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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
namespace logins {
/// We expose the crypto primitives on the namespace
/// Create a new, random, encryption key.
string create_key();
/// Create a "canary" string, which can be used to test if the encryption
//key is still valid for the logins data
string create_canary([ByRef]string text, [ByRef]string encryption_key);
/// Check that key is still valid using the output of `create_canary`.
//`text` much match the text you initially passed to `create_canary()`
boolean check_canary([ByRef]string canary, [ByRef]string text, [ByRef]string encryption_key);
/// Utility function to create a StaticKeyManager to be used for the time
/// being until support lands for [trait implementation of an UniFFI
/// in UniFFI.
KeyManager create_static_key_manager(string key);
/// Similar to create_static_key_manager above, create a
/// ManagedEncryptorDecryptor by passing in a KeyManager
EncryptorDecryptor create_managed_encdec(KeyManager key_manager);
/// A login entry from the user, not linked to any database record.
/// The add/update APIs input these.
dictionary LoginEntry {
// login fields
string origin;
string? http_realm;
string? form_action_origin;
string username_field;
string password_field;
// secure login fields
string password;
string username;
/// A login stored in the database
dictionary Login {
// record fields
string id;
i64 times_used;
i64 time_created;
i64 time_last_used;
i64 time_password_changed;
// login fields
string origin;
string? http_realm;
string? form_action_origin;
string username_field;
string password_field;
// secure login fields
string password;
string username;
/// These are the errors returned by our public API.
interface LoginsApiError {
/// The login data supplied is invalid. The reason will indicate what's wrong with it.
InvalidRecord(string reason);
/// Asking to do something with a guid which doesn't exist.
NoSuchRecord(string reason);
/// Encryption key is missing.
/// Encryption key is not valid.
/// encryption failed
EncryptionFailed(string reason);
/// decryption failed
DecryptionFailed(string reason);
/// An operation was interrupted at the request of the consuming app.
Interrupted(string reason);
/// Sync reported that authentication failed and the user should re-enter their FxA password.
// TODO: remove this at the same time as remove the sync() method in favour of the SyncManager.
SyncAuthInvalid(string reason);
/// something internal went wrong which doesn't have a public error value
/// because the consuming app can not reasonably take any action to resolve it.
/// The underlying error will have been logged and reported.
/// (ideally would just be `Unexpected`, but that would be a breaking change)
UnexpectedLoginsApiError(string reason);
[Trait, WithForeign]
interface EncryptorDecryptor {
bytes encrypt(bytes cleartext);
bytes decrypt(bytes ciphertext);
[Trait, WithForeign]
interface KeyManager {
bytes get_key();
interface StaticKeyManager {
constructor(string key);
interface ManagedEncryptorDecryptor {
constructor(KeyManager key_manager);
interface LoginStore {
constructor(string path, EncryptorDecryptor encdec);
Login add(LoginEntry login);
Login update([ByRef] string id, LoginEntry login);
Login add_or_update(LoginEntry login);
boolean delete([ByRef] string id);
void wipe_local();
[Throws=LoginsApiError, Self=ByArc]
void reset();
void touch([ByRef] string id);
boolean is_empty();
sequence<Login> list();
sequence<Login> get_by_base_domain([ByRef] string base_domain);
boolean has_logins_by_base_domain([ByRef] string base_domain);
Login? find_login_to_update(LoginEntry look);
Login? get([ByRef] string id);
void register_with_sync_manager();