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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use std::ffi::OsString;
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
// Functions which are part of the public API should use this Result.
pub type ApiResult<T> = std::result::Result<T, LoginsApiError>;
pub use error_support::{breadcrumb, handle_error, report_error};
use error_support::{ErrorHandling, GetErrorHandling};
use jwcrypto::EncryptorDecryptorError;
use sync15::Error as Sync15Error;
// Errors we return via the public interface.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum LoginsApiError {
#[error("Invalid login: {reason}")]
InvalidRecord { reason: String },
#[error("No record with guid exists (when one was required): {reason:?}")]
NoSuchRecord { reason: String },
#[error("Encryption key is missing.")]
#[error("Encryption key is not valid.")]
#[error("encryption failed: {reason}")]
EncryptionFailed { reason: String },
#[error("decryption failed: {reason}")]
DecryptionFailed { reason: String },
Interrupted { reason: String },
#[error("SyncAuthInvalid error {reason}")]
SyncAuthInvalid { reason: String },
#[error("Unexpected Error: {reason}")]
UnexpectedLoginsApiError { reason: String },
/// Logins error type
/// These are "internal" errors used by the implementation. This error type
/// is never returned to the consumer.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Malformed incoming record")]
#[error("Invalid login: {0}")]
InvalidLogin(#[from] InvalidLogin),
#[error("The `sync_status` column in DB has an illegal value: {0}")]
#[error("No record with guid exists (when one was required): {0:?}")]
// Fennec import only works on empty logins tables.
#[error("The logins tables are not empty")]
#[error("encryption failed: {0:?}")]
#[error("decryption failed: {0:?}")]
#[error("Error synchronizing: {0}")]
SyncAdapterError(#[from] sync15::Error),
#[error("Error parsing JSON data: {0}")]
JsonError(#[from] serde_json::Error),
#[error("Error executing SQL: {0}")]
SqlError(#[from] rusqlite::Error),
#[error("Error parsing URL: {0}")]
UrlParseError(#[from] url::ParseError),
#[error("Invalid path: {0:?}")]
CryptoError(#[from] EncryptorDecryptorError),
Interrupted(#[from] interrupt_support::Interrupted),
#[error("IOError: {0}")]
IOError(#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error("Migration Error: {0}")]
/// Error::InvalidLogin subtypes
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum InvalidLogin {
// EmptyOrigin error occurs when the login's origin field is empty.
#[error("Origin is empty")]
#[error("Password is empty")]
#[error("Login already exists")]
#[error("Both `formActionOrigin` and `httpRealm` are present")]
#[error("Neither `formActionOrigin` or `httpRealm` are present")]
// Login has an illegal origin field, split off from IllegalFieldValue since this is a known
// issue with the Desktop logins and we don't want to report it to Sentry (see #5233).
#[error("Login has illegal origin")]
#[error("Login has illegal field: {field_info}")]
IllegalFieldValue { field_info: String },
// Define how our internal errors are handled and converted to external errors
// See `support/error/` for how this works, especially the warning about PII.
impl GetErrorHandling for Error {
type ExternalError = LoginsApiError;
fn get_error_handling(&self) -> ErrorHandling<Self::ExternalError> {
match self {
Self::InvalidLogin(why) => ErrorHandling::convert(LoginsApiError::InvalidRecord {
reason: why.to_string(),
Self::MalformedIncomingRecord => {
ErrorHandling::convert(LoginsApiError::InvalidRecord {
reason: "invalid incoming record".to_string(),
// Our internal "no such record" error is converted to our public "no such record" error, with no logging and no error reporting.
Self::NoSuchRecord(guid) => ErrorHandling::convert(LoginsApiError::NoSuchRecord {
reason: guid.to_string(),
// NonEmptyTable error is just a sanity check to ensure we aren't asked to migrate into an
// existing DB - consumers should never actually do this, and will never expect to handle this as a specific
// error - so it gets reported to the error reporter and converted to an "internal" error.
Self::NonEmptyTable => {
ErrorHandling::convert(LoginsApiError::UnexpectedLoginsApiError {
reason: "must be an empty DB to migrate".to_string(),
Self::Interrupted(_) => ErrorHandling::convert(LoginsApiError::Interrupted {
reason: self.to_string(),
Self::SyncAdapterError(e) => match e {
Sync15Error::TokenserverHttpError(401) | Sync15Error::BadKeyLength(..) => {
ErrorHandling::convert(LoginsApiError::SyncAuthInvalid {
reason: e.to_string(),
Sync15Error::RequestError(_) => {
ErrorHandling::convert(LoginsApiError::UnexpectedLoginsApiError {
reason: e.to_string(),
_ => ErrorHandling::convert(LoginsApiError::UnexpectedLoginsApiError {
reason: self.to_string(),
// Unexpected errors that we report to Sentry. We should watch the reports for these
// and do one or more of these things if we see them:
// - Fix the underlying issue
// - Add breadcrumbs or other context to help uncover the issue
// - Decide that these are expected errors and move them to the above case
_ => ErrorHandling::convert(LoginsApiError::UnexpectedLoginsApiError {
reason: self.to_string(),