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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
pub use super::http_client::ProfileResponse as Profile;
use super::{scopes, util, CachedResponse, FirefoxAccount};
use crate::{Error, Result};
// A cached profile response is considered fresh for `PROFILE_FRESHNESS_THRESHOLD` ms.
const PROFILE_FRESHNESS_THRESHOLD: u64 = 120_000; // 2 minutes
impl FirefoxAccount {
/// Fetch the profile for the user.
/// This method will error-out if the `profile` scope is not
/// authorized for the current refresh token or or if we do
/// not have a valid refresh token.
/// * `ignore_cache` - If set to true, bypass the in-memory cache
/// and fetch the entire profile data from the server.
/// **💾 This method alters the persisted account state.**
pub fn get_profile(&mut self, ignore_cache: bool) -> Result<Profile> {
match self.get_profile_helper(ignore_cache) {
Ok(res) => Ok(res),
Err(e) => match e {
Error::RemoteError { code: 401, .. } => {
"Access token rejected, clearing the tokens cache and trying again."
_ => Err(e),
fn get_profile_helper(&mut self, ignore_cache: bool) -> Result<Profile> {
let mut etag = None;
if let Some(cached_profile) = self.state.last_seen_profile() {
if !ignore_cache && util::now() < cached_profile.cached_at + PROFILE_FRESHNESS_THRESHOLD
return Ok(cached_profile.response.clone());
etag = Some(cached_profile.etag.clone());
let profile_access_token = self.get_access_token(scopes::PROFILE, None)?.token;
match self
.get_profile(self.state.config(), &profile_access_token, etag)?
Some(response_and_etag) => {
if let Some(etag) = response_and_etag.etag {
self.state.set_last_seen_profile(CachedResponse {
response: response_and_etag.response.clone(),
cached_at: util::now(),
None => {
match self.state.last_seen_profile() {
Some(cached_profile) => {
let response = cached_profile.response.clone();
// Update `cached_at` timestamp.
let new_cached_profile = CachedResponse {
response: cached_profile.response.clone(),
cached_at: util::now(),
etag: cached_profile.etag.clone(),
None => Err(Error::ApiClientError(
"Got a 304 without having sent an eTag.",
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::internal::{
oauth::{AccessTokenInfo, RefreshToken},
use mockall::predicate::always;
use mockall::predicate::eq;
use std::sync::Arc;
impl FirefoxAccount {
pub fn add_cached_profile(&mut self, uid: &str, email: &str) {
self.state.set_last_seen_profile(CachedResponse {
response: Profile {
uid: uid.into(),
email: email.into(),
display_name: None,
avatar: "".into(),
avatar_default: true,
cached_at: util::now(),
etag: "fake etag".into(),
fn test_fetch_profile() {
let config = Config::stable_dev("12345678", "");
let mut fxa = FirefoxAccount::with_config(config);
AccessTokenInfo {
scope: "profile".to_string(),
token: "profiletok".to_string(),
key: None,
expires_at: u64::max_value(),
let mut client = MockFxAClient::new();
.with(always(), eq("profiletok"), always())
.returning(|_, _, _| {
Ok(Some(ResponseAndETag {
response: ProfileResponse {
uid: "12345ab".to_string(),
email: "".to_string(),
display_name: None,
avatar: "https://foo.avatar".to_string(),
avatar_default: true,
etag: None,
let p = fxa.get_profile(false).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "");
fn test_expired_access_token_refetch() {
let config = Config::stable_dev("12345678", "");
let mut fxa = FirefoxAccount::with_config(config);
AccessTokenInfo {
scope: "profile".to_string(),
token: "bad_access_token".to_string(),
key: None,
expires_at: u64::max_value(),
let mut refresh_token_scopes = std::collections::HashSet::new();
fxa.state.force_refresh_token(RefreshToken {
token: "refreshtok".to_owned(),
scopes: refresh_token_scopes,
let mut client = MockFxAClient::new();
// First call to profile() we fail with 401.
.with(always(), eq("bad_access_token"), always())
.returning(|_, _, _| Err(Error::RemoteError{
code: 401,
errno: 110,
error: "Unauthorized".to_owned(),
message: "Invalid authentication token in request signature".to_owned(),
// Then we'll try to get a new access token.
.with(always(), eq("refreshtok"), always(), always())
.returning(|_, _, _, _| {
Ok(OAuthTokenResponse {
keys_jwe: None,
refresh_token: None,
expires_in: 6_000_000,
scope: "profile".to_owned(),
access_token: "good_profile_token".to_owned(),
session_token: None,
// Then hooray it works!
.with(always(), eq("good_profile_token"), always())
.returning(|_, _, _| {
Ok(Some(ResponseAndETag {
response: ProfileResponse {
uid: "12345ab".to_string(),
email: "".to_string(),
display_name: None,
avatar: "https://foo.avatar".to_string(),
avatar_default: true,
etag: None,
let p = fxa.get_profile(false).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "");