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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import Foundation
#if canImport(MozillaRustComponents)
import MozillaRustComponents
/// This class inherits from the Rust `FirefoxAccount` and adds:
/// - Automatic state persistence through `PersistCallback`.
/// - Auth error signaling through observer notifications.
/// - Some convenience higher-level datatypes, such as URLs rather than plain Strings.
/// Eventually we'd like to move all of this into the underlying Rust code, once UniFFI
/// grows support for these extra features:
/// - Callback interfaces in Swift:
/// - Higher-level data types:
/// It's not yet clear how we might integrate with observer notifications in
/// a cross-platform way, though.
class PersistedFirefoxAccount {
private var persistCallback: PersistCallback?
private var inner: FirefoxAccount
init(inner: FirefoxAccount) {
self.inner = inner
public convenience init(config: FxaConfig) {
self.init(inner: FirefoxAccount(config: config))
/// Registers a persistence callback. The callback will get called every time
/// the `FxAccounts` state needs to be saved. The callback must
/// persist the passed string in a secure location (like the keychain).
public func registerPersistCallback(_ cb: PersistCallback) {
persistCallback = cb
/// Unregisters a persistence callback.
public func unregisterPersistCallback() {
persistCallback = nil
public static func fromJSON(data: String) throws -> PersistedFirefoxAccount {
return try PersistedFirefoxAccount(inner: FirefoxAccount.fromJson(data: data))
public func toJSON() throws -> String {
try inner.toJson()
public func setUserData(userData: UserData) {
defer { tryPersistState() }
inner.setUserData(userData: userData)
public func beginOAuthFlow(
scopes: [String],
entrypoint: String
) throws -> URL {
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try URL(string: self.inner.beginOauthFlow(
scopes: scopes,
entrypoint: entrypoint
public func getPairingAuthorityURL() throws -> URL {
return try URL(string: inner.getPairingAuthorityUrl())!
public func beginPairingFlow(
pairingUrl: String,
scopes: [String],
entrypoint: String
) throws -> URL {
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try URL(string: self.inner.beginPairingFlow(pairingUrl: pairingUrl,
scopes: scopes,
entrypoint: entrypoint))!
public func completeOAuthFlow(code: String, state: String) throws {
defer { tryPersistState() }
try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.completeOauthFlow(code: code, state: state)
public func checkAuthorizationStatus() throws -> AuthorizationInfo {
defer { tryPersistState() }
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.checkAuthorizationStatus()
public func disconnect() {
defer { tryPersistState() }
public func getProfile(ignoreCache: Bool) throws -> Profile {
defer { tryPersistState() }
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.getProfile(ignoreCache: ignoreCache)
public func initializeDevice(
name: String,
deviceType: DeviceType,
supportedCapabilities: [DeviceCapability]
) throws {
defer { tryPersistState() }
try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.initializeDevice(name: name,
deviceType: deviceType,
supportedCapabilities: supportedCapabilities)
public func getCurrentDeviceId() throws -> String {
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.getCurrentDeviceId()
public func getDevices(ignoreCache: Bool = false) throws -> [Device] {
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.getDevices(ignoreCache: ignoreCache)
public func getAttachedClients() throws -> [AttachedClient] {
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.getAttachedClients()
public func setDeviceName(_ name: String) throws {
defer { tryPersistState() }
try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.setDeviceName(displayName: name)
public func clearDeviceName() throws {
defer { tryPersistState() }
try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.clearDeviceName()
public func ensureCapabilities(supportedCapabilities: [DeviceCapability]) throws {
defer { tryPersistState() }
try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.ensureCapabilities(supportedCapabilities: supportedCapabilities)
public func setDevicePushSubscription(sub: DevicePushSubscription) throws {
try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.setPushSubscription(subscription: sub)
public func handlePushMessage(payload: String) throws -> AccountEvent {
defer { tryPersistState() }
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.handlePushMessage(payload: payload)
public func pollDeviceCommands() throws -> [IncomingDeviceCommand] {
defer { tryPersistState() }
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.pollDeviceCommands()
public func sendSingleTab(targetDeviceId: String, title: String, url: String) throws {
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.sendSingleTab(targetDeviceId: targetDeviceId, title: title, url: url)
public func closeTabs(targetDeviceId: String, urls: [String]) throws -> CloseTabsResult {
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.closeTabs(targetDeviceId: targetDeviceId, urls: urls)
public func getTokenServerEndpointURL() throws -> URL {
return try URL(string: inner.getTokenServerEndpointUrl())!
public func getConnectionSuccessURL() throws -> URL {
return try URL(string: inner.getConnectionSuccessUrl())!
public func getManageAccountURL(entrypoint: String) throws -> URL {
return try URL(string: inner.getManageAccountUrl(entrypoint: entrypoint))!
public func getManageDevicesURL(entrypoint: String) throws -> URL {
return try URL(string: inner.getManageDevicesUrl(entrypoint: entrypoint))!
public func getAccessToken(scope: String, ttl: UInt64? = nil) throws -> AccessTokenInfo {
defer { tryPersistState() }
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.getAccessToken(scope: scope, ttl: ttl == nil ? nil : Int64(clamping: ttl!))
public func getSessionToken() throws -> String {
defer { tryPersistState() }
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.getSessionToken()
public func handleSessionTokenChange(sessionToken: String) throws {
defer { tryPersistState() }
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.handleSessionTokenChange(sessionToken: sessionToken)
public func authorizeCodeUsingSessionToken(params: AuthorizationParameters) throws -> String {
defer { tryPersistState() }
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.authorizeCodeUsingSessionToken(params: params)
public func clearAccessTokenCache() {
defer { tryPersistState() }
public func gatherTelemetry() throws -> String {
return try notifyAuthErrors {
try self.inner.gatherTelemetry()
private func tryPersistState() {
guard let cb = persistCallback else {
do {
let json = try toJSON()
cb.persist(json: json)
} catch {
// Ignore the error because the prior operation might have worked,
// but still log it.
FxALog.error("FxAccounts internal state serialization failed.")
func notifyAuthErrors<T>(_ cb: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
do {
return try cb()
} catch let error as FxaError {
if case let .Authentication(msg) = error {
FxALog.debug("Auth error caught: \(msg)")
throw error
func notifyAuthError() { .accountAuthException, object: nil)
public protocol PersistCallback {
func persist(json: String)