the configuration of the feature.
/// Some care is taken to cache the value, this is for performance critical uses of the API.
/// It is possible to invalidate the cache with `FxNimbus.invalidateCachedValues()` or ``with(cachedValue: nil)``.
public func value() -> T {
defer { self.lock.unlock() }
if let v = cachedValue {
return v
var variables: Variables = NilVariables.instance
var defaults: UserDefaults?
if let sdk = getSdk() {
variables = sdk.getVariables(featureId: featureId, sendExposureEvent: false)
defaults = sdk.userDefaults
let v = create(variables, defaults)
cachedValue = v
return v
/// This overwrites the cached value with the passed one.
/// This is most likely useful during testing only.
public func with(cachedValue value: T?) {
defer { self.lock.unlock() }
cachedValue = value
/// This resets the SDK and clears the cached value.
/// This is especially useful at start up and for imported features.
public func with(sdk: @escaping () -> FeaturesInterface?) {
defer { self.lock.unlock() }
getSdk = sdk
cachedValue = nil
/// This changes the mapping between a ``Variables`` and the feature configuration object.
/// This is most likely useful during testing and other generated code.
public func with(initializer: @escaping (Variables, UserDefaults?) -> T) {
defer { self.lock.unlock() }
cachedValue = nil
create = initializer
extension FeatureHolder: FeatureHolderInterface {
public func recordExposure() {
if !value().isModified() {
getSdk()?.recordExposureEvent(featureId: featureId, experimentSlug: nil)
public func recordExperimentExposure(slug: String) {
if !value().isModified() {
getSdk()?.recordExposureEvent(featureId: featureId, experimentSlug: slug)
public func recordMalformedConfiguration(with partId: String = "") {
getSdk()?.recordMalformedConfiguration(featureId: featureId, with: partId)
public func isUnderTest() -> Bool {
defer { self.lock.unlock() }
guard let features = getSdk() as? HardcodedNimbusFeatures else {
return false
return features.has(featureId: featureId)
/// Swift generics don't allow us to do wildcards, which means implementing a
/// ``getFeature(featureId: String) -> FeatureHolder<*>`` unviable.
/// To implement such a method, we need a wrapper object that gets the value, and forwards
/// all other calls onto an inner ``FeatureHolder``.
public class FeatureHolderAny {
let inner: FeatureHolderInterface
let innerValue: FMLFeatureInterface
public init<T>(wrapping holder: FeatureHolder<T>) {
inner = holder
innerValue = holder.value()
public func value() -> FMLFeatureInterface {
/// Returns a JSON string representing the complete configuration.
/// A convenience for `self.value().toJSONString()`.
public func toJSONString() -> String {
extension FeatureHolderAny: FeatureHolderInterface {
public func recordExposure() {
public func recordExperimentExposure(slug: String) {
inner.recordExperimentExposure(slug: slug)
public func recordMalformedConfiguration(with partId: String) {
inner.recordMalformedConfiguration(with: partId)
public func isUnderTest() -> Bool {
/// A bare-bones interface for the FML generated objects.
public protocol FMLObjectInterface: Encodable {}
/// A bare-bones interface for the FML generated features.
/// App developers should use the generated concrete classes, which
/// implement this interface.
public protocol FMLFeatureInterface: FMLObjectInterface {
/// A test if the feature configuration has been modified somehow, invalidating any experiment
/// that uses it.
/// This may be `true` if a `pref-key` has been set in the feature manifest and the user has
/// set that preference.
func isModified() -> Bool
/// Returns a string representation of the complete feature configuration in JSON format.
func toJSONString() -> String
public extension FMLFeatureInterface {
func isModified() -> Bool {
return false
func toJSONString() -> String {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
guard let data = try? encoder.encode(self) else {
fatalError("`JSONEncoder.encode()` must succeed for `FMLFeatureInterface`")
guard let string = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) else {
fatalError("`JSONEncoder.encode()` must return valid UTF-8")
return string