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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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use error_support::{ErrorHandling, GetErrorHandling};
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
pub type ApiResult<T> = std::result::Result<T, CuratedRecommendationsApiError>;
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, uniffi::Error)]
pub enum CuratedRecommendationsApiError {
#[error("Curated recommendations network error: {reason}")]
Network { reason: String },
#[error("Curated recommendations error: code {code:?}, reason: {reason}")]
Other { code: Option<u16>, reason: String },
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("URL parse error: {0}")]
UrlParse(#[from] url::ParseError),
#[error("Error sending request: {0}")]
Request(#[from] viaduct::Error),
#[error("JSON error: {0}")]
Json(#[from] serde_json::Error),
#[error("Validation error ({code}): {message}")]
Validation { code: u16, message: String },
#[error("Bad request ({code}): {message}")]
BadRequest { code: u16, message: String },
#[error("Server error ({code}): {message}")]
Server { code: u16, message: String },
#[error("Unexpected error ({code}): {message}")]
Unexpected { code: u16, message: String },
impl GetErrorHandling for Error {
type ExternalError = CuratedRecommendationsApiError;
fn get_error_handling(&self) -> ErrorHandling<Self::ExternalError> {
match self {
Self::Request { .. } => {
ErrorHandling::convert(CuratedRecommendationsApiError::Network {
reason: self.to_string(),
Self::Validation { code, message } => {
ErrorHandling::convert(CuratedRecommendationsApiError::Other {
code: Some(*code),
reason: format!("Validation error: {}", message),
Self::Server { code, message } => {
ErrorHandling::convert(CuratedRecommendationsApiError::Other {
code: Some(*code),
reason: format!("Server error: {}", message),
Self::Unexpected { code, message } => {
ErrorHandling::convert(CuratedRecommendationsApiError::Other {
code: Some(*code),
reason: format!("Unexpected error: {}", message),
Self::BadRequest { code, message } => {
ErrorHandling::convert(CuratedRecommendationsApiError::Other {
code: Some(*code),
reason: format!("Bad request: {}", message),
_ => ErrorHandling::convert(CuratedRecommendationsApiError::Other {
code: None,
reason: self.to_string(),